Hunter Builds I found on, now deceased, Neocore Games forum. Don’t ask me question about them, I didn’t made them. I just wanted to share them for futur players.
I did not made them, so i’ll be unable to answer any question
The Stormstriker (Body Melee)
A simple build is all it is
One hand
One finger
He is what you want to be
So open your eyes and see
A simple build for what it isSorry for the cheesy poem lol
Body – all
Dexterity – 0
Willpower – 0
Luck – 0
Filler skill: Any skill that cost only one (1) skill point per level. Examples are Strike, Lightning Strike, Knife Throwing, etc.
Core skill: Self-explanatory. Part of the build.
Lightning Strike [max]
Cheap and effective. This skill together with Cleave are your primary skills on the first playthrough (PT1). Also it is Stormstrike’s synergistic skill.
Cleave [max]
Hits all enemies in front of you. The defense penalty is nothing because defense and resistance don’t seem to scale linearly but logarithmically instead. Very useful in PT1. Synergistic skill of Stormstrike.
Parry Expertise|Evasion|Parry Mastery [max]
Literally 30% dodge chance right there with the right sword. Essential for a swordsman.
Bodybuilding [max]
HP is everything in this build. More HP = more health gained on rage.
Physical Resist|Iron Body|Confidence [max]
THE BEST filler skill ever! Costs 1 point/level and gives healthy benefits! For this reason I hereby promote you to core skill.
Stormstrike|Raging Storm|Electrostatic Convergence [max]
It’s basically Lightning Strike 2.0. Severely wounds everything in front of you and (oddly) kills everything behind them? I guess the lightning arcs are much stronger than the initial swing. Your primary skill.
Thunder Clap +90% dmg with auto-powerup.
Death Strike
I know the hunter in the video uses Venom Strike (VS), but DS is a better choice if you use auto-powerup because Stormstrike hogs all the rage! There’s nothing left to boost VS so the sole purpose of its 90% vulnerability is wasted.
Splitting Strike: +30% kill chance with auto-rage.
Hidden Reserves [7]
Sadly this is the only reliable way to get your precious HP back thanks to the life leech nerf. Heals a % of your max HP so STACK THEM HP ITEMS!
Ward Wisdom|Armor Wards|Resistance Wards [max]
Incredible bonuses for a cheap aura.
Aura of Counterbalance [1]
Because I use Katarina.
*Everything’s in order? Great! Now put points in all filler skills until you reach 100% mastery*
- Veteran Hunter
- Master Hunter
- Master
- Teacher
- Mentor
- Fortune’s Favorite Son.
- Stormblood I & II
- Perfect Aim I & II
- Bully I & II
- Gunslinger I & II
- Thunder God
- Magical Hunter
- Slayer
- Artful Dodger. Enchanted Body.
Runecrafted gear with:
- chance to kill on hit (on swords, guns, rings)
- body
- crit chance
- %HP
- flat HP
- %damage (on applicable items like trophy, headgear, amulet)
- att speed
- willpower
- resistance, dodge, mp regen.
Turn on auto-powerup. Click on things until they die.
Mind Flay Of Annihilation (Ray Of Destruction)
“What’s that?”
“Highest Damage Dealt”
“Nope. I’ll show you.”This build utilize the ultimate ray skill in the game: Ray of Destruction (RoD). What’s so great about this skill?
Firstly, it deals combined damage. Quote from Honya, a Neocore dev:
(snip) The ray of destruction itself does combined damage: 20% fire, 25% ice 20% poison 20% lightning 20% arcane (snip)
This means RoD is never completely resisted by ANY enemy. There’s no need for a backup skill and since it does combined damage, it can be boosted with +% damage for any element! This also means that any skill that “reduce mana cost for [insert any element here] skills” DOES apply to RoD as well!
Secondly, RoD allows for unhindered control. The ray moves with your pointer without any lag at all unlike Thaumaturge’s Ray of Entropy.
And the last reason, the best one, is that RoD has the potential to chain INSANE damage bursts! (as demonstrated in the video). Most of the time, after one enemy in the middle of a pack dies from RoD, everything around it follows in a chain of spectacular fiery sparks of satisfaction. Now, the build.
Body – 0
Dex – 0
Willpower – all
Luck – 0
Filler skill: Any skill that cost only one (1) skill point per level. Examples are Shoot, Lightning, Rage.
Core skill: Self-explanatory. Part of the build.
Important skill: You can get by without them, but they’re good to have.
RAY OF DESTRUCTION!!! [max!!!] + Deathburst
Swipe to your heart’s content but actually the “secret” of RoD is to aim at the center of the horde. Nothing can withstand its overwhelming power.
Invigorating Hits [max]
HP+MP+Rage back on every critical hit, and you crit like 10 times/second. Each crit = 5% hp + 2% mp + 1 rage. You do the math. Also more rage = more hilariously high damage spikes. There are two hunter builds out there that get the most out of this skill: Fate Curse and RoD. We are one of them. Be proud.
Elemental Damage [max]
For the cost of 2 points/level, we get a ton of elemental dmg plus 10% mastery.
Ball of Lightning [1-max]
We don’t need any more DPS but if we have to, it must be a skill that’s active while we’re channeling RoD. This is the perfect skill for that. Its Shock Current powerup paralyzes enemies for 2s (this build just keeps getting better and better).
Haste [max]
Great skill overall. Nice dps boost, low CD.
Elemental Resonance [6]
Yes 6. After level 6 you only get 2% dmg for the cost of 3 points. Better dump them in filler skills instead.
Quick Response [0-max]
Let me explain. Quick Response only reduce CD for TRICKS. This build doesn’t need any trick to survive or to help kill things faster for RoD already covered both. So the only trick that is of use to us is Haste (because walking can be boring).
If you don’t use Haste, pick Blight Aura instead.
If you like Haste very much, max it.
I decided to leave it at 5. 9s CD is short enough for me. Remember: you can’t run all the time anyway. You’ll have to stop often for several seconds each time to take care of enemies.
Blight Aura [1-max]
Get this aura if you don’t use Quick Response. A circle of 15m radius covers about 80% of the screen. Most enemies will get caught in this aura. I’d leave this at level 1 and pump Goliath Slayer.
Goliath Slayer [1-7]
Helps bring them bosses down faster and potentially boosts their exploding deaths. Higher than 7 is not recommended.
Now put the rest of your points in all filler skills. You want 100% mastery.
After important skill perks, we need as much mp regen as possible.
- Veteran Hunter
- Master Hunter
- Master
- Teacher
- Mentor
- Fortune’s Favorite Son
- Perfect Aim I&II
- Bulls Eyes I&II
- Icicle I&II
- Salamandra I&II
- Stormblood I&II
- Slayer
- Enchanted Body
- Uncanny Fighter.
If you find godlike items, use them. All godlike items are better than anything I’ve managed to craft.
Oaksplitter or Thornbite grants a whopping +31% to all damage. They’re the best weapons for the melee slot.
Runecrafted gear with:
- willpower
- spellpower
- crit chance
- %damage (on applicable items like trophy, headgear, amulet)
- mp/hp on hit
- body/%hp/%mp
- % elemental dmg
She can’t help you cuz you kill so fast. And any monstrosity that CAN kill you will surely 1-hit-ko her. Keep her in ghost form and make her a buff bot. Give her +willpower gear to boost yours.
This is my general go-to build for Kat as a ranged supporter. She has passive bufffs that boost VH’s attack power imensely as well as boosts on kill. Important notes if you go this route:
-give Kat ranged weapons with % kill on hit to trigger her buffs.
-give her +attack speed items so her buffs trigger more often.
-give her +will items to boost your own will.
-put 1 skill point into Aura of Counterbalance and turn auto-powerup on to heal Kat constantly.
Turn on auto-powerup. Click on things until they die.
Invincible Hunter Tank
Original author : azyriel
And that wraps up our share on The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II: Hunter Builds. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by -_Snosky, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!