In this Steam Guide 2024 you will see almost all TF2 Spy Class weapons and their statistics that are in the game right now. It was hard work, i hope you enjoy it!
Spy Class
HP:100, if you have Big Earner equiped [HP:150 when ÜberCharging].
HP:70, if you have Conniver’s Kunai equiped [HP:105 when ÜberCharging, HP:210 upon a succsesful backstab].
Speed:320 Hu/c.
Spy is a difficult class for beginners. The spy has the smallest health reserve of all other classes in the game – 125 HP. The spy can disguise itself as other classes present in the game, posing as an ally. When a spy is disguised or invisible, the Engineer’s Turret cannot recognize him as an enemy. The spy can also destroy the engineer’s buildings with the help of a sapper.
Mini-crit:54-81 [depending on distance].
Crit:120 [there are random crits].
Attack speed:0.58 sec.
DPS:34-103 [depending on distance].
Reload speed:1.1 sec.
Random crits enabled.
Mini-crit:46-69 [depends on distance].
Crit:54-102 [depends on distance].
Attack speed:0.7 sec.
DPS:24-72 [depends on distance].
Reload speed:1.1 sec.
Attack speed:-20%.
No random crits.
Critical hit on headshot.
Critical damage depends on distance.
Mini-crit:54-81 [depends on distance and disguise].
Crit:120,144 [depends on camouflage].
Attack speed:0.7 sec.
Reload speed:1.1 sec.
Attack speed:-20%.
No random crits.
Ignores all damage reduction and resistance effects.
+20% damage while disguised.
Mini-crit:43-65 [depends on distance].
Crit:96 [there are random crits].
Attack speed:0.58 sec.
DPS:27-82 [depends on distance].
Reload speed:1.1 sec.
Invisiblity duration:+40%.
+15% to invisiblity charge on hit.
Mini-crit:46-69 [depends on distance].
Attack speed:0.58 sec.
DPS:29-87 [depends on distance].
Reload speed:1.1 sec.
No random crits.
Gains one guaranteed crit for each building destroyed by your sapper and each kill from behind.
Mini crit:54.
Attack speed:0.8 sec.
Your Eternal Reward
Attack speed:0.8 sec.
When you backstab, you instantly disguise yourself as your victim.
This weapon kills silently.
Invisiblity charge consumption:+33%.
Normal disguise requires [and consumes] a full cloak meter.
Big Earner
Mini crit:54.
Attack speed:0.8 sec.
+30% to invisiblity charge on kill [not even in the back].
Gives a 3-second speed boost on kill [not even in the back].
Conniver’s Kunai
Mini crit:54.
Attack speed:0.8 sec.
Backstab kills steal HP from the victim. [Minimum 75%].
Health gained gives overheal [maximum 210%].
Attack speed:0.8 sec.
When set on fire immune to fire for 1 second and immune to afterburning for 10 sec.
Backstab freezes the victim.
Melts in fire, recovers after 15 sec.
Invis Watch
Normal:10 sec.
L’Etranger:14 sec.
Your Eternal Reward:6.7 sec.
L’Etranger+Your Eternal Reward:11 sec.
Recovery time:30 sec.
Ammo recharge the watch while invisible.
Cloak and Dagger
Normal:6.6 sec.
L’Etranger:9.3 sec.
Your Eternal Reward:5 sec.
L’Etranger+Your Eternal Reward:8 sec.
If standing still:infinite.
Recovery time:15 sec.
Invisibility Regen:+100%.
Ammo does not recharge the watch while invisible.
-35% invisibility charge from ammo.
-25% to invisibility duration at normal speed.
Dead Ringer
Normal:7 sec.
L’Etranger:8 sec.
Your Eternal Reward:4.7 sec.
L’Etranger+Your Eternal Reward:5.36 sec.
Recovery time:20 sec.
When taking damage, leaves a fake corpse and grants temporary invisibility, acceleration, and damage resistance.
Invisibility recovery:+33%.
Invisibility duration:-33%.
-50% invisibility charge when simulating death.
And that wraps up our share on Team Fortress 2: TF2 Steam Guide – All Spy Weapons | 2024. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by wwllsu, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!