Ever wondered what items can be used for? How to use them well? You probably have, so why not explore this guide and find out how items can REALLY be used.
Gathering Items
Step 1:
Go to the terminal by the control panel inside the ship.
Step 2:
Interact with the terminal and type “Store”.
Step 3:
Type what ever item you want that is displayed and you have enough money.
Step 4:
Land on a moon and wait for a large rocket or supply drop to land.
Step 5:
Open up the hatch and claim your purchased items. (The supply drop makes a nice little tune when it lands to tell players where it is.)
Ship upgrades that you buy will instantly be placed in the ship and you can move ship upgrades by clicking B on it.
Item use’s and their strengths
Upon turning it on, you will be able to hear teammates that also have a radio via voice chat. You have to raise it to your face with LMB to speak to other teammates. I would suggest buying some. Their the cheapest item to buy without a discount and have huge capabilities. It allows you to just stay in contact with teammates and the person at ship.
Regular Torch:
A light source that allows for eye sight in dark areas. Its massively useful when avoiding environmental hazards in dark areas such as landmines and spike traps. Its instrumental in a good looting session. Honestly, a must have. Its the second cheapest item without a discount and to sustain battery power, just flash it in a new room so it can last you almost the whole day. Recharge it at the coil back near the ship.
Pro torch:
I feel like I may as well talk about the pro form while we are on the subject of torches. It is much brighter and lasts longer. If you have spare change and want something that is a proper light source, this will do the trick. I’d suggest getting it on slightly higher quotas when it doesn’t matter as much that its a little more expensive. However, it weighs five pounds when the regular weighs nothing, but you rarely have to take that into consideration.
Lock Picker:
A large piece of equipment that can bust locked doors open when given thirty seconds. It is decent when venturing deeper in the facility or by fire exits where locked doors are common. the thirty second downtime means you can’t use it like a key to escape monsters, and it weighs more than a key. Just a good thing to have when you don’t feel like finding keys. I’d occasionally buy one, but not really a must-have.
A must-have, its exactly what it sounds. But instead of digging up the ground like I first thought when buying one, you use it as a weapon. Its a melee tool dealing one damage a hit and is POWERFUL in the right hands. If you know how to move in a certain pattern where monsters cant hurt you, then grab a shovel. It allows you to kill some entities and overall is quite strong. the ability to fight back is simple on paper, but in reality is absolutely OP.
This item is kind of a joke because its just for messing around, but it actually does have uses. In case you don’t have a loud horn inside the ship to attract Eyeless Dogs, this will work too. Plus for some reason you can walk through Slime’s when holding it completely unscathed? But they will move faster, so I guess its for luring monsters and messing around. You don’t really need it but I guess you can buy it if you want.
Radar Booster:
A large beacon that only works when paired with the terminal back at the ship. The player can ping it to help teammates traverse the facility. It can also be supervised on the monitor as an anchor point for the ship person. But the main draw of it is that the ship pilot can flash the beacon acting as a reusable stationary stun grenade. Resetting Jesters and allowing teammates to get a head start on the escape. Its useful in some situations and is overall just for survivability but only works well if the two players using it work together.
Stun grenade:
A flash bang used for blinding monsters. Its an item which gives players opportunities for an escape, or advantage in a shovel fight. Just be sure to look away, or you’ll blind yourself. This is a good item to have, i’d probably give it a 8/10 rating. Simple but effective. (Plus its usually pretty cheap!)
Extension Ladder:
A box that when used has a large ladder poke out and then the box will fall down vertically changing where the ladder goes until the ladder hits something. This means you can use it as a ladder, or a bridge. Use this on specific fire exit routes that are up high where you cant reach. Its kind of situational but defiantly has its moments. A maybe-buy if you have spare money you want to get rid off. It will retract after ten seconds so be sure to have another player on the other side or you may get trapped across a gap.
TZP inhalant:
A metal canister (Which means its conductive) that stores a special gas that lowers your vision, but boosts your speed. the amount of each will escalate depending on how much you take in. Its useful when getting around the facility and is very useful when sprinting past monsters or a spike trap. Its get-away features make it strong, personally, I use this effectively. But others don’t think its very good… Its one of those items that depends on your play style depending on if its worth having or not.
Zap Gun:
Just like the stun grenade but more effective and can be used at range. It requires timed inputs so you have to have some practice. Its extra strong with teammates. pretty pricey though, so only a decent piece of kit on higher quotas.
Jet Pack:
The most expensive item to buy without discounts, so be prepared to spend stacks of money when taking this into consideration. It is conductive and runs on power. Do not use on rainy moons or when low on battery. It is hard to control without practice so give it to the person with the most experience. It makes transporting loot a breeze and getting to the facility and back takes a very brief flight. Use this for maximum efficiency on very high quotas when you can actually afford one. 7.5/10 for the price.
Weed killer:
This item removes the new “Vain Shroud” bushes from the most recent update, these mean you are less likely to encounter a Kidnapper Fox, and also die to one. I’ve never used this myself, so I cant give a honest review, but if you’re worried about Kidnapper Foxes then buy one.
Belt Bag:
A handy little bag that can store anything except scrap! its useful when carting around tons of items as it takes of the weight as well, I use it with keys so I can instantly unlock doors I have to. 6.5/10 considering I don’t use it for much else because its risky carting valuable items in it because you could lose all its contents if you die.
And that wraps up our share on Lethal Company: Your Ultimate Guide To Items (Lethal Company). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by axolotilking, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!