A text-only guide to see you through what content exists of the 2023 legacy version, as well as attain all achievements. This does not contain a full bestiary.
As of late 2024, the developer has indicated interest in revisiting the project after development of their present project, Dokimon, wraps up. Should the full rework come to pass, this guide will obviously not be as applicable to what comes next.
The developer has stated intentions for the 2023 legacy version to always be available from a beta branch, and so this guide will remain relevant for that particular version.
It is the guide writer’s opinion that what’s present is charming and interesting enough to preserve in this way, however incomplete the game in question.
For reference, it took me a little under eight and a half hours to attain all achievements while simultaneously writing this guide’s first draft.
Revision History
What was found and obtained throughout my playthrough was enough to attain all achievements, and so the information presented here should be adequate to achieve the same by the reader.
Pardon the somewhat rough and bare-bones presentation.
Type Matchup Chart
Attacker reads from left, defender reads from top.
o = Normal damage
+ = Double damage
– = Half damage
* All types do normal damage to their own type.
* There are a few instances where a type is resisted, but damage against said type isn’t doubled in turn. (Ghouls vs. Neutral-type damage, Fairies vs. Astral-type damage)
* Mimic is a type that only factors towards the very end of the 2023 legacy version’s content.
Some Useful Tips
– Unlike some mainstrem games of the monster catcher genre, the Nuumonsters do not “evolve” or otherwise transform. What you see is what you get. They only start to unlock their full movelist as they level up, and by around level 20 every Nuumonster you find will have a complete moveset.
– A major issue with the game is how cumbersome it is to switch around your team order. The guide will give suggestions about what Nuumonster types should be in your first two team slots before major fights, in order to mitigate this problem. Otherwise, pick two or three personal favorites to lead the charge, as it were.
– All Nuumonsters are just a single type. The primary difference between Nuumonsters of the same type is their movelist, and some differences in HP and MP. You can old “TAB” or “X” to check your moveset and the combatants’ types in battle at any time, along with whether or not a given Nuumonster is at an advantage or disadvantage.
– On that “TAB”/”X” in-battle reference: a sword icon means the move deals damage. A plus sign means it heals. A teardrop sign means it regenerates mana/MP. ‘MA’ indicates mana/MP cost, PW indicates how powerful the move is. The sword/plus/teardrop icons can combine together on the same attack, meaning it does multiple things. Attacks with both a sword and a plus sign means it does damage and heals at the same time, for example.
– If the movelist when holding “TAB” or “X” shows more moves than you’re able to select once you’re at level 20 or so… that’s a bug. Save, quit, and reload, and it should be fixed.
– Even if an attack might be seen as shared between different Nuumonster types, it is the Nuumonster’s type alone that determines their effectiveness vs. other Nuumonster types.
– All Nuumonster attacks run off the MP system, represented as circles in-battle. This includes attempting to catch wild Nuumonsters, so be careful you don’t run that bar too dry before trying.
– Catching appears to always fail if the wild Nuumonster is at full health, but appears to always succeed if they’re even a little damaged. All my catch attempts at half health or lower have always succeeded, if you want certainty.
– The “Burst” mechanic is powerful, allowing an individual Nuumonster the capacity to use a powered-up version of the selected move once per battle (at greater MP cost). Press “Z” when selecting a move to use it.
– You always strike first in a round. If the enemy’s health is low enough, your victory is a foregone conclusion.
– Level is king. It’s better to replace weaker Nuumonsters you’re not actively using in your party with newly-caught wild ones of significantly higher level where you can.
– Leveling up mid-battle refills a Nuumonster’s HP and MP to full. If they’re close to the next level, go for broke. It’s not uncommon in Elite Trainer battles for a Nuumonster that survives multiple enemies to level up twice, leading to snowballing an enemy team that much more easily.
– Try to keep parties balanced with at least one of each of these five types: Astral, Living, Fairy, Ghoul, and Nature. Neutral only has one good type match-up in a single stand-out case at the end of the game. It’s one that Fairy also does as well, rendering Neutral redundant. This leaves you room for one personal favorite of any type you’d like. (It’s okay if your favorite is a Neutral, I just don’t recommend one.)
Part 01: Starting Out
Rei, in the shape of a fairy will explain the rules. Your goal is to raise ELO. You start at 1000 ELO, and raise that score as you defeat other trainers and wild Nuumonsters. Every 100 ELO you gain, there’s a stronger opponent – an Elite Trainer – that you need to beat before your ELO can rise any higher.
ELO is trivial to raise by winning fights anywhere in the game, so don’t worry too much about it. The game will tell you when you’re at your current cap.
Pick your starter! I may argue against the fiery Asobi (Ast) only because you’re about to get a free Astral-type from the jump, but pick who looks most appealing. I went with Kusaro (Livi) for my starter. (1/50 Nuumonsters)
Note that the other starters become unobtainable, as far as I know, but this won’t stop you from completing the game’s achievements.
“Multi-Save Worthy!” popped for me here.
Explore your room. You can hold SHIFT to run, and press ENTER or E to interact with things. You can find a Revi (revives a fallen Nuumonster) in the upper left corner of your room.
You can also go to your PC and find you have two other Nuumonsters in your PC already, Chisa (Fae) and Yshiro (Ast). These were (or rather, still are) promotional gifts, so they may not be there in the future. Nonetheless, at time of initial writing (January 21 2025), they’re there, and they count. (3/50 Nuumonsters)
NOTE: Do not press “Delete” at any time while in the PC.
The save file doesn’t seem to update with how many you’ve caught as you save your file (it always says “1”), but when you load it from the title screen, it will properly show how many on that screen alone.
Right now, the PC is the only thing you can use to change which Nuumonster takes the lead in battle. This is important for early leveling, inconvenient as it is.
Press Escape to see your menu. You can go press ‘F’ to unlock “Pro Gamer!” right now. Head downstairs.
You can talk to your mother to heal all your Nuumonsters, which you’ll want to do frequently. Head south to leave home and into the greater world!
Part 02: Lilygrove
You may notice floating ‘X’ blockades stopping you from going further out. The one immediately north won’t let you move forward until you’re 1002 ELO or higher, which is about to be handed to you.
If you go due east into the line of sight of whoever’s standing outside, you get pulled into a cutscene with your friend… and a battle!
I suggest hitting ‘X’ to see basics, such as to see each combatant’s type, whether or not you have advantage over the enemy, and your available attacks. For now, just use your attacking move. (Kusaro’s is Bash.)
NOTE: Your friend is based on the gender you didn’t pick (Yana if you picked male, Yasaka if you picked female), and they use the starter that is weak against yours.
Winning will get you to some ELO. Now you can go north, but first, let’s explore a little more.
Go northeast to meet an ‘iisa rock,’ which serves no purpose – there’s a few objects like this as a recurring joke, and you’re on your own for the rest.
Pick up the box next to it which contains a Vita (heals a Nuumonster by 50% of their max health). Go fully south to find another box! It’s another Vita. Northwest of your house is another box, with a Resto (restores a Nuumonster’s MP by 50% of their maximum).
South of a kid facing the water, directly south in a seemingly open area, is something called a Lulu Fruit (1/15 hidden items). This will automatically level up a Nuumonster. Take note that hidden items ‘take up’ the space they’re in, so if you come across a blank space you can’t walk into, check it! It’s probably a hidden item. Random rocks can also house hidden items, too.
Also, sometimes when you return to the overworld from a battle, these spaces will sparkle briefly, so that’s another tell.
The game will reward you with an achievement, “Treasure Hunter,” when you find at least fifteen of these. I’ll mark them as you go through this guide. You might even find one I didn’t. This guide will supply the locations of sixteen, so there should be no guesswork.
You will probably get to 1100 ELO just from running around and fighting wild Nuumonsters without any major effort on your part, though I would encourage going home to your PC and trying to readjust your Nuumonster order to put different ones ‘on point’ until you have a handful of level 9 ones.
That’s all there is, so head north into Route 01.
Part 03: Route 01
Level Range – Approx. 3-7
* Bagubi (Livi)
* Reaper (Gol)
* Yachiro (Livi)
* Nekobi (Nue)
* Flappy (Nue)
* Sizzle (Nat)
If all caught, should be at 9/50 caught Nuumonsters.
You can now go into tall grass and be attacked by wild Nuumonsters, if you go straight north into the brush. The bushes around towns do not appear to contain any Nuumonsters, unfortunately.
Catching uses your Nuumonster’s MP. As the basic tips shared above, it seems like it only fails if the wild Nuumonster’s HP is full. Otherwise, every time I tried to catch one with even a small amount of damage, it would be caught.
Don’t stress out if you miss a few from the list. I caught up to 64 (that’s sixty-four) while writing the guide, which will be more than enough for the “Nuumonster Specialist” achievement down the line. Do your best to be thorough where possible, and you should be fine.
Also, you can run away from any wild battle just once, to get the “Live Another Day!” achievement.
The game’s first Ghoul-type Nuumonster, Reaper, is here. The same is true of the game’s first Neutral-type Nuumonsters, Nekobi and Flappy. Whether the Living-types (Bagubi, Yachiro) and Nature-type (Sizzle) are new depends on your starter choice, but it is notable you can’t catch any Astral-types here on Route 01. (You will probably have one in Yshiro from your PC at home at the start of the game, but if not, don’t worry.)
When you go east, you may notice you enter battle once you reach the NPC’s line of sight. Darkened borders will surround you when you’re about to encounter a trainer that wants to fight, as a warning.
Like the unchosen protagonist in Lilygrove, this is an unavoidable battle for progress. Some can be skipped, but not this one.
Shrine Girl Mika will come at you with a Lv2 Mizusan (Nat). Kusaro (Livi) is at disadvantage, but level advantage alone is enough.
NOTE: Mika uses the starter that yours is weak against. If you picked a different starter than Kusaro, she’ll have whoever they’re weak to.
You can re-challenge almost any Trainer by talking to them again. Their Nuumonsters will be at least one level higher with every challenge, but it’s good if you want to sneak a few levels.
I had “Professional Burster!” go off from using normal attacks here in my fifth fight against wild Nuumonsters, though it’s supposed to do that from using Burst 20 times.
So, enough on that, let’s move on.
Head directly east from Mika to find another hidden Lulu Fruit (2/15 hidden items) in front of the lower row of tall grass.
Be careful when going northeast for the treasure box, as another trainer will ambush you. Business Man Nick fields Lv5 Sizzle (Nat), who isn’t too hard. That box has a Resto I (fully restores a Nuumonster’s mana).
Due west of him, above a guy, is a Vita.
The young woman you might see as you head towards the path north deserves special notice. First, don’t talk to her, and read why in the next paragraph.
NOTE: The young woman at the north exit, Young Lass Mary, appears to be a special case. She has only one Flappy (Nue), but they are always at a very high level. For whatever reason, her Flappy’s level skyrockets to astronomical levels as time goes on. Luckily, she does not initiate fights against you unless you talk to her, and it isn’t important to progression to fight her.
You will probably hit the 1100 ELO cap just from random fights here. If you aren’t, do a few more before proceeding north to the next town.
Part 04: Booby Blossom
This promotion involves coupons. She’ll give you one, and ask you to come back when you find four.
First of all, go to the building to your immediate northeast marked ‘AR,’ that’s where you can go to both heal up Nuumonsters and change up their order – though you’ll have a new way to do that soon.
Directly east, at the rock, is another Lulu Fruit (3/15 hidden items). Northeast of that in the box is a Vita. Behind the three houses – there’s nothing interesting inside of them – is another Vita. To the far northwest, south of the blockade going further north, is a Revi (which will revive one fallen Nuumonster to 50% of their health).
West of the AR building has at least one item of interest. Onigiri (a full Health refill for one Nuumonster) is near the counter. To the far right, another Onigiri. But wait! One of the tables has a hidden Onigiri (4/15 hidden items), so that’s three. You’re done here.
Now for the Coupon Girls! Due straight west from Coupon Girl #1 is Coupon Girl #2. At the upper-most right beyond the three teleporters (circular marks on the ground) is Coupon Girl #3. Go due west to find #4 behind a house. All of them look the same, so you won’t miss them.
NOTE: Please do this sidequest. It’s trivial, and what it gives is very helpful.
Return to Coupon Girl #1 after finding all four Coupon Girls to receive the ‘Tech’ option in your menu!
It lets you see which Nuumonsters you’ve found so far (upper left) and arrange your party (upper right), which are the two most useful functions. I’d rearrange your team now before heading back south to Route 01 to try and level some up to around Level 8 or better, if possible.
Speaking of teleporters, if you stand still on one, it’ll teleport you! However, it’s not very earth-shattering. The middle one has some cute worldbuilding and a little gameplay advice, if interested. The one on the left just takes you back home (unneeded), and the one on the right doesn’t go anywhere.
There’s not much else of interest other than the Elite Trainer blocking your way. That’s Rich Kid Will, right in the far northwest wearing a crown, south of the ‘X’ barricade blocking your progress.
Once you’re at 1100 ELO, you can challenge him at any time by talking to him. Don’t do so unless you’re prepared to, as it will immediately throw you into battle with him.
PREPARATION SUGGESTION: Starting with a Nature-type is a good idea, as it is strong versus two-thirds of Will’s team and neutral to the rest. Route 01’s Sizzle fits for this, though picking Mizusan as your starter also satisfies this. Reaper, a Ghoul you can get in Route 01, is strong against the same two-thirds as a Nature-type but is weak to the middle member of Will’s team, so I’d put them second or third in your line-up for best results.
He comes at you with Lv8 Bagubi (Livi), Lv8 Sizzle (Nat), and Lv10 Yachiro (Livi). It’s not a hard fight on the whole, despite the detail of the preparation suggestion. Worst case scenario, you probably beat him with overwhelming numbers of fresh-faced level 5-ish wild Nuumonsters spamming a Burst attack (press “Z”) as their first attack, and it still counts as a win.
Beating Rich Kid Will raises your ELO past 1100, and grants you the achievements “Booby BOSSom!” and “To Rugged Ridge!” It will also remove the blockade north of him.
Go back and heal up at the AR building before continuing forward.
Part 05: Route 02 + Rugged Ridge
Level Range – Approx. 10-15
* Bombi (Ast)
* Yoru (Gol)
* Ponti (Nue)
* Yire (Ast)
* Dandi (Nat)
* Zuzu (Gol)
* Flake (Ast)
If all caught, should be at 16/50 caught Nuumonsters.
Be forewarned! What lies ahead is a noticeable step up, so you’re going to want to raise your Nuumonsters a bit.
It is important to reiterate that in this game, a Nuumonster’s level is everything. Even if you have type advantage, you will feel that difference if the level is too low, and the wild Nuumonsters present will teach you this quickly if Mary at the north end of Route 01 didn’t.
If you didn’t pick Asobi (Ast) as your starter and also didn’t get Yshiro (Ast) out of your PC – assuming they were put there when you started – Bombi and Yire are your first possible Astral-type Nuumonsters.
Schoolkid Danny will interrupt your climb north. He fields two instances of Lv10 Yachiro (Livi), followed by a Lv15 Bagubi (Livi), and is a large step up from the Elite Trainer just a few steps south of him! (He’s also a decent training partner for a Nature-type or Ghoul-type, too.)
Another short trek north is an unavoidable battle with Fisherman Yosuke. He has a Lv12 Reaper (Gol) and a Lv15 Ponti (Nue).
The rock east of him has another Lulu Fruit (5/15 hidden items) and a box with a Revi. You can go south to leap back over the ledge and head back to the town you came from if you need to heal up, which you may given the large level jump.
Rugged Ridge is the mountain path up north, with nothing of note there other than the need to head east.
As you step down into a new path, you may run into Youngling Ariel, who fields lv12 Dash (Fae) and lv15 Chisa (Fae). This is your first possible encounter with Fairy-types by an enemy trainer, and can be dealt with easily using a favorite Living-type or Ghoul-type.
Just go south of her to find a box with Vita I (heals a Nuumonster to full health when used). You can head east, but detour north towards a cave. To the right of the entrance is another Resto.
Swimmer Yana to the south will field a lv15 Nekobi (Nue) and a lv18 Yaro (Ast), but the cave may be of more interest to you.
The very south-east tile of the cave has a hidden Lulu Fruit (6/15 hidden items). A Crystal is hidden in the northwest rock (7/15 hidden items), which is apparently meant to be sold. There appears to be nothing else, so head on back out and let’s rejoin the main path.
There appears to be new Nuumonsters in this grass patch both here and next to Swimmer Yana, so let’s catologue those. It’s possible they also show up earlier in Route 02 (as Flake did for me on a second pass), but to be safe, they get their own tiny section here.
New Wild Nuumonsters Found in Rugged Ridge:
Level Range – Approx. 11-17
* Spindle (Livi)
* Glutton (Gol)
* Yamero (Nue)
If all caught, should be at 19/50 Nuumonsters.
The guy in front of the path ahead does not play the Nuumonsters game! You’re free to move on to Route 03.
Part 06: Route 03
Level Range – Approx. 12-19
* Truble (Gol)
* Blun (Nat)
* Vypr (Gol)
* Yaro (Ast)
If all caught, should be at 23/50 caught Nuumonsters.
Avoid or take on MadamAria here, who fields lv12 Flappy (Nue), Lv12 Fang (Livi), and Lv12 Zuzu (Gol).
Going north into the grass, you’ll find the wild Nuumonster levels can roll higher than before. There’s at least one new Nuumonster to grab here. When you’re done, head east and either encounter or avoid the next trainer.
That trainer is Schoolkid Isaac, who fields lv14 Dandy (Nat) and lv14 Flake (Nat). If you have an Astral-type you want to train, or perhaps the promotional Fairy-type Chisa from the start of the game like I did, he’s a good partner for this.
NOTE: Once you progress down south over the ledge, you’ll need to go into the next town to loop back over. (It’s not a long walk at all.)
Southwest is a box with Vita I.
There’s a surly trainer you can, once again, also avoid. If you want to fight him, Punk Rocker Majito fields lv15 Yoru (Gol), Lv15 Vypr (Gol), and Lv15 Glutton (Gol).
After that, there’s not much to do but head to Peachy Plateau once you’re done mucking about the grass or fighting trainers, which is east.
Part 07: Peachy Plateau
The building up north will heal your Nuumonsters on the right side. To the left, you can buy things at the terminal. Save your game first, just in case.
IMPORTANT: Only grab the pickaxe for $2500. The other $2500 tools are useless, and it will take a lot of grinding to get that amount of money back if you’re careless.
Interacting with certain rocks once you have the pickaxe – like the one blocking your way inside a fence at the east of town – will grant you the “Adventurer” achievement. Pick up that nearby box for a Resto I while you’re here.
Go directly south of the woman inside the fence to pick up a Lulu Fruit (8/15 hidden items).
There’s another boulder directly south of that building with the fence you can destroy. There’s an entrance somewhere! So, head on in.
Part 08: Yumeko’s Domain
This is a proper dungeon area which uses invisible walls that only reveal themselves when you’re pressing against them! You’ll have some unavoidable trainer battles ahead of you, but you can head on back where you came to leave and rest up if needed.
The trainers here all (mostly) use Ghouls. An Astral-type lead is what I’d take going into here. A decent-level Nature-type Nuumonster also does a good job, but you will probably want to lead with an Astral-type instead.
Pop Star Sara is first in line. She fields a lv14 Vypr (Gol).
Next up will be Punk Rocker Ronny, who has a lv15 Yoru (Gol). Go south of him to find a passage to an item box with a Lulu Fruit. There’s another passage to the south that leads to a dead-end with two rocks, but nothing’s there.
Keep going north if you want to fight Yumeko now, but let’s take a small detour west first. Youngling Enoki will fight you with her lv14 Zuzu (Gol).
Any one of them is a good grinding point for any Nuumonster that’s strong to Ghoul-types (Nature and Astral). When you’re ready, double back to Punk Rocker Ronny and head north to take on Yumeko. (You can go west of her, but there’s nothing there.)
PREPARATION SUGGESTION: Lead with a strong Astral-type at level 17 or better, and you’re probably good to go. Putting a similarly-leveled Living-type behind them may not be a bad call, especially if you end up leading with a Nature-type instead.
Cultist Yumeko is your 1200 ELO cap Elite Trainer! She has a Lv14 Glutton (Gol), Lv15 Kii (Gol), and a Lv19 Yshiro (Ast). The Yshiro is a switch-up from the previous parade of Ghouls, but if they take out who you were using to blast through Ghouls, putting a Living one behind them should clean this fight up.
You’ll get the “Koi Cove” achievement for winning, and be over 1200 ELO. You’re ready to continue onward!
NOTE: If you leave and come back, the maze will no longer obstruct you. Whether that means you can find anything new, I didn’t check.
Part 09: The Path Back to Lilygrove
You’re headed back home next.
NOTE: Along the way in Booby Blossom, you might have seen a rock in the way of a path containing a box. You can break that boulder with your pickaxe now, and collect a Revi I. The pit at the end of the path can’t be entered, so turn back.
Your next destination will be at the southest of Lilygrove, near a NPC who could swear there’s some kind of secret path there. It’s not much of a secret, it’s just the barricade is now gone.
Follow the path to your next destination… Koi Cove.
Part 10: Koi Cove
Level Range – Approx. 15-24
* Gashimo (Nue)
* Babi (Fae)
* Octako (Fae)
* Castr (Fae)
* Kii (Gol)
* Fang (Livi)
* Snarkle (Nat)
If all caught, should be at 30/50 caught Nuumonsters.
Be very careful in the grass here, as some of the wild Nuumonsters can hit the mid-20s. However, there’s plenty of new ones you’ll want to catch. Because they’re new, it’s not a bad idea to swap out some older, less-leveled Nuumonsters of the same type.
Your closest swap-out place is your room’s computer – the second floor of the western house in Lilygrove, if you’ve forgotten.
Going by my notes, this is the very first place you can find a Fairy-type Nuumonster if you didn’t retrieve Chisa (Fae) from your PC at the start of the game. (She’s promotional, so there’s always a chance she might not be there when you play.) Babi, Octako, and Castr are the first ones you can catch on the field itself.
The path will immediately dump you in the vision of an enemy Trainer. Head a bit east to fight MadamYana, who has Lv16 Cho (Livi), Lv18 Reaper (Gol), and Lv20 Bombi (Ast).
Go east of her for your reward, a Resto III (restores all Nuumonsters’ mana). South of her is a box with a Crystal.
There’s also Athele Gary to the south. He has a lv25 Gashimo (Nue), which is a huge jump from any other trainers you’ve fought level-wise to this point.
You can sneak into the cave down south – your goal – but let’s go fight the others, for completion.
East of the cave entrance is Swimmer Michael, fielding a lv18 Snarkle (Nat), lv20 Snarkle, and lv24 Mizusan (Nat). He’s a good training partner for any Astral-type or Fairy-type you want to raise.
Getting him out of the way lets you reach a sparkling rock you should see immediately after returning to the overworld, with a Lulu Fruit (9/15 hidden items).
West of the cave entrance has another trainer of note. The one closest to the entrance isn’t one, but the one in the grass west of her is!
Meet Punk Rocker Bren, who fields lv16 Korr (Livi), Lv16 Yachiro (Livi), lv18 Bagubi (Livi), and lv20 Spindle (Livi). This is a good training partner for Nature-types or Ghoul-types.
Move past him to the southwest for a box, which has an Onigiri.
As an aside, your favored Nuumonsters are now probably level 20 or better. If you are pulling up “TAB” or “X” and find they have a full moveset of four attacks, but don’t have all four options on the actual battle menu, just save, quit, and reload the game. They should have all their attacks in-battle now.
You may take note of the dock, but it won’t let you go anywhere until your ELO is 1401 and up, and we’re still pushing for 1300 ELO. Once you’re at that threshold, head inside the cave. This is where the next Elite Trainer will be.
PREPARATION SUGGESTION: A strong Living-type lead is key here, ideally as close to level 25 as possible so they can solo most of the team. You can snag a Fang of comparable level in the nearby grass. A Fairy-type (you have three to pick from in the wild around here) is a good back-up to follow them defensively as they also resist the final Nuumonster’s type, but you’ll also want them to be above level 20.
The cave is surrounded by pits, which are just walls. It’s a simple maze with no enemy Trainers to deal with. Talking to the girl at the upper left reveals she’s the 1300 ELO Elite Trainer!
Spirit Whisperer Ai will field a whopping five Nuumonsters. She has a lv15 Gashimo (Nue), lv15 Yaro (Ast), lv20 Nekobi (Nue), lv20 Otacko (Fae), and lv25 Cap (Ast). Cap’s Braveheart is very powerful and can overpower a decently trained Living Nuumonster, so have a decent back-up behind them.
Defeating Ai will give you the “Snoberri” achievement.
Head back up to Peachy Plateau for your next stop. It’s a long walk, but you should know the way by now.
Part 11: Route 04
Level Range – Approx. 22-30
* Hiiro (Fae)
* Adoyu (Ast)
* Nevil (Gol)
* Mr Puff (Livi)
* Korr (Livi)
* Dash (Fae)
* Gool (Gol)
If all caught, should be at 37/50 caught Nuumonsters.
From Peachy Plateau, the barriers stopping you from leaving south are now gone!
The wild Nuumonsters here are even higher level, towards 30 now. Definitely replace some underleveled Nuumonsters with higher level wild catches if you haven’t.
There won’t be any new Nature-types for a little while (at least from this guide’s wild Nuumonster discoveries), so if you have to specifically level a type to ‘keep up,’ consider one. A Ghoul-type and an Astral-type can cover their match-up niches (vs. Living and Ghoul, respectively) together if need be, though.
To the southeast, before you enter the grass, you’ll find an invisible treasure with another Lulu Fruit (10/15 hidden items).
The girl isn’t a Trainer, but instead gives sound advice not to press “Delete” on anyone in the PC. Head south to find a box with Vita II (heals all Nuumonsters by 50% health).
The path splits here at the sign. Head north for a Resto II from a box.
To the west is a Trainer you can’t pass without fighting. Schoolkid Lillia has a lv24 Shroo (Nue), lv26 Crusch (Gol), and lv28 Spook (Gol). Past her to the left is a Revi II.
You’ll see a rock you can break with your pickaxe, leading to a big cave entrance. First… save your game.
SOFT-LOCK WARNING: Ahead is a soft-lock risk, but one you need to take for an achievement. Save your game before you do these next steps, and don’t do it again. Otherwise, your save file is soft-locked and you will have to start over!
The note outside of this big cave entrance calls this a Secret Base. Once you go inside, you’ll be in a dark void.
The achievement “Secret Base” will pop, and that’s all you can do here.
SOFT-LOCK WARNING AGAIN: You can’t leave the Secret Base area, so quit without saving ASAP.
Re-load your save outside. You still have the achievement, so don’t go back inside. Instead, head on south into Route 05. Double check your save file’s collected Nuumonster count to make sure you have all the Nuumonsters you care to find here. (I had 33 when I first went through here, which is perfectly fine to keep going with.)
There’s a few ways into Route 05 in a way that’s kind of confusing – it kind of wraps around Route 04 from both the west and south – so we’re going to start from south of the Secret Base entrance as you come into this next section.
Part 12: Route 05
Level Range – Approx. 22-30
* Tomi (Fae)
* Fluffers (Neu)
* Cho (Livi)
* Phii (Fae)
* Spook (Gol)
* Gonn (Gol)
If all caught, should be at 43/50 caught Nuumonsters.
Don’t go too far ahead of yourself by jumping down the ledge between the fences. Head right to run into a Trainer. Business Man Yuto fields a lv24 Gool (Gol) and a lv26 Zuzu (Gol).
Southeast of him is a box with a Revi. You could get this from the other side, but he’s a good training partner for leveling anything strong against Ghouls.
Go back up and head down the left side, further down, to find another box with a Revi II.
Now, head back up. We’re jumping down some ledges until we get far enough down to reach the box near the building – a Fishy Rod!
This item will let you fish near some bodies of water when you press “E”. You’ll want to do it several times for an achievement, which we’ll be doing shortly.
The building next to it has nothing of use, but you can sell fishing catches to the guy at the northernmost end. This isn’t necessary at all, as the pickaxe was the only important mandatory purchase for the playthrough.
Now, back to going through Route 05. There’s a Trainer to the right from the final ledge you can challenge.
Pop Star Ahri has a single lv30 Ghast (Gol).
A little to the south of her is another box in the grass. That one has a Vita III (heals all Nuumonsters to full health).
Further south is a body of water. Press “E” to go fishing.
The goal is to hit ENTER when the ‘!’ pops up over your character’s head. They’ll show a happy face when you do it right, though it doesn’t show what you’ve caught. (What you catch is silently added to your Pack menu’s inventory, though it’s not relevant to anything other than cute blurbs and images.)
The “Fisherman” achievement will pop after 15 rounds of this, and that’s what we’re here for. Moving on!
Ignore the dock for the moment, we’ll get back there in a bit.
To the west of the dock is a rock in front of a box. Break it and claim the box, which has a Ramen (which I guess is a good healing item, it’s not clear). Another prize is further south in that tiny dead end beyond the box, in the lower right corner – an invisible Lulu Fruit! (11/15 hidden items)
To the northeast of the dock is a trainer blocking the way. Punk Rocker Yana will field a lv22 Zip (Nat), lv24 Glutton (Gol), lv28 Scythe (Gol).
There’s a bunch of boxes you can get here! Immediately east before another 1401 ELO barricade is a Revi II. Smash a nearby rock to the north to reach another rock with a hidden Lulu Fruit (12/15 hidden items) and a box with another Ramen. Sneak behind the trainer and dip back into Route 04 ever-so-slightly for a Resto II.
If you want to fight the trainer, Shrine Girl Jessica fields a level 30 Kusaro (Livi).
NOTE: I picked Kusaro at the start, so it’s possible Jessica’s sole Nuumonster is meant to match yours – it’d be behavior similar to the Shrine Girl in Route 01’s use of the Nuumonster your starter’s weak against, if so.
This is all. At this point, I originally caught 39 Nuumonsters, still plenty ‘on pace’ to hit the stated 50 Nuumonster threshold for the achievement. Head to the docks, and interact with the hologram showing a boat. It’ll offer a ride to Snowberri.
Take it up for the “Swimmingly~” achievement, and onwards to Snowberri.
You can’t steer the boat, it’ll take you there automatically. This is true of every boat ride in the game.
Part 13: Snowberri + Route 07
Level Range – Approx. 28-36
* Marley (Livi)
* Sannin (Gol)
* Slooth (Livi)
* Bobbl (Nat)
* Boshii (Fae)
* Lanter (Nat)
* Zip (Nat)
If all caught, should be at 50/50 caught Nuumonsters.
The next town has very little of note.
The AR building is to the north. The northwest corner has a box with a Vita II. Supposedly, the bike store around the south of town will sell you a bike for $99,999, which is not a realistic amount of money to get without hours and hours and hours of investment (so I never tested this). It’s also irrelevant for achievement acquisition, so ignore that.
Anyway, starting from the AR building, head north for a box with a Lulu Fruit. Now, head east to that boulder. Smash it with your pickaxe. You’ll see a girl over there, out in the open, who is the 1400 ELO Elite Trainer that’s just hanging out in the open.
Don’t talk to her yet if you’re at that threshold, obviously.
A Resto III rests beyond the boulder. Run all the way south past the girl to the rock for another hidden Lulu Fruit (13/15 hidden items).
The Nuumonsters around here are capable of coming in the low-mid 30s, making them attractive replacement options for your team before talking to the lone girl just milling around here waiting to take you on.
PREPARATION SUGGESTION: Similar to Ai, a high-leveled Living-type (near 30 or better) is the most immediately attractive pick, though the second and sixth Nuumonsters may try to trip this strategy up with clever typing swerves. If they do, consider a similarly leveled Ghoul-type behind them (Sannin is a good local pick-up here), and a Nature- or Astral-type in third (Bobbl, Lanter, and Zip are good local sources for a Nature-type). This may be over-preparing some, given the experience I write about.
Bother said girl only if you’re ready… because that’s Martial Arts Instructor Lee, the 1400 ELO Elite Trainer.
She’ll field a full team of six Nuumonsters. Lv20 Boshii (Fae), Lv20 Zip (Nat), Lv25 Phii (Fae), Lv25 Hiiro (Fae), Lv25 Dash (Fae), and Lv30 Ghast (Gol) is the line-up. I chose to lead in with a lv28 Living Nuumonster (my starter, Kusaro) and ended up having them level up twice through the gauntlet up until the Ghast, where at that point it was just a matter of time until the last enemy fell. As there are wild Nuumonsters with higher levels here, you might have it even easier.
You’ll get the “Dandy Dunes” achievement here for winning, and more of the world will open up.
Save up, once you’re done catching new Nuumonsters. I first logged in 46 Nuumonsters caught before I took a look up north to the new area.
ACHIEVEMENT BUG NOTE: To to this point, this guide now has 50 unique Nuumonsters listed. In my case, the achievement didn’t first pop when I caught 50, or even 51. I had “Nuumonster Specialist” instead finally happen after I caught my 54th.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO BUG: To be safe, save and quit after you know you’ve caught 50 or 51, which is what I did. Try to avoid saving your game again for a while as you reach out and catch new Nuumonsters, or put off grabbing any new ones until you’re in the very last area of the game – it’ll have at least eight new wild Nuumonsters to grab in one place. (You’re not far off fnow!)
This guide is going to keep going with any new catches found until the end of the playable content (where I logged 64 of them), so it’s also okay if you’re a little behind at this point too.
Now, for those giant Nuumonsters that resemble the starters up north!
Go forth and… find out they’re unable to be interacted with, and that you can simply walk past them. A left-over remnant of incomplete plans, it would appear.
Oh well. We’re moving on, now, to Route 06 up north!
Part 14: Dandy Dunes + Route 06
The dock can take you back to Koi Cove if there’s a pressing need.
Head due north from that dock for a building with its own sign. Go inside, and it’s the casino! You’ll achieve “Gambler” when you do.
You can re-fight Elite Trainers you’ve beaten here, but I won’t cover them. Just turn around and leave, as there’s nothing else new to find inside.
Towards the northwest tree, directly left of the girl eating food, is another hidden Lulu Fruit (14/15 hidden items). To the west past the house is a Vita II.
Now, inside the house – a house that seems to really love Octako – there is definitely something for once! To the upper left corner, facing north towards the counter, is another Lulu Fruit (15/15 hidden items).
ACHIEVEMENT NOTE: At this point, the “Treasure Hunter” achievement should pop. If it doesn’t, don’t worry, the guide will outline two more hidden items along the path.
SIDEQUEST NOTE: The NPC with a facial portrait in this house talks about something involving an Octako (found at Koi Cove) being brought to Rugged Ridge. A cursory check at Rugged Ridge with an Octako in tow didn’t appear to reveal anything. It’s not important to 100% achievement completion of the legacy build, so this guide is only calling attention here, and then moving on.
So, out to Route 06 to the east, starting from the casino as a useful landmark.
New Wild Nuumonsters Found in Route 06:
Level Range – Approx. 28-35
* Luuu (Nat)
* Scythe (Gol)
If all caught, should be at 52/50 caught Nuumonsters.
You should be fast approaching the “Nuumonster Specialist” achievement range at this point, if you weren’t before.
There’s not all that much interesting here. You can go north from the girl standing around (she talks about learning Japanese if questioned, she won’t attack you) to find some treasures and an optional Trainer fight. The box has a Resto II. Northeast from there is a box with a Revi III.
That optional trainer fight is by the water here! Youngling Donut fields four Nuumonsters. Lv30 Babi (Fae), Lv30 Marley (Livi), Lv30 Fluffers (Nue), and Lv35 Chiisa (Fae). This one’s good for a Ghoul-type to level up on, if desired (but probably not needed now).
You can return to Route 05 from here if you feel the need to, but we need to go another way to advance towards the next Elite Trainer. Go back to the non-combative NPC that talks about learning a language, and go all the way east.
From there, you’ll find a box with a Resto II. Going north, the path is blocked off by a Trainer.
Fisherman Billy fields a lv35 Spook (Gol), lv35 Sannin (Gol), and lv35 Slooth (Livi). A strong Nature-type lead will help clear this (perhaps a freshly-caught Luuu of comparable level?).
Nothing’s between you and the next Elite Trainer up north (beyond hitting the 1500 ELO threshold), so let’s take a moment to prepare. You’re about to see something you haven’t before, which is their primary trick… but they’re arguably easier than Fisherman Billy aside from this.
PREPARATION SUGGESTION: You want at least one Fairy (Fae) in the lead, of which a high-level Boshii can be caught (Route 06 or 07) for this purpose. This is also the one place a Neutral (Nue) Nuumonster will shine as the second or third in line, and as it so happens, Flappy can be found in Route 06 or 07 at up to the mid-30s. A strong Ghoul-type (such as Sannin or Scythe) is an acceptable pick for the second or third slot, in case things go pear-shaped.
Go north, and you’ll see one NPC near the 1601 ELO barricades and a dock. Once you have 1500 ELO, they’ll accept your challenge.
Aromatherapist Hana fields a full team of six Nuumonsters… and is the introduction to an entirely new type, Mimic (Mimi). As a novelty, they’re weak to Neutral (Nue) – a type that was mostly ignorable to this point – but also to Fairy (Fae), which is a type you probably already have one of on hand anyway.
The team has Lv24 Mii-mii (Mimi), Lv26 Mamba (Mimi), Lv26 Devin (Fae), Lv28 Win-mii (Mimi), Lv30 Pan-mii (Mimi), and Lv32 Dar-mii (Mimi). If your levels are high enough, any disadvantage probably won’t matter, as was the case with a Lv36 Kusaro (Livi) as my lead.
This sets your ELO over 1500! Note that Hana is the final Elite Trainer of the legacy build, meaning 1600 ELO is the hard cap.
If for some reason you haven’t stepped into the casino area of Dandy Dunes yet (which you should have for the “Gambler” achievement), Hana’s grumbling more or less hints to the purpose the place serves.
From here, you can take the boat south to Blueberri Bay, a place you may remember in passing from the teleport to its school in Booby Blossom.
We’re now entering the endgame of the legacy build, so let’s go finish things up with our final mandatory Nuumonster catches (and/or catch-up for “Treasure Hunter” if you missed some of the listed hidden items).
Part 15: Blueberri Bay + Route 08
“Treasure Hunter” popped for me here originally (I missed the hidden Onigiri in Booby Blossom at first). If it doesn’t for you, there’s one more like this not far from here!
You may recognize the school from way earlier in the game. There’s very little of note here.
Find the AR building towards the northeast – don’t go further north yet – and head through into the trees east. Eventually you should find another invisible Lulu Fruit tucked away towards a small space on the right (17/15 hidden items). If you’ve been following the guide, you should be good on that front!
This will (probably) leave only Nuumonster Specialist, unless it’s already popped for you. The guide up to this point lists 52 Nuumonsters, so it might have.
Let’s go up Route 08, east of the AR building. You’ll want to for sake of the final achievement.
New Wild Nuumonsters Found in Route 08:
Level Range – Approx. 32-39
* Shroo (Nue)
* Crusch (Gol)
* Devin (Fae)
* Snel (Nue)
If all caught, should be at 56/50 caught Nuumonsters.
This route connects back to Booby Blossom in the northeast, but there’s no need to head back there. The NPC up north near a box that has a Revi claims there’s rare monsters here, and hey, we’re well in the market for that!
This may be where you hit the magic number of 50* if you haven’t already. (*It turned out to be 54 for me.)
ACHIEVEMENT BUG REMINDER: If you’re already at 50 or so, save and reload, just to be safe. I’ll repeat this one more time later.
Just keep running around the grass piles until you catch everything here – I counted four unique Nuumonsters in my searching. Try not to save between catches, just in case.
If “Nuumonster Specialist” pops for you here, you’re done! Otherwise, let’s go a bit further to close things out.
Head back to Blueberri Bay, and let’s go north past the AR building.
It goes to a dangerous area, as a kid warns. Have a decently-leveled Nature- and/or Astral-type in your line-up somewhere, if you can – preferably both – and put them up front.
If you go much further, you will almost certainly trip a fight with a young girl – the final mandatory fight of the legacy game in its current state. Schoolkid Yana has three very strong Nuumonsters in lv40 Shroo (Nue), lv40 Crusch (Gol), lv45 Spook (Gol).
This should give you an idea how dangerous the area ahead is, but we are about done!
Part 16: Windy Woods
Level Range – Approx. 42-50
* Plum-mii (Mimi)
* Mii-mii (Mimi)
* Mamba (Mimi)
* Lamp-mii (Mimi)
* Tii-mii (Mimi)
* Pan-mii (Mimi)
* Swip-mii (Mimi)
* Win-mii (Mimi)
(there may be one or two more here, going by NuuDex list, but I stopped searching at this point)
If all caught, should be at 64/50 caught Nuumonsters.
I’m not going to cover any more trainers or treasures, as all we want here are in the tall grass ahead. There’s at least two more hidden items throughout the area, but by now you don’t need to search for them.
This is the final area of the legacy build of Nuumonsters. There’s a tiny thing further north that’s simply not implemented, if we have to split hairs, but for all intents and purposes this is the last playable part of the game.
We can now finally capture some Mimic-type Nuumonsters, albeit as something of a novelty as there’s nothing really left to use them on (beyond completing the achievement).
ACHIEVEMENT BUG REMINDER: If you’re at 50 or 51 caught like I was, save the game, close it, and re-load it. Don’t save after every catch, just in case. A few new catches here later (at 54, who was Mamba if somehow relevant), “Nuumonster Specialist” happened.
Now, for the actual act of catching.
Their levels are far beyond anything else seen in the wild (low 40s to 50!), but we don’t need to defeat them in order to catch them (as you’re well aware of by now).
Neutral and Fairy Nuumonsters have it easier in terms of not being annihilated on the spot. Ghouls have no interaction with Mimics either way, and are a distant third place for ‘not dying too fast’ odds.
There’s little else to say. That final achievement should pop sooner or later.
Any other exploration or experimentation you want to do is beyond the scope of this walkthrough, but you’ll have seen almost everything the 2023 legacy version of Nuumonsters has to offer already!
Final Achievement Checklist
– Colorful!: In the options screen, explore different color palettes. In my case it tripped when I first played the game, so it probably will for you.
– Pro Gamer!: In the options screen, set it to Fullscreen mode. Alternately, press “F.”
– Multi-Save Worthy!: Just create more than one save file. In my case it happened on just picking my starter, so that may be how it goes down for you.
– Professional Burster!: Use Burst 20 times. This will happen through normal gameplay, and it may be bugged to count even ‘normal’ attacks too.
– Live Another Day!: Just run from any battle.
– Battle Master!: Happens after winning 50 battles. I don’t think it’s possible to go through the game in less than that, but this is part of the checklist anyway.
– Fisherman: Fish 15 times. Once you have the Fishy Rod from Route 05, go to any body of water and press “E.” Wait for the ‘!,’ then hit SPACE. If you’ve done it right, you’ll get a happy face. Do this 15 times, and this will pop up.
– Nuumonster Specialist: Collect over 50 Nuumonsters. The real number seems to be 54, from my playthrough. I’ve made an attempt to identify as many unique Nuumonsters in an area throughout the walkthrough to help with this.
– Treasure Hunter: Find 15 hidden items. These are treasures in places that aren’t designated treasure boxes. The walkthrough points out seventeen of them, though I’m certain there’s at least two more in the game’s final implemented area.
– Gambler: There’s a building in Dandy Dunes that, once entered, will automatically grant this. It has a sign near it and is due north from the docks, which is difficult to miss.
And that wraps up our share on Nuumonsters: Nuumonsters – 2023 Legacy Version Walkthrough. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by (M3) spd12, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!