Get any item, spawn PKs and much more!
All of these should work for the Sentinels too. However, this guide only covers the core game, so things like adding funds or spawning the new weapons are not included here.
How to enable the console
Find autoexec.cfg file in your Silent Storm\cfg folder and edit it by adding the line:
The default key for the console is tilde (~). You may change it by editing input.cfg and adding the line (in the GAME BINDS section):
To scroll the console window use the ‘PgUp’ and ‘PgDn’ keys.
Console commands
autoplay A battle of sorts begins, both teams are computer controlled.
autoplay_templates # (map id) Sets a map for autoplay. The default multiplayer maps are 4412, 4413, 4414.
autoplay_units # (unit id) Setting the unit that teams will consist of in autoplay. E.g. autoplay_units 138 turns all the units to Allied PK operators. It is also possible to set multiple units: autoplay_units (63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 82, 87, 89, 90, 92) Teams will be made up of Axis and Allied soldiers mixed together. See below for unit id’s.
bind Used for binding keys. In-depth explanation can be found here[](Russian)
cameramode # (PC, FPS or MAYA). PC – as usual in the game, MAYA – as usual in the editor, FPS – “eye view”.
camerapos Shows the current coordinates of the camera.
chapter # (3..28). Apparently uses a template variable to creat a blank zone.
cheat_allow_headshot # (1 or 0). If set to 0, prohibits hits to the head. The default is 1.
cheat_blood (1 or 0). 0 turns off blood and gore. The default is 1.
cheat_global_xcom # (1 or 0). The command changes the view of the global map. If the value is 1, the game is not functional, it is just for fun. It is recommended to issue the command before loading a saved game, i.e. in the main game menu. Otherwise, most likely, you will not see any changes.
cheat_golden_shot # (1 or 0). Each hit causes the person to “disintegrate”. Attention! This affects your fighters too. (godmode 1 won’t save you)
cheat_heads_off # (1 or 0). Setting this value to 1 means that every hit is an instant kill headshot. (godmode 1 won’t save you)
cheat_showall # (1 or 0). Setting this value to 1 shows all enemies and items on the map.
cheat_slomo # (1 or 0) Slow motion effect when someone dies.
clear Clears the console.
console_writelog # (1 or 0). 1 turns on the logger which outputs the contents of the console to a text file named Console.txt
credits Shows the list of authors of the game. Similar to the main menu’s.
game_noai # (1 or 0). Turns off the AI.
game_tbs_on_enemy_spot # If set to 1, when an enemy is detected, the game goes into turn mode.
getitem # (Where # is the item’s id). Places the desired item in the selected soldier’s inventory. See below.
global Starts a new campaign for the selected side. The identifier is taken from the GlobalMaps table. Currently 3 is Axis, 4 is Allies, 6 is DemoAxis, 1 and 5 are test. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to play the demo-campaign:the clues from its first zone are missing, which leads to the end of the campaign in a few seconds after the start.
godmode # (1 or 0) If set to 1, your soldiers have nothing to fear. If no other cheats are used (see cheat_golden_shot and cheat_heads_off)
help Shows this list of commands, use PgUp/PgDn to scroll.
i_am_an_alien (1 or 0) Setting the value to 1 makes all enemies that you spot appear as if made of glass, it’s a very ‘Predator’ like effect. It does not seem to change the textures of already spotted enemies.
load Usage: save filename. Loads the game with the specified name.
lua_showlog # (0 or 1) Outputs to the console the names and diagnostics of the scripts being executed.
mainmenu Shows the main menu of the game.
multiplayer Starts Hotseat multiplayer mode. Multiplayer map id’s are: 4412, 4413, 4414.
save Usage: save filename. This can be used to save the game on any difficulty level.
setvar # (variable name = value) An alternative way to set global variables, which are, in fact, most of the commands described here. For example, the sequences setvar godmode = 1 and godmode 1 do the same thing. If the value of a variable is a string, it must be enclosed in quotes.
setxplevel # (Where # is the level you want) This sets all the active (and dead) characters to the level specified.
summonunit # (where # is an index value) Spawns the specified unit. See below.
template # (mapID unitID1 unitID2 unitIDn vs unitID1 unitID2 unitIDn) A “lite” version of the multiplayer command. Unlike the latter, the map ID and player teams are formed on the command line. If the unit IDs after “vs” are omitted, the formed team simply moves to the specified map. If all unit IDs are omitted, the team is formed from the debugging German “three Musketeers”. The map ID mandatory. Example: template 4414 441 415 512 vs 407 219 220
Full item list
#id Name
1 Colt M1911
2 Luger British
3 Luger P08
4 Sauer 38X
5 Walter P38
6 TT 1933
7 Mauser K96 1926
8 Mauser K96 1912
9 Mauser M.712
10 Webley-Scott
11 Nagant 1910
298 Stunning Air-gun Silenced
345 Nagant 1910 Silenced
346 Mauser K96 1912 Silenced
349 Welrod MkI Silenced
352 ‘Little Joe” Silenced
378 Colt M1911 ”Big Joe”
12 Rifle 33-40
13 Mosin 1891-1930
14 Carbine 1938
15 Lee-Enfield MK1
16 Carbine M1 1936
17 Carbine 98k Scoped
18 Springfield M1917 Scoped
19 AVS-36
20 SVT-40
21 FG-42
22 G-41 W
23 MAS 1936
24 Mauser M98
25 Mauser M29
49 Garand M1
171 G-41 W Scoped
172 Garand M1 Scoped
173 Lee-Enfield Mk1 Scoped
174 Manlicher-Carcano M38
175 Manlicher-Carcano M91/24 Scoped
176 Mosin 1891-1930 Scoped
177 SVT 40 Scoped
299 Stunning Air-gun Silenced
350 Carbine Delizl Silenced
351 Carbine 98K Scoped, Silenced
382 Sea Devil Scoped
461 Rifle 33-40 Scoped
26 Thompson 1923
27 Thompson 1928
28 M3A1
29 Sten MKII
30 Sten MKIV
31 Sten MKV
32 Sten MKIII
34 PPSh 41
35 PPSh 41 modified
36 PPS 42
37 PPS 43
38 MP40
39 STG 43
40 MP 28 – Bergmann
158 Beretta M1938A
159 Beretta M38-42
160 MP 38
161 MP 40-II
162 Suomi
163 PPD 40
343 MP41
344 Sten MkIII Silenced
347 MP41 Silenced
348 M3A1 Silenced
353 Beretta M38-42 Silenced
41 MG 34
42 MG 42
43 DP
44 RPD
45 Bren
47 ZB 26-30
48 Chatellerault M1924/1929
57 Browning M1922
180 Panzerschrek
182 Bazooka M1
183 PIAT rocket launcher
190 Panzerfaust
357 BHLG 1Z
467 Prototype 8M1
489 Lewis MkI
129 Mine Shovel
192 Dart Arrow
230 Throwing Knife
231 Shuriken
232 Chakra
233 Throwing Knife
234 Finnish Knife
235 Pukke Knife
236 Kappmesser Knife
237 SSA Dagger
239 Fairbairn Sykes Knife
240 Ka-Bar Knife
241 M3 Knife
242 Combat Dagger
243 Luftwaffe Machete Knife
244 Machete Knife
245 Katana Sword
246 Billy Club
247 Black Jack Club
248 Smatchet large combat Knife
249 Khukuri Knife
250 M1917 Knife
365 Wood Chopping Axe
122 M61
123 M-39
133 M-24
140 M-34
141 SRCM mod .35
142 Breda
143 Z-23
144 O-23
145 OF-37
146 36M Mk I
147 RGD-33 (offensive modification)
148 RGD-33 (defensive modification)
149 F-1
150 RG-42
151 RPG-40
152 RPG-41
153 RPG-43
154 RPG-6
228 TG-21
358 PWM-1
481 HE Grenade Dart
482 Frag Grenade Dart
127 First Aid Kit
137 First Aid Kit
396 Compressed Gauze Bandage
397 Bullet Extractor
398 Acetophenetidin Analgesic Tablet
399 Forceps, Abbey
400 Liquid Cardiac Stimulant
401 First Aid Kit
402 Cardiac and Respiratory Stimulant
405 Haemostatic Forceps
406 Adhesive Surgical Plaster
409 Morphine Injection
410 Fast Haemostatic Powder
411 Morphine Sulfate Analgesic pill
412 Chloroform Powerful Analgesic
413 Haemostatic powder
414 Haemostatic liquid
366 Mark 1
367 PMD-6M
368 Smiz-35
369 Shumi-42
370 Pmi-43
371 TMD-B
386 Hank of Wire
387 Mine Probe
388 Wire Cutter
390 Advanced Picklock
393 Picklock set
395 Picklock
427 Dynamite Charge
429 Hecsogen Charge
430 Lyddite Charge
431 Nytroglycerin Charge
433 TNT Charge
458 Panzerklein Repairing Tool
459 Panzerklein Repairing Tool
210 Mechanical Sword
211 MG FF Auto Cannon
212 MK 108 Auto Cannon
213 MG 81Z Auto Cannon
214 PZB 41 Cannon
215 MSS 41 Sniper Cannon
216 Mechanical Sabre
217 Vickers Machine gun
218 PIAT rocket launcher
219 ShKAS Machine gun
220 PTRS Sniper gun
221 PTR Boys gun
222 DshK Machine gun
223 AGS rocket launcher
225 Gatling Machine gun
227 LZ Energy gun
359 Heavy Mortar Shell (Axis)
360 Medium Mortar Shell (Axis)
361 Light Mortar Shell
362 Medium Mortar Shell
434 LZS – Scoped Energy Gun
74 Colt M1911 Magazine
75 Luger P08 Magazine
76 Parabellum Magazine
77 Sauer 38X Magazine
78 Walter P38 Magazine
79 TT Magazine
81 Mauser M.712 Magazine
82 Mauser 1912 Magazine
83 Speedloader for six .38 rounds
84 Nagant 1896 Cartridges
85 Mosin Magazine
86 Mauser Magazine
87 Lee-Enfield Magazine
88 M-1 Magazine
89 Springfield M1917 Magazine
90 AVS-36 Magazine
91 SVT-40 Magazine
93 FG42 Magazine
94 MAS Magazine
97 Thompson M1 SMG Drum Magazine
99 Thompson 1928 SMG Magazine
101 M3A1 SMG Magazine
102 Sten SMG Magazine
103 PPSh/PPD SMG Drum Magazine
104 PPShm/PPS SMG Magazine
105 MP40 SMG Magazine
106 STG43 SMG Magazine
109 MG34 Boxed Cartridge Belt
110 DP Drum Magazine
111 RPD Boxed Cartridge Belt
112 Bren Gun Magazine
113 Browning M1922 Magazine
115 ZB26/30 Magazine
116 Chatellerault Magazine
117 Garand M1 Magazine
132 Vickers 12.7 Boxed Cartridge Belt
181 Panzerschrek rocket propelled grenade
184 Bazooka rocket propelled grenade
185 PIAT rocket propelled grenade
191 Panzerfaust rocket propelled grenade
224 AGS cartridge belt
226 Gatling Drum Magazine
363 LZ-System Energy Charge
372 Manlicher-Carcano M38 Magazine
373 Manlicher-Carcano M91 Magazine
376 Colt M1911 BigJoe Arrow
377 Little Joe Arrow
379 Pistol Stunning Dart
381 Sea Devil Rifle Clip
383 DShk Boxed Cartridge Belt
384 Flak38 Magazine
385 MG34 Boxed Cartridge Belt
417 MG81Z Magazine
418 MG FF Magazine
419 MK 108 Magazine
420 MSS 41 Magazine
421 PTR Boys Magazine
422 PZB41 Clip
423 PTRS Magazine
424 SHKAS Clip
437 Suomi SMG Drum Magazine
441 Beretta SMG Magazine
462 Rifle Stunning Dart
468 Prototype 8M1 Clip
469 LZ-System Energy Charge
470 Vickers 12.7 Boxed Cartridge Belt
471 Vickers 12.7 Boxed Cartridge Belt
472 Vickers 12.7 Boxed Cartridge Belt
488 Lewis MkI Magazine
364 TLG-3
389 The key
392 The key
How to spawn Panzerkleins (PK IDs)
93⠀⠀Soldier⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀MG81Z
94⠀⠀Engineer⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀PzB41
95⠀⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀MGFF
317⠀Sniper⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀PTRS
318⠀Scout⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀DShK
319⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ShKAS
545⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀PIAT
546⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Boys AT Rifle
547⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Vickers
320⠀Medic⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀LZ Energy Gun
321⠀Grey (Orlov’s)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Gatling
322⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Gatling
482⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀LZ Energy Gun
483⠀Default⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀AGS
544⠀Red with markings⠀⠀ ⠀AGS
549⠀Black Skeleton⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀LZ Energy Gun
551⠀Grey with creatures⠀⠀ AGS
738⠀Boss⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀LZS – Scoped Energy Gun
Some other summonunit IDs
Basic Lua scripts
- Unlike basic console commands, Lua methods are case sensitive.
- The method call from the console must start with the @ symbol.
- Remember that these are functions, so do not forget to place parentheses around the parameters.
This binding places the id of the object pointed to by the mouse into the Lua variable ouc. This variable can then be used when calling Lua methods. In other words, you need this to tell the game which unit’s stats you want to edit.
You may bind it using a console (see link above) or by simply editing the document in the game directory. Let’s say you want to bind it to F2. Open input.cfg, find GAME BINDS section and type
Save it and test it ingame. Try putting your mouse cursor over a character and pressing the button. If you have done everything correctly, a message in the console should appear:
Object saved to variable ouc
Changes the difficulty of the current game to “Impossible”. For other difficulties you should use constants 1 and 2 respectively.
Disables AI of a unit previously placed with obj_under_cur in the variable ouc. To enable it back, the parameter should be set to true. In general, this is a handy way to deal with game “slips” on allies/opponents’ turn.
Causes critical damage #5 to a unit.
Critical’s table. The data may be incomplete and/or inaccurate as I collected it experimentally.
Heals 10 VP.
Removes a unit from the map.
Gives a unit a full set of random perks. For the perks to really be given out, it is necessary that there is already a free space for perks, i.e. it is necessary to increase the level of the unit using UnitSetXPLevel for example.
This one does not require any space for the perk. Moreover, it does not require a perk tree at all. See the table for perk id’s. Specifically for this case – 8 is increased evasion with decreased VP.
Defines the control of the unit. The second parameter is the number of the player to whom the unit is transferred. 0 is you. The presence of other numbers depends on how many players are in the current game zone and is determined by the zone creator. For example, in random encounter 1 is the opponent. There is no clear fixation like “1 – axis; 2 – allies; 3 – neutral”. Usually this one is used after summonunit. Besides, when transferring a unit under the control of a machine, you can set its behavior, for example
@UnitSetFearLogic( ouc )
@UnitSetPanicLogic( ouc )
@UnitSetNormalLogic( ouc )
Set the sniper skill for a unit in ouc to 70.
Full list of what can be changed with this method:
- ST_IC (evasion)
Another function can be used to set the unit level:
Sets the level of the unit to 4. Unlike UnitSetSkillMaxValue( ouc, ST_LEVEL, 4 ), this one will increase the values of attributes and skils, i.e. emulate giving the unit a big chunk of exp.
Kills all enemies on the map.
Silest [mirror] (Russian)[]
If you want even more, feel free to check them out.
And that wraps up our share on Silent Storm: [S2] Cheats/Console Commands Megaguide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Bernd, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!