If you’re looking to up your game in PAYDAY 2, you might want to consider the Muscle perk deck. While it may not be a commonly used choice, trust us when we say it packs a punch. Here are 5 powerful builds to help you dominate the game.
<3- +100% HP (+230HP in other words)
{b]<3-[/b] *1.15 enemy targer priority (Is just you are going to be supressed more often)
<3- Shooting at an enemy with a unsupressed weapon has 20% change to cause panic
<3- Heal 3% of your max health every 5 seconds
As I said, is just a simple deck, making you more tanky than other perk decks, let’s go to explain the effects of this
The next effect is that *1.15 enemy targer priority, just you are going to be supressed as I said, what means that? okay… I’m going to explain it simple if I can, being supressed is just your armor is going to cover slower, so you need to be more patient and that’s all (and maybe be graced but Idk)
Muscle’s panic is not an interesting thing, it doesn’t work with weapons with a supressor, crossbows, bows and the airbow, the panic just makes the enemies vulnerable, without possibilities of shooting? and well, how you know when they are in the panic effect? well, just they are going to…? cry…?
Idk, the animation is funny
And well the last one, you have 3% regeneration every 5 seconds, and okay this is the lowest passive regeneration in the game, but if you mix it with Hostage Taker the regeneration is 7.5% every 5 seconds, being the best regeneration in the game (passive one) and well, Grinder probably is the best but is it agressive so… ;d
230HP (Default One) + 100%HP (Muscle) = 460HP
460HP + CrewChief = 483HP
483HP + 1 Hostage = 497HP
497HP + 1 Hostage = 511HP
511HP + 1 Hostage = 524HP
524HP + 1 Hostage = 538HP
538HP + Joker = 607HP
FUN FACT: muscle regenerates 45 HP every 5 seconds)
(tanking 3 shots of a heavy zeal and one of a green dozer)
Well, let’s go with the builds
Muscle Akimbo Grimms DB
Brothers Grimm 12G (Akimbo Shotgun) Mods:
-Ammunition: Dragon’s Breath Round
-Barrel ext: Donald’s Horizontal Leveller
-Boost: Concealment
-Custom: Auto Fire
-Foregrip: Little Brother Foregrip
-Gadget: Compact Laser Module
-Magazine: Big Brother Magazine
CR 805B (Smg) Mods:
-Barrel: Short Barrel
-Barrel ext: Stubby Compensator
-Boost: Concealment
-Gadget: Compact Laser Module
-Magazine: Speed Pull Magazine
Muscle Locomotive DB
Izhma 12G (Shotgun) Mods:
-Ammunition: 000 Buckshot
-Barrel: Shot Barrel
-Barrel ext: Shark Teeth Nozzle
-Boost: Accuracy (-4)
-Custom: Auto Fire
-Charging handle: Taktika Charging Handle
-Foregrip: Hollow Handle
-Gadget: LED Combo
-Grip: AK Rubber Grip
-Magazine: Big Brother Magazine
-Stock: Classic Stock
-Upper receiver: Taktika Railed Cover
Locomotive 12G (Shotgun) Mods:
-Ammunition: Dragon’s Breath Round
-Boost: Concealment
-Gadget: Compact Laser Module
-Grip: Skeletonized AR Grip
-Magazine: Extended Magazine
-Stock: Tactical Shorty Stock
Muscle Incendiary Round
GL40 Grenade Launcher (Special) Mods:
-Ammunition: Incendeary Round
-Barrel: Pirate Barrel
-Boost: Concealment
-Stock: Sawed-off Stock
Mark 10 (Smg) Mods:
-Barrel ext: Stubby Compensator
-Boost: Accuracy
-Extra: Railed Handguard
-Gadget: Stealth Laser Module
-Magazine: Speed Pull Magazine
-Sight: Your favorite one but just with -1 concealment
-Stock: Skeletal Stock
Muscle Flamethrower
Cavity 9mm (Assault Rifle) Mods:
-Barrel ext: Stubby Compensator
-Boost: Accuracy
-Gadget: Stealth Laser Module
-Secondary sight: 45 Degree Ironsights
-Sight: Your favorite one but with -1 concealment
MA-17 Flamethrower (Special) Mods:
-Boost: Total Ammo
-Gadget: Compact Laser Module
-Magazine: Low Temperature Mixture
Muscle Microgun
XL 5.56 Microgun (Special) Mods:
-Boost: Total Ammo
-Gadget: Compact Laser Module
-Upper Receiver: XS Heat Sink Barrel
Bronco .44 Revolver (Pistol) Mods:
-Barrel ext: Flash Hider
-Boost: Concealment (+3)
-Grip: Ergo Grip
-Slide: Pocket Surprise Barrel
-Upper Receiver: Slimline Body
And that wraps up our share on PAYDAY 2: 5 Powerful Builds (Muscle). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Bocchi The Goth, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!