Are you struggling to unlock achievements in Risk of Rain Returns? Look no further! This gaming guide article offers a few simple tips and tricks to help you conquer those pesky challenges and unlock all the achievements.
-In-game achievements tied to Prism Shards and Providence Trials are NOT covered in this guide.
-This guide assumes you have unlocked all characters and most of the artifacts already.
(these sections may be added to this guide at a later date)
Also, SPOILER WARNING. Several aspects of this guide will assume you have found some secrets and beaten the game.
The Toolkit
Game difficultly ultimately determines the pace of play. Starting gold, enemy damage and health, difficultly timer increments, elite spawns and shadow people are all affected by the difficult selection. Playing on a lower difficulty makes the game easier, and the game is less inclined to give you harder spawns. We’re going to use this to tip the scale in the direction we want for specific achievements.
Intensity is a section you can find when creating a new game and selecting the “Rules” tab at the top. It is a slider that allows players to adjust the damage they deal and take. Yep, we’ll need this too.
Artifacts are modifiers that alter how the game is played, having a range of effects that augment the run. We will augment our runs to help get specific achievements!
You will quickly learn that there are two types of runs in Risk of Rain Returns, runs using Artifact of Command and runs not using Artifact of Command. You’ll see why later in this guide.
Toxic Beast
Clearly, Toxic Beast is not a setting like the rest of these but is honestly worth a mention. The beast does two things, running around the screen and spawning piglets. Infinite piglets. Low hp pool piglets. One-shot range piglets. Infinite. One-shot. Piglets. That would be crazy if there were achievements tied to multikills….
Lizard Bait
Why are you looking this achievement up???
There’s literally only one scenario where you don’t have this achievement after playing one or two runs of the game and is follows: You, a brand new player, immediately play Co-op with someone running Artifact of Kin so you never get Lemurian spawns. In that run, you unlock the Artifact of Kin. Since then, you have been running Artifact of Kin and have never seen a Lemurian in this game.
To that one person out there looking this up, please turn off Artifact of Kin.
Never Look Back
If you have beaten the game a couple times by now, this should be fairly easy to accomplish. Simply just run down the teleporter after collecting an item or two.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle
-Adjusting damage dealt / taken intensity
Still Standing
This achievement is very likely to unlock as you naturally progress through the game. But if you’re just that good and have never finished below 20% in a boss battle, I still have some tips for you.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Ouch” Run
-Game Difficultly: Rainstorm (we need to be able to take damage, lower to Drizzle if necessary)
-Adjusting Intensity damage dealt to above 100% (we are going for a damage burst, only change if needed)
-Leave Intensity damage taken at 100%
-Using Artifact of Command, we need one specific item
-Required item(s): 1x
During this run, I recommend this strategy on one of the first three stages. Play as normal and start the teleporter event. Whittle down the boss to near death, but do not kill it. Once they are near dead, allow yourself to take damage until Time Keeper’s Secret procs. Note that time keeper procs at 25% hp while you need to be below 20% for the achievement. During the time frozen, assess your health pool.
-If you are below 20%: great, now kill the boss.
-If you are not below 20%: allow time to unfreeze and take an additonal hit or two to fall below the threshold, and then kill the boss.
If you have been looking for environmental logs, you probably already have this one.
You can find this sitting in the Desolate Forest stage (particularly variant 4).
Restart your runs until you get the right zone.
Near the middle of the stage, there will be a rock structure that you can climb the left side via vines and the right side via boosters. On the vine side, there is a secret opening, as shown in the photo below. Travel all the way into it and you will be able to pick up the Mu Construct and unlock Pre-Alpha.
“Is this Bugged?”
This achievement is entirely luck based. I am not aware of any way to sway favor towards failing a shrine. Just keep activating away!
Note that Shrines of Chance and Shrines of Blood count towards this achievement. Succeeding on either will reset count.
Lucky Devil
Just like the previous one, this achievement is entirely luck based. Just keep activating!
Note that Shrines of Chance and Shrines of Blood count towards this achievement. Failing either will reset count for the achievement.
Mechanzied Militia
As long as you have been buying drones during your runs, this one should happen naturally.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Using Artifact of Sacrifice, this will eliminate chests and containers from the maps, meaning cash held is likely going towards drones.
Strength of Will
This one seems fairly tricky as it requires significant amount of setup. or maybe not.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Shield of Glass” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Activiate Artifact of Command and Artifact of Glass, we need one specific item
-Required item(s): 1x
Start the run, and immediately find a white item. Select Topaz Brooch. Kill a single enemy. done. You might need two brooches or to kill two enemies.
The Lone Survivor
If you have done any deep runs, you should have this achievement. I recommend using the teleporter on Temple of the Elders (fifth stage) to revisit previous stages instead of going to the final stage as it can be pretty boring to sit in the same stage for an extended amount of time. That being said …
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle
-Adjusting damage dealt / taken intensity
The “AFK” Run (please don’t do this)
-Game Difficultly: Any
-No artifacts specifically needed, though Artifact of Tempus will help
Start the run, complete the teleporter event and clear all enemies on the stage. Do NOT proceed to the next stage and instead AFK in the game for 40 minutes. Again, please don’t do this, your time is way more valuable.
In the Soup
Ok, let’s get technical for a moment. I’d say on average you take somewhere from 11 to 18 damage per second standing in lava (no clue if this is affected by difficultly, I need to test it). To survive 1 minute, you need somewhere from 660 to 1080 max hp to survive if you didn’t have any hp regen. Averaging that range gives about 870 max hp. This number can be reduced by healing items to easily survive for 1 minute as we get into “effective health” calculations. I think I did it with about 500 max hp and finished it with 300 to spare.
There’s two ways to do this, using Artifact of Command or not using Artifact of Command (I bet you didn’t see this one coming).
ITEMS THAT DO NOT WORK IN LAVA:Repulsion plate does not gain stacks from lava ticks.
Bustling fungus does not proc while standing in lava
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “It Is What It Is” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any (this is a deep run so pick something you can survive in)
-Adjust Intensity if preferred (I have not tested if damage taken affects lava damage)
Play through the game normally, but on The Temple of the Elders (fifth stage), take the teleporter to revisit previous stages. Keep revisiting stages until you get to the Magma Barracks. Complete the teleporter event but DO NOT exit the stage. By the time you have visited this stage after one “loop” of zones, you should easily have enough hp / healing items to sit out the minute. Do this after clearing the stage so you are not interrupted.
The “Some Like It Hot” Run
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle
-Adjust Intensity if preferred (I have not tested if damage taken affects lava damage)
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Requred Items: 1x , 1x
, 1-3x
Multiple x , Multiple x
The goal of this run is to get the achievement on the first visit to the Magma Barracks. Since we will only be picking up defensive items, consider lowering game difficulty and turning up damage dealt to account for lack of offensive items. On the first two stages, look for a couple of Infusions as your first few green items and one Warbanner from your first white. It is also important that you pick up a single Prophet’s Cape during this run as well, but infusions are first to start stacking early. From the rest of your white items, grab Hermit’s Scarf and Medkit in roughly equal portions, up to 10x each if you get that many drops. If you get more whites, start stacking Mysterious Vials.
Head to the fourth stage, if you don’t get the Magma Barracks just restart or turn it into a “It Is What It Is” run above (may take significantly longer). During the Magma caverns stage, try to level up so the Warbanner zone is somewhere where you can stand in lava and gain the buff (shown below). Activate the teleporter once this is done and complete the event and clear all enemies on the stage. DO NOT proceed to the next stage and instead go stand in lava with your Warbanner buff.
This setup is completely overkill, as you should be able to survive with ample healing. The Warbanner provides 1% max hp/second on its own. Every 15 seconds, Prophet’s Cape will block a single damage instance and heal you for 3 hp (meh, not the reason we took it). The reason we take Prophet’s Cape and Hermit’s Scarf is that the invulnerability window should be long enough to get a Medkit proc in, which should be giving you 10 hp per item stack. After 60 seconds, you’ll have your achievement.
Zero Sum
Ugh, Zero Sum. I always found this achievement to be tedious to unlock especially since the Photon Jetpack is very useful for collecting environment logs. But, at the time I wrote this guide 40.2% of global players have unlocked this achievement so maybe I’m just bad at the game.
The real trick to this achievement is to clear EVERY enemy that spawns on the stage as you are walking around the stage, so when you clear enemies for the teleporter event, you don’t have any strays somewhere else on the map. That being said, there’s still a few tips to share.
Update: Yeah, I’m just bad at the game. I experimented with different artifacts and there are some combos that trivialize this achievement. Consider the “I Don’t Belong Here” run over the “Burst DPS” run if you have all the artifacts.
Also something to note, this is the only achievement I would consider changing the “Game Style” section of the “Rules” tab in game creation, which is why I did not list it in The Toolkit section of this guide. You might consider deselecting “New Teleporter Mechanics” to promote the proper playstyle for this achievement, as you need to defeat every enemy to complete the teleporter event (yes, this is what we used to do in the original Risk of Rain). This is not required, but will let you know if you missed any enemies at the end of the teleporter event.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Burst DPS” Run
-Required Survivor: Engineer
-Recommended Skills: All default skills
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (reduces number of enemy spawns, critical to achievement)
-Adjust Damage Dealt Intensity to 200% (we need burst damage)
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Suggested item(s): 1x ,
1x , 1x
, 4x
, 1x
, 1x
, 1x
, multiple x
, multiple x
Listen, I have longstanding beef with Zero Sum (my second least favorite achievement to hunt in the challenges tab, my least favorite is coming up) so no holds barred for this one. Drizzle and 200% damage dealt so we obliterate everything on screen. Heck, use Artifact of Glass if you really want. The reason we are playing Engineer is because Thermal Harpoons are our best friend, as they are the best way to kill things far away on our screen quickly. Using Artifact of Command, attempt to gather the items I have listed. Grabbing an Unstable Watch is EXTREMELY helpful. No sweat if you don’t get any Reds, but if you do, prioritize Ceremonial Dagger then Hardlight Afterburner then Alien Head (or just keep stacking daggers). All items listed are meant to help clear anything on the screen as fast as possible because they have reach for those last second lemurian or jellyfish spawns.
For the actual run, I recommend attempting to Zero Sum on the first three stages of the run, anything past that will just have too many consistent enemy spawns during the teleporter event to attempt a Zero Sum unlock. If you finish the third teleporter event without the achievement, I recommend to start a new run. During the stage, try not to use turrets, as it promotes enemies to spawn by them, and kill every enemy that spawns. Collect items and start teleporter event. Use mines and turrets to nuke the boss. From there, rely on items and Thermal Harpoons to erase everything that appears on your screen until the teleporter timer runs out. At 89/90 seconds, activate Unstable Watch and try to eliminate any last second spawns. Hopefully, you cleared all enemies in the stage and you don’t get 3 rock golems that spawn on the level below you on your screen with 2 seconds left on timer. If all went correctly, then you’ll unlock Zero Sum.
The “I Don’t Belong Here” Run
-Suggested Survivor: Survivor with ranged attacks
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (reduces number of enemy spawns, critical to achievement)
-Adjust Damage Dealt Intensity to 200% (helps to account for fact we are level 1)
-Adjust Damage TakenIntensity to 10% (helps to account for fact we are level 1)
-Activate Artifact of Glass, Artifact of Honor, Artifact of Disonance, and Artifact of Kin
This run is designed to abuse spawn mechanics in order to get an easy Zero Sum (have you realized I don’t like this achievement yet). Start the run and check what enemy is spawning in the level. We are looking for something that does not normally spawn in the stage, something beefy, or a boss. Good examples of this are Parent, Bighorn Bison, Macrobic Predator, Gup, Elder Lemurian, Temple Guard, and Wandering Vagrant. If not, restart run.
Immediately run down the teleporter. If all goes correctly, you will not get any spawns until you activate the teleporter, but if any spawns happen before finding the teleporter make sure to kill it because we do not want any strays on the map. Activating the teleporter is likely to only give you one elite spawn of the Kin’d enemy. We are heavily relying on Artifact of Glass and adjusted damage taken/dealt to carry us since we are fighting against elite versions of harder enemies as a level one. Once the enemy is killed, it is very likely you will see no more than one additional enemy spawn in the 90 second teleporter event. Wait out the timer and viola, Zero Sum.
The logic here is that Honor, Kin and Dissonance only allows elite spawns of harder enemies, on the first map, on drizzle, and with the game timer on the Easy difficultly results in almost 0 spawns.
Sole Survivor
The secret to this achievement is to literally just kill yourself every run you don’t need to beat. Just finished that vampire unlock run? kill yourself. Just finished that HAN-D multikill achievement? Kill yourself. Please don’t report my guide.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Go Next” Run
-Game Difficultly: Monsoon
-Adjust Damage Taken Intensity to 999%
-Activate Artifact of Glass
Spawn in. Wait like 15 seconds for an enemy to spawn. Walk up to it and let it hit you once. Go Next. Repeat 50 times.
Last Wish
Another easy unlock through exploration. The bloated survivor only spawns in the fourth stage Hive Cluster. I believe the survivor can spawn on the first two map variants.
Once you spawn into the Hive Cluster, immediately head towards the bottom right of the map. In the image below, there will be a yellow guy in the blue circle you can go up to and interact with, which will give you the achievement.
You should read this unlock description and be thinking one thing: Artifact of Command. I mean, more power to you if you want to try and play a deep run attempting to farm 7x Monster Teeth mostly based on luck. But let’s be honest, that’s not why you are here, right?
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “I Want the Alien Head” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Activate Artifact of Command, kinda the whole point
-Required item(s): 7x , 1x
During this run, hunt down 1x green item and 7x white ones. Select Monster Teeth and Guardian Heart. Consider pairing this run with other Artifact of Command runs to save some time.
In Good Health
Another achievement that you should unlock naturally playing the game. Doing any deep run with an Infusion or two should really do it.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Beefcake” Run
-Survivor Required: HAN-D or Loader (survivors with highest health scaling)
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle/Rainstorm
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Suggested Items: multiple x
For HAN-D, base hp of 120 with 44 hp per level will unlock at lvl 13. Infusions give 1 hp (+0.5 per stack) per kill. You will likely unlock this achievement if you play till end of game without looping.
For Loader, base hp of 115 with 40 hp per level will unlock at lvl 14. Infusions give 1 hp (+0.5 per stack) per kill. You will likely unlock this achievement if you play till end of game without looping.
Special Delivery
Very specific interaction achievement, keep this in mind as you play the game and when you see an Explorer’s Key just grab and hold into as you go to the fifth or last stage in the run.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Click” Run
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle/Rainstorm (whatever you prefer)
-Activate Artifact of Command (we need a single item)
-Required Items: 1 x
Before starting the game, consider going to settings and turning down the “Zoom Scale” slider to see more of the map at once.
Play through the game normally, but make sure to pick up an Explorer’s Key by the fifth stage, Temple of the Elders . On the fifth stage, head towards the rightmost part of the stage, for variants that have a building at the rightmost section, the space between the rightmost building and the building next to it have a chance to spawn a golden chest between them. For variants that don’t have a building to the rightmost section of the map, head to the right most section, and climb up and follow the stage until you can’t climb anymore. Sometimes a golden chest will spawn up there.
If there is no golden chest on the fifth level, proceed to the final level, Risk of Rain. Between all the cargo holds on the leftmost side of the map (aft of the ship), you are almost guaranteed to see a unreachable golden chest nuzzled between the cargo rooms.
As long as the golden chest is on your screen, the Explorer’s Key will open it. Click. Done.
The Grind
This can really only be achieved by doing a deep run, where the player will continuously revisit stages instead of visiting the final level. There’s no real secret here other than having a good build to visit multiple stages, which I’m not in the mood to give deep run builds and metas. So instead, take the most generic tips possible.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Lowering the game difficultly
-Adjusting damage dealt / taken intensity
-Activate Artifact of Command to sway rng in your favor
If you have been reading every single entry in this guide, you’ll know I reference my least favorite achievement to unlock from the original game, and this is it. It was just really bugged, that’s it. No growing animosity or anything, just the eyesore I never had 100% achievements. In the first game, I devised the “Bada Boom” run below which is how I finally unlocked the achievement. Nowadays, they give you way too many ways to accomplish this achievement.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Sniper Elite” Run
-Survivor Required: Sniper
-Required Abilities: Snipe and Steady Aim is mandatory, third ability can be whatever
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (less enemies to block full damage of Steady Aim)
-Adjusting Intensity damage dealt to 200% (only if you want a really big number)
-Adjusting Intensity damage taken can help counteract artifacts
-Enable Artifact of Glass
-Suggested item(s): multiple x
Start the game. Place Spotter: Scan on a enemy. Note that Snipe bonus reload damage (the white zone reload) affects Steady Aim. Charge second ability making sure to have a perfect reload and making sure the first enemy hit by charge has spotter on them, release and done. This may require a couple of survivor levels to accomplish.
If for some reason you cannot accomplish this, pick up multiple AtG Missle Mk 1 and proc this on a fully charged Steady Aim. The missile does 300% TOTAL damage, which should easily help you in dealing over 5000 in one hit.
The “Bada Boom” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any (deep run so plan accordingly)
-Damage intensity scaling does not affect this run (gold-plated bomb damage not affected)
-Enable Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): 1x , 3-5x
, 1x
If we need to do 5000 damage in one shot, and gold plate bomb does damage equal to half your gold, then we simply need to collect 10,000 gold! During a deep run, likely during a loop or on the final stage, hunker down and farm out 10,000 gold. Use Smart Shopper to accelerate this process. Drop the bomb and make sure to hit something and bada boom.
Consider pairing this achievement run with the War Bonds achievement if not already unlocked.
If during your run you encounter a Toxic Beast, then consider doing the Artificer Massacre achievement along with the A Dime A Dozen achievement.
Junk Collector
Another achievement you will likely get as you play the game. The best way to find a Scavenger is to loop the teleporter to revisit stages. You should see one around the 6-8th stage.
The Scavenger has two attacks you should watch out for. The fist is the missile launcher attack, which you can dodge by moving around, and not backtracking on your movement. The second is the Ukulele Blast which it fires a ball lightning from its ukulele. It can only fire it in front of them, so rather have some terrain you can jump on to avoid it or have Hoopoo feather or Rusty Jetpack to jump over it.
At the time of writing this guide, I STILL don’t have the Scavenger monster log so I can’t show you what they look like. So let’s just use our imagination. Imagine a black blob thing with white eyes that walks around with a back pack. Like, a really big backpack. Yep. Exactly like that. Listen, I’ll understand if you leave a one star review on this guide.
Watery Grave
Watery Grave is one of those achievements that you just decide to sit down and accomplish. I don’t think players accidentally accomplish this one. Whorls only spawn on one stage, Sunken Tombs (third stage in run), and to “drown” them means to push them off the bottom of the screen. This achievement progress stacks over runs. meaning you don’t have to do it in a single visit.
Granted that Artifact of Kin would simplify things, I personally find getting the Sunken Tombs spawn AND getting Whorls to show up as the Kin takes rather good luck or a lot of patience.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Turning Off the Body Cam” Run
-Required Survivor: Enforcer
-Required Abilities: Shield Slam and Crowd Control
-Game Difficultly: Rainstorm (we actually want spawns)
-Consider lowering damage dealt if you are concerned about killing Whorls (remember you still need to beat the first two stages though)
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Suggested Item(s): multiple x , multiple x
, 1x
, 1x
, multiple x
This run will attempt to clear Watery Grave in one go, meaning we intend to camp on Sunken Tombs. Play normally up until the third stage, I recommend picking up healing items like Bustling Fungus or Mysterious Vial since we will be sitting on stage three for a long time and try NOT to pick up items that deal indirect damage, like Chargefield Generator or Toxic Centipede so Whorls don’t die while falling off the stage (yes I am aware in the photo below that I am using Toxic Centipede). Picking up Boxing Gloves and Mace Replica will help with pushing Whorls around. Also, if you find a red item, pick up Ancient Scepter if you have it unlocked as the fear will help move the Whorls where you want them. Once you reach the third stage, if it’s not Sunken Tombs I recommend to restart, unless you are in the mood to loop 5 stages.
Once in the Sunken Tombs, head to the bottom of the stage and find a cliff or a hole large enough to throw Whorls into. Use Shield Slam and Mace Replica to hit the Whorls into the pit and watch as they slowly descend into a …. watery grave (shown below). You will need the patience to get 20 whorls to spawn and restraint to really only use Shield Slam, Mace Replica and Crowd Control to herd them into the hole. After probably 20 minutes, you should have the achievement. If you die, fret not! Repeat this run again until you get the achievement, as your drowned Whorl count carries over.
War Bonds
War Bonds is very likely to unlock if you spend a long time in the final stage of the game.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Yeah I Invest in Crypto” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any (pick preferred difficultly for a deep run)
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Required item(s): multiple x
Play through the game normally, but pick to loop a couple of stages before visiting the final level. The goal here is to get the time-based difficultly bar to near max so the gold inflation is very high, once you have that meter near the top, go to the final level. During the run try to pick up some extra Smart Shoppers to make things go faster (normally I say 4 is good enough but more power to you if you want more).
Once you are in the final level, farm out enemies until you hit 20,000.
Consider pairing this run with my “Bada Boom” run for the Macho achievement if you do not have it already.
Endless Voyager
Fist off, this achievement is kinda buggy, I unlocked it on collecting my third keycard, so there’s a chance you will unlock this achievement by playing the final level enough times. The incentive to do this is the Wicked Ring, which any Mercenary main will argue is the best red item in the game.
That being said, the Keycard is a special item that can only be obtained in the final stage of the game, Risk of Rain. There are two ways to obtain them:
- Find golden containers in the level. These will spawn in the 4 cargo holds on the aft of the ship on the left side of the map. Be aware they can also spawn in between the bays as well. This is speculation and have no evidence to back this up, but I normally see more golden containers the earlier I reach the final stage. I have seen between 0 and 3 spawn at a time.
- Enemies can drop Keycards, at a very low rate. The enemy I see that most commonly dropping them is the young vagrants that spawn on this level.
Normally, I would recommend using Artifact of Tempus to gain 3 keycards per pickup, but either way you need to pickup two so might as well just do a Substandard Duplicator run instead.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Forged Passport” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Activate Artifact of Command (we need one item)
-Required Items: 1x
Play the game normally, but you need to find a red item before the final stage as Substandard Duplicator is required. Once you find one, head to the final stage. If you find any more reds, get more duplicators to increase duplicated item time. Movement items may also help in this run.
Once you are on the final stage, scour the aft bays and locate golden containers. Hopefully you get at least 2. If you don’t then rather restart or farm out enemies until one drops. Note that there is a timer on the duplicated items, so you want to know where the keycards are before picking them up. Once you know the locations of two keycards, pick up the first and run immediately over to the second. I have no clue what the base time is on a duplicated item, but it is a very reasonable time frame and I am just recommending some caution. Once you pick up the second stack you should have the wicked ring unlocked.
Also as a side note, duplicated Keycards are bugged, as unlocking doors consumes the original first. This allows players to unlock all 4 doors with a single duplicated keycard. :^)
Altered Genome
This achievement is unlocked by interacting with the hidden container in the final level of the game (there is no interact prompt). See photo below.
I’m going to be honest here, I have no clue which background chest it is because I ran around the chests spamming the interact button until I unlocked it.
Insurance Fraud
Insurance Fraud is that achievement the people get when playing the game with their brains turned off. This health shrine costs 123 hp and I’m at 140 hp? Free item! (sometimes).
Simply walk up to a health shrine in the Damp Caverns or a percent health shrine in the Temple of the Elders and spam it. The first activation will likely drop you to about half hp, meaning the moment you can use it again will likely put you below 5% hp. So simply spam the interact button.
You’ll likely die to a Spitter or Evolved Lemurian right after but hey, the Harvester’s Scythe is totally worth it.
A Dime A Dozen
This achievement unlock is just annoying for a couple reasons. One, you need enough gold to actually kill something. Two, you need 12 enemies in a small grouping to get hit by the bomb. Three, enemies have to stay there long enough since the Gold-plated bomb takes FOREVER to go off.
Man if only there was something that I mentioned in The Toolkit section of this guide that could help here …
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Magnum Opus” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Note that Gold-plated bomb is not affect by damage dealt intensity
-Activate Artifact of Command, we need one item
-Required item(s): 1x
I call this my Magnum Opus because I had a epiphany in the middle of a Hive Cluster run on how to finally unlock this achievement.
There are two things needed to set up in this run. 1. Find a Gold-plated bomb using Artifact of Command, also do NOT take any type of AoE/Indirect/Passive damage items, like Chargefield Generator, Frost Relic, Fire Shield, Toxic Centipede, Tesla Coil, etc. 2. We need a Toxic Beast spawn, so play until you find one. Once you find one during a teleporter event, do NOT kill it. Wait out the 90 second event timer somewhere else on the map and farm gold. Now, clear all the enemies near you and go sit on a vine/pillar/ladder and AFK near the bottom of it. We are going to sit near the ground (but not on it; see photo below) and wait for the toxic beast to spawn piglets. Each spawn is 6 (or 8 I never counted). We will sit on the ladder until the Toxic beast spawns two waves of piglets so we get our 12 enemies. The piglets should be gathering near your feet since you are close to the ground. While on the vine, press your equipment key and watch a bomb drop onto them. and boom, dime a dozen done.
Consider pairing this achievement with the Artificer Massacre achievement by allowing 3 waves of piglets to spawn and doing the same thing.
Gold Medalist
Remember in the Introduction section of this guide, I said that I will not be covering Providence Trials? Yea …. I’m rooting for you though.
All you have to do is farm gold near an equipment activator and generate enough gold to use it 5 times. Photo below shows what an Equipment Activator is.
Consider picking up some Smart Shoppers to gain gold more quickly.
Characters – Commando
Close Calls
If Commando was the first character you played to learn the whole game, you probably picked up this achievement during your struggle to conquer the planet. If you didn’t, our good friend damage intensity has got you covered.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Weave!” Run
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Adjust Damage Taken Intensity to 999%
-Activate Artifact of Glass
With this setup, it should be very easy to dodge lethal attacks since every attack is now lethal!
Rinse and repeat as you do not have to do seven in one run.
This is one of those achievements that used to be a hard flex back in the original. That’s two and a half stages of never taking damage! Doing this legitimately takes patience and a lot of skill (and luck, RIP the run if you encounter a Magma Worm). I hope no one comes up with a trivialized version of this run to belittle the accomplishment of this feat.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Trivialized Version of Untouchable” Run
-Required Survivor: Commando
-Required Skills: Use the original skills, we want to play at range
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (less enemies the better)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Adjust taken taken intensity to 999%
-Activate Artifact of Command and Artifact of Glass
-Required Item(s):1x , 2-3x
, 1x
This may take a couple attempts, so be patient. Also, instead of getting hit more than once, how about we raise the stakes and not get hit at all? With 999% damage taken and Artifact of Glass we will know for sure when we have been hit, which will help us satisfy the “without being hurt once” (because you will die immediately). People have mentioned to me that Artifact of Kin can make the run easier, but I find fighting actual bosses to be easier than getting a hoard of volatile enemies, try your luck if you want.
During the actual run consider a few things. First, DO NOT TAKE FALL DAMAGE. Yeah, that counts, so lay off the unnecessary boosters and use Tactical Dive to avoid any fall damage. Second, seek out a green item IMMEDIATELY, and pick up a Prophet’s Cape. This damage immunity does NOT count towards the “without being hurt once”. This gives players a very nice safety cushion on this run so it should be the first item you grab (p.s. also helps with fall damage). Third, if you happen to find an active item, pick a burst damage one like Sawmerang, Disposable Missile launcher, or Thqwib. This helps with nuking bosses. Fourth, I really shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t activate Shrines of the Mountain. Fifth, any other pickups should be movement items (Red Whip or Paul’s Goat Hoof), to help you reach the teleporters faster.
An optimized run will sound something like this: Spawn in stage one, farm out the items you need and activate teleporter ideally before 4/5 minute mark. Use active item to nuke the boss, and Backup Magazines for enemy clear. From there, only run down teleporter on second stage and third. The longer you linger on any stage, the more likely you are to get hit once. Remember, you only have to activate the teleporter on the third stage, so make it your priority to do so.
Characters – Huntress
A rather fun achievement to unlock, after all, who doesn’t like attacking faster? (the answer is Sniper mains). The trick to this one really is if you have unlocked enough items that give attack speed boosts. Or just stack Soldier’s Syringe.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Too Many Arrows in the Quiver” Run
-Required Survivor: Huntress
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): multiple x , 1x
, multiple x
, multiple x
, 1x
I have literally listed all items that give attack speed above. It is likely that you may not have all of them unlocked, so just build Soldier’s Syringes.
Some quick math. You start at 100% attack speed and we need to reach 200%.
Soldier’s Syringe gives 12% per stack.
Warbanner gives 30% while in range.
Prescriptions gives 40% while active.
The greens are just there to be there. Having them will save you a pickup or two if you satisfy their conditions.
Having 9x Soldier’s Syringe will get you the achievement.
Having Warbanner buff and 6x Soldier’s Syringe will get you the achievement.
Having Prescriptions active and 5x Soldier’s Syringe will get you the achievement.
Having Prescriptions active, Warbanner buff and 3x Soldier’s Syringe will get you the achievement.
Sixth Sense
Another achievement in our “take no damage” category. This one is the easiest of them since it only pertains to the Ancient Wisp fight, taking damage before and after does not matter. Below is the fastest way I have found to get this achievement.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Trivialized Version of Sixth Sense” Run
-Required Survivor: Huntress
-Required Skills: Laser Cyclone
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (Ancient Wisp has less hp)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activate Artifact of Command and Artifact of Glass
-Required Item(s): 1x , 1x
, 3-5x
, multiple x
, multiple x
This will be very similar to the “Trivialized Version of Untouchable Run” under the Commando’s Untouchable achievement. Use Artifact of Command to get a Prophet’s Cape immediately. This damage immunity does NOT count towards “take no damage”. From there, pickup some Backup Magazines and a Unstable Watch if you can while in the first level. Once again, don’t activate Shrines of the Mountain.
Once you get to the second level, continue to search for the items above and activate the teleporter. If you do not get the Ancient Wisp spawn on the second stage, I recommend to restart. If you do get it, activate the Unstable Watch and throw as many Laser Cyclones as you can on the Ancient Wisp. Fight should be over in seconds and you should have your achievement as long as you did not take any damage.
The Hunt
The Hunt is a run that requires you to know what actually counts as a secret boss. There are five enemies that count as a secret boss, listed below:
- That one Golem you fight for the Artifact of Cognition that can be found in the first stage, Desolate Forest
- Acrid, the test subject you can fight to unlock Acrid in third stage, Submerged Tomb
- Boar Beach, not specifically a boss, but I’ve been told it counts. Can be found in the third stage, Ancient Valley
- The Direseeker, the Blazing Elder Lemurian you fight in the fourth stage, Magma Caverns, to unlock the Miner
- Providence, the final boss of the game
The achievement only requires three. So, the best strategy is to prepare for a deep run, and replay stages until you run into two of the first four enemies in the list (fighting the same one twice does not count) and then proceed to the final stage to kill Providence as your third for the achievement. No special run strategies, just a little bit of luck getting the right stages and spawns.
Characters – Enforcer
I mean, just play the Enforcer for a while? There’s no way anyone is looking up this one.
I mean if you really wanted to, crank damage taken intensity up to 999% and you can get this in like 10 blocks.
The undisputed king of bugged achievements. I’m not sure what they mean by in combat, as if that refers to taking or dealing damage, but it definitely involves enemies hitting you regardless. This achievement is so comically bugged, there’s only one way I recommend doing this, going AFK.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “That Tickles” Run
-Required Survivor: Enforcer
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (take less damage)
-Adjust damage taken intensity to 10% (once again, take less damage)
-Activate Artifact of Command and Artifact of Kin
Suggested Item{s}: 1-2x
Keep resetting the run until you get an enemy like Lesser Wisps, Sand Crabs, Trokks or Golems. Once that is done, use Artifact of Command to get some Mysterious Vials. Now go find a nice spot on a ledge and drop your Protect and Serve. Now you can AFK. Feel free to throw in an auto attack every once and a while. I can almost guarantee that this will take you more than 5 minutes to unlock because of how inconsistent this unlock is. I would say it actually takes roughly 8 minutes after you go AFK to unlock, if you are lucky. Game play shown below in photo.
Characters – Bandit
I mean, this one is pretty straightforward. Just time your Lights Out properly?
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
Classic Man
Consider doing this one legitimately to help learn how to play the Bandit correctly. If not, there’s a very simple solution
The “One Tapped” Run
-Required Survivor: Bandit
-Game Difficultly: Rainstorm (we need spawns)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Adjust damage taken difficulty to 10% (helps with glass debuff)
-Activate Artifact of Glass
With this setup, you should safely be able to one shot most low health pool enemies. Consider using Artifact of Kin to manipulate spawn for lemurains. Start blasting off with Lights Out and you should have the Hit List in no time.
Characters – Pilot
Big Red Button
This one will naturally be unlocked over the course of playing Pilot. The secret here, if you haven’t already figured it out, is to use Airstrike to knock enemies airborne and then use Target Acquired! while standing on the ground to shoot upwards at the airborne enemies.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Using Artifact of Command to get Alien Heads and Backup Magazines to lower cool downs and have more abilities to kill enemies mid-air.
This one is a little tricky as you rather need the ability to kill enemies very quickly or the ability to stay in the air for an extended amount of time. Or both. Or just use the Toxic Beast.
To do this with normal enemies, I recommend taking items like Ceremonial Dagger, Will-o’-the-wisp, and Disposable Missile Launcher to kill several enemies while on the move while using items like Rusty Jetpack to stay in the air longer.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Floor Is Lava” Run
-Required Survivor: Pilot
-Required Skills: Rapid Deployment
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): 1x , multiple x
Yet another toxic beast run. Play the game normally, using Artifact of Command to find some Backup Magazines and a Hard Light Afterburner if you can. Continue your run until you encounter a Toxic Beast.
From here, it’s the same drill as normal (Check “Magnum Opus” run under the A Dime a Dozen achievement for more info). Wait out teleporter timer for a Toxic Beast, find a climbable ladder/pillar/rope/etc., AFK near the bottom of it until 2x waves of piglets spawn. Hoard them near the edge of a ledge, launch off with Rapid Deployment and while facing the piglets, mow them down with all your charges of Target Acquired!
Characters – Loader
Play a couple runs as loader, and make sure to use Hydraulic Gauntlet to traverse terrain faster or to get to enemies quicker. Nothing too special.
Consider building Alien Head or Wicked Ring to shorten the cool down time.
Snuffed Out
The hardest part of this achievement is to get the Overloading Magma Worm to spawn. Luckily, there’s an artifact for that.
As for the actual fight, the Overloading Magma Worm is a complete menace in it’s own right. Fortunately, the Loader is very well equipped to fight them. Using well-timed Debris Shield when the worm is passing through you is crucial to beating this fight.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “I Didn’t Hear No Bell” Run
-Required Survivor: Loader
-Required Skills: Debris Shield
-Activate Artifact of Command and Artifact of Prestige
-Suggested Item(s): 1x, 1x
, 3-5x
, 1x
, multiple x
The purpose of this run is to find and kill the overloading magma worm as fast as possible. On the first stage of the run, find and activate the Shrine of the Mountain, which at least one is guaranteed to spawn thanks to Artifact of Prestige. Complete the stage from there and move onto the second. In both versions of the second stage, Damp Caverns and Sky Meadows, the Overloading Magma Worm is a possible boss spawn.
In my experience, I have got the Overloading Magma Worm to spawn as the second stage teleporter boss several times when I activate the teleporter with 2 stacks of the shrine of the mountain. I have got it with one stack before, but I find more success with two.
So, make sure to activate the teleporter on the second stage with 1-2x shrine of the mountain stacks. If you don’t get the Overloading Magma Worm, restart the run. That being said, if you do get the spawn, good luck as you are literally only on stage two. Once again, well-timed Debris Shield should really help your survivability, and if you build the items I suggested above, it should go by smoothly as they deal damage to multiple parts of the Magma Worm at once. If you are having trouble with this fight, consider adjusting damage taken/dealt intensity in your favor.
Characters – Engineer
Controlled Demolition
Despite only having 10 mines maximum at the start of a run, you can place down more than that at a time. I recommend to pick a spot to drop all your mines, regenerate five more and then drop them in your pile, and then have a enemy walk over it. Pretty simple.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
Using Artifact of Command to:
- Acquire the active item Shattered Mirror. Placing a mine will now place two at a time, which you can get to 15 placed faster and without other items.
- Acquire 5x Backup Magazine. Whenever you teleport to a new zone, you get full stacks of skills, so you can immediately place 15 mines.
The Engineer has a lot of damage in their kit. Make sure to drop both your turrets then activate the teleporter. proceed to place all your mines on top of the boss and most of the time that will get the job done. Colossus and Wandering Vagrant are the best bosses for nuking.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-lowering the game difficultly
-adjusting damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activating Artifact of Command to sway RNG and/or Artifact of Glass to deal more damage
The “Calculated” Run
-Required Survivor: Engineer
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (lower health pools)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activate Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): multiple x
This setup will easily obliterate most stage 1 bosses in 15 seconds. Play through stage one collecting Crowbars and do not activate any shrines of the mountain. DO NOT place any turrets near the teleporter.
Once the boss spawns, begin spamming mines in one condensed area near it. You want as many mines to go off on the boss when it’s at full health. Once that happens, drop all you turrets if it’s still standing. Use Artifact of Glass if you are struggling to hit 15 seconds.
One of the few achievements in the game that’s heavily luck based. There are two ways of acquiring a beam drone, listed below:
- Find and purchase a beam drone. I have only seen these spawn on the final stage, and at a extremely low rate. Search all fours afts on the left side of the map and check the Armory as well for a spawn (Keycard required). Also, this drone is extremely expensive so Smart Shopper is a good idea.
- Collect three laser drones and combine them into a beam drone. Laser drones are somewhat hard to come by and I usually see them most commonly spawn on the third and fourth stages in a run. To find three you will likely have to loop stages, so prepare for a deeper run. Also, it is vital to keep them alive, so having some Smart Shoppers is a good idea to help with drone repair costs if you are not running Drone Repair Kit.
There are two ways I recommend trying to unlock this achievement,
1. Start a game as the Engineer and play a run until the final level then search for a beam drone to purchase. Repeat until beam drone acquired.
2. Start an Engineer deep run and loop stages for three beam drones and combine them.
Not flexing or anything, but below is a photo of me finding 3 beam drone spawns on the third stage, Sunken Tombs (yes I am aware I am playing the Bandit and you have to play the Engineer for the achievement.
Characters – CHEF
Cracking Claws
I’m fairly sure you have to KILL Sand Crabs with SEAR/FLAMBE. FLAMBE is the upgrade to SEAR when using the SECOND HELPING skill.
Fastest way to unlock this one is to sit in the first stage, Dried Lake and use SEAR/FLAMBE on sand crabs that spawn. Consider using Artifact of Kin to roll sand crabs for the stage, but this may take a while to set up.
Also remember that enemies covered in oil take additional damage from SEAR/FLAMBE.
Catch and Release
Off the top of the head, you would think that way to unlock this achievement is build lots of attack speed, which can work, but I suggest the Shattered Mirror.
Consider activating Artifact of Command in a CHEF run to obtain the active item Shattered Mirror. From there activate the mirror, use SECOND HELPING, then press DICE 2-3 times. Done, next.
Grease Fire
Man, if only there was a way to get 15 low hp enemies to spawn an infinite number of times. Another multikill achievement? Toxic Beast.
Please refer to “Magnum Opus” run under the Macho achievement on how to set this up. Wait out teleporter timer for a Toxic Beast, find a climbable ladder/pillar/rope/etc., AFK near the bottom of it until 3x waves of piglets spawn. Oil them up with GLAZE and hit them with SEAR/FLAMBE.
Characters – Acrid
If you play enough games as Acrid, then you will unlock this pasively. Just remember that this is a time-based ability, so movement speed items like Paul’s Goat Hoof, Red Whip, and Hunter’s Harpoon will help you spew more sludge per ability cast (as long as you are moving for the whole duration).
This achievement is somewhat difficult to set up, as you need a ton of enemies on screen (namely 25 or more) that are affected with Epidemic at one given moment in time. Kinda hard to do without killing them.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “COVID-19” Run
-Required Survivor: Acrid
-Required Skills: Caustic Sludge
-Game Difficultly: Rainstorm (we need enemy spawns)
-Adjust damage dealt and taken intensity to 10% (yes, you read that right, both of them)
-Activate Artifact of Kin
Keep restarting the run until you get lemurians as your enemy spawn. Immediately run down the teleporter on the level and activate it. This will likely spawn 8-10 elite lemruians as the boss. Do not damage any enemies until you get about 25 enemies clumped together (wait out 40-50 seconds in the teleporter event or unless you are counting spawns).
Throw out Epidemic on one of them and run through the hoard using Caustic Sludge and watch it spread faster than the black plague. After 5 seconds or so you should have the achievement. This works because we are dealing 10% damage so nothing is going to die, whihc gives Epidemic a chance to spread to all those other lemruians who are not practicing social distancing. Shame on them.
In the photo below, I waited out 15 lemurian spawns and then activated the teleporter. Once they all climbed up the rope with me, I threw out Epidemic and ran through them with Caustic Sludge.
Broken Continuity
I am surprised that since Acrid uses mostly DoT as their damage, that there was an achievement tied to a time-based boss killing as them. That being said, we can still draw out more than enough damage in 15 seconds.
As you probably already know at this point in your experience, the acrid boss wills pawn on some variants of the third stage, Sunken Tomb, in the top right corner of the map.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (less hp pool)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activate Artifact of Glass (adjusting damage taken intensity can offset reduced hp pool)
-Activate Artifact of Command to sway rng in your favor
Characters – Miner
Blazing Victory
This shouldn’t be too big of an ask from players. The Miner has multiple invulnerabilities in their base kit to help stay healthy. I recommend doing this on the first teleporter event.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-lowering the game difficultly
-adjusting damage dealt intensity to 200%
-adjusting damage taken intensity to 10%
Hot Streak
Ho boy, this one also used to mean something in the original game and in the remake, as this one actually requires skill regardless of what setup you take. On any given run, to hit level 10 you will likely need to play up to somewhat around the third stage teleporter (ranging from right before activating the teleporter on the third stage to completing the teleporter event on the third stage) depending on what enemies and bosses you kill.
The Miner has two really strong pro’s in their kit, stagger and invulnerability windows. When I mean stagger, i mean hitting an enemy with a ability results in the enemy staggering, meaning they are unable to attack. Once you get a couple levels on the Miner, the basic skill Crush has a really good chance to stagger lock most enemies in the game, and this is especially true when Scorching. Be weary of elites as they have increased stagger resistance. Invulnerability windows come from Drill Charge and Backblast so use them when you are in a pinch or to combo into an auto attack sequence. To the Stars when used in the air will safely position you out of harm’s way from most attacks in the game and has no cool down while Scorching (though it will cost heat).
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Crush Does a Lot of Damage” Run
-Required Survivor: Miner
-Required Skills: All original skills
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (we do not want elites to spawn frequently)
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activate Artifact of Glass and Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): 1x
This run will be very similar to the Commando’s Untouchable run. First off, Artifact of Glass will do a good job of making sure we do not “get hurt more than once” as a single hit will likely kill you (but remember you can get hit once and still be fine).
During this run you can play normally but pay special attention to enemies like Jellyfish and elites to not get hit by indirect damage such as shock or flaming ground proc’s, as Miner is a melee character and is susceptible to these attacks. Try to avoid taking fall damage at all costs, but this is extremely easy to prevent as every skill but your basic attack can be used to reset gravity right before you hit the ground. Use Artifact of Command to immediately get a Prophet’s Cape as the damage block does not count towards “being hit”. Other useful items will include equipment that deals damage like Thqwib, Sawmerang, or Disposable Missile Launcher to help deal with enemies you can’t kill in melee without taking hits or take them out during Unstable Watch. Hermit’s Scarf can also help to avoid damage instances. Also, do not activate Shrines of the Mountain.
During the actual run, refer to my comments above on tips while playing Miner. I am going to say it again, Crush is an extremely powerful skill with this setup and you can really lean into it to deal with most enemies in the game, but you need some experience with playing Miner to get a feel for when you can start swinging away at foes. For enemies you can’t defeat without taking damage (jellyfish/elites), use your other three skills to kite through them to avoid damage.
For bosses, same thing of using Crush and Scorching status to shred through them. If you get a Magma Worm spawn, RIP that run as you will likely have to restart. After a couple trys, you will likely get a feel for the flow of the Miner while finally watching the experience bar fill up ten times.
Hot-Blooded Vengeance
The hardest part of this achievement is finding 8 Elder Lemurains. Maintaining scorching status while doing so presents another layer to this challenge. Fortunately, we have the tools to deal with both.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Become Unstoppable” Run
-Required Survivor: Miner
-Required Skills: Burnout (we need this to sustain scorching)
-Game Difficultly: Any
-Adjust damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activate Artifact of Kin and Artifact of Command
-Required Item(s): 10+x , multiple x
, 1x
This run kinda sucks, not going to sugarcoat it since Artifact of Kin can screw you with bad enemy spawns. The idea here is we will use the Burnout skill to maintain infinite scorching status, which we will need Artifact of Command in order to get specific items like Hermit’s Scarf, Prophet’s Cape and Medkits to not die spamming Burnout. We will be using Artifact of Kin to try and get Elder Lemurians to spawn on any stage for the fastest way to get the achievement. I will also mention: Artifact of Dissonance is a double-edged sword as you can get enemies that will literally just end your run but can run into Elder Lemrians earlier in your run. Without it, Elder Lemurians can only spawn on Magma Barracks and Temple of the Elders, unless you loop stages (the final stage is not considered in this run). If you plan on running Artifact of Dissonance, I recommend also dropping damage taken intensity to 10% so you don’t get absolutely pulverized in the first three stages. The reason I don’t recommend Artifact of Dissonance is because if you do get Elder Lemurians, let’s say on stage two, you will have such a low spawn rate that it will be very hard to wait out 8 spawns while maintaining scorching. You will likely blow all your health on Burnout to maintain between spawns which puts you at risk of dying to them. Consider these points and decide if you want to run Artifact of Dissonance.
Onto the actual run, expect to play a deep run as the Miner where we are going to loop stages until we get an Elder Lemurian spawn. We need to collect some items over the course of the first three stages listed above to help with spamming Burnout. Medkit will proc after using the skill, so getting 100+ hp back from 10+ Medkits helps with sustaining in the long run. Hermit’s Scarf and Prophet’s Cape give us immunity the the damage instance of Burnout, meaning we have a chance to gain heat without taking 25% max health in damage. From there you can cushion yourself with a couple Bustling Fungus or Mysterious Vials or some Tough Times. DO NOT build Infusion as it will affect how much damage you take from Burnout. Remember to build some offensive items as well.
From the fourth stage and on, we can encounter Elder Lemurians. Once you get that spawn, use Crush/Throwing Axe and Burnout to achieve scorching and start extracting your vengeance. Use Burnout as needed to maintain scorching when there are no enemy spawns. Do this until 8 have been defeated for the achievement.
Characters – Artificer
If you have read multiple entries in this guide you know I constantly reference this achievement when making multikills for other challenges that are not character specific to double-dip. Once again my recommended approach is always going to be the same,Toxic Beast run.
Refer to “Magnum Opus” run under the Macho achievement for setup. Wait out teleporter timer for a Toxic Beast, find a climbable ladder/pillar/rope/etc., AFK near the bottom of it until 3x waves of piglets spawn. You can use literally use any Artificer skill to get the achievement instead of the Gold-plated Bomb, but consider using the bomb if you do not have A Dime a Dozen
Characters – Drifter
…Ask Questions Later
Every time you activate Salvage, you receive 4 temporary items. I do not know what the default duration of temporary items is, but it is not long enough to have offset the cool down 5x times. This means you have to get a little creative to get this done. Along with my suggestions below, you will need to have good scrap management skills, so you can use Salvage the moment is comes off cool down.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
- Visiting a new level RESETS cool downs, so at the end of a stage generate a bunch of scrap on the floor, use Salvage, then collect the scrap and proceed to the next level. Once in the next level you can immediately use Salvage again.
- Using Artifact of Command to acquire some of the following items:
–Ancient Scepter allows you to generate 6 temporary items instead of 4.
-As you would expect, a Substandard Duplicator trivializes this challenge, as you duplicate items made by Salvage along with any other item you pick up.
Characters – HAN-D
Hydralic Press
You already know the drill at this point. Go find a Toxic Beast.
Please refer to “Magnum Opus” run under the Macho achievement for setup. Wait out teleporter timer for a Toxic Beast, find a climbable ladder/pillar/rope/etc., AFK near the bottom of it until 2x waves of piglets spawn. Drop down and useFORCED_REASSEMBLY.
Consider having a Sawmerang while doing this to get Deforestation at the same time.
Like New
Fairly easy to accomplish since HAN-D has healing in their base kit. Just make sure to watch out for fall damage!
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Lowering the game difficultly
-Adjusting damage taken intensity to 10%
Sagitta Aurum
The only viable way to do this is to combine three attack drones into a golden attack drone. Any other options will take way too long.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
-Doing a deep run as HAND-D to loop for drone spawns
-Using Artifact of Sacrifice, this will eliminate chests and containers from the maps, meaning cash held is likely going towards drones.
-Use Artifact of Command to get some Smart Shoppers to help with repairing drones if they break or use Drone Repair Kit
In the photo below, the object on the left is what you need to interact with when you have three attack drones to create a golden drones. The drone on the right is what attack drones look like on the ground.
Why is there two multikill achievements as HAN-D?? You know the drill by this point.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
1. Use Artifact of Command to get a Sawmerang
2. Please refer to “Magnum Opus” run under the Macho achievement. Wait out teleporter timer for a Toxic Beast, find a climbable ladder/pillar/rope/etc., AFK near the bottom of it until 3x waves of piglets spawn. Drop down and use Sawmerang to slaughter all those piglets.
Consider doing this at the same time as the Hydralic Press achievement, as it uses the same setup.
Characters – Sniper
High Caliber
The white zone of the bar is a perfect reload. Building attack speed items like Soldier’s Syringe will affect how fast the bar moves. No real tips here other than load into a game and get a rhythm down.
Iron Sights
While playing as the Sniper, this is really easy to do since Steady Aim paired with Spotter: SCAN will allow you to defeat mostly any enemy in one shot.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Sniper Elite (Revisited)” Run
-Survivor Required: Sniper
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle (lower health pools)
-Adjusting Intensity damage dealt to 200%
-Adjusting Intensity damage taken can help counteract artifacts
-Enable Artifact of Glass and Artifact of Kin
Use kin to get only lemurian spawns. you will one shot all of them with your Snipe skill. Kin is honestly overkill, since Steady Aim with this setup will blast through anything else that spawns.
Empty Pockets
If any survivor is going to accomplish this, it’s the Sniper since they have some of the highest raw damage output with no items.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Look Ma, No Hands” Run
-Survivor Required: Sniper
-Game Difficultly: Drizzle
-Adjust damage dealt / taken intensity if needed
-Enable Artifact of Command
What? Artifact of Command in a no items run?? I know what you are thinking and no, we are not going to pick up items. I highly recommend taking it in this run in case you kill the boss where it drops an item between you and the teleporter so you have to pick it up to leave the stage. Having Artifact of Command spawns that item box instead so you can avoid any item pickups from boss drops.
For the actual run, you should be running down the teleporters, save containers for when you need heals. Teleporter event will be annoying since enemies will keep getting in the way of your Steady Aim, and without items the Sniper can take a while to clear out hordes of enemies. Don’t worry if you need all 90 seconds to get enemies to stop spawning so you can take out the boss since all you are trying to do is activate the third teleporter.
Timing on this one is very tedious to do, but every time you challenge Providence, you will get three attempts to get this achievement! That’s right, the first, third and fourth stage of this fight will count as “Kill Providence.”
There’s a couple setups to accomplish this, so I am going to list them instead of making a suggested specific run. You can attempt to do all of these in a single run, pick two, or stick to a single one.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
1. Laser Turbine
This setup requires a good amount of red items. The idea here is to use Military Training to proc Laser Turbine to kill Providence.
Using Artifact of Command, acquire a Laser Turbine and a Hardlight Afterburner. If you find any other red items, collect more Laser Turbine, Hardlight Afterburner, and Alien Head.
During the Providence fight, get him near death and then start spamming Military Training until Laser Turbine procs to kill him. Remember, Laser Turbine gets 7.8% charge per stack from every skill used. Having more skill charges or more turbines greatly accelerates this process.
2. Drones
This setup uses drones to kill providence so you can focus on backflipping at the right time.
Using Artifact of Glass (consider lowering damage taken intensity) and Artifact of Sacrifice (your choice to run this one, I think it promotes drone spawns since you don’t get chests), build up a drone army for the Providence fight. Consider using Artifact of Command to get Smart Shoppers or Drone Repair Kit to help with drones dying on you and pick up Arms Race to buff you drone damage output. Hardlight Afterburner also greatly increases your chances of getting the achievmeent.
During the Providence fight, get him near death and let the drones kill him. Since their damage stream is fairly consistent, it should be easy to time your Military Training, and having Hardlight Afterburner helps if you mistime it too early. Also note the moving away from Providence will stop drones from attacking so I recommending flipping towards him to keep drones attacking.
3. Lost Doll
This setup will use the Lost Doll equipment to kill Providence while backflipping.
Using Artifact of Command, Acquire multiple Infusions early in the run to start stacking max health. Also you will need to pickup a Lost Doll as that is kind of the point of the run. This item does 500% of your maximum health as damage, hence the need for max health. Pick up items like Hardlight Afterburner and Rapid Mitosis to help increase the up time of this combo.
During the Providence fight, get him near death and into your doll damage range (Example: if you have 300 max hp, then get him below 1500 hp). Use Military Training, and while backflipping activate Lost Doll.
Characters – Mercenary
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrive all the same. Playing on Monsoon difficulty was inevitable.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider:
The “Git Gud” Run
-Required Survivor: Mercenary (literally required)
-Required difficulty: Monsoon (once again, literally required)
-Consider enabling Artifact of Command to sway rng in your favor
Personally, I recommend this challenge on base game settings, but hey, you are here to unlock achievements so I won’t judge. Adjusting damage dealt/taken intensity can simplify this achievement if you really want it and I don’t blame you as Ancient Scepter is a fun item.
For those going for it, here’s a couple tips for playing on Monsoon.
- Time is not your friend. Know the maps and plan accordingly based on where you spawn to minimize time spent on each map. The game difficultly ramps up a lot quicker in Monsoon and you WILL feel it. In addition, let’s say you just finished a teleporter event and you know there’s a chest on the other side of the map you did not unlock and have the cash. Recognize that going back over there without movement items can cost you an upwards of additional 2 minutes in your run for 1 item. Sometimes, it’s just not worth it.
- There is a new elite type: blighted. These dudes WILL mess you up, don’t give them a chance to hit you. In your run, consider that when you activate a teleporter, there is a chance you will get a horde of many as your teleporter event, so make sure you have items to deal with elite enemy hordes. Also, for the love of the strange creatures that spawn from Filial Imprinting, do NOT run Artifact of Kin as you are literally inviting a shadow people gangbang.
- Some general Mercenary tips:
-Your built-in defense is invulnerability windows, learn to maximize them. If you use Blinding Assault, recognize that after every dash, you can get 1-2x auto attacks in before using the next dash. This will help you maximize DPS against enemies while not being able to be hit thanks to the stun.
–Laser Sword can only hit three enemies max, pay attention to how many enemies you are attempting to auto attack. Also, the skill does not mention it, but the third consecutive strike will knock enemies up in the air. Brilliant Behemoth can help with hitting more than three enemies at once.
-Recognize that if you use Eviscerate, you will be vulnerable the moment you exit the attack, so attacks like volatile elite missiles or Elder Lemurian breaths can catch you off guard when you finish Eviscerate. Consider having Blinding Assault/Skyward Assault off cool down so when you finish Eviscerate you can chain into Blinding Assault/Skyward Assault immediately after to get rid of any vulnerability windows.
-Lastly, if you run Focused Strike, you might want to consider practice with parries (also building Rusty Knives is terrifying). - Persistence is key. Don’t expect to beat this on your first try.
Flash of Light
You’ll get this after a game or two of Mercenary.
If you are having difficulty with this achievement, consider ways to make sure Eviscerate lands a killing blow:
-Adjusting damage dealt intensity to 200%
-Activating Artifact of Glass
-Activating Artifact of Command to build Alien Head and Wicked Ring (with critical build) to have lower Eviscerate cool down
-Activating Artifact of Distortion can lower your Eviscerate cool down, but can also lock the skill.
Conclusion / Closing Remarks
A background on why I wrote this guide:
I have been playing Risk of Rain since the original was released back in 2013 and played through all three games since then. Just like the other ones, all item unlocks are tied to achievements in Risk of Rain Returns, so if you want every item, you need every achievement. I will be the first to admit, it took a little longer than I expected as some of these achievements are very tricky to unlock. For some of the new achievements that were added in this version of the game, I looked around online to see what other players were doing and found little to nothing. So, I decided to document what I did to help other players accomplish the same thing.
That being said, I would love to hear how you and other players attempted the challenges and achievements in this guide, as there could be even simpler strategies than what I discussed and would like to add them to this guide, as we are all here to accomplish the goal: unlock every item tied to achievements.
And that wraps up our share on Risk of Rain Returns: Tips and Tricks for Achievement Hunting. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Average_Crusader, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!