All the cheats codes you should be needing for the Sims 2.
Da Cheats!
Hi everyone, if you’re like me, you forgot all those handy dandy codes that makes your life so much easier. Do not freat, here they are!
🌸 While in game intput key combination: CTRL + SHIFT + C
🌸🌸 You can now input any of the following
- AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on / off]
Can add an NPC to the current Household by using Shift + Click on them. Note that this cheat does not work on special NPCs.
Live Mode - AgeSimsCheat [on / off]
Adds the “Set Age” command when clicking on a Sim. Allows you to set their age group.
Live Mode - Aging [on / off]
Enables or disables aging.
Live Mode - aspirationLevel [0-5]
Allows you to set a Sim’s Aspiration satisfaction level.
Live Mode - aspirationPoints [number]
Adds a specified number of Aspiration Points to the selected Sim.
Live Mode - bugJarTimeDecay [on / off]
Toggles immortality for bugs in the bug jar (set it to “off” for immortality)
Live Mode - boolProp carsCompact [true / false]
Toggles detail on cars.
Neighborhood - boolProp controlpets [on / off]
Allows you to control pets.
Live Mode - boolprop disablePuppyKittenAging [true / false]
Toggles aging for puppies and kittens.
Live Mode - boolProp enablePostProcessing [true / false]
Enable this first when using Filmmaking cheats.
Filmmaking - boolProp guob [true / false]
Toggles shadows on indoor objects.
Live Mode
Build Mode
Buy Mode - boolProp petactioncancel [true / false]
Allows you to cancel a pet’s actions in their action queue.
Live Mode - boolProp petsfreewill [true / false]
Toggles free will for your Sim’s pets.
Live Mode - boolProp showcatalogueflags [true / false]
Items in Build Mode and Buy Mode show which packs they belong to.
Build Mode
Buy Mode - boolProp simshadows [true / false]
Toggles shadows.
Live Mode - boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [ true / false ]
Allows you to place objects almost anywhere.
Build Mode - bloom [red / green / blue] [0-225]
Adjusts brightness and color in filmmaking.
Filmmaking - changeLotClassification [low / middle / high]
Changes the class of a Lot.
Neighborhood - changeLotZoning [residential / community / greek/dorm / secretsociety / secretvacationlot / hotel / secrethobbylot / apartmentbase / apartmentsublot / secretwitchlot]
Changes the zoning of a Lot.
Neighborhood - clearLotClassValue
Clears the lotclass value and override flag.
Neighborhood - deleteAllAwnings
Deletes all Awnings on a Lot.
Build Mode - deleteAllCharacters
Deletes all Sims from your Neighborhood. Note that this cannot be reversed.
Build Mode
- deleteAllFences
Deletes all Fences on a Lot.
Build Mode - deleteAllHalfWalls
Deletes all Half Walls on a Lot.
Build Mode - deleteAllObjects [Stairs / Windows / Doors]
Deletes all Stairs, Windows, or Doors from a Lot.
Build Mode - deleteAllWalls
Deletes all Walls on a Lot.
Build Mode - Exit
Closes the Cheat Console.
Any - Expand
Expands the Cheat Console view.
Any - faceBlendLimits [ on / off]
Toggles facial bounding limitations.
Live Mode - familyFunds [family name / number]
Sets the Household funds of a specific Household to the specified number.
Live Mode - forcetwins
Ensures your pregnant Sim gives birth to twins.
Live Mode - Individualroofslopeangle [15-75]
Adjusts the angle of the roof on the current Lot.
Build Mode - help
Lists most of The Sims 2 cheats.
Any - kaching
Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your Household funds.
Any - motherlode
Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your Household funds.
Any - Lock_aspiration Disables
Aspiration decay for your current Household.
Live Mode - Maxmotives
Fills the needs for your current Household.
Live Mode - Modifyneighborhoodterrain [on / off]
Allows you to adjust the terrain in the Neighborhood screen.
Neighborhood - Moveobjects [on / off]
Lets you move all objects.
Buy Mode
Build Mode - Motivedecay [on / off]
Toggles your Household’s need decay.
Live Mode - Roofslopeangle [15-27]
Adjusts the angle of all roofs on the current Lot.
Build Mode - showheadlines [on / off]
Toggles thoughts and other icons above a Sim’s head.
Live Mode - Slowmotion [0-8]
Turns on slow motion in filmmaking. 0 is normal, 8 is super slow.
Filmmaking - Stretchskeleton [number]
Adjust your active Sim’s height by the specified number.
Filmmaking - TerrainType [desert / temperate / dirt / concrete]
Changes the map’s terrain type.
Neighborhood - Unlockcareerrewards
Unlocks all the Career rewards for the currently selected Sim.
Live Mode - Vsync [on / off]
Increases game performance, but lowers graphical performance
Any - snapobjectstogrid [true / false]
Snap objects on/off grind while building.
Build mode- 🌸🌸🌸 Confirm with Enter. You can now press exit to close the console by clicking “exit”.
We are alredy all done. Hope it worked out, codes can be added later from me or you if you wante anything added that i missed.Have fune with the game, cheers!
And that wraps up our share on The Sims™ 2 Legacy Collection: Where is my motherlode?! Here comes the cheats. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by TheGreatMer, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!