Risen Collector MapThis guide will show you all the maps with important items and objects in game that will help you upgrade your character stats and more.This maps contains locations of all the plants with permanent effect – Ogreroot (strength), Pixie Hat (dexterity), Druid’s Hemlock (health), Wanderlust (experience) and Hero’s Crown that is needed to make potions with permanent effect. You can find all the stone plates and bookstands that will boost your wisdom stat and experience. Also you will see locations of permanent effect potions and recipes for it. Additionally I placed locations of prospecting objects – gold veins, iron ores, obsidian deposits and magic runes.
- As this maps are high resolution images it is advised to download them and use your graphic application of your choosing to place for ex. black dots on items/objects already found in game. It will help you to find all of them.
- Maps are upscaled, they are much higher resolution than original maps in game.
- Although these are detailed maps, it is hard sometimes to find everything because marks are placed in 2D image map while we playing 3D game. Some items/objects can be lower or higher in the game (for example caves or temples). I am sure that everything is placed right on the map because I check every item/object myself in the game before I placed mark on the map. To help you find everything I made over 300 screenshot how item/object and surroundings looks like.
- Hardest place is volcano caves at the end of the game because maps in game are too small – meaning that you will not see yourself on the map. That’s why some of the mark on the maps are placed outside of the map.
- Marks are not doubled! If you missing a number on World Map it means that this mark will be on the other map.
- All images are hosted in my Imgur account due to limitation of images resolution, size and quantity. Also you will have much better quality thanks to this approach.
- To make this guide as short in length as possible – all screenshots are links to Imgur only.
If you want to see map in full resolution don’t just click on the map. Just click the link below the map to see map on Imgur.
You can also check out my previous guide here:
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2606809613Because some of the items/objects are available later in game this guide contain spoilers! Viewer discretion is advised.
All maps locations
- Map of the Island (simplified) – Found in a chest in the house on the second floor where you meet Jan at the beginning of the game. Key to the chest is in the cupboard on the first floor. Once you end up in the first house with Sara go further into the Island and you will see next house with Jan in it.
- Map of the Island (detailed) – Given to you by Nelson (The Map of the Island – quest).
- Harbour Town – Given to you by Leto at the south gate of Harbour Town after you pay him 100 gold for letting you in.
- Bandit Camp (Swamp) – Given to you by Doug at the entrance of the Bandit Camp at the swamp.
- Volcano Keep (Monastery) – Given to you by Pallas, Kalib or Taylor at the entrance of the Monastery. On who gives you the map depends how you end up there.
- Lizard Prison – In the chest in Lizard Prison. Once you enter the prison pass the red barier go right (north-east) and then room on your left side (north-west). The chest is in the room.
- Eastern Temple – Found on Danilo’s body inside the Eastern Temple.
- Priest’s Tomb Behind the Waterfall (west coast)- Read the map column in the central chamber of the Priest’s Tomb Behind the Waterfall. Once you go past blue barrier go right (only way) and go streight until there will be a trapdoor. Go down through it. Head south until you will end up in the chamber room with map column.
- Priest’s Tomb in the Eastern Volcano Cave – Read the map column in the first chamber of the Priest’s Tomb in the Eastern Volcano Cave. Once you get through blue barrier go straight to the chamber.
- Caves Under the Volcano – From the west side go straight to the cave and go north (left) and you will find corpse with a map.
- Caves and fortifications beneath the Volcano – Held by the Leader of the hunting party at Henrik and Jasmin house (The search for the map – quest in chapter 3).
Map of the Island
Harbour Town
Bandits Camp (Swamp)
Volcano Keep (Monastery)
Lizard Prison
Eastern Temple
Priest’s Tomb Behind the Waterfall (west coast)
Priest’s Tomb in the Eastern Volcano Cave
Caves Under the Volcano
Caves and fortifications beneath the Volcano
Tips & Tricks
Uploaded guide and maps
And that wraps up our share on Risen: Risen Collector Map (plants, prospecting, potions, recipes, runes, stone plates). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by kwasowsky, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!