In this guide, you will learn how to complete the game Monstronomy. Whether you’re stuck on a certain level or just want to see the secrets of the game, this walkthrough will provide you with all the information you need. It can be found on GameFAQs at the link provided: Let’s get started!
The game isn’t difficult, although it’s a bit grindy if you are aiming to get 100% achievements. Leveling up and fighting enemies can be slow because you can’t speed up the animations, and you’ll spend a lot of time on that if you want to get all achievements.
This guide will only focus on finishing the game and getting 100% achievements. I won’t explain how to solve all puzzles in this guide – I just straight write the solutions. I won’t explain any secrets either. If you need them, go to this guide:
They already did a good job on it so I won’t bother doing it again.
– You can recover your health by resting in the campfire.
– Sell Shiny Gems to get money at the beginning. You can earn money easily after you beat the game too.
– Watch out for type effectiveness. Check the Type Chart section for more details.
– All monsters’ final form will have two types. Additonally, they will always evolve to two different monsters.
– Use Evolution Switcher to fill the Monsterpedia for the other final form of a monster, and learn moveset from both forms. You can do both in Iceslab Town.
– Places that are swarming with cultist like Cathedral and Prison will force you to take a long walk to return to the campfire. Make sure you have your best monsters before going in to prevent the long backtracking.
– Don’t be afraid to use Abomination Chest to catch abominations. It takes too long to catch them without that and you have enough chest to catch all of them, plus an extra one if you want to have at least one of it in your inventory.
– Watch all videos to get an achievement. Most TVs have videos. I don’t know if you need to watch them until the end, but do it just to be safe. If you need their locations, CTRL+F TV (for TV locations) and video (for non-TV video locations). I didn’t list the videos that you get automatically as you play since you most likely have them already.
Type Chart
1. Hilbort Town
– Go downstairs.
– Interact with the vase next to you to get Basic Injector.
– Interact with the cabinet next to your mom to get Basic Chest.
– Go to the side yard. It’s located on the left of the red carpet near the stairs to the second floor.
– Interact with the chest to choose your starter.Mom! Check out my Monster!
Collect your first starter Monster.
– Return to the house.
– Talk to your mom.
– Exit the building through the south exit. You’ll be greeted by your first battle. It’s not hard.
– After the battle, go inside the house to your left.
– Interact with the drawer next to the dishes rack to get LifeSpark.
– Interact with the water basin to get Normal: Soften. Head upstairs.
– Interact with the left cabinet to get Basic Chest.
– Interact with the vase to get Excellent Injector.
– Interact with the pink bed to get a note that says Nathan is missing.
– Exit the building.
– Enter the house to your left.
– Watch the TV.
– Open the drawer next to the TV to get Basic Injector.
– Interact with the drawer on the top left corner to get Basic Chest.
– Exit the building.
– Enter the house south of your home.
– Interact with the open crate to get Excellent Chest.
– Exit the building.
– Head to the northeast corner of the town and interact with the left pillar. The passcode is the number of people who are killed. The answer is 9.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the crate to the left to get Earth: Dirt Hit.
– Interact with the tombstone to the right.
– Interact with two crates on the southwest corner to get Shiny Rock and Unlikely Treat.
– Interact with the barrel on the southeast corner to get Excellent Injector.
– Head upstairs and exit the town through the west exit.
2. Route 1
– Watch the TV.
– Go through the log. The Old Man will give you 3x Basic Injectors, 3x Basic Chests.
– Okay, it’s your first grass area. Catch any monsters you can find.How does it fit in there?
Catch a monster.
– Note that if you catch Grubsistor, try using his Titanium Toxin skill for an achievement.Damn, I thought this did damage.
Use a status effect move.
– Open the chest to get Counterpoison.
– Rest at the campfire to the north. You can reuse it whenever you are out of health.
– Head inside the house.
– Interact with the crate next to the bed to get Basic Chest.
– Interact with the crate next to the clock to get Excellent Injector.
– Exit the house.
– Level up your monsters a bit. Just like Pokémon, there will be trainers that will battle you on the way. The first one has Piglish lv 7.
– Follow the path until you reach a cultist. Fight his monster. He has Piglish lv 7.
– From where the cultist was, you’ll notice a tree with roots on his northeast. Head there for a video.
– Continue the path until you find another cultist. He has Borca lv 11, Borca lv 11.
– Continue the path until you see a man save before you approach him. He has Grubsistor lv 12, Maskick lv 12, Wailia lv 12.
– Continue the path until you find another cultist. He has Maskick lv 13.
– Again, continue until you reach Poshner City.
3. Poshner City
– After you take control, you can buy chest to the man in front of the nearby house. If you need more money, sell the Shiny Rocks.
– The house behind the man is a healing center. Heal if needed.
– Head south to return to Route 1, but go to the southwest path.
– Battle the cultist. He has Flamecub lv 13, Borca lv 13.
– Open the nearby chest to get Shiny Rock.
– Return to the city and head west. Enter the gray house.
– Interact with the barrel to get Excellent Injector.
– Watch the TV.
– Head upstairs.
– Interact with the cupboard to get Cyroreversal.
– Interact with the candle to get Max Injector.
– Exit the house.
– Head west to find a chest containing Excellent Injector.
– Head north and enter the house to the left.
– Interact with the bookshelf to get Basic Chest.
– Interact with the empty crate to get Shiny Rock.
– Interact with the drawer to get Superior Chest.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the house to the right.
– Interact with the barrel for a video.
– Exit the house.
– Head inside the house to the east, with the red mailbox (Dr. Skelling’s Lab).
– Interact with the glass cabinet next to the clock to get Electric: Paralyzation.
– Interact with the bigger glass cabinet next to it to get Superior Chest.
– Interact with the glass cabinet next to Dr. Skelling to get Max Injector.
– Talk to Dr. Skelling.Welcome to Monstronomy!
Join with Skelling and Caleb to stop the Cultists.
– Exit the lab.
– Go to the house to the northwest corner of the city.
– Interact with the vase to get Basic Chest.
– Talk to the woman and give her a Basic Injector to get Graysir (nicknamed Hunter).
– Head upstairs.
– Interact with the drawer on the northwest corner for a video.
– Interact with the crates south of the stairs to get Universal Agent.
– Exit the house.
– Interact with the chest behind the house to the right to get Shiny Rock.
– Enter the house.
– Interact with the water basin to get Water: Ice Blow.
– Exit the house.
– Head all the way to the west until you reach a well.
– Interact with the barrel to get LifeSpark Max.
– Talk to the woman.
– Head north to find a chest containing Superior Chest.
– Exit the town to the west exit. Make sure your monsters are leveled.
4. Route 2
Evolve a monster.
– Talk to Caleb to initiate a battle. He has Insistor lv 20, Owlfury lv 20, Terracrawler lv 20, Ghoelia lv 20.
– Head west until you find a cultist. He has Kumochi lv 19, Beaconine lv 19.
– Again, head west until you find a cultist. He has Twinsnake lv 19.
– Head north for your next cultist. He has Grountusk lv 19.
– Head north. There will be a pumpkin on the northwest corner. Interact with it to get a video.
– Head all the way east to find a purple plant. Interact with it to get Abomination Chest.
– Head south and face the cultist. He has Imposlog lv 19, Swindleaf lv 19.
– Head south to find a chest containing Excellent Chest.
– The woman to the east will require your help, but you need a weapon. Ignore her for now.
– Return to the previous intersection and head north.
– Head west to find a chest containing Unlikely Treat.
– Head east to fight a cultist. He has Terracrawler lv 19, Terracrawler lv 19, Terracrawler lv 19.
– Keep on heading east to find Excellent Injector.
– Follow the path upstairs until you find an opening to the south. Head south, then east to reach a chest containing Shiny Rock.
– Return to the main path.
– Save and head north. You’ll fight cultist with Cammol lv 27, and another one with Borpedo lv 25, Railwal lv 25.
– Head north to the snowy area.
– Head north to find 3 igloos. Ignore the cultist for now.
– Enter the middle igloo.
– Interact with the TV.
– Interact with the vase to the right of the TV to get Excellent Injector.
– Interact with the crate next to the stove to get Shiny Rock.
– Exit the igloo.
– Enter the leftmost igloo.
– You can heal by the campfire.
– Interact with the leftmost barrel to get LifeSpark Max.
– Exit the igloo.
– Fight the cultist near the igloo. He has Inciniwolf lv 22, Beaconine lv 22.
– Open the chest to the west to find LifeSpark.
– Fight the cultist to the east. He has Thornosaur lv 22.
– Head west until you see two houses. Enter the left house.
– Interact with the crate next to the stove to get Max Injector.
– Head upstairs.
– Interact with the cabinet next to the bet to get Superior Chest.
– Exit the house.
– Head west, then north at the intersection.
– Fight the cultist. He has Apesir lv 24.
– Head north and interact with the statue for a video.
– Return to the previous intersection and head all the way west.
– Open the chest to get Excellent Injector.
– Head north to fight the cultist. He has Stickler lv 24, Voarcanno lv 24.
– Continue north to fight another cultist. He has Phasmo lv 24.
– Head north, then east at the intersection to reach a chest containing Superior Chest.
– Return to the intersection and head west to reach Iceslab City.
5. Iceslab City
– Enter the middle house.
– Interact with the white stool to the right to get Universal Agent.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the left house.
– Interact with the southwesternmost fridge (facing to the right side) to get Water: Ice Blow.
– Interact with the rightmost fridge in the left row, second row from the bottom, that was stacked in three to get Water: Ice Blow.
– Exit the house.
– Head west and approach the campfire. There will be a house.
– Circle around the house and cross the bridge to the northeast. Enter the well.
– Interact with the corpse in green moss to get Abomination Chest.
– Interact with 2 crates to the east to get Unlikely Treat and Universal Agent.
– Exit the well.
– Enter the house with the cross at the top (Cathedral).
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist. He has Terracrawler lv 25, Terracrawler lv 25, Irregulant lv 25.
– Continue fighting the cultist to the south. He has Umbragoo lv 24, Umbragoo lv 25, Skullick lv 25.
– Head to the west, to where the desks are. Interact with the white stools to get Max Injector and Excellent Chest.
– Head to the desks to the east and interact with the white stools to get Superior Chest and LifeSpark Max.
– Exit to the southwest where you’ll be greeted with another cultist. He has Motherfly lv 27, Usbeetle lv 27.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the white stool to the left and right of the table to get LifeSpark Max and Max Injector.
– There is a cultist below the left stool. He has Downpurous lv 28, Hydrocoil lv 28.
– Interact with the bin to the east side to get LifeSpark.
– Fight the cultist nearby. He has Swindleaf lv 28.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist on the bottom side. He has Detox lv 29. Phasmo lv 29.
– Fight the cultist to the north of the previous one. He has Flatwoods lv 29, Gremlin lv 29.
– Fight the cultist near the stairs. He has Apesir lv 29.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist to the south. He has Pyrocoil lv 30, Elekshroud lv 30.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist to the south. He has Cammol lv 32, Aquadrome lv 32.
– Fight another cultist to the west. He has Luminowl lv 32, Usbeetle lv 32.
– Head upstairs.
– Head to the far east to find a cultist. He has Graysir lv 34, Apesir lv 34, Monksir lv 34.
– Interact with the monitor on the southeast that is facing north for a video.
– Fight the cultist to the west. He has Thornosaur lv 35.
– Head downstairs.
– Head north to fight a cultist. He has Puncharoo lv 37, Grountusk lv 37.
– Interact with the mushroom to get Abomination Chest.
– Interact with both crates to get LifeSpark Max and Shiny Rock.
– Head upstairs.
– Fight the cultist to the southwest. He has Elekshroud lv 38, Phasmo lv 38, Beaconine lv 38.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist to the west. He has Cacticuffs lv 39.
– Fight the next cultist. He has Scarvest lv 39, Crowsbane lv 39.
– Follow the path until you reach the other room.
– Heal by the campfire and save.
– Fight the guy. He has Virtuflare lv 45, Sanctisage lv 47, Carnaglob lv 44, Voidhowler lv 48, Wraithskull lv 45, Dreadskull lv 48. Save the City!
Defeat Vladmir at the Cathedral.
– Head west and enter the middle house.
– Watch both TVs.
– Exit the house.
– Head the left house, the one with frog sign.
– Head upstairs.
– Interact with the crates nearby to get Shiny Rock.
– Exit the house.
– Head north to see a series of houses. Enter the northwest one.
– Interact with the jar to get Superior Chest.
– Head upstairs.
– Interact wtih the drawer to get Max Injector.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the house on the right.
– Interact with the TV from the side.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the crate to the right of you to get LifeSpark.
– Interact wtih the drawer to get Superior Chest.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the house on the right.
– Interact with the vase to the right of the clock to get Excellent Chest.
– Interact with the vase to the left of the clock to get Superior Chest.
– Interact wtih the drawer in the kitchen to get LifeSpark Max.
– Interact with the cabinet to the right of the TV to get Excellent Injector.
– Interact with the cabinet to the left of the TV to get Max Injector.
– Watch the TV.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the house on the right.
– Interact with the vase next to the stove to get Superior Chest.
– Interact with the stove to get Fire: Fire Dance.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the house on the right.
– Watch all TVs.
– Exit the house.
– Enter the building with the shop sign on the east, the one on the left.
– Interact with the man with black clothing to get Shiny Rock.
– Interact with the bald man to the northwest to get Excellent Injector.
– Interact with the man with the green cap to the northwest to get Counterpoison.
– Interact with the man with the green cap in the middle path to get Superior Chest.
– Interact with the woman with the gray hair to the north to get Basic Injector.
– Interact with the woman with the black hair to the northeast to get Unlikely Treat.
– Interact with the man with yellow hair in the middle path to get Max Injector.
– Interact with the bald man to the middle path to get LifeSpark Max.
– Interact with the brown-haired man in the middle path to get Shiny Rock.
– Interact with the man with yellow hair in the northwest to get Pocket Watch.
– Exit the building.
– Give the Pocket Watch to the woman in front of the building to get Evolution Switcher.
– Enter the building with the shop sign to the right.
– Interact with the glass cabinet on the right side, top-middle one on the bottom, to get Superior Chest.
– Exit the building.
6. Prison
– Once you reach an igloo-like building made of rocks, continue east. Interact with the orange thing to get Abomination Chest.
– Enter the building.
– Fight the cultist to the north. He has Aquadrome lv 43, Borpedo lv 43, and Centieyes lv 43.
– Fight the next one on the northeast. He has Shroomant lv 45.
– The last one has Beaconine lv 43, Voidhowler lv 43.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist. He has Voarcano lv 45, Pyrocoil lv 45.
– Fight the cultist inside the cell to the northwest. He has Celestialis lv 47.
– Interact with the trash can to get Max Injector.
– Exit the cell and continue west. Interact with the jar to get Max Injector.
– Enter and fight the cultist in the next open cell. He has Luminowl lv 45, Duskowl lv 45, Spreadice lv 45.
– Interact with the white stool to get LifeSpark Max.
– Exit the cell and continue west to fight a cultist. He has Dreadskull lv 47.
– Continue west. Interact with the jar to get Unlikely Treat.
– Fight the cultist on the north. He has Voidhowler lv 47.
– Enter the next room.
– Interact with the empty crate to get Eyeball.
– Save and summon the abomination through the TV. It’s P3YBOT [Tech] lv 55. Make sure to capture it if you want to get all achievements.
– Return to Dr. Skelling’s lab in Poshner City.
– Interact with the glass cabinet where Dr. Skelling were for a video. It’s 2 cabinets on the right of the blue rock.
– Enter the room on the northwest corner.
– Interact with the white stool to get LifeSpark Max.
– Talk to Dr. Skelling.
– Exit the building and head east.
7. Route A
– Fight the Cultist. He has Flaroo lv 42, Scarvest lv 42.
– Keep on heading east until you find another cultist. He has Voidhowler lv 43, Apesir lv 43, Thornosaur lv 43.
– Open the chest to the west to get Shiny Rock.
– Open the chest to the east to get LifeSpark Max.
– Continue south and open the chest containing Max Injector.
– Fight the cultist. He has Pabbit lv 44.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the cultist. He has Grountusk lv 44, Shroomant lv 44.
– The next cultist has Phasmo lv 44.
– Head north and interact with all white stools to get Max Injector and LifeSpark Max.
– Head east to fight a cultist. He has Foldine lv 44.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the trash can to get Shiny Rock.
– The next cultist has Downpourous lv 44, Wraithskull lv 44.
– Continue north for your next cultist. He has Duskowl lv 45, Luminowl lv 45.
– Interact with the trash can to get Unlikely Treat.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the empty crate to get LifeSpark Max.
– Fight the cultist. He has Crowsbane lv 45, Borpedo lv 45.
– The next cultist has Imposlog lv 46.
– Head downstairs.
– Interact with the empty crates to get Shiny Rock and Unlikely Treat.
– Talk to the man.
– Return to Iceslab City, then head to the north exit to Route 3.
8. Route 3
– Fight the cultist. He has Serpentshark lv 40.
– Head downstairs and fight the cultist next to the airplane. He has Spreadice lv 45, Ghoulongulate lv 45.
– Head northeast to find a chest containing Universal Agent.
– If you haven’t got a knife, leave the cave for now. I covered it in the cleanup section.
– Head southwest to find another cultist. He has Haloheart lv 45, Shrewwrigami lv 45.
– Continue following the path until you find an empty crate containing Water: Ice Blow.
– Head west, through the fence, then northeast to face a cultist. He has Puncharoo lv 45, Flaroo lv 45.
– Open the chest to the east to get Max Injector.
– Follow the path to the west. Face the cultist. He has Boltusk lv 45, Motherfly lv 45.
– Open the chest to the south to get Superior Chest.
– Continue following the path until you see another cultist. He has Cacticuffs lv 45, Aerosensei lv 45.
– Open the chest to get LifeSpark Max.
– The next cultist has Borpedo lv 48.
– There is a campfire to the north, along with a shop. This shop is the only one that sells Superior Chest, so stock up if you want.
– Enter the cave.
9. Mt. Blue Premier
– Head east for a cultist. He has Crowsbane lv 45, Scarvest lv 45.
– Continue east to find another cultist. He has Artilliphant lv 45, Artilliphant lv 45, Boltusk lv 45.
– Head downstairs.
– The next cultist is on the southeast corner. He has Wraithskull lv 47, Scorpeyes lv 47, Foldine lv 47.
– Interact with the nearby barrel to get Max Injector.
– Head downstairs.
– Head east and fight the cultist. The cultist has Sanctisage lv 47, Aerosensei lv 47.
– Continue heading east until you see 2 empty crates. They have Max Injector and Tech: Titanium Toxin on them.
– Head north. A cultist will approach you. He has Serpentshark lv 47, Dreadskull lv 47.
– There is a campfire to the northwest.
– Use the ladder on the northeast corner.
– Fight the cultist to the east. He has Celestialis lv 48, Trenchprowler lv 48.
– Interact with the chest to the east for Shiny Rock.
– Fight the cultist. He has Centieyes lv 48, Monksir lv 48, Luminowl lv 48, Pyrocoil lv 48.
– Head downstairs.
– Fight the nearby cultist. He has Pabbit lv 48, Foldine lv 48.
– Interact with the server rack to the north of the pile of money for a video.
– Head west until you see a cultist. There is an empty crate to the north with Max Injector in it.
– Fight the cultist. He has Flamiderm lv 48.
– Head downstairs.
– Head west until you see a cultist. He has Carnaglob lv 52, Gremlin lv 52, Virtuflare lv 52.
– Cross the bridge. Head north, following the lava. Pay attention to the edges. There is one tile that don’t look the same as others; this will lead to a secret path leading to another spot within the same floor. There are 2 areas that it can lead: a place with a lot of orbs (west) and a place with a mushroom (south).
– In the place with a lot of orbs, check the middle area. Save and fight the Abomination. It’ll spawn Scorpionator [Gun/Earth] lv 55. Make sure to catch it.
– In the place with a mushroom, interact with the mushroom to get Abomination Chest.
– Return to the place where the bridge is and head north. There will be a cultist to fight. He has Virtuflare lv 50, Voidhowler lv 50, Celestialis lv 50, Wraithskull lv 50.
– Head northeast and watch the TV.
– Return to the bridge and head southeast. There will be a cultist with Spreadice lv 50, Spreadice lv 50, Venicesice lv 50, Ghoulongulate lv 50.
– The stairs is to the north. Use it.
– Just like the first floor, lv ~10 monsters will spawn here.
– Head to the slab with 2 bull statues on the northeast. The clue to solve this lies in one of the houses in Iceslab City. Solution: 8259. Summon the Abomination: Terabull [Earth] lv 50, and catch it. Unlike P3YBOT and Scorpionator, you can’t refight this one.
– Cross the bridge to the west, then follow the south path to find a chest containing LifeSpark Max.
– Save and head to the north exit.
– Okay, here’s an intersection. You’ll eventually be asked to choose between 2 choices that will affect the ending: “Caleb, let’s kick this guy’s ass!” or “Sorry, Caleb…”. This is the main reason I asked you to save.
If you choose “Caleb, let’s kick this guy’s ass!”, you’ll fight Exalted One [Demon/Chaos] lv 65.Caleb lives on!
Side with Caleb.
If you choose “Sorry, Caleb…”, you’ll have an easy final boss fight. Just wipe the enemies.Blue Ship lives on!
Side with Blue Ship Industries.
Once you finished the game, if you have watched all videos, you’ll get:Do you get it yet?
Watch all videos.
Feel free to load your save to get the other ending.
10. Postgame
Once the ending video ends, you’ll be back to your room. There will be a stairs on the southwest corner. Use it and use the stairs to Mt. Blue Premier. Return to the final boss room and open all of the chests to get Wailia, Chaovern, and Salagon.
Get a party wipe several times. There will be a man that is looking for a knife eventually. Take the knife to the north, then use it on the man. Exit the area.Did you really just kill that man?
Escape the void knife scene.
Once you get a knife, there are 2 areas that you can explore. Go to Route 2, where the igloo is. Head south (to the non snowy area), then head east in the intersection. Enter the cave. Follow the north path to set up an ambush. You’ll get Shiny Rock and Unlikely Treat as a reward.
The other is in Route 3. It’s the blue cave near Iceslab City. Follow the southeast path until you see a cultist, then head north. There will be a chest containing Unlikely Treat. Follow the other path. The next cultist will be on the way. Ignore the next one to the south and head north. After killing the next cultist, head north. The south path in the next intersection (after killing a cultist) will lead you to the entrance, so head northwest instead. Once you see an opening on the stone wall to the north, head north and kill the cultist. Open the chest containing Shiny Rock nearby. Head west for another chest containing Shiny Rock. There are also 2 chests containing Shiny Rock and Shiny Rock to the east. Once you are done looting them, exit the cave.
Go to Poshner City, to Dr. Skelling’s Lab. Go to the keypad next to the angel statue on the northeast corner. The clue lies in the dying corpse in Route 3. Solution: 458020.The Old Man is up to Something…
Access the basement of Skelling’s Lab.
Enter the newly appeared stairs in the southwest corner. Interact with the glass cabinet to the north for Excellent Injector. The other glass cabinet on the other side holds LifeSpark Max. Lastly, the green mushroom on the southeast corner has Abomination Chest in it.
Go to Iceslab City. Enter the first house that leads to Route 2 (the one with gym machines in it). Go to the second floor and interact with the ball on the southeast corner. Summon the Abomination: Dethilph [Fighting/Demon] lv 55. Yep, you can’t refight it.
In Iceslab City, you can go for a challenge in the northeast stairs. You need to fight Elite 14, 14 cultists with different specialties. They all have lv 60 monsters and focused on 1 main type (although they still have their secondary types).
I won’t say what monsters they have, but the type are in this order: normal, fire, water, wind, earth, demon, electric, fighting, gun, grass, wood, tech, chaos, order. If you are stuck, remember that you can use your PC to switch your defeated monsters with alive ones. The abominations that you caught can also help to fight some enemies.56 monsters?!? Really?!?
Defeat the E14.
After you finish the Elite 14, you’ll be teleported to Route 3. Head north to see an altar. Summon the abomination and catch it: Exalted One [Demon/Chaos] lv 75. No, you can’t refight this one.
The other abomination that unlock after defeating the Elite 14 lies in your hometown, Hilbort Town. Head north from your home to see that a new cave has been opened. Enter the cave.
– Head north for a cultist. He has Palagon lv 65, Elderagon lv 65.
– Return to the intersection. Head west then north in the intersection for a cultist. He has Inferagon lv 65, Drabyss lv 65.
– Head the cave to the north. Interact with the white stool to get Abomination Chest.
– Return to the previous area. Head west for a cultist. He has Sobelle lv 65, Bansheela lv 65.
– Head to the cave to the north and summon the abomination in the red ball: Thalaxos [Demon/Earth] lv 75.
No, you also can’t refight this one.
The last abomination lies in another puzzle. To start, you need to exit the Monstronomy game and go to the desktop-like interface. Click Start > Command Prompt, and then type “info Blue Ship Industries” without the quotes. You’ll see a website. Go to that website and find a number to use in the game. I won’t tell you step by step how to solve them nor giving you any hints since it has been covered in the other guide. I’ll just straight up write what you should do to unlock this abomination. I’ll put it on a spoiler tag in case you want to try everything out by yourself.
Go to Route 2 where the igloos are and head west, then north. You’ll see a place with 2 graves, a statue, and a block of ice. If you see the patch of grass nearby, there will be an odd-looking one (if you can’t figure it out, it’s the second row from the top, rightmost one). Interact with the tree to the right of that grass and enter this combination: 3816413.
Now, get killed. Just put 1 weak monster in your party and fight any random enemy. You’ll respawn in a dark place. There will be stairs to the south of the house. Enter the stairs.
Once you are in the room, head to the northwest corner to find a rack. Cast the lure. If you have found all abominations so far, you’ll get an achievement.“There are over 100 monsters!”
Complete the Monsterpedia.
Lastly, catch that abomination: Eelon [Electric/Water] lv 45. No, you can’t refight it. If you have catched everything up to this point, you’ll get 2 achievements:Who is going to stop me now?
Catch every Abomination.
I want them all!
Catch every monster.
Open the northwest chest to find Abomination Chest.
After you get everything done, go to Route A. There will be a stairs next to the Route B – Under Construction sign to the east. Use the stairs.
The path is a maze. Follow these instructions on each intersection: east, north, north. There are other ways to reach the exit, of course. This is just the easiest one to tell. Enter the house and talk to the cultist.Monstronomy’s Best Worker
Learn about Corrupted Monsters.
In the desktop interface, click Start > Borca Broomer. It’s a Minesweeper[]. Finish it within 5 minutes to get an achievement.Two games in one!
Beat Boca Broomer in under 5 minutes.
Credits and References
And that wraps up our share on Monstronomy: Monstronomy Walkthrough. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by aquatorrent, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!