Are you struggling to figure out how to build a Storage System in TerraTech Worlds? Don’t worry, it can be done! Just be aware that future updates may affect how it functions. Keep reading to find out how to create an efficient and effective storage system for your TerraTech adventures.
The output in front of the Input is prioritized, as shown here ->
Because this is the case, items coming from the Input Silo will first try to get to the Output Silo 1. If the Item can’t go into Silo 1, it will then go to Output 2, if possible. Otherwise it will stay in the Sorting Silo (S2).
With this in mind, you could prepare the Output Silo1, so that there can only be certain Items put in.
This can only be done by pre-occupying the Slots with the desired Item(s) – Multiple different Items per Silo are possible!
Preparation of the Silos
As an example I prepared the Output Silo1 like this:
In this case I want to sort every kind of Carbon like this
But you can prepare the Silo as you please!
Remember: Every Slot of the Silo needs to be filled.
How To Build and How It Works
The Input is on the top left. Because the S2 Silo first tries to put the incoming items into the S1 Silo infront of it, items that CAN be put in there, will be put in there. anything that can’t be put in there overflows to the next (S2)Silo.
You Should use an extra Silo for Inputting the items into the Sorting Silos (S2), because otherwise only half of the items get sorted because the Silo can split to both outputs. This can be prevented if there is only one item at a time coming into the Silo, which is what happens when we use an Input Silo.
A more detailed image of how this works:
The output silos need to be prepared, I did it like this:
^Output 1 is used for Carbon^
^Output 2 is used for Iron^
^Output 3 is used for Copper^
^Output 4 is used for Aluminium^
You can extend this pretty much indefinetely, in my save I need a S3-Silo for every common ressource an their variants, and it paid of not needing to rebuild once I had a lot of ressources.
If prepared and built correctly, anything put in the Input will either be sorted if possible, or overflows to the next silo (or the Overflow-Silo).
To test this I put the following items in the Input Silo:
These are the Silos after sorting:
The Overflow Silo
How I Built My Full-Size Sorting System
From left to right I sorted:
Carbon, Iron, Copper, Aluminium, Silicon, Gold, Chlorine, Sodium, Tantal, Niobium, Titanium, Wolframite, Strontium, Phosphor an Lithium.
The bottom row of Silos are Raw Ressources, the middle row are Refined and the top row are Purified Ressources.
The back looks like this. The S3 Silos on the right are Input(Bottom) and Overflow(Top)
As you can see, I didn’t finish the top row with the Purified Ressources, because I only need to sort everything from Purified Carbon to Purified Silicon.
Here a (hopefully) better look at the wiring.
Thank You For Reading My Guide!
If there are any uncertainties, please comment on the guide!
And that wraps up our share on TerraTech Worlds: How to build a Storage System. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Nuke0lai, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!