Mobas are complicated. I’ve played Smite 1 quite a bit but mostly arena and without knowing anything.In this guide I’ll gather every infos i’ve learned about Smite 2 Conquest. Feel free to join me in the learning with the goal to not get flamed every game :d
Some general stuff and glossary
I won’t cover the other game modes and will focus on Conquest.
Conquest is the main (?) MOBA mode of Smite with the familiar “5v5 push minions, destroy towers and the enemies base” gameplay.
Some terms used in the guide explained:
- Bruiser – Not as “tanky” as Tanks but just as much in the front lines. These are your fighters. Imagine a gym mommy with sword and shield or a hammer. Still tough and can hurt.
- Ganking – Trying to kill an enemy laner through numbers advantage (literally ganking up on them).
- Jungle – Area between lanes on either side is the jungle.
- Jungle Camps – The colored baubles you see on the mini map. Just some camps of neutral enemies in the jungle area.
- Last hit – If you land the very last hit that kills something you get the “Last hit” which comes with extra gold, exp, etc.
- Lane – The maps consist of 3 lanes and a Jungle. The lanes according to voice comms are: Left, Mid, Right. I often also call them Solo (On the side of the red Fire Giant), Mid, Duo (On the side of the yellow Gold Fury).
- Objective – An objective is a thing on the map that when claimed provides an advantage for your team. Objective examples: Enemy Towers, Phoenixes and the Titan, Gold Fury, Fire Giant, Naga Queen, etc.
- Pushing – Killing enemy minions so that your own minions can push forward towards the enemies base.
- Recalling – Going back to your base to heal and/or buy items.
- Roaming – Moving to another lane to gank an enemy.
- Tank – Tanks are the super hard to kill Gods that inhabit the front lines. They have a lot of protection, health (aka they are “tanky”) and often disrupting abilities to protect their team. But they often lack damage and/or mobility. Imagine a beefy dude with 2 shields in hand. Maybe doesn’t hurt as much but tough as nails.
- Ward – A consumable item. You can have up to 2 of the normal wards. They can be placed on the floor where they go invisible and provide vision. Super important to always see where enemies are. Place them on objectives.
- Sentry Ward – Works the same as a Ward but can also detect other Wards! Awesome to clear enemy wards and limit their vision on you.
- Wave – A group of minions is called a wave (of minions).
Summary of all roles
- Solo – If you know League of Legends, this is your Top laner. A lot of trading with the opponent and a focus on farming. Doesn’t seem to roam often. Solo starts on the side where the red volcano thingy is (the Fire Giant :P). The game actually pings where your lane is in the beginning unless turned off.
- Mid – The classic Mid Laner. Often ranged, often mages. Loads of farming and helps the jungler secure camps. Can roam easily to other lanes
- Carry – In League this would be your ADC. Often rangedi and needs a TON of gold to destroy everything late game. In Dota I think this is called Position 1. They are accompanied by a Support to help them farm.
- Support – Often Tanks and Enchanters (Healing, Shielding, Buffing type Gods). Helps the Carry get TONS of gold. I think support tries not to last hit minions but helps getting the minions low enough to last hit. Also helps with jungle camps in the same way.
- Jungler – League players know this one but If you’re coming from Dota this might be different. This role roams around between the lanes taking the colorful jungle camps, helps other lanes push or try to kill enemies on every lane.
Solo Lane
You can also check the jungle camps. Solo Laners start where the blue camp is.
So if you see the yellow Gold Fury area or the purple buff next to you, you are wrong 😛
The Lane consists of the usual minion path as well as a War Horn and 5 camps on the edge of the map and the jungle with some camps on the other side. There are also 2 Portals on the edge that can teleport you across the entire map to the corresponding Portal on the Gold Fury Side (and vice versa)
Solo Lane Gods are often tanky fighters or full tanks. But any God with a bit of wave clearing potential can work well.
TL;DR Solo Lane:
- Push fast, Poke enemies, get as many camps as possible, get blue camp everytime it’s up. If ahead try to steal enemies camps or kill them. War Horn is nice especially later in the game. Portals are nice for a quick gank on duo lane. Plan your recall timers
Most Solo Lane Gods start at their own blue camp and clear it, grabbing the little buff that pops out of the big neutral enemy. To grab it press the shown button (Default: Space Bar)
Gods with really bad clear sometimes opt to just start on the minion wave instead.
The main goal is to get as much EXP and Gold as possible. That is true throughout the game tbh but early game feels super fast in that regard.
The first God to hit Level 2 often immediately has an advantage and can look to poke or even kill the opposing God.
After pushing one or two waves of minions, the Solo Laners often pivot to the adjacent camps.
Not sure about Warding but from what I’ve seen most Junglers start on the other side of the map, then chill mid lane and take middle camp. So you are safe for the first few levels.
Latest at Level 5 i get paranoid since they can destroy me with 2 ultimates.
I try to only recall if I have way too much gold or when there is nothing more to grab i.e. all camps are dead, war horn gone and my minions have pushed into enemies tower. If you recall and your enemy can still do things without you being able to interrupt them, you will lose a LOT of gold and experience.
The Base Portal can help to recall and quickly return but always check your cooldown above your HP Bar before considering.
I have not yet figured out what the Mid Game priorities on the map are or when Mid Game begins tbh. Often its just a free for all with ganks and the same gold farming as in the early game. I try to be more aware of the map and place some wards. If my Base Portal is available, I look to gank the duo lane using the 2 Portals next to the solo lane that teleports you to the same Portal on the other side of the map. Can be very sneaky and often leads to easy kills!
Same as Mid Game not sure when this starts. But I am now starting to group up to take objectives or, if Im too late or my team has things handled, I keep pushing my lane and grab more gold and exp.
My noob ass is mostly running around like a chicken though..
Mid Lane
But some observations:
After your own jungler clears their first two camps, the often want to push the next minion wave alongside you. Push it fast and then follow your jungler to the camp adjacent to your lane (the “middle camp”) and take that with your jungler.
Then go back to pushing and grabbing nearby camps.
Watch the map closely and maybe grab a few wards to see enemy jungle ganks coming.
If you check the jungle camps on the map, you want to start on the side where the purple camp is.
The Lane, much like Solo Lane, has 5 camps on the edge of the map.
Most duo laners seem to start at their purple jungle camp and clear it. The carry grabs the buff and both move back to lane.
If the enemy doesn’t to that and instead pushes your minions first, it can often feel suffocating trying to last hit minions under tower.
Im not fully sure what to do here but i assume with buff you are much stronger and might be able to just destroy the enemy instead of going for minions?
Main Goals:
Get all the gold to get all the items and destroy all the enemies.
To to that, push minions like crazy, grab all the 5 camps on the side and if available grab nearby jungle camps.
When fighting in lane try to kill the enemy carry first. That way, even if you also die in the exchange, at least the enemy carry can’t farm while you are respawning.
Be nice to your support! Being so close together can be difficult like with a roommate. But remember that you need each other and everyone is always learning!
Without knowing what every God does this lane can feel super punishing. Because coordinating with your support you can unleash absolute mayhem on the enemy from early levels.
Watch for ganks! Both junglers are very close in the beginning and could pop out of the bushes any time.
Like the carry you start at the side of the yellow Gold Fury.
Looking at jungle camps you start where the purple camp is.
Most duo laners start at the purple camp and clear it.
If you attack the camp first, the camp enemies attack you which can be good to keep your carry as healthy as possible for upcoming fights (Especially if you play a tank).
Try not to last hit the jungle enemies cause they also give gold to your carry. But its important to still clear the camp fast.
From what I understand you do not last hit minions but can shoot them to get them low enough for your carry to last hit them.
Help your carry as much as possible to get money and experience.
At level 2 there seem to often be openings to attack the enemy. Either shooting them from afar to whittle down their health of fully going nuts on them to try to kill them.
Keep in mind that your carry usually wants to get minions and farm first. So if you engage while a full minion wave is on your side, you 1.) can lose HP to those minions making the fight more difficult 2.) lose gold from those minions 3.) if you lose the fight the enemy can easily push and get a huge advantage.
So be aware!
As with carry role be nice to each other. We are all here to learn.
Definitely check out some Videos on the Smite 2 Jungle for general information on camps and such!
But for some reason most of these Videos just show their gameplay and in the beginning I had to look for multiple sources to understand everything..
Some general things I’ve learned so far:
Honestly just watch this Video from LemTM and make sure to show him some love with likes and such:
You can see the Start in the above video!
His recommended path at the end is similar to what I’ve been seeing although there is a variation shown in other videos:
After the first two camps I’ve seen junglers either directly gank mid if possible or push the minion wave in the middle to take the mid jungle camp together with your mid laner. The Mid laner then often follows you to your red jungle camp and they take the buff after its dead.
From here it’s a bit fuzzy to me. I usually run around and try to nuke every camps (and the harpies that spawn between the camps) as quickly as I can and look for possible ganks on every lane. If I know where the enemy jungler is I often chill on their side of the Jungle and grab camps they haven’t gotten yet.
But make sure to press Tab to bring up the score board and see the levels and gold amounts of everyone. Ganking a lane thats level 10 while you chill at level 7 can be dangerous.
After a gank and if I have enough gold for an item (or at least a tier 2 component) I recall and repeat the above.
Traditionally in MOBAs, the Jungler often gets a lot of hate from everyone because they either think they know everything in general and jungling in particular better than you or think they’ve lost their lane because you didn’t help (kinda the same thing).
Ignore them. Honestly just ignore every communication thats not immediately helpful.
Bring up the score board, click the hater and block and/or mute their comms. Its not worth it to listen to them!
Carry on, keep learning and have fun.
And that wraps up our share on SMITE 2: Smite 2 Conquest from Noob for Noobs. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by AmeNoKenshi | 雨の剣士, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!