In this guide, you will learn how to obtain all of the achievements in Kafka. Each achievement is tied to a specific chapter, and this guide will organize them accordingly.
The Trials
Please keep in mind that the dialogue options that you choose do not have an effect on the storyline or the achievements, except the ones that will be shown here, so feel free to choose whatever.
This one is story base so you won’t miss it.You should recieve this achievement regardless of the storyline you choose at the end of the chapter.
To get this achievement you will need to choose the storyline oriented to getting help from the lawyer Huld. For that, when given the option, you need to accept his help.
This will appear after Leni makes noise and later on both the lawyer and Leni leaves the room you are in, one to each side. Go to lawyer side and choose yes:
You should get the achievement later on regardless of the options that you choose later.
To get this achievement, you need to try to throw the lawyer Huld through the hole in the wall (as shown in the picture above).
(Thanks to the people who told me how to get this one because I had no idea)
This time, after each person has gone to one side, choose to go where Leni is and accept her help in the same way you accepted Huld help before.
You should get the achievement later on regardless of the rest of the options.
The Letter
You will receive this achievement at the end of the chapter once you finish it.
To get this achievement you just need to organise the shelve as shown in the picture above.
Once you have organised the shelve like this, you will get the achievement after your father approving of it.
The Castle
You will get this achievement once you finish the whole chapter regardless of the options you choose during the game.
You will get this achievement after succesfully leaving outside your two coworkers.
For this, you need to close the door with the tables and put the fire on, then throw them outside through the window and close it.
Thank you for reading my guide, hope it was useful and sorry for any mistakes
And that wraps up our share on Playing Kafka: All achievements. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Iv_25, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!