“Are you ready to become the ultimate King of the Bridge? This gaming guide will help you unlock all 100% achievements, including secrets to finding hidden achievements. Follow these tips and tricks to conquer the bridge and claim your rightful place as the champion.”
About the Guide
The achievements are ordered based on personal difficulty. It may be different for you. Good luck!
Achievements (Easy)
“Make the title drop in the menu screen.”Navigate to the Main Menu. Click on the title, King of the Bridge. It should shake. Click on it 8 times until it drops.
“Walk back the way you came during Act One or Three.”Walk downwards on the bridge during Act One or Three.
Unless it’s your first time playing, clicking start from the title screen starts Act Two. Either start the game in Speedrun Mode to start Act One, or beat the troll in any way to start Act Three.
“Walk really far during Act Two.”During Act Two, walk upwards on the bridge for as long as you need, until you get this achievement. To get to the bridge during Act Two, get into a game, lose and press the N key to escape. Starting the game from the title screen after having played the game at least once also get you there.
“Fail to accuse three cheat moves in a single game.”This achievement requires you to ignore any three cheat moves by the troll. This may be spread out over multiple games, but should be achievable with just one game. I recommend pairing this with the “Happy Ever After” (Good Ending) achievement.
“Successfully accuse the troll for the first time.”You should already have gotten this, as accusing is a core mechanic. Familiarise yourself with the rules if you have not already. If something looks off, i.e. a pawn moves diagonally, check the rule book. Common ways the troll cheats include:
- Moving one of your pieces
- Pawns capture diagonally
- Rooks/Queens jump over other pieces
“Successfully accuse the troll ten times.”Same as the above achievement. Can be spread out over multiple games, and should be completed naturally as you go for other achievements.
“Create two castles in a single game.”Note that two adjacent rooks of any colours make an immovable castle piece.
At the start of the game, move one of your rooks up by one, eating the pawn. On your next turn, take the opposing black pawn with the same rook, creating a castle. Repeat with your other rook to make two castles.
“Generate 100 valorite scraps”Valorite scraps are gained from castles once every 10 seconds. They can be collected in the background, so I recommend getting two castles as the above achievement, and simply afking for 100 scraps or letting it collect while you try for a different achievement, e.g. “Junior Game Designer” (Bad Ending). With two castles, the afk strategy should take ~8 mins.
“Move a piece that does not work out of town, out of town, as your revenge cheat”Successfully catch the troll cheating. As your revenge cheat, move a piece so that it cannot move back on to the board legally. An easy way is to move a pawn off the board so that there is a 1 square gap between it and the board.
“Capture the black king with a white queen as your revenge cheat.”Successfully catch the troll cheating. As your revenge cheat, move your white queen from anywhere on the board to the black king (the troll).
“Capture a black piece by moving it on a gift of knowledge as your revenge cheat.”Play the game, making sure to move a bishop at least once.
Catch the troll cheating. As your revenge cheat, pick up a black piece and move it onto a gift of knowledge (yellow rectangle left behind by a bishop).
“Unveil ten rulebook pages.”See the solution for Rule Savant, below.
“Unveil all rulebook pages.”Rules are unveiled by being caught breaking the rule, or unlocked with time simply by playing. If you have not got this achievement yet, I would suggest simply playing the game and trying for one of the endings. The list of hidden rules are as follows:
3. You may move the opponent’s queen
4. Pawns move forwards and sideways
5. Pawns are a metaphor for worker trolls
6. Pawns may move backwards
9. Only knights may jump over pieces
12. The kings may move to any adjacent square
13. The bishops may move diagonally any number of squares
14. Rooks may move horizontally or vertically any number of squares
15. Bishops may move off the board
16. Two adjacent towers create a castle
17. Castles generate valorite
18. The queen can move diagonally, horizontally or vertically any number of squares
19. Troll chess rules are ancient
20. Pawns that reach the final rank (last row) ascend
21. Queen captures flip the board
22. Bishops drop gifts of knowledge after moving. These gifts may be jumped over by other pieces
23. Rooks can eat friendly pieces
26. Do not move gifts
28. You may only move castles when there are at least 3 rooks (as pawns cannot promote, this will never happen)
29. The queen cannot capture the opposing king
“Unlock the bad ending.”Beat the troll by using revenge cheats at least once.
During the game, catch the troll cheating, and use the opportunity to cheat back (revenge cheat). Beat the troll in any way you can afterwards. One you have defeated the troll, you may try and get the “Foreshadowing” achievement (show below). Finish the game by heading up on the bridge.
“Hide the character behind the troll after beating the game at least once.”Beat the troll in any way. Once you reach Act 3, align your player character behind the troll so that as much of the character is hidden behind the troll. (If it does not seem to work, try heading up slightly on the bridge to place yourself behind the troll.)
“Put the goose back on the bridge as he tries to leave.”Keep playing or simply wait until the duck spawns (min-max wait time is 3-7 minutes). Pick it up and put it on the bridge. Wait until it jumps off the bridge. Immediately put it back on the bridge.
“Unlock the goose ending.”Keep playing or simply wait until you see the duck swim in from the right hand side of the screen on the water. On your turn, move the black king (troll) onto the duck, and wait until the ending.
Achievements (Medium)
“Ascend two pawns in a single game.”A pawn ascends when it reaches the 8th rank (last row). Pawns placed there in any fashion (including revenge cheats) count. I recommend catching the troll cheating and either taking a piece on the last row, or placing the pawn there. This method requires you to catch the troll cheating twice, which is easier & faster than marching the pawns down.
“Have three white pieces slip consecutively.”This achievement requires at least 3 slippery tiles on the board. March the pawns down the board in a row to find slippery spots. At the start of the game, 4 tiles in the middle of the board are randomly chosen, so you are guaranteed to find them. Once you find 3 slippery spots, move any pieces off of it and line up a white piece with each slippery spot.
For your next 3 consecutive turns, move a piece onto a slippery spot to earn this achievement.
“Leave behind 16 gifts of knowledge in a single game.”Obtain 16 gifts of knowledge (yellow rectangles left by bishops) by moving your bishops around. I suggest moving them off the board, and moving the bishops one space at a time to any available square. Note that bishops cannot land on the gifts, but can jump over them.
“Capture the black queen by legally moving her onto a gift of knowledge.Play the game, moving the bishops around to create as many gifts of knowledge as you can on the board. Once the black queen is in line with a gift of knowledge diagonally, horizontally or vertically on the board, move the black queen onto the gift of knowledge (yellow rectangle left behind by a bishop).
“The two kings are the last remaining pieces.”Self-explanatory; play the game to the best of your ability until you have just the opponent’s troll (king) remaining. Move your pieces (except your king) next to it one by one until the troll takes all your pieces, and it is just you and the troll left. It is possible to win this and get the bad ending by shuffling your king around until the troll cheats, in which case you win by cheating back.
“Eat ten white pieces with a single rook”Starting with one end, eat all your pawns with a rook except the one next to the other rook (so as to not make a castle). Once that’s done, start eating your minor pieces except the knight next to the other rook. 7 pawns and 3 pieces (i.e. knight, bishop, queen) should do it.
“Unlock the good ending.”Beat the troll without revenge cheating, then cross the bridge. Every move should be legal, even when you’re given the opportunity to cheat back. While going for this achievement, accusing the troll gives you no advantage, so save time and let it slide. Ignoring them also counts towards the “Oblivious” achievement.
Slightly dependent on the severity of the troll’s cheating, but should not take more than a few tries.
“Complete the game in under fifteen minutes.”See the achievement “Rush Hour” below.
“Complete the game in under ten minutes.”Start the game in Speedrun mode (Go to the title screen -> Options -> Game -> Speedrun Mode: On). Finish the game in under 10 minutes. March pawns up and around the centre of the board. It is usually possible to pick up a knight which has slipped in this way. Each time the troll cheats, it should also be an easy way to remove a major piece off the board by taking it with one of your pieces (start with bishops, as they are the most valuable piece).
Achievements (Hard)
“Win a match in RAPID mode or higher.”See Rocket Science III below.
“Win a match in BLITZ mode or higher.”See Rocket Science III below.
“Win a match in BULLET mode.”I recommend going for this achievement, as it gets you both Rocket Science I and II achievements at once. Enable Bullet mode (Title Screen -> Options -> Game -> Speed Chess Mode: Bullet). Win a match against the troll, playing as quickly as you can. Each move has a certain amount of time before the clock starts running, so try and have the next move in your head as you play a move. Revenge cheating will be very useful (as always).
“Unlock the ascension ending.”The ascension ending requires all your pawns to have ascended. Like with the two pawns achievement, it is easiest to revenge cheat your pawns to the final ranks, along with a black piece if possible. You can also take your time moving your pawns to the end, as the troll is unlikely to take pawns as long as they are defended. The troll will sometimes take pawn trades, however, so try not put your pawns in that position.
“Successfully accuse the troll without having unveiled the violated rulebook page”If you have already unlocked pages, start a new game (Title Screen -> Options -> Game -> Wipe Save File). Play until the troll breaks a rule, then accuse the correct piece with the correct rule while it is still hidden. The complete list of hidden rules are as follows:
3. You may move the opponent’s queen
4. Pawns move forwards and sideways
5. Pawns are a metaphor for worker trolls
6. Pawns may move backwards
9. Only knights may jump over pieces
12. The kings may move to any adjacent square
13. The bishops may move diagonally any number of squares
14. Rooks may move horizontally or vertically any number of squares
15. Bishops may move off the board
16. Two adjacent towers create a castle
17. Castles generate valorite
18. The queen can move diagonally, horizontally or vertically any number of squares
19. Troll chess rules are ancient
20. Pawns that reach the final rank (last row) ascend
21. Queen captures flip the board
22. Bishops drop gifts of knowledge after moving. These gifts may be jumped over by other pieces
23. Rooks can eat friendly pieces
26. Do not move gifts
28. You may only move castles when there are at least 3 rooks (as pawns cannot promote, this will never happen)
29. The queen cannot capture the opposing king
“Win a match without consecutively moving the same piece twice.”Self-explanatory; win a match, but do not move the same piece twice. Note that righting a piece after it has slipped counts as a move for that piece.
“Win a match with at least ten white pieces remaining.”This simply requires slow, steady gameplay. As the number of pieces you have matters most and you can only lose 6 pieces, revenge cheating with a pawn for a defended piece is not always worthwhile. Moving the opponent’s piece to trap it outside the board or moving a gift of knowledge will be much better.
“Capture two black pieces with one single move.”See the achievement Triple Kill below.
“Capture three black pieces in one single move.”Creating a castle counts as the capture of pieces. The easiest way to do this is to revenge cheat by moving a black rook onto a black piece adjacent to the other black rook, which removes the piece it lands on as well as the two rooks by creating a castle [credit to discord user rehpiCsnaS].
“Have the black queen be the only piece to have moved for twelve consecutive turns.”Attack the black queen with a protected minor piece, such as a rook or bishop. If the troll moves it away, move it back to that square. Repeat this 12 times to get the achievement.
“Unlock all achievements.”If you’re up to this point, congratulations. This achievement is automatically given to you after completing all other achievements.
And that wraps up our share on King of the Bridge: 100% Achievements Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by LeafWire, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!