This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help. I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!
Achievement Breakdown: (53)
Story Related: (14)
Missable: (2)
Secondary Objectives: (12)
Character: (3)
Collectibles: (3)
Slay: (8)
Miscellaneous: (7)
Online: (4)
The Achievement Breakdowns for the two DLCs will be found in the respective Sequences they are covered in.*
Unfortunately, we can no longer unlock the Saintified Achievement. This Achievement required you to create an account on & upload your Character to it. This is no longer a provided service, & we do not have the option to do this anymore. There is a workaround we can use however, but it does involve Modding our game; I will explain this more in Sequence 18 of the guide.
For all other Achievements, we only need to complete one full playthrough. Unlike Saints Row the Third, there are in fact a couple Missable Achievements that we will want to watch out for. So long as you don’t progress past the triggers & Save your game, you can easily reload if you accidentally miss one; it is all flagged in the guide.
For almost all of the “Slay Achievements” & enemy kill Challenges in this game, we need to kill Aliens; killing Police or other enemies will not contribute to the Achievements. It is best to focus on earning the Achievements as you play, rather than saving them until the end of the game. It is still possible to do, but farming Aliens because much less ideal in Post Game & will take you much longer to do…
There are lots of Collectibles, we need to collect throughout the game. Fortunately they will all be added to your Map once you purchase the Collectible Finder Ability, & they are not difficult to find. Just tedious… as there is over a thousand of them.
There are two DLC Expansions that are included in the Re-Elected Edition of the game. These are Enter the Dominatrix & How the Saints Save Christmas; simple enough to complete & earn all Achievements in.
For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.
Before You Play!: The Achievements in this game can be pretty buggy & may not always unlock when they are supposed to. Often times, they will unlock the next time you start up the game. To be safe, make multiple Saves & Save often just in case the Achievement does not unlock. Some people may have no issues with Achievements, but for me, I could only unlock them by closing & starting the game up again (having already unlocked them) when the “bug” happened.
As a side note, there is a place to enter Cheat codes in the Extras Tab of our phone. Do not do this, as it will disable us from unlocking Achievements! The only way to undo this is by reloading a previous Save before the Cheat codes were activated. Only mess around with Cheats on a separate Save game, or after you have 100% the game…
Guide contains major spoilers*.
Sequence 1: Leave It to the Saints!
2. Challenge Priority: Kills with Freeze Blast, Distance Super Sprinting, Aerial Time Super Jumping
3. Primary Quests: Purple Ops, Hail to the Chief, Leave It to the Saints, Learn the Rules…
4. Side Quests: Customization
5. Challenges: 2/66
6. Achievements: 5/73
There are no Achievements associated with Difficulty, so feel free to play on whichever you prefer; the lower you set it, certain Challenges will be easier/quicker to complete.
Primary Quest – Purple Ops: For our Tutorial on combat & introduction to Saints 4, the old crew will be taking care of some loose ends from the previous game…
As you will discover, the “over the shoulder” camera angle for this game is abhorrent & will take a bit of time to get used to. Don’t freak out; this is only for this first Mission, & it will go back to what we are used to from SR3 in the next Mission.
Achievement #1 – Zero Saints Thirty: Complete Zero Saints Thirty.
Story Related. Complete the first tutorial Primary Quest, Zero Saints Thirty, & we will unlock this Achievement after accepting all the post mission rewards. Keith David is in this?!
Primary Quest – Hail to the Chief: Briefly reign as the next president of America, & we will promptly be attacked by aliens. Do your best to save the White House…
Achievement #2 – Destroyer-In-Chief: Complete The Saints Wing.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest, The Saints Wing to unlock the Achievement.
Primary Quest – Leave It to the Saints: When we come to after the firefight at the White House… we will be back in the 40s? Or is this October 23, 2077? Either way, it won’t be right as we will find out.
Achievement #3 – There Is No Pancakes: Complete A Pleasant Day.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest, A Pleasant Day to unlock the Achievement… do we get free roam yet?
Achievement #4 – First of Many: Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
Story Related. Now things will start to get rolling, & we will be back in Steelport. For the next linear Primary Quest – The Fundamentals, drive to the Friendly Fire on Stanfield Island & purchase any Weapon plus an Upgrade to unlock this Achievement.
Challenges: Now we finally have free roam unlocked. Like SR3, we also have a slew of Challenges to complete, but fortunately for us, they are much easier & less obscure to unlock… except for a couple. I will try to outline which Challenges you should focus on/are unlocked in each section at the top of every Sequence. Use this as a suggestion, but don’t let it stop you from focusing on other Challenges.
The most important Challenges to work on early, are the “Alien kill Challenges”. Whenever you are fighting Zin or “Alien type” enemies, always try to be working towards a Challenge.
Side Quest – Customization: As our first order of business, let’s knock this Quest out of the way & get ourselves some new clothes in the process.
For customizing our Vehicle, try to stake out & hijack something half decent as the Vehicle will be kept.
Primary Quest – Learn the Rules…: Next up, we will drive around Stanfield Island & collect a few Data Clusters. There are over 1000 Data Clusters in the game, & we will need to find them all for the A Real Cluster… Achievement. Fortunately, like all Collectibles in this game, they can all be marked on our Map with the Collectible Finder Upgrade.
Achievement #5 – Woah: Get your first Super Powers.
Story Related. After collecting some Data Clusters in Primary Quest – Learn the Rules…, we will be able to purchase the Super Sprint & Super Jump Powers.
Do just that & complete the Super Power tutorial as well as a Blaze Activity.
Free Roam Clean Up: Before we continue with the Primary Questline, let’s clean up Stanfield Island & uncover all the ? on our Maps. Complete all Instances of Blaze & UFO Mayhem (at the moment, Medals do not matter though we do need Gold in all of them eventually…) & complete the Tower, Security Deletion, & Flashpoint Targets. Ignore the Virus Collection Targets for now as they can be tricky & will require a few Upgrades; feel free to attempt them if you like.
While we do this, make a point of snagging any Data Clusters in our path. You don’t need to chase every single one you see down, but they are definitely useful & we also will have to grab them all eventually anyways…
Primary Quest – Learn the Rules…: When Stanfield Island is more or less complete to your liking & you have been able to buy yourself a few Upgrades & Super Power Upgrades, continue on with our next objective.
Challenge #1 – Super Powered Beatdowns: This is probably the quickest Challenge to complete. Any enemies we come across, just use our Super Beatdown finisher on them until we accumulate 10 kills; in early game, this is the easiest way to take out Security Deletion targets…
Challenge #2 – Complete One Other Challenge: This will complete after any other Challenge is completed first.
Weapon – Abduct-O-Matic: After completing Challenge #2, we will receive the Abduct-O-Matic Gun. We need to kill 25 Aliens with this Weapon to work towards the Experimental Tech Achievement; there are 5 other Weapons needed for this Achievement as well…
Primary Quest – Learn the Rules…: After we disable all the generators powering the Zin forcefield, we will need to defeat a Warden – the replacement for Brutes.
Killing this Warden will reward us with the Freeze Blast Super Power. Now that we have the Freeze Blast, use it whenever you can while fighting Aliens to accumulate 100 kills for the Chill Out Achievement.
Free Roam Clean Up: Completing this Primary Quest will unlock new Targets & Activities for us to complete on Stanfield Island. Kill Aliens using the Freeze Blast & our Abduct-O-Matic when you can.
Like the Virus Collection Targets, save the new Virus Injection Targets for later on in the game as they are extremely useful for farming kill Challenges!
For the Abduct-O-Matic, you can find a Flashpoint Target & kill all but one or two Aliens, leave the area & come back, & all the Aliens will have respawned making it very easy to farm our 25 kills this way.
Achievement #6 – Don’t Look Down: Be airborne during Super Jumps for a combined 10 minutes of gameplay.
This is actually pretty easy to obtain. If being on foot is your primary method of travel, this will come to you naturally as we explore in between Activities & getting to Data Clusters.
Sequence 2: Follow the White Rabbit
2. Challenge Priority: Kills with Freeze Blast, Distance Super Sprinting, Aerial Time Super Jumping, Time Spent With Homies (Kinzie)
3. Primary Quests: The Escape, Breaking the Law
4. Side Quests: Simulated Instruction, Power Play, Campaign Trail of Destruction
5. Challenges: 5/66
6. Achievements: 10/73
Primary Quest – The Escape: With Stanfield Island more or less complete, let us continue on with the Primary Questline & get out of this simulation. Get to the exit located on Downtown Island & we will wake up in the desert of the real…
Achievement #7 – Don’t Panic: Complete The Real World.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest – The Escape, & return back to the Simulation to unlock this Achievement.
Homie – Kinzie: With this Quest complete, we now unlock Kinzie as a Homie. For the Back In the Day Achievement, we need to have past Saints Row characters in our Squad for at least 2 hours. Whenever possible, call up Kinzie & have her follow you around.
DLC: Along with some new content, we will also unlock all of the DLC content after completing Primary Quest – The Escape as well. Ignore Side Quest – Enter the Dominatrix for now, as we will save that for later…
Dubstep Gun (DLC Remix): As part of the Re-Elected Edition of Saints Row 4, we will obtain the Dubstep Gun DLC Remix Weapon that we can equip from any Friendly Fire or Gateway. This Weapon does count towards are requirements for getting 25 kills with the Dubstep Gun for the Experimental Tech Achievement.
Free Roam Clean Up: Now it is time to move on to Carver Island & complete the available Activities & Flashpoint, Security Deletion, the Tower, as well as the Hotspot. Remember to get as many Freeze Blast (Shatter) kills as you can against the Aliens while we do this.
Achievement #8 – Better This Way: Customize the style of all the Weapons on your radial.
With our new DLC content giving us a bunch of new Weapons, go to any Friendly Fire or Gateway & equip a new Weapon to all 7 different slots of our radial menu. Then, go into each of them (not counting our Fists) & go to Customize. Select a different Skin for each Weapon to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #9 – Ooo A Piece of Candy!: Find 100 Data Clusters.
If you collected a good chunk of these during our free run across Stanfield Island, you will most likely unlock this Achievement as we do the same around Carver Island.
Challenge #3 – Freeze Shatters: Use Freeze Blast & Shatter kill 100 Aliens. Any Aliens we see, be sure to Freeze them with Freeze Blast, then kill them while they are frozen. This is best done when eliminating Flashpoint Targets, but can be farmed at any point through the game.
Achievement #10 – Chill Out: Freeze & Shatter Kill 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power.
We will unlock this Achievement after completing the Challenge – Freeze Shatters.
Challenge #4 – Super Jump Air Time: This will also come naturally to us as we explore around the Simulation. If you are using on foot travel as your main means of exploration, then air time during the Super Jump will be a given…
Challenge #5 – Distance Super Sprinted: This is also a cumulative Challenge that will come through natural progression. For this Challenge, we need to accumulate 25 miles through using Super Sprint.
Side Quest – Simulated Instruction: As we complete Activities on Carver Island, completing an Instance of Fraud & Tank Mayhem will complete this Side Quest…
Primary Quest – Breaking the Law: For our next Primary Quest, we will learn how to Hack Stores (if you have not already done so as the option was available to us for a bit now). This Quest will also introduce us to two new Challenges: destroying Portals & catching Golden CIDs.
Text Adventure #1: We will also receive our first Text Adventure for completing this Quest as well. There is a Challenge & an Achievement for finding all 8 of them; they are marked on our Map when we get the Collectible Finder Upgrade.
Zinyak Statues will also get added to the Map as well; there is a Challenge for destroying all of them.
Side Quest – Power Play: Get to the Gateway on Stanfield Island & return back to the Ship. Go & see Kinzie & speak with her about her Side Quest.
We can also Romance Kinzie right away as well; don’t worry, it is non-committal.
Side Quest – Campaign Trail of Destruction: Before we return to the Simulation, go & see Keith David on the Ship as well & speak to him about his Quest.
Side Quest – Power Play: Back in the Simulation, go to the marked Virus Injection Target & complete it. With that done, we will have to complete a second one; get as many Portal kills as you can.
Quickly pop back to the Ship to turn in this Quest to Kinzie.
Side Quest – Campaign Trail of Destruction: Now it is time to move on over to the third Island, Downtown. Get to the Quest marker, & it will be an Easy Difficulty Mayhem Activity.
There were quite a few other tasks involved with this Quest, but there is a good chance you will have already done them all.
Side Quest – Campaign Trail of Destruction: Report back to the Ship to turn in the Quest.
Dupstep Gun: We will receive the Dupstep Gun for completing this Quest. We need to kill 25 Aliens using it; if you used the DLC Remix version of this Weapon to get your 25 Alien kills, that should be fine.
Side Quest – Executive Orders: We will receive our next Side Quest from Keith David right away after turning in the previous Quest – it has three tasks we need to complete for it…
Sequence 3: Were It So Easy
2. Challenge Priority: Time Spent With Homies (Kinzie), Distance Travelled In Alien Vehicles, Super Kick Vehicles, Super Kick Aliens
3. Primary Quests: Breaking the Law
4. Side Quests: Executive Orders, The Simulation Recognizes, Supreme Justice
5. Challenges: 13/66
6. Achievements: 11/73
Primary Quest – Breaking the Law: Go to the Broken Shillelagh, & we will enter a Super Power Tutorial for the Fire Blast.
Now that we have the Fire Blast, we can begin clearing out Downtown Island; whenever we encounter Aliens, be sure to kill them with this Super Power for our next Slay Achievement.
Challenge #6 – Vehicles Super Kicked: This is a super easy Challenge to complete, if you have not already done so. Approach any 10 different Vehicles, & use Melee on them to perform a Super Kick.
Challenge #7 – Complete Six Other Challenges: This Challenge will unlock after we have completed any six other Challenges.
Side Quest – Executive Orders: Complete the Security Deletion, Flashpoint, & Hard Fraud Activity marked by Keith David; the Fraud Instance is found on New Colvin Island.
Once those are complete, we will get three more tasks to complete being taking out a Hotspot, a Virus Collection (which will unlock the Chrome Void for us to use), & an Easy UFO Mayhem Activity (completing this will also add the regular Void to our Heliport as well).
Now that we have an aerial Alien Vehicle, whenever you return to the Simulation from a Gateway, grab a Void & use it as much as you can to work towards the Distance Travelled In Alien Vehicles. You can also instantly enter one if you call up the Vehicle Delivery on your Phone.
With all the tasks completed, return back to Keith David on the Ship.
Side Quest – The Simulation Recognizes…: We will receive our third Side Quest from the Arbiter after completing the previous one. Return to the Simulation & complete another four various tasks. Complete a Flashpoint, Virus Injection, Virus Collection, & a Medium Blazin Activity.
Once these are complete, report back to Keith David on the Ship.
Side Quest – Supreme Justice: This is our final Side Quest we will receive from Keith David. Return back to the Simulation & we will have two tasks to complete: a Rift Activity & clearing out a Flashpoint.
Once that is complete, we will be tasked with completing the Downtown Tower. Report back to Keith David on the Ship to turn in this Quest.
Achievement #11 – Actor-Turned-Politician:
Do everything you can for your Veep — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all 4 Side Quests given to us by the one & only, Keith David, to unlock this Achievement.
Free Roam Clean Up: Now it is time for another session of Free Roam clean up, this time on Downtown Island. Complete all Flashpoint, Hotspot, Tower, Security Deletion as well as all Activities on this Island.
While we do this, be sure to have Kinzie accompany you as a Homie & kill as many Aliens as you can using the Fire Blast. As an aside, you can kill all non-Alien enemies with the Abuct-O-Matic to begin working towards the Targets Abducted Challenge.
For Hacking Stores, I strongly recommend purchasing the Hacking – Extra Time Bonus Upgrade to increase how much time we have to Hack. The Stores here are actually pretty tough & may take a few tries. Work from both the start & the end back towards each other & Clear spaces when needed to get the two ends to meet up.
When you accumulate a Wanted Level, always go to chase down the Golden CIDs that appear to remove it; we need to destroy 100 of them for a Challenge…
Challenge #8 – Aliens Super Kicked: When you approach an enemy & Melee them (not while sprinting for a Super Beatdown) you while either punch them in the member or perform a Super Kick. When we come across Aliens, walk up to them (not sprint) & use Melee for a chance to Super Kick them. Kill 10 Aliens this way to complete the Challenge.
Challenge #9 – Platforming Rift Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #10 – Platforming Rift Gold Medals: There are only three Instances of the Platforming Rift Activity. One is found on Stanfield Island, one on Downtown Island, & the final Instance on the star island in the Southeast corner of the map with the large statue.
For this Activity, you really need to stick the landing as often as possible for maximum points. I found the Medium & Hard Instance easier to get Gold on as there were more opportunities for points & time to get a better Speed Bonus.
Challenge #11 – Insurance Fraud Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #12 – Insurance Fraud Gold Medals: There are four Instances of the Insurance Fraud Activity we need to complete. One is on Carver Island, two on Downtown Island, with a final Instance found on New Colvin Island.
Insurance Fraud can be tricky, especially the Hard Instances. Chaining your Combo is the best means of earning a good score; this does not always have to be done in the Bonus Areas. Super Sprint then Super Jump into the air to get good momentum, then just smash yourself into as many Vehicles, lampposts, buildings, etc. while going as fast as possible & not losing your speed. Take yourself all across the different Districts if you have to, chaining as high of a score as you can without stopping. You can “easily” chain scores over 300,000 in single runs if you keep your momentum going.
Challenge #13 – Complete 12 Other Challenges: Another throw away Challenge that will unlock after we complete 12 other Challenges…
Sequence 4: You Pass Butter
2. Challenge Priority: Time Spent With Homies (Kinzie), Distance Travelled In Alien Vehicles, Destroy Portals
3. Primary Quests: Ghost In the Machine
4. Side Quests: N/A
5. Challenges: 21/66
6. Achievements: 13/73
Free Roam Clean Up: We may as well bomb over to New Colvin, & complete the Flashpoints, Hotspot, Tower, Security Deletions, Store Hacks, & Activities to finish things off & get decent Cache Transfers.
Challenge #14 – Distance Travelled In Alien Vehicle: If you have been making good attempts to always use Vehicle Delivery & fly around in Voids, you should be well on your way to completing this Challenge. Activities like UFO Mayhem & certain Tank Mayhem Instances also contribute to this Challenge. 150,000ft sounds like a lot but is definitely manageable.
Worst case is, you just fly circuits around Steelport at the end of the game to complete the last few miles you need… With this Challenge complete, go back to using your Super Sprint to travel around to continue working towards the And I Ran… Achievement.
Challenge #15 – Time Spent With Homies: Roll with Kinzie for 2 hours as we do our clean up around Steelport & this Challenge will complete over time; it will most likely unlock sooner due to us technically having other Homies earlier on in the game.
Achievement #12 – Back In the Day: Spend 2 hours outside of Missions with past Saints Row characters as your Homies.
This will unlock shortly after completing the previous Challenge if you have been rolling with Kinzie as often as you can. Later on in the game, we can roll with Pierce, Shaundi, & a few other Characters from Saints Row 3 to also work towards this Achievement…
Challenge #16 – Blazin Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #17 – Blazin Gold Medals: There are 9 total Instances of Blazin that we need to earn Gold Medals on. We can find three on Stanfield Island, three on Carver Island, one om Downtown Island, & two on New Colvin Island.
Blazin is a pretty straight forward & not too difficult Activity to earn a Gold Medal on. Just follow the green orbs along & you will have more bonus time then the Activity counter can subtract. Upgrading your Super Sprint & Super Jump will greatly assist your efforts…
Challenge #18 – Speed Rift Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #19 – Speed Rift Gold Medals: There are a total of 3 Instances of Speed Rift we need to earn Gold Medals on. Two can be found on Carver Island, with the final Instance located on New Colvin Island.
These can be tricky to complete & a lot of your success hinges on activating your Burst to destroy Alien barricades to increase your point multiplier.
Challenge #20 – Complete 19 Other Challenges: We will complete this Challenge after we finish our 19th other Challenge. It’s simple.
Steel Port Clean Up: Complete all: Store Hacks, Security Deletions, Towers, Hotspots, Flashpoints & Activities that are available to us. Ignore the Virus Injections & Virus Collections for now.
Challenge #21 – Destroy Portals: As we complete certain Primary Quests, Hotspots, & especially in Virus Injections we will be encountering Portals. Destroy as many as you can when you come across them; destroy 30 to complete this Challenge.
Primary Quest – Ghost In the Machine: When our previous business has been taken care of, & we have some decent Cache Transfer going on, let’s continue on with the main storyline.
Bounce Gun: Travel to our original apartment Crib, then over towards a Hotspot location to collect the Bounce Gun; be sure to accumulate at least 25 Alien kills using this Weapon…
Primary Quest – Ghost In the Machine: Once you have hacked one of the CIDs, escape to a nearby rooftop & shoot down all Aliens/Alien Vehicles that come at us using the Bounce Gun.
If you are on the roof, the regular human Cops won’t be able to attack us. We will need to go to a few different locations to increase our bandwidth; use the Bounce Gun for all Alien kills! We should get well over our needed 25 kills during this Quest…
After we speed up the download too fast, quickly return to the CID & cool it off using our Freeze Blast.
When we defeat the Warden at the end of the Primary Quest, we will unlock the Telekinesis Super Power. We will need to accumulate 100 Alien kills with it to unlock the Here! Catch Achievement.
Achievement #13 – Ghost In the Machine: Download a new ally into a robotic body.
Story Related. Complete the first task of Primary Quest – Ghost In the Machine to unlock this Achievement.
Primary Quest – Ghost In the Machine: For the next half of this Quest, we will be tasked with completing an Instance of Professor Genki’s M.O.M. Activity…
Sequence 5: Deliver Us
2. Challenge Priority: Alien Telekinesis Kills, Aliens Taunted
3. Primary Quests: Zero Cool
4. Side Quests: Obey, Obey (Again), Gateway, White Rabbit, White Light/White Heat, A Whiter Shade of Pale, White Wedding
5. Challenges: 28/66
6. Achievements: 17/73
With the Telekinesis Super Power now unlocked, new Activities will appear around Steelport that we can now complete & earn Gold Medals on.
Whenever we encounter Aliens now, be sure to run up right in front of as many as you can & Taunt them for the Aliens Taunted Challenge…
Challenge #22 – Genki’s M.O.M. Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #23 – Genki’s M.O.M. Gold Medals: There are three Instances of Genki’s Mind Over Murder. One is found on Stanfield Island, with the final two Instances on Carver Island. This just boils down to speed basically. Start with the more specific targets before moving on to people/vehicles as by the time you are finished hitting the specific ones, there should be more than a few Mascots & their Golf Carts nearby to throw.
There are also three Genki Holiday Special Activity that are added in by the How the Saints Save Christmas DLC. Completing these also counts towards these Challenges, but is also optional if you do not… for now.
Challenge #24 – Telekinesis Rift Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #25 – Telekinesis Rift Gold Medals: There are only two Instances of Telekinesis Rift – one on Downtown Island & one on New Colvin. We have unlimited usage of Telekinesis during this Activity, so make the most of it, & spam the Super Power to keep your health up. Ultimate defence is the ultimate offense?
Side Quest – Obey: Now that our clean up is out of the way, report back to the Ship & speak with our newest Homie, CID, to receive a new series of Side Quests.
For their associated Achievement, we can also Romance them right off the bat. Don’t over think it…
If you cleared out the majority of the Simulation, most of this Side Quests tasks will already be completed. What may not, might be a Virus Injection that you may have to still complete.
Challenge #26 – Telekinesis Kills: For this Challenge we simply have to kill 30 Aliens using Telekinesis; enemies killed in Virus Injections also count as “Aliens”.
We still need to kill another 70 Aliens using Telekinesis to unlock the Here! Catch Achievement.
Side Quest – Obey (Again): For CID’s next Side Quest, we will need to clear out a Flashpoint & another Virus Injection (amongst other Targets/Activities if you have not already done so).
Side Quest – Obey (One More Time): Complete CID’s final Side Quest, & we will unlock the Lightning Element for Telekinesis; this is needed for completing a Challenge.
Achievement #14 – Machine Man: Do everything you can for CID — Quests &… everything.
Complete CID’s Side Quests as well as perform a vibrating “Romance” with them to unlock this Achievement. You may have to speak with CID a final time after completing the three aforementioned objectives.
Achievement #15 – Maximum Stopping Power: Upgrade one Weapon to the max
Since we should have a good Cache Transfer rate by this point, & should have taken a good chunk out of our Character Upgrades, we can start chipping away at Weapon Upgrades.
Choose your favorite Weapon (I chose the Heavy SMGs) & max out Accuracy, Clip Size, Damage, & Reload Speed to Level 5 as well as purchase the Special Ammo Upgrade for the Weapon to unlock this Achievement.
Primary Quest – Zero Cool: Be aware that one of our two Missable Achievements takes place during this Primary Quest!
Achievement #16 – You Chose… Poorly: Surrender when given the chance.
Missable. Go to the Broken Shillelagh & enter into Matt Miller’s cyber-scape. Complete the tank sequence, & the bike sequence to be teleported into the prison. Zinyak will then give us a choice: enter the Blue Door or the Red Door.
The Blue Door is how we complete the Primary Quest – choose the Red Door instead to unlock this Achievement! If you accidentally pick the Blue Door first, we will be unable to replay this Primary Quest & you either have to reload a previous Save… or restart the entire game.
Kill yourself, & save the human race to unlock this Achievement after skipping the end game Credits & receiving the FAILED menu.
Primary Quest – Zero Cool: Retry from your last Checkpoint & walk through the Blue Door this time. Complete the Text Puzzle that will lead up to us pep talking Matt Miller into defeating Killbane in a fight. When we get to that point, just don’t stop punching…
With Killbane clunked, Matt Miller will be free… free to wander around Zinyak’s ship in the nude. Is that really air you’re breathing?
Side Quest – Gateway: With Matt Miller “saved”, we will have unlocked a new Side Quest to complete from Kinzie. Complete the random tasks she gives us to do in the Simulation & return to her to finish the Side Quest.
Side Quest – White Rabbit: We will have another set of tasks we need to complete for Kinzie in the Simulation.
Side Quest – White Light/White Heat: After completing the previous Side Quest for Kinzie, will be given another one full of more random tasks that we have ideally already completed a lot of…
Side Quest – A Whiter Shade of Pale: I guess we will keep getting Side Quests from Kinzie until we unlock all 10 Gateways around the Simulation…
Challenge #27 – Aliens Taunted: Whenever we encounter Aliens, especially during Virus Injection Targets, try to Taunt as many as you can.
Virus/Glitched Mascots also count as Aliens for the purposes of “Alien based” Challenges or Achievements.
Challenge #28 – Complete 27 Other Challenges: We will complete this throwaway Challenge after completing our 27th Challenge.
Achievement #17 – Here! Catch!: Kill 100 Aliens with the Telekinesis Super Power.
If you have been religious in killing all Aliens you come across (or Virus/Glitched Mascots from Virus Injections) using Telekinesis then you will be well on your way to unlocking this Achievement.
Kills only count if you physically pick the Alien up & throw them with Telekinesis, not by throwing Vehicles or objects into them using Telekinesis.
Unsure if throwing an Alien into another Alien with Telekinesis will count for two kills or only one…
Side Quest – White Wedding: Complete the final Side Quest from Kinzie we need for the next stretch of the game…
Sequence 6: Tech Bros
2. Challenge Priority: Destroy Alien Vehicles, Alien Telekinesis Kills, Alien Super Stomp Kills
3. Primary Quests: Zero Cool, Anomalous Readings
4. Side Quests: The Pledge, The Turn, To Prestige
5. Challenges: 40/66
6. Achievements: 19/73
Primary Quest – Zero Cool: When we are done with Kinzie’s Side Quests, activate this next Primary Quest & speak with her on the Ship. Now we have Power Armor…
While using the Power Armor, kill as many Murderbots as you can as well as walk around a fair bit… cause Challenges.
When we are rescued by the Ship, we will need to complete a turret sequence & shoot down all pursuing Alien Aircraft.
Challenge #29 – Destroy Alien Vehicles: This will most likely come naturally to us as we complete the game. Whenever we are fighting hordes of Aliens, be sure to make a point of destroying their Vehicles; Explosive Blast is extremely effective at doing this in early game.
Achievement #18 – Didn’t Need to See Him Naked: Complete Matt’s Back.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest – Zero Cool & unlock Matt Miller as a new Homie to unlock this Achievement.
Primary Quest – Anomalous Readings: Before we can do anything, we will have to re-enter the Simulation. Once we do, we will be ambushed by a Warden. Kill it & we will receive our next Super Power, Stomp.
Like our other Super Powers, we will need to get 100 “Alien” kills to unlock the Pounding the Pavement Achievement.
Carry on in the Simulation, & we will have some new Activities unlocked. Complete the marked Instance of Fight Club
Challenge #30 – Arc Lightning Hits: We will unlock the Lightning Element for Telekinesis after completing CID’s final Side Quest. Equip it, & get 10 kills using its effects to complete this Challenge.
Free Roam Clean Up: Head around to polish off the newly acquired Activities.
Keep the Virus Collections & Virus Injections active for later Achievements!.. Virus Collections being only saved for difficulty keeping Vehicles alive at the moment.
Challenge #31 – Vehicular Mayhem Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #32 – Vehicular Mayhem Gold Medals: There are six different Instances of Vehicular Mayhem we need to earn Gold Medals on to complete this Challenge. These different Activities are: two Instances of UFO Mayhem, two Instances of Tank Mayhem, & two Instances of Suit Mayhem.
All of these are very easy to earn Gold Medals on. Just build up that Combo & build up the destruction.
Challenge #33 – Throw People With Telekinesis: This Challenge applies to all enemies, not just Aliens. Throw enemies 100 times to their death using Telekinesis.
Challenge #34 – Super Power Fight Club Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #35 – Super Power Fight Club Gold Medals: There are only three Instances of Fight Club we need to earn Gold Medals on. The key is just cycling between all of your Super Powers to reset their cooldown periods. When the Bosses show up, focus on them, & kill the other enemies that appear as collateral.
Challenge #36 – Alien Kills: This will unlock naturally for us over our 100%. 1000 Alien kills sounds like a lot, but we have not even scratched the surface of the amount of Aliens we will be killing – probably three times this amount for a few more Achievements.
Also, more enemies than just Zin count as Aliens oddly enough. This works in our favor.
Challenge #37 – Complete 36 Other Challenges: This will unlock after we complete our 36th Challenge.
Challenge #38 – On Foot Mayhem Silver Medals: See below.
Challenge #39 – On Foot Mayhem Gold Medals: There are seven different Instances of the “On Foot” Mayhem Activity we need to earn Gold Medals on. There are four Instances of basic Mayhem & three Instances of Telekinesis Mayhem.
Ignoring the three Genki Holiday Special Activities, we will now have completed all Base Game Activities, & can earn Gold Medals on them all for their associated Challenges…
Side Quest – The Pledge: Now that he is here, meet up with good ol’ Matt Miller on the Ship… & let’s start up another Side Quest slog.
Also… for his Achievement… make sure you follow through, & call him the next Nyteblade if you catch my drift.
Collectible Finder: Completing this Side Quest is extremely important as it will unlock the Collectible Finder Upgrade for us. As of now, all Collectibles required for Challenges & Achievements are now marked on our Mini-Map. Since we are still early in the game, don’t really worry about making a deliberate effort to track them all down yet (unless you really want to). We still have a lot of other tasks & Quests to do first & can just collect what we come across for now & chip away at them…
To view them on the World Map, you need to scroll down on the legend & have only “Collectibles” selected.
Certain Collectibles also only appear when we complete specific Primary Quests later on as well. Locating all the Collectibles is also best done when working towards the Switch Hitter Achievement & swapping to the opposite Gender for 2 hours of gameplay.
Side Quest – The Turn: Do some more tasks for Matt, & return back to him on the Ship.
Side Quest – The Prestige: Complete even more tasks for Matt Miller & finish his last Side Quest.
Challenge #40 – Ground Stomp Stuns: If I am honest, I don’t 100% know what stunning any enemy looks like let alone what the point is. Either way, as we work towards killing 100 Aliens using our Super Stomp, we will inevitably complete this Challenge.
This Challenge counts Stomp Stuns against all enemies, not just Aliens.
Loyalty Quest – Nytefall: Meet with Matt Miller at the classic 3 Count Casino on Carver Island & fulfill some wish fulfillment of the highest order.
Achievement #19 – Paranormal Bromance: Do everything you can for Matt — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all of Matt Miller’s Side Quests, his Loyalty Quest… as well as Romance him, at least once back on the Ship, to unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 7: Haunted By the Past
2. Challenge Priority: Tentacle Bat Beatdowns, Telekinesis Health Steal Kills, Alien Super Stomp Kills, Bounce Rifle Kills
3. Primary Quests: Back By Popular Demand
4. Side Quests: Payback, Under Pressure, Something to Prove, Secret Admirer, The Solid, Shaundi’s List, Girls Night Out
5. Challenges: 44/66
6. Achievements: 22/73
Primary Quest – Back By Popular Demand: Go to the Broken Shillelagh & we will pass through a portal to a different dimension. The Morning Star airliner prison they have Johnny Gat trapped in.
While we do not have our Powers here, the Morning Star do count as Aliens, & can be Taunted for the Taunt “Aliens” Challenge…
Disintegrator Gun: It won’t be Johhny’s prison, but Shaundi’s. As we rescue her, we will be gifted the Disintegrator Gun to begin permanently deleting an infinitely respawning enemy. We will need to make a point of accumulating at least 25 Alien kills with this Weapon as well…
Free Roam Clean Up: Technically as of this point, we will be shortly unlocking the other remaining Homies soon & they all have Side Quests to complete. If you have not already done so, you may as well go around & clear out the final Flashpoints, Virus Injections, & Virus Collections.
Doing this will make blasting through their Side Quests very quick as we will not even have to leave the Ship.
Take advantage of all the “Alien” kills we will get at the Virus Injections & get as many kills with the Super Stomp as you can. Also while we do this, instead of using Golden CIDs to remove our Wanted Level, play them out to maximize our Alien kills & defeat the Warden that will arrive at the very end as often as you can.
Challenge #41 – Tentacle Bat Beatdowns: Unlocked a long time ago, equip the Tentacle Bat as our current Melee Weapon & get at least 30 kills with it to complete this Challenge. Easy.
Challenge #42 – Health Stolen: Steal the health of 10 Aliens using the Life Steal Element for Telekinesis; we unlock this Element by completing Side Quest – Obey for CID.
Achievement #20 – Pounding the Pavement: Kill 150 Aliens with the Stomp Super Power.
Using Virus Injections to boost kills for this Achievement is very useful. The Super Stomp takes about two uses to actually kill an Alien/enemy which makes it pretty tedious to farm. Have the Rock Element equipped to it as I am pretty sure the Explosive Kills from the Explosion Element do not actually count for the Achievement.
This can be farmed at the end of the game if need be.
With this Achievement done, use the rest of the Virus Injections or Flashpoints to get kills for our Disintegrator, Dubstep Gun, Bounce Rifle, & or the Abduct-O-Matic.
Challenge #43 – Bounce Rifle Kills: Of all our current Experimental Tech Weapons, accumulating the needed 250 Bounce Rifle kills is not actually too difficult as it is very easy to use. Polish off the last few Flashpoints & Virus Injections using this Weapon; swap to one of the other Experimental Tech Weapons if it needs to charge…
This can be farmed at the end of the game if need be.
Achievement #21 – Halfway Home: Complete all open world gameplay in two Districts of the Simulated city of Steelport.
To unlock this Achievement, we need to complete all Activities, Targets, Stores Hacked, & have all Gateways open on 2/4 Islands.
Collectibles as well as Co-op Activities do not contribute to this Achievement.
Challenge #44 – Alien High Notoriety Time: For this Challenge, we need to spend over 20 minutes of cumulative game time while having a high Wanted Level. For farming out all the “Alien kill” Challenges/Achievements, this Challenge will complete naturally over the course of our 100%.
With all Activities, Targets, & Stores Hacked, we can now blast through all of our Homie related Side Quests.
Side Quest – Payback: Now that we have Shaundi unlocked as a Homie, we can complete all of her available Side Quests.
Be sure to Romance her as well.
Side Quest – Under Pressure: Complete Shaundi’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship.
Side Quest – Secret Admirer: Complete Shaundi’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship.
Side Quest – Something to Prove: With Shaundi’s Side Quests complete, go over & speak with “Fun” Shaundi now. She won’t have any unique Quests, & it is more of the same task driven busy work.
Side Quest – The Solid: Complete “Fun” Shaundi’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship.
Side Quest – Shaundi’s List: Complete “Fun” Shaundi’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship.
Loyalty Quest – Girls Night Out: For this Side Quest, we need to go to the Thunder Pump gas station & meet up with Shaundi… the Shaundis. Smoke some lightbulb drugs to give you an edge, & we will go after Veteran Child.
All enemies we fight during this Quest count as “Aliens”, so be sure to get in a bunch of Experimental Tech kills or Super Power kills.
Achievement #22 – The Two Shaundis: Do everything you can for Shaundi — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all Side Quests for both Shaundi & for “Fun” Shaundi. Romance regular Shaundi & complete their Loyalty Mission as well to unlock this Achievement; it can all be done in any order.
Sequence 8: Assembling the Team
2. Challenge Priority: Tentacle Bat Beatdowns, Telekinesis Health Steal Kills, Alien Super Stomp Kills, Bounce Rifle Kills
3. Primary Quests: The Boss Goes to Washington, King of Stillwater, From Asha With Love
4. Side Quests: Fun Trumps All, Back to Basics, Embrace the Crazy, Pump Up the Volume, King of the Dance, Three Count Royale, Live & Let Die, Saint Finger, Training Day
5. Challenges: 52/66
6. Achievements: 24/73
Primary Quest – The Boss Goes to Washington: Go to the Broken Shillelagh & we will return to the Saint’s Tower to save Pierce from an army of Saint’s Flow Mascots. Naturally. Grab your guns, & help Peirce take out Paul.
Side Quest – Fun Trumps All: Complete Pierce’s tasks & speak with him again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Be sure to Romance him as well…
Inflato-Ray: We will receive the Inflato-Ray after completing this Side Quest for Pierce; this is one of Experimental Tech Weapons we need to kill Aliens with for a Challenge as well as an Achievement.
Side Quest – Back to Basics: Complete Pierce’s tasks & speak with him again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Side Quest – Embrace the Crazy: Complete Pierce’s tasks & speak with him again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Loyalty Quest – Pump Up the Volume: With Pierce’s Side Quests completed, meet with him in the Simulation & head over to the docks on Stanfield Island. No dubstep though. Re-hash the prologue of Saints Row 3 on the way over, do some stuff, kill some guys, kill Maero, & complete the Quest.
Achievement #23 – The Face of the Saints: Do everything you can for Pierce — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all of Pierce’s Side Quests, Romance him, & complete his Loyalty Quest to unlock this Achievement.
Primary Quest – King of Stillwater: It is time to rescue our next Homie, Benjamin (Censored by Steam) King! Return back to the classic Stillwater & relive some old memories, & put Tanya & Tony back in the ground.
UNLIMTED “ALIENS”: As of now, we will have unlocked Primary Quest – Emergency Situation. Until we beat it, we will be constantly attacked by Morning Star & enemy gangster “Aliens” anytime we are in the Simulation. This means we have an infinite source of “Aliens” to kill for Challenges & Achievements. For now DO NOT COMPLETE THIS PRIMARY QUEST! It will be far more grindy & tedious otherwise…
Loyalty Quest – King of the Dance: We can earn Benjamin King’s Loyalty Quest right off the bat after we rescue him from the Prison Dimension. Ignore the infinite “Aliens” attacking us (you can get some Experimental Tech or Super Power kills off if you want – absorb all the viruses, do a sexy dance, & kill Tanya with a “Y”.
Primary Quest – From Asha With Love: For our final main Homie, we will go & rescue Asha who we met during the Prologue of the game. Go to the Broken Shillelagh & lucky us, we have a repeat of the terrible “over the shoulder” cam experience.
Help her kill us & break her out of the Prison Dimension.
Side Quest – Three Count Royale: Complete Asha’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Be sure to Romance her as well…
Side Quest – Kill & Let Die: Complete Asha’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Side Quest – Saint Finger: Complete Asha’s tasks & speak with her again aboard the Ship to finish the Side Quest.
Loyalty Quest – Training Day: For Asha’s Loyalty Quest, meet her on Carver Island & complete a fan fic VIP protection fantasy with her.
Achievement #24 – On Her Saint’s Secret Service: Do everything you can for Asha — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all of Asha’s Side Quests, Romance her, & complete her Loyalty Quest in any order to unlock this Achievement.
Challenge #45 – Enemies Mind Controlled: With Primary Quest – Emergency Situation still active, this is the absolute perfect opportunity to complete some “Alien kill” Challenges due to the frequent & unlimited assault by “Aliens” (they are Morning Star & VK Gangsters, but they still count). Do not progress this Quest at all & instead camp out & kill unlimited “Aliens”!
Equip the Mind Control Element to our Blast, & Mind Control 10 “Aliens” to complete the Challenge.
Challenge #46 – Gravity Float Kills: Now Equip the Gravity Element to our Super Stomp, use it to levitate “Aliens” & kill them in mid air 10 times to complete this Challenge. Easy.
Challenge #47 – Complete 46 Other Challenges: We will complete this Challenge after we finish our 46th Challenge.
Challenge #48 – Shrunken Enemies Squished: Now equip the Shrink Element to our Super Stomp, use to Shrink “Aliens”, but do not use the standard Melee attack to kill them. Instead, equip your Fists, & try punching the Shrunken enemies to work towards the Challenge. Even though we will stomp them with our Fists equipped, for whatever reason, doing this with the standard Melee attack just doesn’t count.
Challenge #49 – Dubstep Gun Kills: We need to kill 250 “Aliens” using the Dubstep Gun; this Quest is the perfect opportunity to do so.
If you need to swap out Experimental Tech Weapons, or just equip them, quickly sprint to any Friendly Fire, & swap Weapons. If there are too many enemies around, you need to run away & run back or travel to a different Friendly Fire.
The Bounce Rifle & Disintegration Rifle count as Rifles. The Dubstep Gun & Abduct-O-Matic count as Special Weapons, & the Inflato-Ray counts as a Shotgun.
Challenge #50 – Enemies Disintegrated: We need to kill 100 “Aliens” using the Disintegration Gun.
Challenge #51 – Inflato-Ray Kills: We need to kill only 50 “Aliens” using the Inflato-Ray.
Challenge #52 – Targets Abducted: We need to kill 150 “Aliens” by abducting them using the Abduct-O-Matic Gun.
Sequence 9: The Boys Are Back
2. Challenge Priority: Telekinetic Catches, Fire Buff Kills
3. Primary Quests: Emergency Situation, The Very Next Day
4. Side Quests: Ghost Writing, Rising Action, The Climax, WWGD, Closer to 250, Kill Kill Destroy Kill, SR3 Wrap Up
5. Challenges: 54/66
6. Achievements: 30/73
Primary Quest – Emergency Situation: When all of your available “Alien kill” Challenges & Achievements are complete (barring I Am Become Death Achievement unless you really want to) it is time to put an end to the chaos. Navigate around the city & destroy the Relays responsibly for unleashing all of these Clones, with CIDs help.
Challenge #53 – Telekinetic Catches: At the end of the Primary Quest, we will have to defeat the Default Male Character players for Saints Row 4. There are three of them, & they do have Super Powers. Like Wardens, they can pick up objects with Telekinesis & throw them at us.
For this Challenge, we need to catch a Telekinetically thrown object out of mid air 5 times; this is easiest done with cars as they are easier to time when you need to catch. Don’t defeat them right away, & just get your catches in; alternatively, you can just farm this using Wardens later on…
Achievement #25 – Blast From the Past: Complete A Game of Clones.
Story Related. After the Default Characters are defeated, a Warden will show up; when it is defeated, we will obtain the new Buff Super Power.
Like our other Super Powers, we will need to kill 100 “Alien” with the Fire Buff Super Power. We will unlock this Achievement after the rewards menu when we complete the Primary Quest.
Side Quest – Ghost Writing: Return to the Ship, & track down Benjamin King for a throw away Side Quest. Complete the tasks, & unlock the Frost Element for the Super Buff.
Side Quest – Rising Action: Complete tasks for Benjamin King, & return to him to finish the Quest.
Side Quest – The Climax: Complete the final few tasks for Benjamin King, & return to him to finish the Quest & unlock the Lightning Element to the Super Buff.
Achievement #26 – Benjamin [Censored] King: Do everything you can for Ben — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete Benjamin Kings Loyalty Quest, all his Side Quests, as well as the Romance to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #27 – Bringin’ the Heat: Kill 100 Aliens using the Fire Buff Super Power.
By this point in the game, you should be close to if not already at Level 50. Unfortunately, we can’t be utterly invincible like in Saints Row 3, but we can still become pretty tough & have unlimited ammo (not bottomless clip) for all of our Weapons.
Keep the Fire Element equipped to the Buff Super Power, & head on over to the circular military island in between Downtown & New Colvin. Use the Fire Buff at all times & begin burning all of the Aliens that arrive; it appears that only kills earned through the passive fire aura “burn baby burn kills” count towards the Achievement. Kills with buffed bullets do not seem to count (I don’t think).
This is also a good time to get some Murderbot, CID, & Warden kills as well. Killing the Warden will remove our Wanted Level; just go back to shooting people to start the process all over again.
Challenge #54 – Fire Element Ignitions: This is a simple Challenge to complete & will be unlocked during our Fire Buff farming event.
Achievement #28 – How It Should Be: Complete all open world gameplay in the entire Simulated city of Steelport.
If you completed all Activities, Hacked all Stores, & completed all Targets on Stanfield Island, Downtown Island, & New Colvin Island then we will be able to unlock this Achievement after completing the final two Security Deletion Targets on Carver Island.
All Activities must be completed up to Bronze, all Stores Hacked, & all 79/79 Targets completed across all four Islands to unlock this Achievement; Collectibles or Coop Activities do not count.
Primary Quest – …The Very Next Day: Return back to the Ship & this time. This time we are going to go save Johnny. Its Saints of Rage time, baby… which is pretty cool. They do a good job of de-making your character. Be careful with the boss, Warren Williams, as he can potentially be pretty tough & kill you. Jyunichi on the other hand, is not too bad; just use jump attacks or grapples.
When the side scroller adventure is complete, we will switch over to manning the Mech Suit through the Alien Mothership to search for Johnny’s body. Do not rush through this sequence & get as many Mech Suit Kills as you can… because Challenges. Also never stop walking around in the Mech Suit & get as much travel time as you can… because also Challenges.
Achievement #29 – About Time!: Complete Welcome Back.
Story Related. Rescue Johnny from the Alien Mother Ship, unlock our final Super Power Death From Above, & we will unlock this Achievement after finishing the rewards screen.
Side Quest – WWGD: True to form, we have our run of the mill task completion junk we need to now do for Johnny.
Singularity Gun: Completing this Side Quest will reward us with our final Experimental Tech Weapon. We can now make some good ol’ fun Black Holes.
Side Quest – Closer to 250: Task, task, task, talk to Johnny… finish Side Quest.
Side Quest – Kill Kill Destroy Kill: Task, task, task, talk to Johnny… finish Side Quest.
Don’t forget to bro-mance your boy too before you leave the Ship…
Loyalty Quest – SR3 Wrap Up: Meet up with Johnny in the Simulation at the Broken Shillelagh & we will get to compete in a Genki Bowl Arena.
Achievement #30 – Bouncin’ With An Old Friend: Do everything you can for an old friend — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Complete all of Johnny Gat’s Side Quests, his Loyalty Quest, & Romance him to unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 10: I Know Kung-Fu
2. Challenge Priority: Black Hole Gun Kills
3. Primary Quests: Death From Above, The Kinzie Gambit, Talkie Talkie, The Girl Who Hates the 50s, Keymaster
4. Side Quests: The Girl Who Beat Cyrus Temple
5. Challenges: 58/66
6. Achievements: 35/73
Primary Quest – Death From Above: It is now time to unlock our final Super Power. Go back to the Broken Shillelagh & complete the tutorial simulation on how to use it.
For the rest of the game, whenever possible, try racking up “Alien” kills using this Superpower. As well, be sure you have the Black Hole Gun equipped as it is our final Experimental Tech Weapon we need kills for as well.
Achievement #31 – Elementary: Choose a new element for all of your Superpowers.
Now that we have all our Super Powers unlocked, go into the Superpower menu & equip a new Element to all of them (Blast, Telekinesis, Stomp, Buff). This has to be done from the actual Superpower menu & not using the hotbar.
Primary Quest – The Kinzie Gambit: Head over to Kinzie’s Warehouse on Stanfield Island & we will have to fight off an Alien army; Black Hole & Death From Above kills! Take your time, & get as many kills off as you can. When you enter the Genki Arena, solely use the Black Hole Gun & ignore the Turrets.
Things will escalate, & we will have to retreat back to the Ship to fend off an Alien attack.
Achievement #32 – Betrayed: Complete All Hands On Deck.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest – The Kinzie Gambit, & we will unlock this Achievement after the rewards screen.
Primary Quest – Talkie Talkie: Matt will attempt to give us Side Quest busy work disguised as a Primary Quest. If you have finished all Targets & Activities, the Quest will just auto-complete.
Primary Quest – The Girl Who Hates the 50s: Now it is time to locate our VP. Go to Loren Square & storm the federal building. Once we find Keith David, we will be ambushed by Zinyak & sent into a new Prison Dimension.
Challenges #55 – Destroy CIDs: By this point in the game, you should be well on your way to completing this Challenge. Near the end of the Primary Quest, there will be a whole host of CIDs we need to fight that should top you off. If not, this is easily farmed at the end of the game…
Primary Quest – The Girl Who Hates the 50s: Rescue Keith David with the help of Roddy Piper… the man in the kilt, & complete the task.
Achievement #33 – Poodle Skirt: Complete Hello Teacup.
Story Related. Continue on with Primary Quest – The Girl Who Hates the 50s, & meet up with CID. He will take us to where Kinzie was taken; enter into a familiar Prison Dimension, & rescue Kinzie.
Loyalty Quest – The Girl Who Beat Cyrus: With Primary Quest – The Girl Who Hates the 50s completed, we can now unlock Kinzie’s final Side Quest. Meet Kinzie at the Broken Shillelagh & we will need to perform a mini-assault on the new Stag fortification on Armory Island to defeat Simulation Cyrus Temple.
Achievement #34 – The Full Kinzie: Do everything you can for Kinzie — Quests, Loyalty Missions… everything.
Kinzie can be Romanced & have all her Side Quests completed at the very beginning of the game. This Achievement will unlock after we complete her Loyalty Quest (with all other tasks completed as well).
This is our final Loyalty Quest to complete; you MUST make sure these are all done before we complete the final Primary Quest – Grand Finale or we will void our only other Missable Achievement, Saints & Sensibility.
Primary Quest – Keymaster: Now that the team is back to being fully assembled, it is time to figure out how to end this nightmare. With the help of Johnny, go back to Armory Island to collect: the CPU, six Memory Modules, & six Gravity Inhibitors.
Challenge #56 – Targets Blackholed: If you have been using the Black Hole Gun this whole time to get our Alien kills in, this will most likely unlock for you during this Quest; it is easy enough to farm later on…
Challenge #57 – Destroy Murderbots: This should come naturally as we play through the game or farm out our kill Challenges later on; we should have already been well on our way to completing our 60 kills through the Primary Questline.
Challenge #58 – Complete 57 Other Challenges: Complete you 57th Challenge to complete this one…
Primary Quest – Keymaster: Meet up with CID outside Zimos’ old Crib on New Colvin Island & we will need to locate some more pieces to the key. Get the last pieces & steal the super tank to take back to Kinzie’s Crib on Stanfield Island to complete the Quest.
Achievement #35 – Keymaster: Complete Batteries Not Included.
Story Related. Complete Primary Quest – Keymaster to unlock the Achievement.
Sequence 11: Well I Lie, & I’m Easy
2. Challenge Priority: All Collectibles, Super Sprint Distance, Mech Suit Distance, Mech Suit Kills
3. Primary Quests: N/A
4. Side Quests: N/A
5. Challenges: 63/66
6. Achievements: 41/73
As of now we are at the end of the game, our final Primary Quest – Punch the Shark, will complete the main story. Before we do this, let’s mop up our last few Achievements (this can all be done after beating the game too, the only mandatory task is completing all seven of our Homies’ Loyalty Quests).
Before we begin with the mop up, go to any Image As Designed Store & swap your Gender to the opposite sex that you have been playing this entire time. For the Switch Hitter Achievement, we need to accumulate 2 hours of game time playing as a Male & Female Character.
Free Roam Mop Up: Now so long as you have bought the Collectible Finder it is time we navigate across the five Islands & grab all Data Clusters, Audio Logs, & destroy all of Zinyaks Statues; these will all now be marked on your Map if you scroll down to the Collectibles tab.
Go District by District on each Island & snag all the Collectibles we can find in them… There are: 218 Collectibles to find on Stanfield Island, 282 on Carver Island, 270 on Downtown Island (which includes Magarac Island), 210 on New Colvin Island, & only 12 to find on Armory Island.
Whenever you can this whole time, log time using your Super Sprint as well. The And I Ran… Achievement needs us to run an obscene distance while Super Sprinting & it is best to get as much of a leg up on it as you can… Do not use Vehicles & refrain from Super Jumping/Gliding to get between Collectibles.
Achievement #36 – Where’s My Cape?: Purchase all Super Power Upgrades.
Don’t ask me why, but there are far more Data Clusters to collect than needed to purchase all of the Super Powers Upgrades. You only need to collect 1065/1255 to purchase what we need; the other Super Power Upgrades are earned through Side Quests which we should already have finished…
Challenge #59 – Text Adventures Collected: There are a total of 8 Text Adventures we need to collect across Steelport. We can interact with these Text Adventures back on the Ship using a terminal in the lounge area below the Simulation Pods.
Challenge #60 – Audio Logs Collected: There are a total of 39 Audio Logs to collect across Steelport. Most if not all of them are story locked, but at this point in the game, they are all available for us to find.
Achievement #37 – The Whole Story: Find all 39 Audio Logs.
Collect all 39 Audio Logs scattered across Steelport to unlock this Achievement; use the Collectibles tab on our Map to find them.
Challenge #61 – Zinyak Statues Destroyed: There are a total of 36 Zinyak Statues to destroy across Steelport; they will appear & can be marked on the Collectibles tab of our Map.
Achievement #38 – A Real Cluster…: Find all 1255 Data Clusters.
There is a ridiculous amount of Data Clusters we need to collect. Ideally, you were able to smash at least half or so while we completed the previous Sequences, if not, then it will just add more time to your Switch Hitter Achievement…
Achievement #39 – And I Ran…: Super Sprint for 250,000 meters.
Using this as your main form of travel throughout our 100% will easily bang off this Achievement, especially if you really hone in on it for our Collectible mop up. Before the Collectible mop up, I was under just half of the required distance (because I usually Super Jump/Glide around the Map).
Stick to it, & Super Sprint whenever you can; you can save right until the very end of our 100% (after the DLCs) to grind out your remaining distance if you need to…
Achievement #40 – Epic Jump Quest: Jump from the roof of 3 Count to the Nuke Plant, without touching the ground or other rooftops.
For a mop up Achievement we will need to Super Jump from the top of the 3 Count Casino on Carver Island all the way to the Nuke Plant on Stanfield Island without touching the ground or any rooftops.
To start, go to the Port Pryor District on Carver Island & climb to the top of one of the two smoke stacks that are suspending the Kill Bane sign. Open up your Map, & scroll over to the Burns Hill District on Stanfield Island. In the center of the squared area at the North end, will be three large squares in a row; the Nuke Plant is the centermost of these squares. Place your GPS Point on it.
The trick to this Achievement, is though we cannot touch any rooves… we are fully able to Wall Run up the sides of buildings to regain air time. Super Jump off of the 3 Count, & begin gliding towards our GPS Point. When you start losing elevation, charge your Super Jump mid air, & start Wall Running up a tall building. When you reach the top, Super Jump off the wall before you touch its roof.
Be strategic, & scope up tall buildings as you Glide around. When you approach the Nuke Plant, you will notice all the nearby buildings are pretty small; you will want to aim for one of the large apartment buildings just Southeast of it for that final boost. If done successfully, you will unlock the Achievement as soon as you are in close proximity to the Nuke Plant.
Challenge #62 – Mech Suit Kills: If you still need to log some time playing as the opposite sex, we can knock off these next two Challenges. Load up any Instance of Mech Suit Mayhem, & farm out the last kills you need to hit 250. Mech Suit Mayhem Hard is preferable as there are a lot more Zin to kill…
Unfortunately, all Cops or Swat we kill do not count towards this Challenge, only the Zin…
Challenge #63 – Distance Travelled In Mech Suit: If you never stop walking while you farm out our Mech Suit kills, you will also complete this Challenge as well.
Achievement #41 – Switch Hitter: Play for at least 2 hours as a Male Character & 2 hours as a Female Character.
Ideally, this Achievement unlocked for you at some point during our mop up. If it still hasn’t yet, & you do not want to beat the game as the opposite sex to continue logging game time you will have two options. One, you can just idle your game for the last needed minutes.
Or two, you go to Armory Island to start farming Death From Above or Experimental Tech kills. Kill farming using the Wanted Level at this stage in the game is really sub optimal as regular Zin do not spawn through Portals. It is just the leaping Zin, aerial Zin, & those super annoying rolling Turrets. The only kills you can really farm, are CIDs & those leaping Zin which spawn at a trickle.
Either way, after 2 hours have elapsed, your Achievement will unlock & you can revert back to your old character at an Image As Designed.
Sequence 12: Independence Day
2. Challenge Priority: All Remaining Challenges, Alien Super Power Kills
3. Primary Quests: Punch the Shark
4. Side Quests: N/A
5. Challenges: 66/66
6. Achievements: 47/73
Primary Quest – Punch the Shark: Now it is time for the beginning of the end. If all prior business has been completed, & all Side/Loyalty Quests for all of our Homies done, then meet with Kinzie back on the Ship.
As the game suggests, definitely Save before we begin the Grand Finale, just in case.
If all the Loyalty/Side Quests are completed for your Homies, it will not matter what role you assign them to.
Throughout this Quest, when you can, get in as many Super Power kills on the Zin to work towards the I Am Become Death Achievement.
Achievement #42 – Fist Meet Ground: Kill 100 Aliens with the Death From Above Super Power.
Escort the Key to the old Syndicate Tower, & we will enter the internal infrastructure of the Simulation. Our new objective will to use Super Stomp to destroy three Breakers; do not do this yet!
The Aliens are infinite in this area & spawn in groups of three. These are the perfect target for us to grind out 100 kills with Death From Above; be sure you have the Nuke Upgrade purchased. Super Jump as high as you can in the air, then aim for the center of the three Aliens for the best odds of killing them. Leap back up into the air & aim at a new set of Aliens; rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement.
Challenge #64 – Death From Above Kills: Similar to the above Achievement, we need to kill 100 Aliens using the Death From Above Super Power; this is the optimal time to farm it.
Primary Quest – Punch the Shark: Protect CID as he guides the Key through the internal mainframe & we will then have to select our next team for the second objective. Pick them, & we will need to defend/enter a series of Portals; get as many Super Power kills in as you can!
When the Portals are all activated, we will need to quickly escape before it shuts down.
Primary Quest – Punch the Shark: Now we will take our final team into the Zin Mothership to finish the fight; we unfortunately will not have any of our Super Powers for this… that is until we collect the Power Armor, baby!
Then it will be the final boss battle with Zinyak. Damage Zinyak until he hits half health & retreats behind a force field. We then have to throw explosive CIDs through the forcefield to damage him. At this stage, he will begin summoning Zin through Portals; these enemies are infinite & one of the few perfect opportunities for farming the I Am Become Death Achievement. If you have the stomach for it, you can grind out a lot of kills using Super Stomp here, though it is not mandatory.
When you are ready to continue, deplete Zinyak’s health & destroy the three Shield Generators.
Achievement #43 – Saints & Sensibility: Complete Grand Finale after completing all Homie Missions.
Missable. If you completed all Side Quests & Loyalty Quests for our Homies, we will unlock this Achievement at the start of the post game cinematic.
This was very easy to do as you just have to complete all Side Quests listed in the game (not including the two DLC Quests that appear in the Side Quest tab).
Achievement #44 – Imperator: Complete Grand Finale.
Story Related. We will unlock this Achievement at the end of the post game cinematic after we complete the Primary Questline for Saints Row 4.
Post Game Mop Up: As of now, we have the Mech Suit unlocked in our Phone that we can call in. If you have not completed our Mech Suit kills or distance travelled Challenges, be sure to do so.
Achievement #45 – Experimental Tech: Kill 25 Aliens with each: Dubstep, InflatoRay, Bounce Gun, Disintegrator, Abduction, & Black Hole.
While the other “Alien kill” Achievements are loose on the definition of what an Alien actually is, for this Achievement, the kills HAVE to be Zin. If the Achievement does not unlock while earning all of the individual Weapon kill Challenges with these Experimental Tech Weapons, get a Wanted Level here on Armory Island & solely kill the Zin that arrive with each Weapon type until we unlock the Achievement.
If your memory is good, you may even have an idea which Weapon you killed more Alien substitutes with; unfortunately, there is no way to accurately know how far along you are for each Weapon.
Take as many as you can to Armory Island, get a Wanted Level & try your best to keep tally of Zin kills. Swap Weapons when you think your past 25; this is a good time to mop up CID, Murderbot, & Warden kills if you still need them.
Achievement #46 – Zoo Keeper: Kill 25 Wardens.
As we accumulate Experimental Tech kills & Super Power kills, we will be fighting Wardens when our Wanted Level peaks. Grind out the remaining Warden kills you need while working towards our Zin kill Challenges & Achievements…
Challenge #65 – Kill Wardens: Kill an extra 5 more Wardens for 30 Warden kills to complete this Challenge.
Challenge #66 – Complete All Other Challenges: The biggest & last throw away Challenge. This will be our final Challenge to unlock…
Achievement #47 – The Challenge King: Complete all 66 Challenges.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after completing all of the in game Challenges; we do have a final good opportunity for farming “Alien” kills during the second Quest of the Enter the Dominatrix DLC expansion…
64% Complete
Sequence 13: Enter the Dominatrix
2. Achievements: 53/73
DLC Achievement Breakdown: (10)
Story Related: (3)
Secondary Objectives: (3)
Slay: (3)
Miscellaneous: (1)
There are 5 DLC Quests in total to complete for this DLC & they are all accessed from The Ship. There are “Missable” Achievements found on most of the Quests so I strongly recommend that you Save your game after completing each one in case you have to reload.
Though some of the Achievements might seem so, nothing in this DLC is actually Missable. At the end of it, we can individually load up each task of Enter the Dominatrix & replay them to re-attempt Achievements if you missed them; this can also just be remedied by Saving before starting each task as well.
DLC Quest – Save the Planet: When you are ready, start the first of the Quests for this DLC – listed under Side Quests.
Note that while we play through this DLC, there are three Achievements involving Weapon kills using the Mini-Gun (The Brute), Flamethrower (The Flamin’ Brute), & Grenade Launcher (GL G20 Multibomber). When you are not killing enemies with our Super Powers, be sure to be killing them using these Weapons…
Achievement #48 – All Too Easy: Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in Save the Planet.
Story Related. At the end of the first Quest, we will confront Zinyak once again in a final stand off. Though the Achievement alludes that there is a timer to defeat him… this is not the case, & all we need is 5 seconds.
DLC Quest – Meet the Dominatrix: For this Quest, we cannot die at all – not dying for the entirety of the Quest will net us the Indomitable Achievement. I strongly recommend reducing your Difficulty if you are playing on Hardcore to Casual or at least Normal. (I beat this entire 100% on Normal Difficulty & had no issues).
Here we will first encounter the Dominatrix right outside of a Friendly Fire. This is a paramount moment of our 100%. When the Dominatrix escapes, we will fight infinitely spawning “Aliens” like before we completed Primary Quest – Emergency Situation. Do not complete the next task, & we will now grind out a bunch of “Alien kill” Achievements. With the Friendly Fire right beside us, it is the perfect time.
Each spawn wave consists of four Vehicles containing 4 Gimps each for a total of 16 kills every 15 seconds or so. While we do this, be sure to call up our Homie, Velociraptor Ned! If your health starts getting low, use Life Steal Telekinesis.
It is important to note that the Explosive Kills you receive for killing the Gimps in or from their Vehicles do not contribute to the Achievement kills. You must wait for them to exit their Vehicles & carefully pick them off. When no more enemies are around, be sure to destroy their leftover Vehicles so they do not pile up & accidentally steal our kills.
Achievement #49 – Ultimate Hot Potato: Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher.
Of our three DLC Weapons, this is the easiest of them to accumulate as all Explosive Kills with this Weapon equipped DO contribute to the Achievement; though I do still recommend you wait until the Gimps have fully left their Vehicles just in case…
Achievement #50 – OMGWTFBBQ: Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower.
This is the next easiest to accumulate kills for; just line the Gimps up as they exit their Vehicles.
Achievement #51 – Hello Little Friend: Get 250 kills with the Minigun.
This will take the longest, but is fortunately very easy to use. Wait for the Gimps to exit their Vehicles, then mow them down.
DLC Quest – Meet the Dominatrix: When you are finished farming our three Weapon Achievements, it is time to move on, & finally go rescue Pierce. From now on, when you can, revert to killing the “Aliens” with your Super Powers.
Carry on to rescue Donnie & Shaundi. Link up with Kinzie, & fight off this Dominatrix for good in a little boss fight.
Achievement #52 – Walking the Dinosaur: Spend 30 minutes with Raptor Ned as your Homie.
This is pretty easy to accumulate over the course of this DLC; especially during our short farming session for the three Weapons. Whenever you can, have Velociraptor Ned as our Homie & we will inevitably unlock this Achievement.
We can also roll with Ned outside of the DLC as well at any point.
Achievement #53 – Indomitable: Complete Meet the Dominatrix without dying.
If you did not die at all during this Quest, we will unlock this Achievement. Whenever you do get low on health, be sure to regain it all back with Life Steal Telekinesis.
Sequence 14: Exit the Dominatrix
2. Achievements: 57/73
Before you begin this next DLC Quest, I strongly recommend Upgrading the Disintegrator if you have not done so already… it will be relevant for an Achievement.
DLC Quest – At the Races: For this Quest, things will steer more in the direction you first thought it would given the DLC title… Speak with the Dom, & use Telekinesis to put the Dominatrix’ pets back in their cages. For our second task from Dom, we will bump into an old auto-tuned friend… for a fake service.
For the third task, we need to murder the rival jockeys/ponies in an upcoming race, then murder a few waves of Gimps, before finishing off the Dom himself.
Achievement #54 – Rigging the Race: Destroy all the rival pony carts in At the Races.
With the Dom defeated, we will now enter into the actual race itself. For this Achievement, we need to eliminate all of the rival racers before the race ends. Eliminate all the pony carts as fast as you can; this is not actually too difficult to do, especially once the starting carts are eliminated.
Aim for the pony rather than at the rider to kill them faster. If you Upgraded it, the Disintegrator is extremely effective at taking out the pony carts.
The Achievement will unlock before you finish the race if all pony carts (pony & rider) have been fully eliminated. If you cross the finish line, before killing all the pony carts (you’ll know), immediately pause the game & select Retry or Exit Mission; choose to restart the last Checkpoint to start the race over.
Don’t wait too long, or the full DLC Quest will be completed & you will have to wait until the very end of the DLC to replay this Quest..
Be sure you Save before you begin this Quest as we have to restart the entire Quest to attempt the Achievement; reloading from the Checkpoint does not seem to count.
DLC Quest – Pop His Top: For DLC Quest 4, we will be flying The Ship through the insides of the gargantuan Saints Flow can, Paul. This is a linear “railroad” mission, where we just have to steer the ship & shoot as we are taken through the level.
Achievement #55 – Health Inspector: Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in Pop His Top.
After the initial entrance to Paul, we will enter a large chamber with some enemies floating around. When we enter the following tunnel, we will encounter some large lump looking green balls floating in the air; these are the green polyps. The first two will be right in our way, & they will instantly explode if they are shot.
There will be more green polyps up ahead in this tunnel, but they appear directly in the center of the tunnel & are basically impossible to miss. Be sure to shoot them all – flying into them is also an option.
Pass through Paul’s brain, & for the next stretch we will be flying much faster. There will be green polyps in our path, & some are grouped pretty close together. If you are caught off guard, because of how fast we are going, & you accidentally miss some you will have to restart from the very beginning of the Quest. Reloading from the halfway point does not seem to trigger the Achievement, even if you destroyed all green polyps before & after it.
The Achievement will unlock just before you pop Paul’s top when the last green polyp has been destroyed.
DLC Quest – Escape the Dominatrix: Now it is time for the final DLC Quest & fortunately, the final Achievements we need to unlock are Story Related. Once again, as we play through this DLC Quest, take your time & kill as many Gimp “Alien” with your Super Powers if you still need to…
Achievement #56 – Bow to the Boss!: Kill the Dominatrix in Escape the Dominatrix.
Story Related. The Dominatrix will reboot the DLC, but we will see through it. Defeat her in the final DLC boss battle, & unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #57 – Friend of the Raptors: Complete all 5 Missions.
Story Related. Yeah… I can see why this was “cut” from the Saints Movie… Like where did this even come from? Haha… classic Adult Swim.
As of completing the DLC, we can now go back & individually select each task of the Enter the Dominatrix Quest to replay if you need to. Meet the Dominatrix is one of many great viable locations for farming the I Am Become Death Achievement.
77% Complete
Sequence 15: The Saints Save Christmas
2. Christmas Text Adventures: 4/8
3. Letters to Santa: 5/10
4. Achievements: 59/73
DLC Achievement Breakdown: (10)
Story Related: (1)
Secondary Objectives: (5)
Collectibles: (4)
Now it is time for our final DLC, How the Saints Save Christmas; it is accessed through the Ship. There are quite a few Collectibles to find across the three DLC Quests, but fortunately, they can all be replayed should you miss anything…
DLC Quest – Miracle On Third Street: Travel into the future, with Future Shaundi because reasons, & we will be in a snowy reskin of 80s World.
Letter to Santa #1: Directly in front of us, when we first enter 80s World, will be a large stage. On the stage, behind the singers, we can see a large “Dear Santa” Letter; be sure to collect it. There are 10 Letters to Santa in total we need to find throughout this DLC…
DLC Quest – Miracle On Third Street: Go with Future Shaundi now to the Store & collect the Crimson Cowboy & we will have a brief time jump to nightfall. Fight off some Gingerbread Men, shoot at Clawz, & Revive Santa.
Achievement #58 – …A Saint Gets A Gun: Ring all six bells in town in Miracle on 3rd Street.
Our next task is to ring all the bells scattered around town. While they can be rung a number of ways, for the Achievement (though not outright stated) we need to shoot the bells!
There are six bells in total we need to shoot; shoot all six to unlock the Achievement! Activating the bells will also restore all of our Super Powers as well…
Christmas Text Adventure #1: When our task switches to finding the Projector, hold off on doing that. Now that we have Super Jump, we can snag all the random Collectibles scattered around town. Get back to the Mallardson & Darke Store where we stole the Crimson Cowboy, & Super Jump onto its neon sign to collect this Text Adventure.
There are 8 Text Adventures in total to collect throughout this DLC.
Christmas Text Adventure #2: Go after the Projector now, & we will have to fight off a bunch of Gingerbread Men guarding it. Before you break the ice however, look beside the frozen pool to see this Text Adventure next to some Christmas presents.
Letter to Santa #2: Directly North from the frozen pool, leap onto the roof of the building in front of us to find this Letter to Santa on it.
Christmas Text Adventure #3: Break the frozen pool now & use Telekinesis to carry the Projector over to the theater & install it. While we are up here on the theater roof, turn around, & we can find this Text Adventure on its highest point.
Letter to Santa #3: Now head across the parking lot to where the theater screen is & get on top of it to collect this Letter.
Letter to Santa #4: For our next task, we need to protect CID over at the clocktower. Get over to it, & we can find this Letter on the stage set up in front of the building.
Letter to Santa #5: Jump up onto the roof of the clocktower now, & we can find this Letter directly in front of the clock itself.
Christmas Text Adventure #4: Further up on the clocktower roof, we can also find this Text Adventure on one of the lower flat sections of it.
Achievement #59 – Our Gift to You: Find the present in a holiday Mission.
While we are defending CID at the clocktower, go to the very center of the courtyard in front of the building & we can see a large glowing present beside a real sad looking Christmas tree. Collect the present, & we can unlock this Achievement.
DLC Quest – Miracle On Third Street: With all our side tasks done for this Quest, we can now play it through to completion. Defend CID, lick a pole to be the next Ben Franklin (or don’t), & fight off Clawz.
Sequence 16: Deckin’ the Halls
2. Christmas Text Adventures: 6/8
3. Letters to Santa: 8/10
4. Achievements: 61/73
Letter to Santa #6: When the DLC Quest begins, head up the snowy hill & in through the front gates to the North Pole. Ignore the task at hand & do not go to the courtyard yet.
Leap up onto the roof of the building to your right, then follow the rooftops along East. Pay attention to your Mini-Map, & we can collect this Letter on top of the second rooftop to the East of the front gates.
Snowman Vignette #1 – The Roof Jumper: Right beside us where we collected this Letter, we can see a Snowman leaning off the roof edge. Approach it, & we will hear it speak to us; this counts as “collecting” it.
Snowman Vignette #2 – The Negotiator: Drop down off the roof now, directly below where the first Snowman was leaning & listen to the negotiator Snowman here trying to talk them off the roof.
Snowman Vignette #3 – The Viking: From this Snowman, look out to the South outside of the town, & we can faintly see the glow of a lantern on a small island in the middle of a frozen lake. Head over to it, & approach the Snowman built here to listen to it at least once, & collect it.
Christmas Text Adventure #5: Return back to town, but continue to follow it along Eastward. In the Eastmost corner, we can see a mecha reindeer stable & a Text Adventure icon will appear on our Mini-Map. Enter the stable, & get up to the second floor to find it.
Snowman Vignette #4 – The Abomination: Carry on to the very far Northeast end of town, where the last building is located near the cliff wall, & we can find this two-headed Snowman in front of it.
Snowman Vignette #5 – The Drunk: For as best directions as I can give for this next Snowman, get on top of the building that The Abomination is in front of. From here, we can see a building with a large ramp coming out of it; directly South of this building will be the Silver Bells pub. Get around the far side of Silver Bells, & it will have an outdoor patio area; approach the Snowman standing in the center of it holding a bottle, & listen to what it has to say.
Snowman Vignette #6 – The Strongman: Look South from this patio, & you will see the Snowbanks Coffeehouse. Approach it, then follow the street up a few steps West. Look around the corner across from a lit lamppost to see a Snowman in a dead end alcove in front of a large dumbbell.
Snowman Vignette #7 – The Snowman Centipede: For the location of our final Snowman, we are going to have to head to the very far Western end of town. Start at the Southwestern end, where we can find another mecha reindeer stable. From here, begin following the outer perimeter of the furthest buildings Northward.
The first two outer buildings will have a large space in between them, with another building further down in between them (I hope that makes sense). Approach this in between building, & we can see a can see three Snowman… well… you know.
Achievement #60 – Get That Kid to A Psychologist: Find all 7 Snowmen Vignettes in the North Pole.
If you witnessed & heard from all 7 of the Snowmen scattered around the North Pole, the Achievement will immediately unlock after witnessing the final one.
Achievement #61 – Minty Fresh!: Lick the candy cane barricade all the way through in The Fight Before Christmas.
Now, if you have not already done so, it is time to get to the courtyard & clear out all the enemies here. Approach the workshop door, but it will be barred. Instead of going to the stables, follow through with licking your way through the candy cane barricade instead.
This is kind of a tedious process & we have to constantly be licking the barricade to break it… this actually takes a few minutes to do. Stick with it, mashing the button does in fact make it go much faster, & eventually you’ll break through & unlock the Achievement.
Letter to Santa #7: Of course… we still have to go to the stables anyways. Pick either or to head to first, & disable the mecha reindeer… reindeers? Chase down Twinkle & then deal with him.
Enter into the nearby Warehouse next to reach the Workshop, & we can find this Letter immediately to our left when we get inside.
Christmas Text Adventure #6: Take advantage of Solid Snake’s most deadly tool, & get inside the Workshop. As soon as we link up with Mrs. Claus, turn around & run back down the corridor behind us to find this Text Adventure in a side room past the large Christmas tree.
Letter to Santa #8: Deck the halls with Mrs. C, & get to Santa’s room where we can find a Letter to Santa on the main office desk in here.
DLC Quest – The Fight Before Christmas: Collect the Christmas Gun, & defeat Clawz & his merry men once again. Clawz can only be hurt with the Christmas Gun which does make this fight a bit difficult; if you are running low on health, use Telekinesis Life Steal to gain it back.
Get to Sleigh One to end the Quest.
Sequence 17: Name? Kris Kringle
2. Christmas Text Adventures: 8/8
3. Letters to Santa: 10/10
4. Achievements: 69/73
Achievement #62 – He’s Still On the Naughty List: Deliver a present to Zinyak in The Santa Clawz.
As soon as the Quest begins, we need to immediately fly over to Magarac Island; the star shaped island with the large statue of Zinyak on it. The island is found at the very South end of Downtown Island where we begin the Quest. Turn around, & fly straight on over to it. When you arrive, fire presents into the statue’s outstretched hand to unlock the Achievement.
DLC Quest – The Santa Clawz: With this out of the way, quickly re-route to our three objectives & deliver presents to them. If you think you need more time, you can also just restart the Quest after unlocking the previous Achievement. Deliver all the presents & coal, & Sleigh One will be shot down.
Letter to Santa #9: From where Clawz is in his forcefield, head over towards the building Northeast of him, to find this Letter up near its front entrance.
Christmas Text Adventure #7: Light Kinara then light the Mennorah next. Once it is done, begin heading towards the Pole directly from the Mennorah. Pass the small shop called The Simulation Remains Strong, & run up the apartment building behind it to find this Text Adventure on its roof.
Letter to Santa #10: Go to the Pole now, deliver some more presents, & defeat Clawz once & for all. Throwing the final present into Clawz will net us the final Letter to Santa.
Achievement #63 – Dear Santa: Find all 10 Letters to Santa in the holiday Missions.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after we have defeated Clawz.
Achievement #64 – *Beep* YOU, CLAWZ!: Complete all 3 Missions.
Story Related. Complete this DLC, & unlock this Achievement.
Christmas Text Adventure #8: Though not outright stated, we also collect our final Text Adventure when we complete the DLC as well…
Achievement #65 – A World Without Christmas: Complete the holiday Text Adventure.
With all 8 Christmas Text Adventures now collected, go to the lower level of the Ship & enter the lounge room. Here, we can interact with the Computer & access the Christmas Text Adventures.
Go through all 8 of them… answer them correctly, & we will unlock our Achievement. Fortunately this does not take long, & you have infinite tries at answering each question.
Achievement #66 – A Very Genki Holiday: Complete all 3 Instances of Genki Holiday Special.
Now, we have two different Activities we need to complete. The first is Genki Holiday Special which was actually available to us for quite some time now. It is essentially Telekinesis Mayhem with a twist.
For the Achievement, complete the Easy, Medium, & Hard Instances of this Activity. Fortunately, we just have to complete them & it does not matter what Medal we receive.
Our Achievement will unlock after closing the rewards screen of the final Instance once we complete it.
Achievement #67 – Make A List, Check It Twice: Complete all Instances of Naughty & Nice.
After we completed the DLC, we will have unlocked the other Christmas Activity we will need to complete. There is an Easy, Medium, & Hard Instance to the Activity.
This Activity is just a re-run of the first portion of DLC Quest – The Santa Clawz where we have to deliver presents & coal in Sleigh One. Use the presents to build up your combo, then deliver coal or destroy enemy Sleighs to earn points.
This is a very simple Activity & we will unlock our Achievement after the final reward screen.
Achievement #68 – I Am Become Death: Kill 1000 Aliens with any combination of Super Powers.
Now it is time for the final grind for this Achievement since we really have nothing else to do. Ideally, you are around 3/4 of the way to completing this Achievement; unfortunately, there is no way to accurately check outside of the rare progress notifications we receive for it. I was around 700/1000 kills at this point.
To farm this Achievement, there are a few methods. You can load up Enter the Matrix – Meet the Dominatrix for an infinite flow of Gimp “Aliens” to kill, 16 per wave.
Alternatively, you can load up the Hard Instance of the Fight Club Activity. Ignore the timer for Medals, & focus on getting Telekinesis or Super Stomp kills; explosive kills do not count. Burn through to the second wave, king of the hill, then completely ignore that objective. Instead, spam Rock Super Stomp, & kill as many of the Gangster “Aliens” with your Super Powers as you can; Rock Super Stomp is the most effective just jumping up & down on the same spot. They spawn extremely quickly & we can rack up a lot of kills this way. We can now sit here & just spam kill the enemies here until at least the 3-4 minute mark; we MUST beat the Activity however for this kills to count, so be sure to save yourself enough time! If you are bold, you can waste the whole timer to see if you can net the kills you need as once the Achievement unlocks, you are free to exit the Activity…
You can easily net 200+ Super Power kills per run through of the Activity; 50+ kills per minute during the king of the hill wave. Keep farming until the Achievement unlocks.
Achievement #69 – Fourth & Forty: Spend over 40 hours in the Simulation.
It is now time for our final grind of this playthrough… basically, just idle your game for the remaining few hours you need for the Achievement; being in Steelport or on The Ship counts. You can check how much game time you still need by Saving your game, & looking at the logged Time listed next to your Save file; time spent in Menus or paused does/did not contribute to your game time.
At this point in the game, I was only 25/40 hours done & had to idle my game for 15 hours to unlock the Achievement…
95% Complete
Sequence 18: Online Co-op
Even though the Saints Row 4 servers are down, we are still fortunately able to play Online Co-op with a Friend. For our final few Achievements, we need to complete a full playthrough of the Saints Row 4 campaign with a Co-op partner. While we do not need to complete ALL Side Quests, we do need to complete all 7 Loyalty Quests before proceeding to the final Primary Quest – Grand Finale.
Achievement #70 – The Twin Saints: Complete 10 Quests together in Co-op.
All Primary & Side Quests count towards this Achievement; the Quest must be fully completed as completing the individual tasks do not count. This will come naturally as we are completing Homie Quests working towards the Loyalty Quests.
Achievement #71 – Double Team: Play Saints Row IV Co-op for 5 hours.
This will come to us naturally as we playthrough our Co-op playthrough, though if you blitz through it too fast, we may have to idle around for the remaining minutes…
Achievement #72 – Super Power Team Up!: Beat all 21 Primary Quests & all 7 Loyalty Quests in Co-op.
As the Achievement states, beat every Quest in the game (not including random Side Quests if you do not want to) & we will unlock this Achievement after beating the final Primary Quest – Grand Finale.
Achievement #73 – Saintified: Create & share a Character Online.
Broken. As stated in the Introduction, we can no longer unlock this Achievement due to the Saints Row 4 servers being down… which effects only this one Achievement. This is a 100%ers worst nightmare as it essentially makes 100% impossible. Fortunately, there is technically a workaround process if you are a bit computer savvy. For myself, I used this Steam Guide walkthrough for Modding the game to allow the Achievement to unlock.
Technically cheating in a sense, but it is literally the only way to unlock the Achievement without using SAM. The original creator of this guide is not me, but they also do not have a name in their Steam Profile. Be sure to give their Steam Guide a Rate Up & Award if it helped you get the Achievement!
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
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And that wraps up our share on Saints Row IV: 100% Achievement Guide: Saints Row 4 (Re-Elected). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Cynic 0055, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!