Have you ever Ondered how to 100% this game??? now you know with this guide /// Includes screenshots and text and “PUZZLE” guide to beat the game
A Little Rundown
Blue Capsule
After that you should see a broken piece in the grass,you should see a ring with a broken piece ontop of a elevator, you wanna bring the broken piece to it and then press the blue button on top of the 3 small pillars to activate the cutscene, after you done with the cutscene you should see the small platform going up and down.
Red Capsule
Red capsule is on the little cliff next to the stairs to the temple, Put the capsule in the small pillar and press the button on top of it to change the color to red, A cutscene should activate and then you want to Take the piece that fell off and put them in the water to repair the step and just hop to the next section with the yellow capsule.
Yellow Capsule
After entering the white gate its just a walking section and nothing else, When you reach the end of it a cutscene plays where the dude dies (lol) and you get the achievement
And that wraps up our share on Onder: A Guide On How To 100% Onder. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by ⁂, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!