A guide to collecting all 28 items for “The Collector” achievement.
The game is not very big and all items are easy to find by yourself with careful exploring. But if you miss something, the guide will save you time.
Not all items in game are needed for the achievement. Some are only for solving puzzles, and then they disappear. The guide only lists items needed for the achievement.
The guide contains spoilers
English is not my native language. I apologize for poor sentence construction.
Not all items in game are needed for the achievement. Some are only for solving puzzles, and then they disappear. The guide only lists items needed for the achievement.
The guide contains spoilers
English is not my native language. I apologize for poor sentence construction.
1. Invitation Sign Drawing
This item appears automatically in the inventory at the very beginning of the game, after a few steps along the way.
2. Lookout Note
A little further ahead is a destroyed railway bridge. To the right of it is the storyline path. And to the left is a small abandoned camp. We need to go to this camp (there’s a trap at the entrance). Climb onto the yellow wagon, and there is a note on the table.

3. Shack Note
After fleeing from the infected crows, you will find yourself in a shack. To the left on the table, there is a note.

4. Tower Entries
Next you need to climb over the settlement wall to the tower. There is a note on the table.

5. Newcomer’s Diary
From the tower our path goes through an empty stable to the houses. Each house has sign with a number at the front door. These numbers will be your guide. The diary is in house 01, in the left room on the table.

6. Calendar, October 2039
Calendar is in house 02. To the left of the entrance is the kitchen, and item is hanging on the refrigerator.

7. An Invitation Note
The next house is number 03. The note is on the table to the right of the entrance door. There are several such notes in the game.

8. Child’s Drawing
Drawing is in the children’s room on the second floor of house 03.

9. Second Spring
Next point of interest is the church. There are no collectible items in house 04 and at the cemetery. To the left of the church, there is a table. Note is under this table.

10. Holy Shrine
Going down from the church to the opposite side of the settlement, we will find ourselves in a small checkpoint / storage room. Note is on the shelves to the left.

11. Engineer’s Note
Note is in house 05. This is the first house after the door with a voice lock. Note is on the table in the right part of the house. On the bed, there is an invitation note that we have already found earlier.

12. A Request
To the left of house 05, there is a workspace. There is a note on the table.

13. A Drawing
Further along the path is house 06. To the left of the entrance door is a wardrobe. Moving it aside, you can enter a room with a billiard and poker tables. A drawing is on the poker table.

14. Duty Paper
House 06. Second floor. To get to the room, you need to turn the torch to the right of the door. The paper is on the table.

15. Ms. Kelly’s Diary
House 08. The only residential house on the opposite side of the river. The player gets there through the underground temple and the well. The diary is in the right part of the house by the bed.

16. About The Code
Next to house 08, there is a grey building with a blue door. There is a note on the door.

17. An Order From Director
The order is inside the grey building with the blue door. It is on the table to the left. The lock code is 5797.

18. Daily Reports
Finally we got to the local “castle”. The first room is the security room. The report is on the table to the left of the entrance.

19. The Contract of HAUSTVILLE
The next room of the ‘castle’ is the management office. The contract is sticking out of the document drawer.

20. Report Paper
The last room of the ‘castle’ is the head office. The report is on the table. There is also another invitation note on the table.

21. Doctor’s Note
After the head office, we need house 07. We saw it earlier, but we couldn’t enter without the key (which was in that office). Opening the door, we go to the right. The note is in the room on the bed.

22. To those left behind
House 07. Go up by ladder to the attic. A note is on the table with the radio.

23. Family Photo
House 07. Attic. Table with the radio. Next to the previous note.

24. Arsenic Bottle
According to the storyline, next location is fields, where vegetables are grown for the settlement. We need to get to the greenhouse. Among the strawberries lies a vial of poison. The strawberries are under glass, which can be broken with stones.

25. Note Taken from the Hole
After the scene with the sheep, you can see a cut down grove with a well. To the right of the well, there is a stone under which lies a note. There is achievement “No Stone Unturned” for taking this note.

26. Burnt Note from Dad
Last building in the game is Dr. Celine’s house. Go inside and head left into the living room. Note is in the fireplace.

27. Letter from the Director
Dr. Celine’s house. Second floor. First door by the stairs. Note in the trash can by the table.

28. The Future of HaustVille
Dr. Celine’s house. In the basement there is a laboratory, where you need to get according to the storyline. There will be a room with a TV. On the table to the right is the last note.

Although it’s easy to find items in the game, some can still be missed. I hope the guide will be useful to someone.
And that wraps up our share on Once Alive: “The Collector” achievement. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Deus348, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!