This guide describes where to find all of the collectibles throughout the Stauf Manor. Included are videos with the collectibles locations as well as solution to puzzles.
There are spoilers.
There are 50 Stauf coins, 12 Stauf chronicles, 8 guest pictures, 7 music boxes, and 10 records. Below describes how to find each of the collectables per room. The videos will also show the locations of the collectables as well as solutions to the puzzles.
Stauf records will show up periodically after completing rooms. Make sure to pick them up as they appear because they will go away if you don’t.
The Foyer
There are 4 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Foyer.
From the front door, go to the right of the stairs. Between the gramophone and the library door there is a table with three drawers. The first coin is in the right most drawer.
Left of the front door is a small round table next to some luggage with a potted plant on it. The second coin is on the table behind the plant.
There is a oval coffee table in the Foyer. On the coffee table is a Stauf chronicle.
Near the oval coffee table is a chair and small table with a candle. The third coin is on the small table with the candle.
Between the coffee table and the dining room is a tall cabinet with glass panels. The fourth coin is in the cabinet on the middle shelf.
Make sure to play the record on the table with the gramophone before finishing the dining room.
The Dining Room
There are 2 Stauf coins and 1 music box in the Dining room.
From the door, go right. In the corner next to the maze puzzle, there is a scale. The first coin is on the scale.
On the main table, there is a pot with a lid. The second coin is inside the pot. Take off the lid and reach in.
On table next to plate puzzle is the game map. Pick it up for future use.
The music box is on the window sill in the back of the room.
The Upstairs Hallway
There is a record that shows up after the Dining Room is complete. The record is located on a table just outside the Dining Room in the foyer.
Make sure to shine your lamp on the portrait of Stauf at least once during your playthrough.
There are 3 Stauf coins in the Upstairs Hallway.
From the top of the stairs turn left, then turn left at the first hallway.
On the right side of the hallway, before Burden’s room, there are three tables with drawers. The first coin is in the left most table.
On the left side of the hallway, opposite the first coin, is a dumb waiter. Open the dumb waiter door. Push the button to raise the dumb waiter. The second coin is on the dumb waiter.
From the top of the stairs, go all the way around to the right. At the end of the hallway in front of the window is a table with a statue. The third coin is on the window sill behind the table.
Temple’s Room
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, 1 guest photo, and 1 Stauf chronicle in Temple’s Room.
From the door, go to the left. There is a chest on a coffee table in front of the sofa and window. The first coin is on the table with chest.
Between the window and the purple and green cabinet is a small table. On the table, there is a music box and the Temple guest photo. Make sure to pick them up.
On the table in the center of the room, there is a Stauf chronicle.
The second coin is locked behind one of the room puzzles. The coin can be seen in the glass cabinet on the second shelf. The blue portal hat that shrinks your hand is needed. Place the blue portal hat on the stack of books to the left of the glass cabinet with the blue portal facing the small hole in the cabinet. Stick your hand thru the purple portal hat and it will come out the blue portal hat smaller and inside the glass cabinet. Grab the coin the on the shelf and pull out our hand from the hat.
Heine’s Room
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, and 1 guest photo in Heine’s Room.
On the table in the middle of the room is a table with the drinking game. The first coin is on the table behind the drinking game.
Between the quilt puzzle and the mirror is a bookshelf. The second coin is on the higher shelf of the bookshelf.
From the door, go to the right side of the room, right of the coffin game is a beauty table. The Heine guest photo is on the beauty table.
On the right side of the bed in the corner is a small bedside table. The music box is on the small bedside table.
Knox’s Room
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, and 2 guest photos in Knox’s room.
On the right side of the bed is a small bedside table. The first coin is on the small bedside table.
On the left side of the bed is another small bedside table. The Mr. Knox and Mrs. Knox guest photos are on the small bedside table.
The second coin is behind the train station in the middle of the model. You will have to walk a bit through the table to see and reach it.
The music box is on the window sill next to the train model.
Dutton’s Room
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, 1 guest photo, and 1 Stauf chronicle in Dutton’s room.
From the door, go to the right. There is a small table up against the wall. The Dutton guest photo is on the table.
On top of the fireplace, to the right of the lions head, is the music box.
Below the wall safe puzzle is a table. The first coin is the left most drawer of the table.
On the left side of the desk, next to the wall safe, is the Stauf chronicle.
The second coin is on the left bed post at the head of the bed. It blends in so look for the typical glow/flash.
The Library
The next record will show up after the first four rooms are completed. It is located on the cabinet at the top of the stairs under the portrait of Stauf.
There are 2 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Library.
From the door, to the right is a desk. The first coin is in to right drawer of the desk.
On the coffee table in the center of the room is the Stauf chronicle.
In the back corner, there is a globe. The second coin is in the globe. Open the globe and remove a couple bottles to be able to reach the coin.
The Kitchen
The next record will show up after the Library. It is located on the small table outside the library near the gramophone.
There are 2 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Kitchen.
From the door, to the right is the dumbwaiter. The first coin is below the dumbwaiter lift. To open the dumbwaiter, look to the right of the dumbwaiter to find a tile button. The tile button looks a bit offset with a cracked corner. Push the tile button and the chain on the door will come off. Open the dumbwaiter door and push the lift button to raise the dumbwaiter. The coin will be beneath the dumbwaiter lift.
On the counter left of the sink is the Stauf chronicle.
Right of the sink is a cabinet above the counter. The second coin is on the first shelf of the cabinet.
The Storage Room
There are 4 Stauf coins in the Storage Room.
From the Kitchen door, turn right and go into the bathroom. The first coin is in the toilet. Lift the lid and look inside.
From the bathroom door, look to the left. There is a shelf on the left wall. The second coin is on the shelf.
Go down the hall from the bathroom and turn left into the storage room. Just inside the doorway to the right is a barrel with a spider and the third coin. Just grab the coin.
Further in the storage room is a trough with two pigs hanging above it. In the trough is two buckets. The fourth coin is in the bucket on the left.
Burden’s Room
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, 1 guest photo, and 1 Stauf chronicle in Burden’s Room.
From the door, go to the right. There is a table to the left of the female mannequin. The Stauf chronicle and the Burden guest photo is on the table.
Near the back corner to the right of the male mannequin is a beauty table. The first coin is behind the mirror on the beauty table.
To the left of the male mannequin is a cabinet. The second coin is inside the cabinet on the left side.
The music box is located on the foot board of the bed.
The Game Room
There are 3 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Game Room.
From the door, go right behind the bar. The first coin is on the upper shelf to the right of the bottle puzzle. Remove a few of the left most bottles on the shelf to find the coin.
Next to the bar there is a dart board. The table nearest to the dart board has the Stauf chronicle.
Opposite the dart board is a pool cue stick holder. The second coin is on the bottom of the pool cue stick holder.
From the pool cue stick holder, turn left, there are two bookshelves. The third coin is on the top shelf of the small bookshelf.
The Nursery
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 guest photo, and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Nursery.
From the door, go straight ahead to the guillotine. The first coin is behind the guillotine.
From the door, go to the right. On top of the fire place is a Stauf chronicle.
From the fireplace, go toward the red couch. To the right is a rocking horse with shelves above it. On the shelf is the Tad guest photo.
There is a doll house on a table near the tea party. The second coin is on the table to the left of the front door of the doll house.
The Music Room
The next record showed up after the Kitchen, Burden’s Room, and the Game Room were completed. The record is on the oval table in the foyer with the Stauf chronicle.
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 Stauf chronicle, and 1 hidden record in the music room.
From the door to the left there is a table next to the fire place. The Stauf chronicle is on the small table.
In the corner behind the harp is a chair. The first coin is on the chair.
From the door, turn left and there is a bookshelf. On the middle shelf is a violin case. The second coin is in the violin case. Open the case and grab the coin.
On the shelf above the violin case is the hidden record. Grab it and play it on the gramophone directly behind you in the music room.
The Attic Landing 1
The next record showed after the Nursery and Music Room were completed. The record is on the table at the top of the stairs under the Stauf portrait.
There are 6 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Attic Landing.
Standing at the top of the stairs and looking down, there is a ledge to the left. The first coin is on the ledge.
From the electrical box, go right. Below the button that opens the gate, is a broken table. The second coin is on the table.
From the electrical box, go left. On the workbench is the Stauf chronicle.
In the area with the large model house you can reach the backside of the grandfather clock. The third coin is on the left side of the back of the clock.
On the side of the house model facing the giant door is the scale bathroom. Open the model panel to the bathroom. The fourth coin is inside the model.
On the far wall is a door leading into a small room with the Dutton figurine. Open the door with the button. There is cabinet behind the Dutton figurine. On the cabinet is a vase. The fifth coin is on the cabinet behind the vase.
In the back of the small room with the Dutton figurine are some shelves. On a shelf in the middle is a bucket. The sixth coin is on the shelf next to the bucket.
The Underground Workshop
There are 3 Stauf coins and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Workshop.
At the bottom of the stairs there are wine racks. The first coin is on the right most wine rack.
On the workbench in the main room is the Stauf chronicle.
There is a small shelf above the wooden airplane on the workbench. The second coin is on the small shelf.
After opening the curtain on the storyboard, look on the top left of the storyboard. The third coin is on the storyboard.
The Bathroom
The next record shows up after the Workshop is completed. The record is on a small table in the foyer just outside the kitchen to the right.
There are 2 Stauf coins in the Bathroom.
The first coin is inside the toilet tank. Open the tank and flush the toilet. When the water empties out of the tank you will see the coin in the bottom.
On top of the faucet for the tub is a bar of soap. The second coin is behind the bar of soap.
The Attic Landing 2
Go to the Attic Landing and complete the attic puzzle to unlock the door to the chapel.
Stauf’s Bedroom
There are 2 Stauf coins, 1 music box, 1 guest photo, 1 record, and 1 Stauf chronicle in the Stauf’s Bedroom.
From the door, go to the right, there is a bookshelf.
On the bookshelf there is a music box, the first Stauf coin, and a record.
Shine your lamp on the record and then play it on the gramophone in the back of the room.
On the bed is the Stauf guest photo.
At the foot of the bed is a seat. On the seat is the Stauf chronicle.
On the opposite side of the room from the bookshelf, is a table with an open book. The second coin is underneath the open book.
The Chapel
There are 3 coins and 1 record in the Chapel.
From the door to Stauf’s Bedroom, look right. There is small table next to the gramophone. The first coin is on the small table.
Next to the big door to the Ritual Room is a long table. In front of the left side of the table is a chair. The second coin is on the table behind the chair.
Near the front of the chapel, on the first row of pews there is a box. The third coin is in the box on the pew in the front row.
From the front row of pews, go up the stairs on the right side. There is a small table with the record on it. Play it on the gramophone in the back of the chapel.
The Ritual Room
The ritual room does not have any collectibles but it has one final puzzle. Once finished you will be teleported to the final game. Make sure to take out 7 of Stauf’s souls in the final game. You will need to take out all 7 souls in the same game to get the achievement.
And that wraps up our share on The 7th Guest VR: 100% Collectibles Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by KT, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!