Are you ready to complete all the achievements in Sputnika Game? With around 20 hours of gameplay, you can achieve 100% completion. This guide will help you unlock all the achievements in Sputnika Game.

Achievements count – 27
Time to 100% – 20 hours (based on skill)
Free arcade puzzle game.

Your First Neptune
Earth + Earth.
Your First Uranus
Neptune + Neptune.
Your First Saturn
10 Saturn
Give 10 Saturn Birth
50 Saturn
Give 50 Saturn Birth
100 Saturn
Give 100 Saturn Birth
150 Saturn
Give 150 Saturn Birth
Uranus + Uranus 150 times (cumulative across all games).
You’re almost there..
5 Jupiter
Give 5 Jupiter Birth
25 Jupiter
Give 25 Jupiter Birth
50 Jupiter
Give 50 Jupiter Birth
Saturn + Saturn 50 times (cumulative across all games).
The Sun.
Sputnik has become a Sun
3 Sun
Give 3 Sun Birth
10 Sun
Give 10 Sun Birth
25 Sun
Give 25 Sun Birth
Jupiter + Jupiter 25 times (cumulative across all games).
Give birth to 2 Sun in a single game.
Jupiter + Jupiter 2 in 1 game.
So close!
2 Jupiter wont collide
Lose a game with 2 existing Jupiters.
Game Over
Lose a game.
Score 500
Score 500
Score 750
Score 750
Score 1000
Score 1000
Score 1250
Score 1250
Score 1500
Score 1500
Get 1500 points, loose the game and start a new one.
grey + grey = 1
purple + purple = 3
red + red = 6
yellow + yellow = 10
Earth + Earth = 15
Nepture + Nepture = 21
250 Sputnik
Launch 250 Sputnik
1000 Sputnik
Launch 1000 Sputnik
2500 Sputnik
Launch 2500 Sputnik
5000 Sputnik
Launch 5000 Sputnik
Launch 5000 Sputniks (cumulative across all games).
And that wraps up our share on Sputnika Game: Achievements guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Easy Target, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!