Welcome to the ultimate achievement guide for KinitoPET: DEIMOS’s KinitoPET! If you’re struggling to unlock that last achievement, you’ve come to the right place. But be warned, this guide will also reveal some secrets hidden in this unique game. Spoilers ahead! If you haven’t played the game yet, I suggest staying away from this guide until you’ve completed it at least once. It’s best to experience the game blind for the full experience. Now, let’s get started!
These won’t be in-depth for obvious reasons, you’ll be getting them as you go along, so I hope you don’t mind me being a little cheeky with these entries! Things will get more complex for two certain achievements at the end of this guide.
Power On

Open the game for the first time.
Or just don’t. I mean, you won’t really get the achievement (or any achievement for that matter) if you don’t open the game at all, but hey, I’m not your mother. It’s a free country.
My Friend Kinito.

Break open Kinito’s egg in Act 1: Meet Kinito.
This doesn’t have to do with the achievement, but I thought this was funny and was also my first reaction to seeing Kinito.
Welcome to the Web World.

♪ Have a look around! Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found! ♪
Enter Kinito’s Web World when he launches The Internet in Act 1: Web World.
Welcome to the club!

Become a member of Kinito’s friendship club after filling out your “personal” details in Act 2: Friendship Club.
I don’t even have anything cheeky to say about this one. I can’t even make a paid subscription joke, but I guess I can say that he actually made my heart race when he pulled my address. A genuinely commendable job with that scare.I’m so glad I wasn’t streaming.
A world for you.

Visit [yourname]s_world.exe after Kinito finishes compiling the game in Act 3: Your World.
I’ve yet to see anyone use anything other than standard ASCII for a name. I wonder if that messes Kinito and the game up? I better see some of that soon!
Trapped / No Escape
Embrace your stockholm syndrome for the weird looking axolotl and choose to stay with him at the end of the game. At least you won’t have to restart the game from the very beginning if you wish to get the other achievement!
Reject the weird axolotl and attempt to escape! …And fail in doing so because you gave him full administrative permissions to keep you locked away.
Hope you’re ready to spend eternity with him? No? I’m sure you’ll be fine.
⋆。°✩ THE REST OF IT ✩°。⋆
So, what are we working with first, then?
Computer Whiz

Relatively simple! Open every single application on the desktop in the game.
Chances are, you’ve already gotten this achievement relatively early on if you ever got curious about what the other icons on your desktop did.

This achievement is deceptively easy given despite the fact that the 3D pinball minigame has the physics of a balloon being thrown around by someone with the slowest reaction time on planet Earth.
Luckily, this doesn’t matter as pumping out another ball doesn’t reset your score. In fact, you could basically finish this achievement without ever using the flippers by just resetting and pumping out balls. The only thing you’re required to have is patience so you can get to 9,999,999. It’s a good thing score racks up pretty quick.
The same premise, however, cannot be said for 🙂.

This one actually requires knowledge of the game. If you’re someone like me, this is going to be insanely easy to finish as the difficulty is akin to how minesweeper was on Windows XP.
If you don’t know how to play Minesweeper, though. This will be a little trickier to explain.
Each minesweeper game starts off with a 16×16 grid of buttons with 27-28 mines hidden underneath. To win the game, you will need to place down a flag on all of the mines.
Clicking on a tile will almost always be an open space, meaning that there are no mines around it, and will do the same for every open tile surrounding it until it hits a number. You will never trip a mine on the first tile you press. From there, the game actually starts.
A tile with a number on it corresponds to how many mines are surrounding the number (i.e: a tile with the number 1 would have 1 mine surrounding it, 2 would have 2 mines, etc).
A strategy all minesweeper players use is to specifically target corners with a 1 in its corner, such as this:
Because there is only 1 mine surrounding the 1, and there is only one clickable tile surrounding it, it would mean that there is a mine underneath it, so you should flag that.
You should end up with something like this when you’re done.
From there, if there is another 1 right next to it, you can begin clicking on the tiles surrounding it as the mine has already been flagged.
Keep up with this strategy of going for lone corners when they are available, and you should be able to complete this achievement.
I mean, it’s that, or you could just use a Minesweeper solver.
Loud Enough?

Increase all of the volume sliders (including the master volume) to 100%.
A little easter egg as well, you can actually increase the master volume to as high as 170% if you like blowing your eardrums out.
Not today.

Leave the game the moment Kinito starts speaking after hatching from his weird little axolotl egg. Never let him know your next move.
If you’ve played through the game once already, you’ve been given a hint when you reach the house Kinito built for you: the fountain in the back garden. Clicking on it provides the hint you need to access the lost world, with your Web World avatar running to the fountain before everything seemingly returns to normal. Touching the fountain in the house section isn’t needed for the achievement, it just gives us a hint that will be clear to us later.
If you’ve finished the game, you should have access to Chapter Select on your desktop, along with an email. Ignore the email for now, we’ll get back to it.
Open the app up and head to either Act 1: Web World, Act 1: Factory Frenzy or Act 1: Hide and Seek. It doesn’t matter which one you pick as all three will land you in the Web World map. From there, start mashing left click on the fountain until an animation plays on the fountain. From there, click on the rope hanging from the tree on the north side of the fountain.
Doing that should lead you straight into the Lost Land. Remember this place, because we’ll be coming back here very soon.
With how important this achievement is to the true ending of the game, I would normally make this the last achievement of the guide, but the next one outranks it since you have to stray from the path of the game entirely to solve it.
Delete Kinito once and for all.
To get this started, you will have to have beaten the game for the first time, as it unlocks a new application for you along with Chapter Select: lense.exe. Open that up, and you’ll be greeted with a see-through window. Have a play with it, it’s pretty cool, but you’ll stumble across something immediately: a floppy disk.
An email should have appeared titled “There is a way to stop it”. Have a read through it, because it’s important.
This is where the fun begins. You are to find all five floppy disks, each labeled differently. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the locations of each one and when they appear. They will appear in %appdata%\KinitoPET\Files. Copy this address and paste it into your File Explorer, or just click it in the email and it will open up the folder for you.
Two files are unneeded for this achievement because the contents will always remain the same, but Server, Access and Confirmation are always random, and you need to get them. Even though Credentials and Password aren’t needed, I advise you get them because they give you clues to the last achievement in the guide.
This one shows up the moment you boot into your desktop on any act. Chances are, you already have this one by the time you’re reading this. If not, quickly grab it. These don’t disappear so long as the game never restarts or if you don’t switch chapters through Chapter Select, but you may as well grab them right now.
A new file should appear in the folder I mentioned earlier. Hold onto it and don’t touch it yet, you won’t need to until the end of this achievement.
Head into Act 1: Meet Kinito. This shows up right after Kinito is finished hatching. Go ahead and grab it!
Head into Act 1: Hide and Seek and let Kinito boot up The Internet. Once it’s finished booting, the floppy disk should show up.
Head into Act 2: Feedback Hub and answer a few of Kinito’s questions. Once he asks you who your best friend is (it’s obviously Kinito), the floppy disk should show up in the same location as the screenshot.
Head into Act 1: Web World, Act 1: Factory Frenzy or Act 1: Hide and Seek. That’s right, we’re heading back into the lost land. If you need a refresher on how to get there, take a look back at the previous section.
Now that you have all five encrypted files, copy them and paste it into a separate folder. The encrypted files themselves have a secondary use that will help us with solving the Memories. achievement right after this one.
After you safely secure the copies in another folder, drag and drop each encrypted file into the pond one by one. Wait for the animation to play out and for the music to return before dropping another one in. Once that’s done, all of the files should now be unencrypted.
With that, relaunch the game.
Head into Act 2: Permission Granted, it’s time to say goodbye.
If you’re curious, each disk you collect is another email gained, some are cryptic and others essentially tell you what happens next, but the sake of convenience, I’m basically guiding you along as if they don’t exist. I’ll get into the cryptic emails in the Secrets section as there’s nothing in there that’s relevant to unlocking the ending.
When you or Kinito opens up Command Prompt, do not do what Kinito says. Instead, type “delete_all” and hit enter.
From there, begin inputting the appropriate text from the appropriate file (use credentials.txt when it asks for credentials). Do not copy the [] brackets surrounding the text into the field.
After pasting the confirmation text, hit enter and watch the sparks fly.
It’s Kinitover.

Okay, this one wouldn’t be possible without the help of the fine folks over on the KinitoPet discord. You guys rock!
Now, onto the explanation: First of all, if you did what I said and copied the encrypted files into a separate folder, good job. These files in their encrypted state gives us clues to how to solve this.
If you just want the answer to this part, look at the very end of this section in “The Final Part” for the answer. I just really like explaining this sort of stuff.
First off, open up the encrypted files until you find one that has this string of text:
“0 & https://www.kinitopet.com/epanalamvano “
Copy and paste the link, and it should bring you to this website:
Head to the very bottom and you’ll find a suspiciously large black bar. Go ahead and click and drag across it as if you were highlighting text, and you’ll find a youtube link hidden.
Open the link and you’ll come across a video of a door with notes playing in the background. I’ll cover that in the secrets section. Head into the description, and you’ll find another string of characters.
Copy that string, delete everything after “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=” and then paste it in at the end. With that, you will come across a new video.
Here’s the juicy part. In the video’s subtitles is a string of gibberish, but it’s actually something we call a Vigenère Cipher. Basically, it requires a key to allow us to decrypt the whole thing.
zxmwensm… gnrv gms wyhcsf gowx
ojazmf swk vxmbwsem falw
The key that we need is in the description, but all you see are clocks. Well, thanks to @flafferproductions in the comment section, it actually requires us to add the hours up in each block (the blocks being seperated by a semi-colon).
This gives us 6, 15, 11, 14, 20, 1, 9, 14, 0, 9, 19, 0, 20, 8, 5, 0, 11, 5, 25. If you can’t already tell, these are letters of the alphabet in their numerical form, with A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. Since 0 is null, we can use it as a space in between words.
This gives us the text: “Fokntain is the key”. More than likely a typo, it’s obvious that it’s supposed to mean Fountain. With that, we have our key to be used to decipher the text.
Running the text through, we have our answer:
memories… turn the clocks back
vjsmhr yjr vpzwiyrt fsyr
Okay, that’s half of the text deciphered. What gives?
Well, the latter half of the deciphered text actually utilizes another cipher, a Keyboard Shift. Essentially, if you want to run a string of text like “Hello World” through a Keyboard Shift Cipher, you would press the key to the right or left of you. It all depends how difficult you make it, but if I where to shift the sample text to the right by 1, I would have the string “Jra;; Ept;f”.
With that explained, the way the cipher is set up is shifted to the right by 1, and special characters are to be skipped over, so that means the original letter is to the left of the ciphered letter.
memories… turn the clocks back
change the comquter date
Heh, “comquter”. This is going to irreversibly alter my vocabulary from now on.
This is what we are left with. We have to change the clocks back, but to when? If you go back to your encrypted files, there’s another website for you to click on: https://www.kinitopet.com/email.At the very most, you know when the memories end: 1999. So start working your way back.
Welcome back to those who wanted the TL;DR, I’ve just finished explaining everything.
To recap, you have to change your PC date to these select years: 1993, 1996 and 1998. If you have trouble trying to select 1993 in your PC clock, change it to 1994 first and 1993 should show up.
In 1993, you will receive a Kinito plushie in its box.
In 1996, you will receive a Kinito Companion.
In 1998, the Kinito Companion’s screen will be shattered.
Fun fact about all this, 1993 is when the internet became publicly available. Not only that, but 1996 is the release of the Tamagotchi, which is what the Kinito Companion is based off of.
1998 is assumed to be Sonny Chamberlain’s death.
⋆。°✩ SECRETS ✩°。⋆
Yeah, sorry if you came to this guide only to see what other secrets could be found. I spent almost 2 hours working on this guide and researching things for Memories to figure out how it was done without simply giving the answer.
I’ll add all the cool little details I found while playing this game very soon, don’t worry! For now though, I should definitely take a break.
Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to keep your axolotls fed!
And that wraps up our share on KinitoPET: DEIMOS’s KinitoPET 100% Achievement Guide (+ Secrets). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Damien Cross, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!
Aww 🙁 I was wondering what’s inside the encrypted PNG file.. I’ll wait patiently for an update to this post though!!
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