A comprehensive guide listing damage values, fire rates, TTKs and much more for every weapon in The Finals. All of the values are either taken from the official The Finals wiki or from own playtesting. The TTK (time to kill) is measured with body shots only. If you have suggestions on how to improve the guide or notice wrong information, feel free to let me know 🙂
Damage (Body): 28
Damage (Head): 42 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 21
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 220 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.52 sec (6 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.19 sec (9 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.64 sec (13 shots)
The 93R is a burst-fire machine pistol, shooting in bursts of 3. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, dealing full damage up to 23 meters away, and only dealing 55% of its damage at distances of 35+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 50
Damage (Backstab): 320
Attack Rate: 2/sec
Charge-up time (Backstab): 0.8 sec
TTK (Light): 1.21 sec (3 hits) / instant (backstab)
TTK (Medium): 2.20 sec (5 hits) / instant (backstab)
TTK (Heavy): 3.35 sec (7 hits) / nearly instant (backstab + quick melee)
The Dagger is a close-range melee weapon capable of performing single strikes or a secondary backstabbing attack. The backstab must be charged up and can be held, dealing increased damage when hitting an opponent from the back. If the backstab hits an opponent from the front, it deals the regular 50 damage. While the primary attack can hit multiple opponents at once, the secondary backstabbing attack is single-target.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 46
Damage (Head): 92 (2x)
Mag Size: 15
Reload Time: 2.85 sec
Fire Rate: 280 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.64 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.07 sec (6 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.5 sec (8 shots)
The LH1 is a semi-automatic battle rifle. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot or arrow sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, dealing full damage up to 50 meters away and only dealing 72% of its damage at distances of 55+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 16
Damage (Head): 24 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 40
Reload Time: 1.7 sec
Fire Rate: 1021 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.54 sec (10 shots)
TTK (Medium): 0.90 sec (16 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.26 sec (22 shots)
The M11 is a fully automatic machine pistol. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, which means it deals less damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
M26 Matter
Damage (Body): 121 (11×11)
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 8
Reload Time: 2.45 sec
Fire Rate: 85 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.71 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.41 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.41 sec (3 shots)
The M26 Matter is a pump-action shotgun, shooting 11 pellets per shot. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. Like with most shotguns, headshots don’t deal any additional damage, and aiming down the sights does not increase its accuracy. However, moving or jumping while shooting does also not decrease its accuracy. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a short falloff range, which means it deals less damage at medium and long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Recurve Bow
Damage (Body): 60 – 120
Damage (Head): 90 – 180 (1.5x)
Reload Time: 0.75 sec
Charge-up time: 0.49 sec
TTK (Light): 1.25 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 2.5 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.5 sec (3 shots)
The Recurve Bow is, well, a bow. It deals increased damage the longer it is charged. Its arrows are arcing projectiles, which means that they do not hit instantly and are affected by gravity. It always has a perfect accuracy, even when moving. It also has no damage falloff, which means it deals full damage at any distance.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 195 (15×13)
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 2
Reload Time: 2.125 sec
Fire Rate: 80 rpm
TTK (Light): instant (1 shot)
TTK (Medium): 0.75 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 0.75 sec (2 shots)
The SH1900 is a double-barrel shotgun, shooting 15 pellets per shot. Like with most shotguns, headshots don’t deal any additional damage, and aiming down the sights does not increase its accuracy. However, moving or jumping while shooting does also not decrease its accuracy. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a short falloff range, which means it deals less damage at medium and long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 118
Damage (Head): 236 (2x)
Mag Size: 6
Reload Time: 3.3 sec
Fire Rate: 40 rpm
TTK (Light): 1.5 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 3.0 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 4.5 sec (3 shots)
The SR-84 is a bolt-action sniper rifle. It is equipped with a magnifying scope, allowing for a near perfect accuracy while aiming down the sights, even when moving. The bullets are hitscan for up to 40 meters, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. After 40 meters, the bullet will begin to have a travel time and is affected by gravity. It has a long falloff range, dealing full damage up to 80 meters away and only dealing 75% of its damage at distances of 100+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 74
Damage (Lunge): 140
Attack Rate: ~ 2/sec
TTK (Light): 1.38 sec (3 hits)
TTK (Medium): 1.91 sec (4 hits)
TTK (Heavy): 2.45 sec (5 hits)
The Sword is a close-range melee weapon. It is capable of performing single strikes and a secondary lunge attack. The lunge attack must be charged up and can be held.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Throwing Knives
Damage (Body): 60 (Primary) / 140 (Secondary)
Damage (Head): 90 (Primary) / 215 (Secondary)
Fire Rate: 107 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.78 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.56 sed (5 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.67 sec (6 shots)
The Throwing Knives are a range weapon. Its primary fire throws two knives in quick succession, while the secondary attack fires a single, more powerful projectile. The secondary attack must be charged up and can be held. The knives are arcing projectiles, which means that they do not hit instantly and are affected by gravity. They have a near perfect accuracy, even when moving. They do not have damage falloff, which means that they deal full damage at any distance.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 40
Damage (Head): 60 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 20
Reload Time: 1.3 sec
Fire Rate: 360 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.5 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.0 sec (7 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.33 sec (9 shots)
The V9S is a semi-automatic pistol. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, which means it deals less damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 16
Damage (Head): 24 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 34
Reload Time: 2.45 sec
Fire Rate: ~ 857 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.64 sec (10 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.06 sec (16 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.48 sec (22 shots)
The XP-54 is a fully automatic submachine gun. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying arrow sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, dealing full damage up to 20 meters away and only dealing 62% of its damage at distances of 30+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 20
Damage (Head): 30 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 32
Reload Time: 2.3 sec
Fire Rate: 617 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.7 sec (8 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.2 sec (13 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.7 sec (18 shots)
The AKM is a fully automatic assault rifle. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, dealing full damage up to 30 meters away and only dealing 55% of its damage at distances of 37.5+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Cerberus 12GA
Damage (Body): 108 (9×12)
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 3
Reload Time: 2.45 sec
Fire Rate: 100 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.6 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.2 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.8 sec (4 shots)
The Cerberus 12GA is a break-action shotgun, shooting 9 pellets per shot. It is loaded with incendiary shells, which means that its shots can set opponents as well as the environment on fire. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a short falloff range, which means it deals less damage at medium and long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 100
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 5
Reload Time: 4.0 sec
Fire Rate: 210 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.8 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.6 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.4 sec (4 shots)
The CL-40 is a pump-action grenade launcher. It shoots impact grenades capable of dealing some damage to opponents even if not hit directly. Its accuracy does not decrease when moving. The grenades are arcing projectiles, which means that they do not hit instantly and are affected by gravity. Additionally, they can be destroyed by APS Turrets. It does not have damage falloff, which means that it deals full damage at any distance.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Dual Blades
Damage (Body): 50 – 70
Damage (Head): N/A
TTK (Light): N/A
TTK (Medium): N/A
TTK (Heavy): N/A
The Dual Blades are a close-range melee weapon. When attacking, they slash two times in quick succession, dealing 50 damage each, then slash another two times in quick succession, dealing 60 damage each, and then perform a cross strike dealing 70 damage. An uninterrupted combo deals 290 damage in total. They can also be used in a defensive stance, deflecting incoming bullets in the direction you are facing, which then can damage opponents. While in this stance, any defelcted bullets still inflict 20% of their damage, and blocked melee attacks still deal 33% of their damage.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 23
Damage (Head): 34.5 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 27
Reload Time: 4.0 sec
Fire Rate: 220 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.74 sec (7 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.16 sec (11 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.59 sec (16 shots)
The FAMAS is a burst-fire assault rifle, shooting in bursts of 3. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying arrow sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, which means it still deals most of its damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 22
Damage (Head): 33 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 25
Reload Time: 2.0 sec
Fire Rate: 540 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.67 sec (7 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.22 sec (12 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.67 sec (16 shots)
The FCAR is a fully automatic assault rifle. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying holo sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, dealing full damage up to 36 meters away and only dealing 45% of its damage at distances of 40+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Model 1887
Damage (Body): 99 (11×9)
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 6
Reload Time: 4.3 sec
Fire Rate: ~75 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.9 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.79 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.7 sec (4 shots)
The Model 1887 is a lever-action shotgun, shooting 11 pellets per shot. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. Like with most shotguns, headshots don’t deal any additional damage, and aiming down the sights does not increase its accuracy. However, moving or jumping while shooting does also not decrease its accuracy. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, which means it deals less damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 50
Damage (Head): 75 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 12
Reload Time:
Fire Rate: 200 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.9 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.5 sec (5 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.1 sec (7 shots)
The Pike-556 is a semi-automatic marksman rifle. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a 4x magnifying scope. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, which means it still deals most of its damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 74
Damage (Head): 148 (2x)
Mag Size: 6
Reload Time: 2.5 sec
Fire Rate: ~ 168 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.86 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.29 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.71 sec (5 shots)
The R.357 is a revolver. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, dealing full damage up to 23 meters away and only dealing 45% of its damage at distances of 40+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Riot Shield
Damage (Body): 90
Damage (Head): N/A
Attack Rate: TBD
TTK (Light): TBD
TTK (Medium): TBD
TTK (Heavy): TBD
The Riot Shield is a close-range melee weapon. It is capable of performing short strikes with its baton as well as blocking incoming bullets and melee attacks.
.50 Akimbo
Damage (Body): 44
Damage (Head): 88 (2x)
Mag Size: 14
Reload Time: 3.0 sec
Fire Rate: 230 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.78 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.3 sec (6 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.83 sec (8 shots)
The .50 Akimbo are two, dual-wielded semi-automatic pistols. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, which means it deals less damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 30
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 30
Reload Time: 3.5 sec
Fire Rate: 170 rpm
TTK (Light): 1.41 sec (5 ammo)
TTK (Medium): 2.82 sec (9 ammo)
TTK (Heavy): 3.88 sec (12 ammo)
The Flamethrower is a close-range weapon, capable of setting opponents and the environment on fire. The flames are projectiles, which means that they have a travel time. It is possible to multiple opponents at once.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 100
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 6
Reload Time: 4.36 sec
Fire Rate: ~ 73 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.82 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.64 sec (3 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.47 sec (4 shots)
The KS-23 is a pump-action shotgun, firing a single slug round whith each shot. It fires arcing projectiles, which means that they have a travel time and are affected by gravity. It has moderate arena destruction, destroying a standard concrete wall in 3 shots. It has a medium falloff range, dealing full damage up to 18 meters away and only dealing 65% of its damage at a distance of 23+ meters.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Lewis Gun
Damage (Body): 22
Damage (Head): 33 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 47
Reload Time: 3.5 sec
Fire Rate: 510 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.72 sec (7 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.32 sec (12 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.8 sec (16 shots)
The Lewis Gun is a fully automatic light machine gun. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a long falloff range, which means it still deals most of its damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 19
Damage (Head): 28.5 (1.5x)
Mag Size: 70
Reload Time: 3.5 sec
Fire Rate: 580 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.72 sec (8 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.34 sec (14 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.86 sec (19 shots)
The M60 is a fully automatic light machine gun. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying red dot sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, which means it deals less damage at long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
MGL 32
Damage (Body): 83
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 6
Reload Time: 2.8 sec
Fire Rate: ~ 90 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.67 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 2.0 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.67 sec (5 shots)
The MGL32 is a revolving-action grenade launcher. Its grenades can bounce off on surfaces and opponents once, exploding on second impact or after spending 2.5 seconds in the air. They can also be destroyed by an APS Turret. They have moderate arena destruction, destroying a standard concrete wall in about 3 shots. The grenades are arcing projectiles, which means that they have a travel time and are affected by gravity. It has no damage falloff, which means that it deals full damage at any distance.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 78 (13×6)
Damage (Head): N/A
Mag Size: 16 (4×4)
Reload Time: 3.0 sec
Fire Rate: 200 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.3 sec (2 shots)
TTK (Medium): 0.9 sec (4 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 2.0 sec (5 shots)
The SA1216 is a semi-automatic shotgun, firing 13 pellets per shot. It has a quad-tube magazine, which means that it can fire 4 shots in quick succession before loading another 4 shots, despite having a magazine size of 16 rounds. It has built-in iron sights. Like with most shotguns, headshots don’t deal any additional damage, and aiming down the sights does not increase its accuracy. However, moving or jumping while shooting does also not decrease its accuracy. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a short falloff range, which means that it deals less damage at medium and long distances.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 30 (2×15)
Damage (Head): 45 (2×22.5) (1.5x)
Mag Size: 20
Reload Time: 3.2 sec
Fire Rate: 420 rpm
TTK (Light): 0.57 sec (5 shots)
TTK (Medium): 1.14 sec (9 shots)
TTK (Heavy): 1.57 sec (12 shots)
The ShAK-50 is a fully automatic rifle, firing two bullets per shot. It has built-in iron sights, but can be equipped with a non-magnifying holo sight. The bullets are hitscan, which means that they have no travel time or drop-off, and instead hit the moment the trigger is pulled. It has a medium falloff range, dealing full damage up to 15 meters away.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 115
Damage (Overhead): 200
Attack Rate: TBD
TTK (Light): TBD
TTK (Medium): TBD
TTK (Heavy): TBD
The Sledgehammer is a close-range melee weapon. It is capable of performing single swings or a secondary overhead attack. While the swings can hit multiple opponents at once, the overhead attack is single-target. It has high structure damage, destroying a standard concrete wall in two swings or one overhead attack.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
Damage (Body): 65 – 90
Damage (Spin): 315 (3×105)
TTK (Light): TBD
TTK (Medium): TBD
TTK (Heavy): TBD
The Spear is a close-range melee weapin. It is capable of performing a combo consisting of one swipe and two stabs, dealing 65, 80 and 90 damage respectively. It can also perform a secondary spin attack, spinning 3 times over the course of 3 seconds, dealing 105 damage each spin.
As with most weapons, it gains mastery XP equal to 20% of the damage you deal with it to opponents, as well as an extra 50 XP per elimination and 20 XP per assist.
And that wraps up our share on THE FINALS: Weapon Stats. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Square Enix, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!