In this guide we’re gonna be covering Wonder of U, a character many in the ASBR community have been eagerly waiting for. We’ll dive into Wonder of U’s basics, combos, useful tips, clever tricks, suggested assists, and effective playstyles. Let’s jump in and learn how to manipulate calamity to defeat our opponents!
This guide will use a set of numbers and letters to “notate” the inputs on our controllers, so that you can recreate them easily. The image below will help you understand the notation I’ll be using often in this guide.
Basic Strengths
- Calamity Mechanic: Wonder of U’s primary strength revolves around his passive ability—calamity. As his health drops to specific thresholds, his special moves become more potent or undergo complete transformations. Additionally, his HHA/GHA inflict more damage. Keep an eye on the calamity level indicated near the HH Gauge, ranging from Level 1 to a maximum of Level 3.
- Zoning Abilities: Wonder of U excels in zoning tactics with command normal projectiles that seamlessly lead to more zoning through his specials. His teleportation ability allows him to maintain distance strategically. It can also serve as an escape option after applying block pressure or covering his entrance from fullscreen.
- Throw Immunity: Wonder of U is immune to regular throws, automatically escaping them without taking damage. However, this immunity does not extend to command grabs. Notably, Joseph Joestar’s (Part 2) “Your next line is…” parry is ineffective against Wonder of U, as he remains silent.
- Enhanced Damage and Pressure at Low HP: As Wonder of U’s health diminishes, his damage output and pressure increase significantly. Opponents must recognize this threat, especially in Rumble Mode, where access to Level 3 calamity can allow Wonder of U to dispatch adversaries efficiently with only 2 bars of HH Gauge.
Basic Weaknesses
While Wonder of U has some strong points, he also has clear weaknesses that can’t be ignored:
- Slow Movement: Wonder of U’s walk is slow, and he can’t run or dash jump, relying on teleportation for mobility. This affects his combo potential compared to other characters.
- Limited Special Moves: Although Wonder of U’s special moves and command normals cover many situations in theory, using them effectively can be challenging. He struggles against characters who apply pressure with skillful setups.
- Weak Wakeup Game: Wonder of U lacks a reliable wakeup option, making it necessary to make precise reads using stylish guard or predict opponent movements for a well-timed teleport.
- Combo Creativity: Without a Stand On mode, players need to get creative with Wonder of U’s combos due to the “3 Hit” rule in ASBR. Opponents only need to remember the purpose and appearance of these six normals.
Ground Normals
5H: WoU swings his cane in a wide arc. This attack has fantastic range, a great wide hitbox, and is consistent for stopping dash jumps and unwarranted aggression. A Mid Attack.
2L: WoU performs a chop towards the opponents knees. This attack has more range than 5L and should be used in its place if attempting to poke with it. A Low Attack.
2M: WoU thrusts the handle of his cane in an upwards motion towards the opponent. This attack is good for catching jump ins and falling opponents during combos. A Mid Attack.
2H: WoU swipes his cane at the opponents feet, resulting in a hard knockdown. This button is good for setting up pressure if you wish and has great range for a sweep. A Low Attack.
5S: WoU throws a projectile in an arc that will cover about a third of the screen distance. This projectile hits multiple times and will microlaunch the opponent, allowing for a follow-up if you’re quick. Being a command normal, you can cancel into special moves the moment he throws the projectile. A Mid Attack.
2S: WoU drops a rock insect into the ground that will crawl to the opponent and then come up from its burrow underneath them, causing a crumple. This can also be canceled into special moves as well, allowing for an easy follow-up after the opponent crumples. If the opponent is airborne when the insect unburrows, it will knock them down instead of crumpling. A Low Attack.
Air Normals
j.H: WoU punches downwards with the handle of his cane. This is his best jump-in, albeit not very good. It’s hitbox doesn’t linger as long as it should, but he doesn’t have another option that actually hits down.
Special Moves
421L/M/H: A parry. The parry window shortens as you use different attack buttons, Light being the longest and Heavy being the shortest. If hit by an opponents attack or non-HHA/GHA projectile, a cane will be launched as a counter. This cane can’t be deflected once launched. Deals more damage the higher the Calamity level.
236L/M/H: WoU takes a test vial and throws it in an arc. The arc increases with the button pressed, Light being the smallest and Heavy being the largest. If it hits a standing opponent, it will crumple unless they were already crumpled by 2S, then it will knock them down and vice versa. If the vial does not hit an opponent, it will linger on the ground as a trap. If an opponent walks over it, calamity will take over and make the shards fly up and achieve the same result as if it hit them. If the tube hits a projectile in the air, the shards will be launched from there. Deals more damage the higher the Calamity level. A High Attack.
22L/M/H: A teleport. The button used changes where WoU goes. Light puts you right in the opponent’s face, Medium teleports you slightly backwards, and the heavy teleports you even further backwards. This is your main mobility tool since you can cancel into it after 5S and 2S.
236 + Any Two Attack Buttons: WoU strides backwards as the force of calamity makes rain hit the opponent with such force it knocks them down. This HHA hits high and inflicts more chip damage than other skills in the game. This attack is always safe as WoU walks backwards as it rains. This attack can hit downed opponents, meaning that if you end the combo with it, you can do another one once they hit the ground for some extra damage. Deals more damage the higher the Calamity level.
236LMH: A parry GHA. If an opponent’s attack hits while the parry is active, the GHA will activate. WoU will cause Calamity to slam into the opponent with several different objects before exclaiming that Calamity is not a force for good or evil as the final attack strikes the opponent. Deals more damage the higher the Calamity level.
Recommended Assists
Jotaro (Part 3): This is the classic assist. You can throw Jotaro in pretty much anywhere to just add some damage without you having to FC. He does only have one defensive charge though, which might not bode super well for WoU.
Josuke (Part 4): This has all the same upsides as Jotaro (Part 3), he simply has two defensive charges, and one offensive charge.
Yukiko (Part 4): I hadn’t used this assist before, but I saw one video with someone using this assist and she works quite well if summoned right after 5S is executed for a free jump-in extension.
Kars: Can be used as you cast your HHA to ensure extra damage and a ground bounce to guarantee a second HHA to add damage. This assist is used in the T.O.D. He only has one defensive charge though.
Johnny (Part 7): This is the classic projectile assist. It can be used to stop Kars and Giorno from completing their install supers, or just give some extra zoning pressure. He only has one defensive charge though, but three offensive uses. If you’re looking to zone, this is the one.
Mista (Part 5): Same thing as Johnny, just has two defensive charges and two offensive charges. He also got buffed with this patch to fire 6 rounds when he comes in now.
5LMH > 5S > 5H > 5S > 22H
[1] j.H > 5H > 2S > 214L > 5MH > 5S
j.H > 5H > 2S > 214L > 5MH > 5S > 22L > 5MH > 5S > 236L
[2] 2LM > 2S > 214L > 66 > 5MH > 5S > 22L > 5H > 5S > 236M
[3] 5H > 2S > 214L > 66 > 2H > 2S > 214L > FC > 5MH > 5S > 236L > HHA
[4] j.H > 5H > 2S > 214L > 2H > 2S > 214L > FC > 236L > FC > 2H > 5S > 66 > 5H > 5S > 236L > ASSIST > HHA > HHA
This does about 99% damage. It’s pretty much a TOD in the fact that most of the roster doesn’t even have 1000 HP. Enjoy.
Recommended Playstyle and Tips
The real mind games start though when you incorporate your teleport into your pressure. You can keep the opponent guessing where your openings are by using 2S and then teleporting in. If the opponent attempts to poke, the insect will crumple them for a free combo. You can do the teleport on a block string to back off, throw a 5S and then teleport right back in. Stay mobile with your teleport! Remember that we have a stubby dash, no run, and a floaty jump!
As Wonder of U, you shouldn’t be using your assist offensively unless you know you’re safe. For combos specifically, you don’t need assists at all. You can get 50% easily with one bar at Level 3 Calamity with no assist and it puts you at around that ideal zoning range when you get done with it. That’s why the only assist combo you see in the Combos section is the TOD, as Kars is necessary for that one.
Whenever you’re ending your combos, instead of inputting the last special move, you can input your teleport you give yourself some space. Alternatively, you can use the 214M to setup a projectile on your opponent when the get up for free pressure.
Your moveset has so many different ways to use it, get creative!