35. In front of the castle for the Metal Overlord boss.

36. In side the castle for the Metal Overlord boss, it’s in the first room of the castle.

37. Metal Overlord castle second floor, after landing into the room turn around and the bolt will be there.

38. On top of the Metal Overlord castle located on the rim before jumping on one of the rails to leave the castle.

39. Sunset Heights area, hiding next to a wall near the Metal Overlord castle.

40. Sunset Heights area, on the stairs on the rubble of buildings.

41. Sunset Heights area, on the small building rubble.

42. Sunset Heights area, on the small building rubble again, near the front of the large broken ramp.

43. Sunset Heights area, under the larger broken ramp.

44. Sunset Heights area, near the outer wall of the hub world behind a building.

45. Sunset Heights area, on top of one of the buildings.

46. Sunset heights area, near the challenge area of this section off on top of a building with hidden buttons that make springs appear.

47. Sunset heights area, in side one of the buildings at the end of a platforming section.

48. Near the middle of the map, on the path that spawns robots on, on the underside the bolt hides in the water.

49. Arch way in the water near the purple goo.

50. On the purple goo near the entrance to the underground path leading to the Mephiles Boss.

51. On the small purple goo area, and the path you take the first time when going up to Chaos Island.

52. Off in the purple goo area where you first get Doom Morph upgrade, the bolt sits on a broken pillar.

53. Behind the ramp in the purple goo that you do the tutorial for the Doom Morph upgrade.

54. Beside the wall near the Doom Morph upgrade spot.

55. On the long wall in purple goo heading to the Rail Canyon area.

56. Out on the water between a line of pillars near the Space Colony Ark area.

57. In the area with purple goo, the place where you first get Doom Morph, there’s a building you can climb up goo at and the bolt is at the top.

58. Out on the water in the corner of a platform.

59. From the location of number 57 if you turn around and look at the rails you’ll see this bolt.

60. Chaos Island area, hiding behind rubble behind the stage entry.

61. Chaos Island area, on a small rock wall.

62. Chaos Island area, on a pillar.

63. The path leading underground to the Mephiles boss, on the roof of the passage use Doom Morph to get the bolt.

64. Leading up to the Mephiles boss stage there’s a little room with the bolt in purple goo.

65. From the Mephiles boss room, located at the end of the room.

66. On top of the arch way pillar leading to the Rail Canyon area.

67. Small platform in Rail Canyon area.

68. In the purple goo section, the area where you first get Doom Morph inside a building.

69. On the path that goes to the middle of the map, it’s under the nearby arch in the water.

70. Out in the water near the Rail Canyon area.

71. In between two buildings on the water heading to the Metal Overlord castle

72. Next to the purple goo tower in the water.