Welcome to our Kaptain Brawe Complete Walkthrough! This guide will provide you with a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough of the entire game, as well as tips on how to unlock all of its achievements. Whether you’re a new player or looking to improve your skills, this guide has got you covered. Let’s dive into the brawe new world of Kaptain Brawe!
Though the game has been around for quite some time, I’m surprised that there are no walkthroughs made for it on Steam. Since I last played this back in 2014 the game has had a number of updates and had achievements implemented, so I decided to have another run for completion and make this guide while doing so for anyone that might have some trouble finishing the game or missing any achievements.
Like my other guides this will be step-by-step complete with annotated screenshots to complete the game and obtain any achievements within the level.
How to Play
When you first start a game you are given the option of a tutorial.
Either you are new to point & clicks, familiar but want a refresher, or know what you’re doing you have that option at the very start of the game. So I won’t go too much into the basics but there are some things to note that can lessen some frustration/confusion and make a smoother playthrough.
- The TV on the top left corner is a menu housing options if you need to save, load, change your settings, or exit the game.
- The bottom left corner has a Bag and Book which is your inventory and also notes down what you currently need to do. Sometimes the Book shows a green exclamation mark giving you some gameplay tips instead.
- On the bottom right corner is a Question mark that highlights anything interactable and paths you can take.
- When interacting with objects, people, etc there are 2 options and you may need to use the correct one to get what you need. It is also present in the inventory and separate from simply clicking items.
- The magnifying glass is to inspect things, it may reveal information in the world that the character would otherwise not want to interact with if told to grab/use and can also look at items in the inventory up close.
- The hand is to operate or take things and works exactly the same in the inventory having characters do something with them instead of picking it up for you to combine or use in the world.
Items that can be picked up or found in the inventory are bolded.
World interactables are underlined.
There are a total of 30 achievements to obtain with a number of them being missable and will require a 2nd playthrough for completion.
If you’re only looking for achievements and don’t need/care for the whole walkthrough of the game, there is a nice concise Achievement Guide by Slick that may be more what you are looking for.
Use CTRL+F and search the achievement name to jump to sections in the guide to where and how you can get them.
Do pay attention to these 4 achievements as they require you to go through the game twice and play in 2 separate ways, limit use of hints, and rush you.
Casual Master and Speed Runner can be missed if done incorrectly requiring another playthrough.
You can’t get this on Adventure Mode.
Highly recommend not using the Journal or Question Mark as I wasn’t sure what negated my no hint run.
Recommended on your second playthrough and can be done on Casual or Adventure mode.
Make use of the space bar to speed things up and double click when moving between areas to teleport.
Click through dialogue to speed things up even more.
You can’t get this on Casual Mode.
Quickest way is when you start the game just use the Ion Gun on Kralek on the ship.
Anytime you are around Kralek and have the Ion Gun you can get this achievement.
Won’t be obtainable once you’re about past half way through the game, last moment is before knocking him out for the Mutiny achievement.
Unobtainable once you give him his requested “tobacco” making him drop the stick.
Keep doing this until the achievement pops up.
You can make a save before attempting it just in case.
Achievements – Unmissable / Story Related
Solutions to obtain them are written in the walkthrough at the areas where you will obtain them.
SPS Mazslow
After starting a new game there is a short cinematic explaining the background of the world.
- The Adventure Begins (Unmissable)
As soon as the game starts Kaptain Brawe will be giving a long speech, you can listen or skip it either way once he’s done you get the achievement. - A Mayday is heard over the coms that a ship has crashed on Jama Spacea starting your adventure.
- After some back and forth Kralek will tell Kaptain Brawe that a Locator needs to be found and Rowboat needs to be activated.
- Public Threat (Missable)
Open the inventory and use the Ion Gun on Kralek to get the achievement. - Examine the Translator on the left side of the cockpit and also the 4 color coded wires on its upper left side.
Remember: Yellow – Blue – Green – Red - Talk to Kralek about the Translator and he will give you the Schematics to reroute the power.
- Go through the open doorway into the Galley.
- Pick up Peeler on the cupboard, Empty Bucket off the shelf above the oven, and inspect the Tea cup on the bottom table to find out and be able to take the Translation Disc.
- Open the Cupboard and take the Wire inside.
- Take the ladder on the very left side to go down to the Kargo Hold.
- Rowboat can be found here, inspect it to find it is not online.
- Go right and open the Closet to find some Silicone and Rowboats Manual.
- Open the Locker beside the Closet to get the Locators.
- Go in between the Closet and Locker to get to the Engine Room
- Inspect the Power Schemes Kralek gave you before to know how to reroute the power.
- Approach the Router on the right side of the Engine Room.
- Electrician (Unmissable)
Change the routers colored levers to:- Yellow – 3
- Blue – 2
- Green – 1
- Red – 2
- Go back up to the Galley
- Open the inventory and combine the Silicone Block with the Empty Bucket to get Bucket with Silicone.
- Open the Oven and place the Bucket with Silicone inside and press the Red Button to turn on the heat and Kaptain Brawe will retrieve Melted Silicone.
- In the inventory combine the Melted Silicone with the Copper Wire to get Copper Wire with Silicone.
- Technician (Unmissable)
Combine the Copper Wire with Silicone with the Broken Locator to fix its missing antenna. - Go back to the Bridge where Kralek is to find the Translator is now powered on.
- Open the inventory and combine the Hanky with the Smudged Translation Disc to clean it.
- Place the Rowboat Manual into the Service Slot
- Insert the Clean Translator Disc into the Disc Slot
- Take the Translated Manual back from the Service Slot
- Go back into the Cargo Hold.
- Inspect Rowboat and Kaptain Brawe will switch it on.
- Rowbotics (Unmissable)
Return to the Bridge and report to Kralek that you have the Locators and that Rowboat is online. - Everything is now ready, on to Jama Spacea!
Jama Spacea
- As you first land Kralek wants you to talk to the locals to get information while he stands around fiddling with his locator.
- Go left to the Swamp and you will be at the Pier.
- Inspect the Ship Wing in Junk and the loose “Nail” to find that it is actually a Screwdriver, take it.
- Go back to the Crossroads where Kralek is.
- Look at the Hotel Stone Wall, there is a single black stone that stands out. Inspect it to find it is actually a Flint Stone.
- Use the Screwdriver with the Flint Stone and Kaptain Brawe will sharpen it.
- Head to the Hotel.
- Go up towards the Windmill first, there are stuff you will need later.
- Go inside the Windmill, disregard the machine as you won’t really use it other than a Power Source all the way on its right way later.
- There are a couple of things to take and inspect in the Windmill.
- Take the Hammer
- Inspect the Chest, it is locked.
- Check the Calendar, it is marked May 1st, 1821
- Take the Window Cleaner
- Inspect the Sheet and Kaptain Brawe will uncover it, take the Piece of Plaque and Diary.
- Go outside and back to the Hotel.
- Take a look at the Brochure and Wheel on the stand.
- Talk to the Clerk to get information of the crashed ship but he doesn’t know anything instead telling you to ask the Old Man in the Park.
- Ask about the Brochure and he is willing to trade some herbs for it and gives you a picture of what he’s looking for.
- Ask about the Wheel and he is happy to give it to you but it is bolted onto the stand.
Use the Sharpened Screwdriver on the Wheel to unscrew and take it. - Go to the right of the Hotel to go to the Park.
- Talk to the Old Man to get information of the crashed ship.
- Elderly Authority (Missable)
Ask the Old Man about his Cane and he will try to smack you. - Check the Bush on the left and take a Flower twice.
- Go back to the Crossroads past the Hotel where Kralek is and report what you found out from the locals and tell him about the broken wing.
- Go right past Kralek to go back to the Landing Pad.
- Enter the SPS Mazslow.
- Open the inventory and use the Hand on one of the Flower to remove a petal to make it similar to the 4 Leaf Flower Picture
- Place the 4 Leaf Flower into the Oven to get a Baked 4 Leaf Flower.
Repeat with the other Flower to get a Baked Flower - Go all the way back to the Hotel.
- Survival Instincts (Unmissable)
Talk to the Clerk and give him the Baked 4 Leaf Flower and grab the Brochure. - Now that you can navigate the Swamp go back to the Pier.
- Row, row, row your bot (Unmissable)
Now you just need a boat. Use Rowboat on the Swamp and Kaptain Brawe will push Rowboat in.
This achievement pops up after a cutscene. - You still can’t just use Rowboat as is, change his tire with the Wheel.
- Rowboat is ready so hop on and head out into the Swamp.
- You are now given an overhead view of this little side of Jama Spacea.
Head towards the Dam on the left. - The Dam forks into 3 paths.
- Inspect the Dam and the Locking Mechanism on its side.
- Keep going right over the Dam and you will be in a clearing, a cutscene will play and Kaptain Brawe will confront “She”.
Jama Spacea – Part 2
- There’s a beeping noise coming from somewhere. Pick up Danny’s Ashes and under it will be a Strange Beeping Device.
- Check the boxes in the background and one of it is open, there is a Battery to pick up.
- Go back to the Dam and hop in Rowboat and make your way back to the Crossroads.
- Report to Kralek and give him the Strange Beeping Device, he will now be able to pinpoint the ship Crash Site.
- Use the Sharpened Screwdriver on the Flint Stone and then the Hammer to get Flint Pieces
- Go to the Hotel and speak with the Clerk. He will tell you that he doesn’t know anything and instead to speak with the Old Man.
- Go to the Park.
- Read the Diary and learn that it used to belong to a soldier by the nickname Fuseman.
- Talk to the Old Man and ask him about the war then mention Fuseman.
The Old General will tell you that Fuseman’s real name was Grubby Larson and he was the owner of the hotel and also dead. - Make your way to the Windmill and go all the way to the right of it.
- Use the Battery with the Polar Ion Generator to charge it.
- Use the Hand in the inventory and Kaptain Brawe will crush up the Baked Flower.
- Now make your way all the way across the Swamp back to the Dam and go up towards the Cemetery.
- Combine the Plaque with the Melted Silicone to make it sticky and use it on the broken Plaque.
- Inspect the fixed Plaque and find out the Grave of Grubby Larson is marked X2.
- Grave X2 is the bottom left one with the giant red crystal.
- Leave the Cemetery back to the Dam and then go left to enter the Dark Cave.
- Its too dark to see anything so insert the Charged Battery into the Power Switch then switch it on and find that you are now under the Cemetery.
- Exit the Cave and get on Rowboat to go back to the Park.
- Recycling Habit (Missable)
Talk to the Old General and tell him the good news where Fuseman is buried and he now wants some Tobacco.
Give him Danny’s Ashes first and you will get the achievement. - Give him the Crushed Flower and he will drift away and drops his Cane, pick it up.
- Return to the Cemetery.
- Use the Potato Peeler on the Walking Stick and Kaptain Brawe will sharpen it.
- Stick the Sharpened Cane into the Grave.
- Its not deep enough so Hammer the Cane further in.
- Return to the Cave and see that the Cane has pierced through Grubby Larson’s Coffin.
- Grawe Digger (Unmissable)
Use the Hammer or Sharpened Screwdriver on the marked Grave. - Take the Key off the Skeleton.
- Go outside and try the Key on the Dam Mechanism. It doesn’t fit.
- Go back to the Windmill and go inside.
- Use the Key with the Blue Chest Lock
- Kaptain Brawe will get some X Plosives and a Note
- Read the Note in the inventory. Its a Diary entry for the 23rd May 1821.
- Check the Diary and it will open to the correct page where there are 3 riddles to solve.
- The first alludes to a Tree, go to the park and inspect the Tree Bark.
- The second states to use Alcohol and wipe it on the Tree.
Inspect the Glass Cleaner in the inventory and find it contains Alcohol. Use it on the Tree Bark - Finally use the Hanky to wipe the Tree Bark
- Code Breaker (Unmissable)
A hatch is revealed and opening it harbors a Safe.
The final riddle is stating his Birthday and that it is the code for the Safe.
It is marked in the calendar in the Windmill: 1st May 1821 / 1 – 5 – 21
- The first alludes to a Tree, go to the park and inspect the Tree Bark.
- Take the Fuses inside and combine them with the X Plosives.
- Go back to the Dam and use the Dynamite on the Dam.
Kaptain Brawe will then be at the Pier after. - Use the Pieces of Flint on the Fuse
- The Dam will be blown up and the path is now clear to the Crash Site.
- There is a Steel Container, use the Sharpened Screwdriver on it.
- Open and look inside the Steel Container and a red and green alien will come out.
- You will be confronted by Wrag then “She”
- Throw the Ashes at “Shes” face.
- Search and Rescue (Unmissable)
Open the Steel Container and make a run for it!
Schminkell 7
After making your escape the crew will go back to the Terra Nuova Station where a pretty lengthy cutscene plays with Kaptain Brawe getting absolutely chewed out and we have a new character introduced to us.
- Contagious Childishness (Missable)
As you start on the Mazslow keep talking to Kralek and piss him off for being a traitor! - Annoying Pest (Missable)
Switch to Luna and keep asking Kralek to show you any part of the ship until you get the achievement. - As Luna ask Kralek to show her the Router in the Engine Room not the Engine!
- Mutiny (Unmissable)
Switch to Kaptain Brawe and use the Hammer on Kralek to take him out. - Now we just need to change course to Schminkell 7 so go up to the bridge.
- Take a look at the Instruments Kralek kept messing with.
- We need the Planet Code to chart a course to Schminkell 7 so take a look at the big Star Chart poster behind the Captain’s Chair.
- There are other planets here you can check out but what we want is Schminkell 7 on the bottom left side with the code 7715-882
- Go back to the Instruments to enter the planet code and the Instruments will spit out a Pattern Calculation
- Take the Flight Pattern Calculations and input them into the Navig-O-Tron and the course is set!
Use the Navig-O-Tron again to make the journey to Schminkell 7
Finally we’re on Schminkell 7! After a short cutscene separating Luna and Rowboat with the rest of the group we continue on with just the two of them.
- You’ll start off in a huge cavern. There is a Yellow Crystal Cluster behind Rowboat you can take using the Hammer giving you a Yellow Crystal but it doesn’t have any use.
- Inspect the Weird Fence and take the Star shaped Fence Piece
- Head right following the path and Luna will go down towards the DNA Replicator Machine.
- Inspect the DNA Replicator or try to use Danny’s Ashes but the machine doesn’t work.
- Take some Clay on the bottom left beside the staircase.
- There are 2 paths but it circles around, go into the Left cave first. (Seems to be the most efficient way)
- The room on the Left seem to be a Storage Room.
- Use the Hammer on the Red Crystal Cluster to get a Red Crystal
- Read the Instructions on the wall to learn how the Gravity Displacer Machine works. The machine currently does not work as there is no power.
- Move to the Cupboard and pick up a Titanium Box from the bottom box and a Ion Cube from the middle shelf.
- Combine the Moist Clay with the Titanium Box then take another Titanium Box for later.
- Go Right to the Middle Room, there is a Saucer stashed away here.
- Inspect the Star Shape depression on the Left.
- Inspect the big Monitor with the Red Crystal Switch but it has no power.
- Take the Cork from the Saucers Exhaust
- Take the Saucers Fuel Canister
- Use the Hammer on the Blue Crystal Cluster to get a Blue Crystal
- Inspect the Press, it is separated to 2 things. The top is the Press and the bottom is the Work Area
- Move on to the next room through the opening beside the Big Press.
- You are now in a Computer Room.
- Place the Ion Cube into the Hatch of the Ion Generator.
- Lava Flow (Unmissable)
Use the Cork with the Button Hole then smash it in with the Hammer - Use the Empty Fuel Canister on the Ion Generator Power Outlet
- Go Right to return to the DNA Replicator.
- Now with the power returned try pressing the Red Button but one of the Purple Crystals is broken. Take the Defunct Crystal with you.
- Take more Moist Clay while you’re here.
- Combine the other Titanium Box with the Moist Clay
- Go into the Left cave again back to the Storage Room.
- Take another Titanium Box and another Ion Cube
- Place a Titanium Box on the Gravity Displacer and push the Red Button to make it heavy. You can’t pick it up so have Rowboat pick it up for you.
- Now have Rowboat get into the Gravity Displacer and press the Red Button
- At this point you should have 3 Titanium boxes. 2 Titanium Box with Moist Clay and a 500 Pound Titanium Box.
Schminkell 7 – Part 2
- Go back to the Middle Room with the Saucer. The Big Press is now powered on.
- Place the Ion Cube on the Working Area under the Press and press the Red Button, take an Ion Pancake
- Place the Star Shaped Stone on the Working Area and use the Hammer to gently break off a piece.
- Place the Red Crystal in the Working Area and press the Red Button to get Red Dust
Repeat with the Blue Crystal for Blue Dust - Combine Box with Clay with the Defunct Crystal to get a Crystal Mold
- Combine the other Box with Clay with the Broken Stone to make a Star Shaped Mold
- Place the 500 Pound Titanium Box on the Slab in front of the Monitor.
- Go back to the Computer Room with the Ion Generator.
- Use the Crystal Mold with the Ion Generators Heater and press the Red Button to get Baked Crystal Mold
- Color Mixer (Unmissable)
Combine both the Red Dust and Blue Dust with the Baked Crystal Mold and use it on the Ion Generators Heater again to get a Purple Crystal - Place the Star Shaped Mold into the Ion Generator Heater to make a Baked Stone Mold
- Have Rowboat stand on the Slab in front of the Computer on the Left.
- Go back to the DNA Replicator.
- Place the Purple Crystal into the DNA Replicator and it now works!
- Replicating nature (Unmissable)
Place Danny’s Ashes into the DNA Replicator and press the Red Button and Danny will be Cloned. - Switch to Danny and go to the Storage Room and have him stand on the Slab under the Red Button.
- Switch back to Luna and go to the Middle Saucer Room.
- Place the Ion Pancake on the Working Area
- Attach the Baked Star Shaped Mold with the Big Press then press the Red Button to get a Star Ion Shape
- Use the Refilled Fuel Canister on the Saucer
- Place the Ion Shape into the Star Shaped Slot
- Slabs ‘R’ Us (Unmissable)
Everything is now powered on and ready. Stand on the Slab and pull the Lever to open the Saucers Tunnel. - Click on the Saucer again to finally leave Schminkell 7
And off to Varion we go!
We are now on Planet Varion, the Headquarters of the Kribbs.
- You start out as Danny, don’t even bother switching to Luna as you won’t be able to do anything with her until much later.
- Inspect the Scary Plant and take a Deadly Pepper
- Go up into the opening near Rowboat, this takes you outside the Kribb Warehouse.
- Talk to the Guard standing by the door. You can’t go inside without proper papers.
- Go Left towards the Blue Dome with the big Emblem.
- You are now in front of the Main Kribb Headquarters Building
- Talk to the guard in the security box and ask him about the changes the Kribb organization has undergone.
- Try to give the Guard Danny’s Kribb ID Card but there’s a mismatch, confess that you are a clone and ask the Guard to open the barrier and he will.
- There’s not much to do here for now so go inside the Main Building.
- There’s a ID Pad to activate the elevator but you can’t use it with your Kribb ID Card since it doesn’t have the correct credentials. Take the Water Sprayer by the plant.
- There’s 2 paths, go Right.
- As you enter this side of the building there’s a Clone of Danny and he will approach the Clone.
- Take a quick look at the Notice by the machine, it shows how Kribb Bots are supposed to look like.
- Use the Computer to get the Authorization Papers you’ll need to enter the Warehouse.
- Misunderstanding yourself (Missable)
Talk to Danny’s clone and he will tell you quite a few things and that he has a splitting headache he needs help with.
Continue to go in and out of conversations with the clone and when the clone mentions the toilet the achievement should trigger. - Go up and you’ll be at the Landing Pad and the SPS Mazslow is parked here.
- Get the Withered Branch to the side, it’s pretty hidden. (Took awhile to figure this out)
- Go all the way back to where you first landed where Luna is.
- Ask her for Hangover cures. She will tell you to mix and boil soap, egg and water.
- Make your way back to the Landing Pad and enter the SPS Mazslow.
- Inspect the Necessities to get some Liquid Soap and grab the Ceramic Cup on the table.
- Go back to the entrance of the Main Building with the guard.
- Use the Withered Branch with the Nest with Eggs to bring it closer and grab an Egg
- Fill the Ceramic Cup with Swamp Water
- Go back to the Landing Pad and enter the SPS Mazslow again.
- Combine the Egg and Soap with the Ceramic Cup
- Put the Ceramic Cup into the Oven and turn it on to complete the concoction.
- Doctor in the house (Unmissable)
Return to the Danny clone and give him the Cup with Medicine and he will give you his Clone ID Card before leaving. - Grab the Construction Tape by the door on the right.
- You can go in the door the Danny Clone was guarding and there is a Purple Machine, inspect the DNA Replicator in the bottom level repeatedly making new Guard Clones and there’s something called W.I.R. or Will Inducing Rotoscope written on it.
- Go back and go Right and keep going Right past the Elevator.
- You will be in front of the Prison where Kaptain Brawe is being held, you can talk to the Guard but he won’t tell you much.
- Inspect the statue and grab the Kribbs Logo
- Go outside the Main Building and have the Guard in the box sign the Authorization Papers and with the Clone ID Card everything will be in order.
- Go back to the Landing Area where Luna and Rowboat are waiting.
- Costume Designer (Unmissable)
Dress Rowboat with the Kribb Logo and the Sticky Tape
A short cutscene plays of Kaptain Brawe getting interrogated but it isn’t going so well. - Infiltration Destination (Unmissable)
Now all you need to do is go back to the Warehouse Entrance and hand over the Signed Authorization Papers to the Guards by the door and go in the doors to gain entry with Luna stowed away in Rowboat.
Varion – Part 2
- You now start off as Luna.
- Inspect the Loot Terminal then grab the Ion Blowtorch on the bottom on top of the box.
- Use the Ion Blowtorch on the Grate to open it.
- Switch to Danny.
- In the inventory combine the Pepper and the Water Spray and hand it over to Luna
- Switch to Luna and go into the Sewers.
- There’s a Strange Orb Luna is hesitant to pick up, ignore it for now. Keep going Left until you find the Manhole but Luna can’t open it as it’s being stood on.
- Switch back to Danny and go through the Big Doors to enter the Main Building, go Left past the Elevator to the Prison.
- Speak to the Guard to get “She” to leave the Prison Cells to speak to Danny.
You will switch back to Luna automatically. - Go up the Manhole
- Hand Kaptain Brawe the Pepper Spray and “She” will return forcing Luna to go back into the Sewer.
- Switch to Kaptain Brawe and use the Pepper Spray on “She” that knocks her out.
Luna will come back up and you will automatically switch back to her. - Prison Break (Unmissable)
Search “Shes” body to get the Cell Keys and open the Prison Cells to free everyone.
A cutscene plays showing the Chief and Wrag working together. - Talk to the Alien Scientists and they will explain how the W.I.R. Machine works and that you’ll need to reconfigure them to stop the DNA Replicator.
- Switch to Kaptain Brawe and go down the Manhole into the Sewer.
- Pick up the Purple Orb
- Keep going Right and exit out to the Warehouse.
- Leave through the Big Doors past the Loot Terminal.
- Enter the door previously guarded by the Danny Clone.
- Place the Glowing Object into the Purple Socket
- Switch to Luna and go through the Sewer to the Warehouse.
- Switch to Danny and walk him over to the Warehouse as well.
- Psychic Evaluation (Missable)SAVE
I highly suggest making a Save here just in case, you need to do both Luna and Danny’s Psych evaluation for the Pacifist Report and Strong Will Report without making a single mistake for the achievement.
I experimented quite a bit as there are some combinations that still give you the proper reports but they aren’t “perfect” scores so you won’t get the achievement.
Use the Loot Terminal in the Warehouse to start the Psychiatric Evaluation.Danny3 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 1
- Question 1
- Question 2
- Question 3
- Question 4
- Question 5
Luna2 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 2
- Question 1
- Question 2
- Question 3
- Question 4
- Question 5
- Question 1
- As Danny he should receive the Pacifist Report, go to the Middle room of the Main Building and use the Clone ID Card on the ID Pad to gain access to the Elevator and use it to go down.
- Once in the DNA Replicator Chamber enter the Pacifist Report into the Green Pacifism Machines Pacifism Report Slot
- Switch to Luna and go back through the Sewer and exit the Prison through the door on the Left.
- Across the Guard there is another door leading into the DNA Replicator with a different machine.
- Input the Strong Will Report into the Willpower Machines Willpower Report Slot
- Now that all the machines have been reprogramed a cutscene plays.
I might have misunderstood but I thought reprogramming the Machines was meant to change the DNA Replicator to create clones that are strong willed pacifists rendering them useless as pirates.
But as we see the gang running off into the ship somehow the whole planet of Varion gets blown up.
- Planet Crusher (Unmissable)
As soon as the cutscene ends and you gain control of Kaptain Brawe the achievement instantly drops for blowing up Varion. - Run over to the Left cave to the Storage Room.
- Open your inventory and put the Detonator in the Gravity Displacer
Kralek teleports into the room and runs for the Detonator while Kaptain Brawe goes to press the Red Button. - Make your way to the Computer Room.
- Inspect the middle Teleporter Controls to figure out how it works and use it to send Kralek away.
- A final short cutscene will play showing that Kralek instead of being sent to somewhere in space is instead sent to the prison planet Space Stralia and the credits roll!
Depending on what difficulty you played and how quick you were able to get through the game, after the credits and you’re back in the Main Menu one or a few of the following unlocks.
- Top Gamer
Unlocks after finishing a playthrough on Adventure Mode. - Speed Runner
Unlocks if you were able to finish a playthrough under 3 hours. - The End
Unlocks after finishing a playthrough on Casual Mode. - Casual Master
Unlocks only after finishing a playthrough on Casual Mode and not using any Hints.
And that’s the end of the game and guide! Have another playthrough to get any achievements you may have missed and get the other ending ones.
Give a thumbs up, drop me an award, or a simple thanks is more than appreciated!
Thanks for using my guide and I hope it helped!
And that wraps up our share on Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World: Kaptain Brawe Complete Walkthrough. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Dodolidot, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!