All Achievements for the WereCleaner in a time order to get them. This guide will take you from the beginning, show you the way and leave you with a perfect game.
This means this guide will tell you stuff that game generally will hold back until you finish it at least once. So: SPOILERS AHEAD.
I only recommend this guide to the players who want to get their achievements and move on with their lives. If your enjoyment is mostly at discovering things on your own, it is possible that this guide is not for you. I was from the second party for most of my life and never checked guides like these before, but as time went on, I felt like I enjoyed following guides like these more and even started writing them. Things change, all cool.
If you are searching for a specific achievement, you can search this page by clicking on Ctrl + F and writing the achievement name.
If you think there are parts to improve in this guide, please leave a comment so I can look into it. Additions will be made with credits to your profile name.
Achievement Breakdown
By Achievement Type
- Story Related: 1
- Collectibles: 2
- Level Specific: 6
- In-game Perfection: 2
- Soft Missable: 12
By Connectivity
- Offline: 23
By Game-Mode
- Single Player: 23
Soft Missable means you might miss it if you don’t pay attention to it, or don’t know that there is an achievement about it, but you don’t need a whole another playthrough to get it again. There will be a level selection and you can just replay the level to get it.
Although I’ve counted most of the achievements as soft missable, some of them are pretty close to being unmissable if you actually play the game. For example, to miss the “Whoops…” achievement, you need to play perfectly from the very first level. But still, it is put under the missable part, as it’s not a part of the story, because you can finish the whole game without killing anyone and there is a different achievement that tracks your no-kill stickers for each level.
Collectibles, level-specifics, and in-game perfections are all part of soft missable, but since they have other descriptive features, they are grouped under them.
None of the achievements are too hard. The main skills required for this game are timing and speed. Maybe you can even say some memory. Basically, remembering which ways to take when, as quickly as possible, concludes the gameplay for you. The core threat is being seen by coworkers. If you manage to stay out of their sight, you can get all the achievements.
There is a time limitation of 6 minutes per level, but average gameplay would be definitely faster than that, so it is not a threat. But it is a goal to reach, as we have a couple of achievements that would want you to finish a level as quickly as possible.
Most levels needed to be played a couple of times to gather all the achievements in them. The guide tries to show them in a least repeated pattern, so when you move from one level, you don’t need to come back. There is only one example where we need to go back, in which we get the skill needed to get that achievement at a later level, so it is out of necessity.
Collectibles can be all gathered at the last level, but I put them in the levels where we see them first. You can try to gather them while you are gathering the other achievements. I like to do it slowly, instead of sitting and going around hunting them all in one go. If you like to do it that way, there are some other guides that shows all the collectibles on a map, you can check them out.
There are a total of 14 collectibles. 10 of them are actual collectibles you can get via interacting with them while playing the game and these count towards the achievement. 4 of them are cutscenes and you get them as you continue the game.
Level 1
- Kyle’s Life Savings: In the storage room behind the classroom.
Time out on Level 1
After starting the level, we need to go around and wait for the timer to run out. Nothing much to do to earn this one.
Get a collectable
There is a collectible in the storage room behind the classroom. You can get this achievement while waiting for the 6 mins to run out.
Completely skip the dialogue in a level. You made our narrative lead very sad.
After six minutes run out, you will lose this level and can restart. After you restart, just don’t press E and move to the door directly. You should be getting the achievement right when you arrive the door. Or maybe when you open it.
Side Note: I was not able to get this one when I first opened up the game, it became possible after the restart. It might be possible for you, leave a comment if so.
Lightning Quick Clean
5-Star a level
Each level has time limitations that gives you stars from 1 to 5, fastest finish giving you 5. There is another achievement that will require you to get 5 stars on all levels, so you will get this one naturally while trying for that one. In the first level, there is not much to stop you, so clean it as quickly as possible and go back to the elevator.
Level 2
- The Deluxe Toilet Paper Roll: In the small toilet next to where coworker goes to toilet.
- The E.O.T.M. Scrapbook: In the meeting room right next to the server room.
We can do 2-3 runs for this level, first for the achievements and second/third for the 5-star and No kills stickers.
Kill your first coworker
Go near any of the 2 coworkers in this level. You will achieve this then.
Look at my Masterpiece!
Make a coworker see a dead body in Level 2
Go to the art room. Finish the person there. Carry their body with Q. Leave it either at the pathway of the second coworker. When the coworker understands what is going on, you
will get “Body Found” Alert and get the achievement.
If second coworker sees you while carrying the body, you will, unfortunately, eat them as well. So make sure you place the first one while the second is not seeing you.
No Witnesses
Kill a coworker who’s seen your mess
After the second coworker sees you do what you need to do.
5-star/No kills
After this achievement you can continue cleaning, or simply open the menu by clicking ESC and restarting the level.
5-star is only rated with time. Eating people or not has no bearing on it. But generally speaking, if you eat someone, you got to clean up the mess later on. So it is better to find a way that you just clean the messes without making more.
In this level, you can do both 5-star and no kills with this road: Clean the toilet first. First coworker should be in the next toilet. After finishing fast enough and making sure this one doesn’t see us, run to the art room, but not from the corridor that’s connected to the toilet, from the other way around. This way when the coworker in the art room goes to the room with bird, they won’t see you. Clean the art room and bounce. Should be both 5-stars and no kills this way.
Of course, for sure there are other ways to get this. This right here is how I did.
Level 3
- The CEO’s Suit: At the left-most room, CEO’s office, bottom part of the office, on a rack.
- The Rebellion’s Megaphone: Smaller one of the rooms that has the toy train system.
- The Peanut Butter Cookie: On the corner counter at the kitchen area.
- The Wooden Stake and Garlic: Right side of the big cubicle area, in a cubicle.
Again we will have multiple runs for this level, initially for achievements and then for the 5-star/no kills.
In this level, you open the vacuum cleaner, so we can get some of the achievements related to this skill.
You have 2 tools: Powerwasher and Vacuum Cleaner. Powerwasher cleans with water most of the mess. Vacuum Cleaner sucks the solid objects and also will be required to clean some of the future messes.
Vacuum Cleaner mode also comes with another option: Shooting trash to distract co-workers. You have limited amount of trash to use in this way. This skill is taught at level four, but opens at level three so you can use it here. I don’t know why we have it here.
Kill 5 coworkers in one level
Just go near to each person on the level until the achievement pops.
No Littering
Get a coworker to pick up a trash ball
Restart if you get the Layoffs just now, so you have a clean slate to work. Right after you enter the big office area with cubicles, you will see a coworker working at a desk closest to the entrance. Throw a trash ball right next to him and hide. If they see you, you eat them. Right after they throw the trash ball to the garbage can you will get the achievement.
You’re the Janitor Now
Make one coworker throw away four trash balls within the same level
When they go to throw a trash ball, put another one at the same place. When they come back, they will see it and clean it again. Do this until you are out of trash balls and they’ve thrown all the trash balls into the garbage, and you will get the achievement.
5-star/No-kills run
Go to the birthday room from the left-side corridor through the big office area. Clean it up as quickly as possible. Then enter to the room right next to it with trains. Wait for the guy to finish his work and get out. Follow the guy and he will turn into the right. You continue until you reach to the second mess with the fishes. Clean it up. If the timing is right, you can follow the same corridor you came here in the big office area and go back to near to birthday room, which you can use the same corridor you came here to get back out of the big office area to finish the level.
Level 4
Finish Level 4 without making a single coworker curious
Whenever you see a question mark or exclamation mark above coworkers, it means they are getting curious or worse. Seeing you for a moment counts as getting curious. Getting eaten by you definitely gets them curious first. Seeing a dead body also gets them curious. Seeing a trash ball at the corner for no reason, again, gets them curious. So this one is more in line with the silent assassin achievements of the Hitman series. You need to be a ghost and only be seen by your targets, the messes.
There are three messes. One is on the diagonally other side of the big office area. One in the classroom and one in the server room. You can go to them in the order I mentioned them.
At the lobby, you turn left to enter the cubicle area. Continue from the left-hand side corridor until you reach level 3’s birthday room. Turn right and continue until you see someone going from the cubicle area to the open kitchen area. They look forward, so they won’t see you. Go into the mess area, clean it, and turn back from the same corridor selection. This time you need to wait a little bit behind the third cubicle from the mess area along the corridor as someone is coming your way. Then move until that other lady finishes work and goes back to other way. Then you are free to get back to the lobby area.
Then go to the storage area behind the classroom area but first wait a little until the other coworker enters the classroom. After they exit, clean the area and run towards the server area. Right when you get very close to it, you will see that one coworker is trying to enter a room while the other is trying to exit. The one trying to exit will guard the entrance to the server room. So if you can time everything right and get to the server room before this coworker gets to its place, you can get 5-star/no-kill and silent night achievement together. If you miss the timing, you need to wait until this coworker goes back to the room where they came from. Don’t wait in the corridor, wait in the room just behind this coworker.
If you get in before the coworker, you can finish cleaning up until they finish up their work and run to the exit to get all 3. If you get into the server room after the coworker leaves, when you finish cleaning, you will have another coworker in the room. You wait for this one to leave as well and find your way out to get the achievement.
You can do 2 runs for this one, one for the achievement/no-kill and one for the 5-star, though no-kill is kinda requirement for both. For a 5-star rating, you can send a trash ball to the coworker guarding the server, so they leave the post until you finish cleaning. This will make them curious and lose you the achievement. But you would get a no-kill sticker and a 5-star rating.
How many runs you want to do is up to you. If you immediately restart you won’t get any of the above. If you try to finish and see what you got, you might get some of it and work for the rest in the next run.
Level 5
- Mr. Shoop’s Head: In the big storage room, to the right side of the map.
- The Gold Wolf Plushie: Uppermost corner of the same big storage room.
At this level, you learn about knapping. You just go behind people and press on SPACE to put Trash Bags around their heads. You don’t need to be too close to them and need to look somewhat towards them. It takes some getting used to.
If you have repeated any of the earlier levels, it is possible that you’ve opened this skill before this level. I don’t know according to what these skills are opening. But the tutorial for this is at the beginning of this level. And I didn’t see it until this level, so that’s why we have related achievements here. If you’ve unlocked these before, you can skip them here.
Give it Back
Steal a trash ball from a coworker
We can do this and the next one in one go. Get the vacuum cleaner. Throw a trash ball right next to the first coworker. Wait until they get it from the ground. Knap them. (If this is your first time, you will get the achievement) Use the vacuum cleaner to get the trash ball back. You should get the achievement as soon as you get the ball back.
Who Turned off the Lights
Knap a coworker
Get close to any coworker from behind and press on SPACE. You will get the achievement immediately after you do this.
Knapper on the Loose
Have 5 coworkers knapped at the same time
The big office area has lots of coworkers for you to get this achievement. You don’t need to get too close to knap them. You also don’t need to be directly aligned behind them. You only need to somewhat turn in their direction from a comfortable distance and you can get this one.
Pac-Man Clone
Play the arcade machine during Level 5
You need to go to the far end of the cubicle room and enter the arcade room where we cleaned the fish mess earlier. Now you can activate the arcade machine and it will open a Pac-Man-like game in the main area. You need to get all the yellow balls. There are no other rules for this game. It means you can eat people.
There are three messes here. First, we clean one with the snakes in the train room. We can follow our standard L-shaped route for the big cubicle area to reach here and clean it. Getting snakes into trash bags fast is the key in this area. Rest is normal cleaning. No one really comes here.
Then run to the storage room for the kitchen. There are mice here that need knapping and other mess. On top of that, there is a coworker coming into this place and going far back. If you are fast with your knapping, you should be able to clean the area before they arrive. You might not be able to leave though. Just wait in the middle section until they go to the back of this small storage room. And then you can run to the bigger warehouse.
You can also knap this coworker to make your job easier, but if knapping is needed, it means the main issue is not this coworker, is the knapping speed for the critters. You might need to train on catching them. Again, knapping doesn’t need the target to be too close and you don’t need to directly look at them.
Anyways, after the small storage room, you run into the big storage room. Here we have many coworkers but they are almost always busy. You just need to be patient while going through here. If you were fast in the small storage room, you almost have a direct path towards the forklift crash area, but even if you weren’t there are many ways you can finalize this road. Don’t get too panicked if someone sees you, you still have time to run away, so you can keep the no-kill.
When you are cleaning the forklift area no one comes, so clean it as fast as possible and run back to the big cubicle area. This time we are going back from the opposite corridor we always come into this place. One thing to remember is to keep an eye on the timers of the coworkers. Some finish their job very fast, so wait for them to finish and leave, from behind another cubicle. You wouldn’t lose much time to these fast finishers. The 5-star time limit for this level is 2:10.
Level 3 again
Knap every coworker in Level 3
We should have enough knapping experience up until this point. Practice your knowledge on the coworkers of level 3. Daryl is excluded as we can’t reach him.
Level 6
Powerwash the CEO while he’s asleep in his office
In the CEO room where we found the CEO suit collectible early on, you will find the CEO sleeping. He will have a secretary in front. If you don’t want to wait for her you can just throw a trash ball and knap her. Then enter the CEO room and powerwash the CEO. He doesn’t wake up, so you don’t need to eat him. At least not for this achievement.
In the Red
Kill every coworker in Level 6
There are a total of 30 coworkers at this level. I started from the big cubicle room, without forgetting the CEO’s secretary. No need to kill the CEO, because I guess sleeping is half death, Idk. Then a clockwise turn around all areas, in the order of, a big cubicle area, a big warehouse, and the areas that were first opened to us in the level 1-2. You don’t need to clean anything or eat bodies. Just kill all the coworkers.
Some tips to get this faster. You don’t need to wait until they understand everything, just run toward them as much as you can, until the game stops you. Then the kill animation kicks in. You can also do double, or triple kills if you can time it. But that’s not really that important, you should have enough time for all.
We can start from our usual route and go to the left to the big cubicle area. Go to the CEO’s secretary’s room, throw a trash ball, and knap the secretary. Clean the CEO’s room as quickly as possible.
Then go to the uppermost room, at the other end of the big cubicle area (I’ve learned this area is called the Mascot Room). Here we need to be careful as a couple of coworkers go to the arcade room and might see us.
Then we need to go through the big storage room to the white-haired lady’s room to the satanic ritual area. It is easier to knap this lady otherwise entering/exiting to this room becomes problematic.
Then we go to the last mess, clean it, and run to the exit.
After we finish this level, we will get the collectible #12, which is a cutscene. These collectibles don’t count toward achievement and are also unmissable.
Level 7
- The Lethal Pepper Spray: In the security room.
See You Never, Bud
Get killed by Daryl
Run towards Daryl and you should get the achievement.
Up until now, we should be having some idea on how to navigate with our coworkers without killing them. With that in mind, we will once again enter to the big cubicle area first, run to the kitchen and clean it as fast as you can. Then get back to the cubicle area just to enter to warehouse area from the side door. Then go to the design room that’s right next to the server room, and go until you reach to the toilets.
First we will clean the right toilet. Here don’t forget to use vacuum cleaner and powerwasher interchangeably, so you don’t need to come back wherever you cleaned.
Then run to the second area and eat the CEO. Starting from the end clean towards to the entrance of the toilet. If Daryl enters, he will go to the end first, so you can hide from him if you go into any of the stalls. And also continue cleaning. There is an option to knap him, but he gets out of it fast and generally not needed.
After finishing this area, you will need to go up to the mascot area. While on the way, I also got the last collectible from Daryl’s room. Even with that included, it was enough to get 5-star/no-kill.
World’s Best Werewolf Janitor
All levels 5-Starred
Just a Little Guy
Get the “No-Kills” sticker on all levels
After you enter to the mascot area, the cutscene will start. Then you will need to do one last cleaning. After this, we will get to the level result screen and if you got the 5-star/no-kill, any of them, you will see the achievements here.
Sweet Paycheck
Beat the game
After clicking continue you will see one last cutscene where we get the rewards for our hard work. After the cutscene we will get this achievement. This one is unmissable if you finish the game.
Closing Remarks
Thanks for keeping up with me until here. If you liked the guide, please consider leaving a thumbs-up.
And that wraps up our share on The WereCleaner: The WereCleaner Chronological %100 Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by acibi, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!