A comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to get all Steam achievements for the second Shenmue game.
I’m Eerie[linktr.ee] and welcome to another one of my guides.
I will describe through bullet points all the steps taken each day of the second Shenmue game in order to get all achievements. My preferred type of guides are through objective bullet points instead of videos or long texts, so I hope you like this text format.
I’ve followed the same route that YouTuber Aussie Gamer 17 took for this run, but with a tweaked route to save some time. The main difference is that I’m presenting it in text instead of video form, as I personally prefer text guides over video guides.
Disclaimer & Tips
- If you have a Cleared Game File, the game starts 20 days after your ending date from Shenmue 1.
If you don’t have a Cleared Game File from Shenmue 1, the game will start on February 23, 1987 (Monday).
If you’ve followed my first Shenmue Achievement Guide, my playthrough took 19 days and finished on Dec. 21, 1986 (Sun.) , meaning this guide starts on: Jan. 10, 1987 (Sat).
Your starting date will be 20 days after the ending date of your Cleared Game File.
- I’m following the route that YouTuber Aussie Gamer 17 took for this run, but with a slightly tweaked route to save some time. The main difference is that I’m presenting it in bullet points instead of video form, as I personally prefer text guides over video guides;
- The same applies for your starting money. If you don’t have a Cleared Game File from Shenmue 1, you will begin with around HK$ 596. If you have a Cleared Game File, you will start with your Yen ¥ from Shenmue 1 converted to HK$. For reference, I started with HK$ 1,511. Either way, you will lose all of your money quite early in the game;
- This route may not be the most optimal or efficient, but it successfully allows you to collect all trophies;
- When I mention “talk to someone” in the guide, I mean you should talk with the character until all dialogue options are exhausted — even if I don’t explicitly state it. This ensures you might receive new notes for your notebook;
- Press Spacebar to pause the game (and the in-game clock) while using this guide. I recommend pausing rather than reading with the game running, as you might miss out on closed shops or time-specific events;
- Each time you earn an achievement, I’ll update the percentage progression towards completing all 27 achievements in the second Shenmue in this guide;
- I may instruct you to go to certain locations without specifying their exact whereabouts, assuming you’re familiar with the game’s layout. If not, refer to the maps section at the end of this guide to familiarize yourself;
- When I write “chime sound”, I’m referring to the in-game sound that signals your notebook has been updated;
- This is a step-by-step guide, meaning you will get all achievements if you stick to this guide. Try not to spend money in unnecessary stuff that may prevent you from progressing further in the guide (specially early on). If you only spend money on what is being mentioned in the guide, you will be fine;
- Feel free to leave any feedback – I’m always open to hear your thoughts and improve my guides. Have fun!
Continuing from Shenmue 1
Day 1 | Jan. 10, 1987 (Sat.)
- As soon as the intro cutscene ends you will hear a chime sound. Walk forward for an additional cutscene. Choose the Put In option for your first achievement of this game. Achievement – Money For Nothing – 1/27 (3.70%);
- Walk forward for yet another cutscene. Chime sound. Walk forward again and interact with the Fortune Teller to perform a hand reading on you and get yet another achievement. Achievement – Unexpected Visit – 2/27 (7.41%). Chime sound;
- Leave this area to enter the Worker’s Pier and watch yet another cutscene upon walking forward a couple of steps, and your first taste at Arm Wrestling. Choose Challenge for your first match and get your next achievement. If you are playing with Keyboard & Mouse, you will need to mash the Numpad 2 key when the host says “FIGHT“. If it takes too long, there’s a QTE you will need to press. Achievement – Challenger – 3/27 (11.11%). Chime sound;
- Optional (to update notebook) – There’s a guy with a grey suit/outfit just outside where the Arm Wrestling is taking place. Talk to him for a chime sound;
- You will need to defeat him at Arm Wrestling 4 more times to get another achievement. You can do this later in the game if you find it too difficult now, as it’ll get easier later, I personally was able to defeat him 3 more times, but couldn’t get the last one, so Iet’s leave this achievement for later. My suggestion: defeat him, then select No when prompted to challenge him again, so you can save your game and try again each time. This way you don’t lose any money, and in case you get defeated, just load your save;
- Walk past the Arm Wresting warehouse for another cutscene. Chime sound;
- Right after this cutscene walk forward to buy a map and get the Worker’s Pier. After buying the map, place a marker on it by pressing Keypad E or B Button and choosing any marker for another achievement. Achievement – Cartographer – 4/27 (14.81%)
- We will be robbed soon, and to get the next achievement, we need to have less than HK$ 50 when we got stolen, so let’s spend all of our money. Just past the place where you bought your map you will see a man selling watches. Buy all of his watches, exit his store, then re-enter it to have all of his watches available for purchase again. Keep buying all of them until you have less than HK$ 50;
- Keep going forward, past the square with the fountain in the middle, then advance into the houses for a cutscene where you’ll get robbed. If you had less than HK$ 50, then you’ll get the next achievement. Achievement – Big Spender – 5/27 (18.52%);
- Enter Queen’s St., walk forward to interact with the 2 guys drinking beer outside the restaurant for a cutscene. Chime sound;
- Go back to Worker’s Pier and Save Here before the next cutscene. There will be a QTE cutscene that we need to perfectly complete without any wrong prompts to earn the next achievement. If you fail, then load your save. Enter the square with the fountain in the middle (Pigeon Park). Go around the fountain until a cutscene triggers. Chase the boy and complete the QTE for your next achievement. Achievement – Slippery Like An Eel – 6/27 (22.22%);
- Follow the kiddo after yet another cutscene to get the Wong and another achievement. Achievement – Baggage Claim – 7/27 (25.93%). Chime sound;
- Get back to Queen’s St. and to the place where you met the 2 guys at the restaurant outside and continue straight. Cross the bridge and onto the next area, to Green Market Qr.. Walk forward for a cutscene. Continue running forward for yet another cutscene. You will be inside the Come Over Guest House afterwards. Chime sound. Talk to the guy at the reception again to get indications about where you need to go. Chime sound;Enter Room 203;
- Try to leave the Come Over Guest House after entering your room and the guy at reception desk will tell you about rent and Ryo will comment he needs to make some money. Chime sound;
- Talk to him again and ask him about Gambling for another chime sound; Do the same for Pawnshop and Part-time Job to hear a chime sound each;
- Leave the Come Over Guest House to hear a chime sound;
- Enter the Come Over Guest House again to sleep and finish your day.
Day 2 | Jan. 11, 1987 (Sun.)
- Get out of Come Over Guest House but before choose Don’t Pay to the receptionist (we don’t have money to pay anyway;
- Complete your shift carrying some boxes and earn some money;
- Leave this industrial zone by going back to Worker’s Pier. Save the game here and you will find some guys doing Arm Wrestiling behind some crates. Join them to earn some money and complete the Arm Wrestling achievement if you weren’t able to complete it yesterday.
Shenmue Dojo[shenmuedojo.net]
Fortune’s Pier
Lucky Charm Qr.
Pidgeon Park
Queen’s St.
South Carmain Qr.
Scarlet Hills
White Dynasty Qr.
Wise Men’s Qr.
Worker’s Pier
And that wraps up our share on Shenmue I & II: Shenmue 2 | All Achievements Guide | Step-by-Step. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Eerie Goes D, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!