How to Unlock the Hidden GOLDEN E.S.O.P.
How to Unlock
In order to unlock the Golden E.S.O.P. You must find the Seagulls in the Trial Pleasure the Prosecutor.
Play the level until you complete the assignment “Find and Install the Sadist Mannequin” at which point the entire map will be open.
You are going to be looking for 8 Seagulls you need to Ping to complete the classified challenge.
1: Phil
On the right side of the map(the gas station side). There is a power-line pole with Phil.
2: Charles
Right next to Phil’s power-line pole is another pole further down the road with Charles.
3: Manu
Near the gas station, on the top right of the map there is a fence. Behind the fence on a box is Manu.
4: Hugo
In the very back of the map in-between the gas station and the Motel you can find Hugo on top of another power-line pole.
5: Simon-Pierre
In the Motel. Enter the main entrance and go up the stairs to the second floor. Simon-Pierre is on a inaccessible third floor.
6: Franks
Behind the Motel in the dark area of the map you can find 4 Franks on the Roof. Make sure to ping them all!
7: Colin
Nearby the Frank birds, also behind the Motel in the dark area is a fence with a guard. Colin is on the other side on top of a car.
8: Will
Still in the dark area on the left side of the map there is a Diner. Follow along the Diner building until you see the Bookstore. Will is on top of the Bookstore sign above a Ex-pop door.
Enjoy your new E.S.O.P. Make sure to show it to your friends like Steven
And that wraps up our share on The Outlast Trials: How to Unlock the Hidden GOLDEN E.S.O.P.. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by JTtopcat, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!