This gaming guide article, titled “Pimiko Plus: 93%* Achievement Guide,” will provide you with valuable insights and tips to achieve a 93% completion rate in Pimiko Plus. It is important to note that this percentage is equivalent to 14 out of 15 achievements, as the last achievement has not been implemented yet. Read on to improve your Pimiko Plus gameplay!
Simplest way to do runs is to use Doctor and choose to heal Raiders in encounters while using a single First Aid Kit to skip encounters.
My trading strategy is:
1. Find cheap low-tier items, Drugs (70-120), Explosives (100-300), Vaccines (50-150), Personal Firearms (150-400)
2. Find a city to sell them, Drugs (300-1500), Explosives (1500-15000), Vaccines (750-3500), Personal Firearms (1500-15000)
3. Find cheap Automatic Firearms or Surgical Kits, a good price for both would be in a range of 300-1000
2. Find a city to sell them, wait until you see a good price >10000
Spend 30,000+ RMD on equipment at Misha’s shop.
You have to buy Type-96 Rifle or RGNC-16 Rifle in bottom center city. Vendor’s name should be Mikhail.
Lavish attention on poor, gullible Misha to the point of frightening him.
Currently broken, as there is no way to unlock this one.
Finish a game as the Scrounger class, with at least 500,000 RMD to your name.
Fairly simple self-explanatory achievement. Probably going to be unlocked first.
As the Junker class, sell 100 units of Microcomputer Software in the TSS Hapytown market in one transaction.
As the Junker class, sell 50 Microcomputers in the TSS Hapytown market in one transaction.
Finish a game as the Junker class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.
All of Junker achievements are self-explanatory
Finish a game as the Raider class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.As the Raider class, have at least 5 meals with wandering merchants in a given run.
During Trader encounter choose “Invite him to share lunch (+25HP) 5 times.
Finish a game as the Raider class with a reputation for unbridled brutality.
For this achievement you need to have 2nd stat (Fist) 40 points higher than 3rd stat (Lock? Head?) and to reach win condition (have 500,000 RMB) at the end of a game.
Simplest way to get Fist stat is to get Poison Darts, use Poison Dart on enemies and hit them with Fire to instakill. That way it will give +5 points on any enemy, but +10 if it is a Trader.
Finish a game as the Doctor class, with at least 500,000 RMD in your possession.
As the Doctor class, administer healthcare to 3 wounded raiders in a run.
As the Doctor class, successfully rob a merchant.
To do that save 10-15 First Aid Kits to use during battle and get 500RM Shotgun for 22000, then you can try to rob a Trader.
And that wraps up our share on Pimiko Plus: 93%* Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by YH, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!