In this step-by-step guide, we will be discussing how to swap weapons in the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection’s Mega Man Zero game. This feature allows players to customize their gameplay experience by equipping different weapons for different situations. Let’s dive in and learn how to wield new weapons in Mega Man Zero!
DISCLAIMER: I do not recommend getting EXEs from strangers – myself included:) – could be viruses and everything. Risks all yours.
The only reason i created this guide so people could generate EXE for themselves, and because most of resources wont let me share CE-generated EXE, marking it as malware
1. Steam version of Mega Man Zero \ ZX Legacy Collection
2. Cheat Engine (can be downloaded here
3. Contents of this archive unzipped somewhere on your PC:
So, we want to create simple trainer that allows us to swap weapons on gamepad for Mega Man Zero games.
Its really easier than it sounds, but every game requires DIFFERENT trainer. So you’ll need 4 of them if you want them for every MMZ game.
0. Launch Mega Man Zero \ ZX Legacy Collection and minimize it (with Alt-Tab for example) – it will be needed for our trainer.
1. Launch Cheat Engine.
2. Press “File” -> “Open File” and navigate to CE table you want to use. Warning: for every game table is separate! Use mmz1cheattable.CT for MMZ1, mmz2cheattable.CT for MMZ2 and so on.
3. Press “File” -> “Open Proccess” and navigate to MMZXLC.exe to let Cheat Engine know that we’re working with that game.
4. Press “File” -> “Generate generic trainer lua script from table”.
5. You’ll see a window with trainer settings. In the left part of that window check the hotkeys – there should be pre-set hotkeys like “Set SubWeapon to…”.
If you want to change hotkeys, you’ll have to know what you’re doing
6. Press “Design interface manually”. Window for designing form will appear.
In FormDesigner window press “File” -> “Load” and pick corresponding form (z1form for z1 and so on)
7. Make sure that Processname is MZZXLC.exe and Output is EXE and then press “Generate trainer”.
8. Navigate to desired destination of resulting EXE file (be careful not to use already opened folder – CE dont like that for some reason)
9. Press “Generate”. If there’s an error “be sure you’re not watching folder” – pick anoter folder to save trainer to.
If there’s an error “icon is invalid” – just go on with it, it’ll use vanilla icon.
IMPORTANT: if you generated trainer and all went smooth, but you can’t swap weapons in-game, make sure that you picked correct Cheat Table for game and all hotkeys were in place.
Trainer needs to be launched AFTER the game, NOT BEFORE.
1. This is a trainer made by some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ via CE, so bugs are only natural to occur. I never encountered anything serious, but everything is possible.
The most nasty bug i saw was purely visual and unlikely to happen: you’ll have to throw Shield, then swap to buster and shoot – Shield sprite will be garbled until it returns to you.
2. For MMZ1 and MMZ2 trainers are straightforward enough:
LT+RS Left: Buster Shot
LT+RS Up: Z-Saber
LT+RS Right: Triple \ Chain Rod
LT+RS Down: Shield Boomerang
RT+RS Left: Elec Chip
RT+RS Up: No Chip
RT+RS Right: Fire Chip
RT+RS Down: Ice Chip
3. For MMZ3 things gets kinda complicated. Ultimately, it works as in previous games but with some small tweaks:
LT+RS Left: Buster Shot
LT+RS Up: Z-Saber
LT+RS Right: Recoil Rod
LT+RS Down: Shield Boomerang
RT+RS Left: Elec Chip + Elec Body
RT+RS Up: No Chip + Normal Body
RT+RS Right: Fire Chip + Fire Body
RT+RS Down: Ice Chip + Ice Body
In MMZ3, active Element and Body chip are technically two separate values, but i combined them so it wont break the game even more.
If you can grasp CE shenanigans you totally can change hotkeys to swap only Element and not Body chip – and use combinations of them.
For example, you can pick Fire Element, but with Absorber Body instead of Fire Body. Which is borderline cheat, tbh
4. In MMZ4 things are even more complicated, but I dumbed them down so it won’t break the game and my two braincells:
LT+RS Left: Buster Shot
LT+RS Up: Z-Saber
LT+RS Right: Z-Knuckle
Every time you swap subweapons that way, currently snatched weapon will be discarded. Not tossed away – simply discarded.
Same happens if you snatch weapon and go to pause menu, to swap it to Z-buster. Its just disappears.
5. Tables contain some additional info – for Head and Foot Chips in MMZ3 and for Snatched Weapons Values for MMZ4. You can mess with them as you wish, but be wary that it WILL break the game.
Maybe it wil lhelp you to creat greatest MMZ mod or trainer ever.
Games have addresses that holds values. Trainer forces particular values in particular address.
Lets say we have subweapon slot address. We can put any value we want in this address (from 0 to 3).
All we have to do is to bind this action (putting value to this address) to hotkey.
So pressing LT+RS LEFT on gamepad will force value “0” into subweapon address. Which corresponds with “Buster shot”.
And if we press LT+RS DOWN, trainer will force value “3” into subweapon address – picking Shield Boomerang.
Same for Elemental Chips and Body Chips.
7. ALSO if you really wish to believe strangers from Internet, you can contact me personally to ask for generated EXE for game(s)
I swear i’ll try to answer everyone via:
Discord: @nosedevileugen
And that wraps up our share on Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection: Mega Man Zero: Weapon Swap. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by NoseDevilEugen, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!