Welcome to Indigo Park, a gaming guide for all your collectable needs in Chapter 1. Get ready to discover the location of every collectable in this chapter, but be warned, spoilers lie ahead. So let’s dive in and start collecting!
Lloyd Plush
Sitting in the corner in-front of the main gate at the start.

Finley Plush
To the right of the Lloyd plush on a pile of boxes.
Rambley Plush
When walking into the generator room turn right and there will be the Rambley Plush

Mollie Plush
Walk through the main gate turn right walk all the way to the end and theirs the Mollie Plush on the bench next the the Lloyd wall art
Raction Figure
after entering the tunnel area turn left into the woman’s change room and in the back right corner is the raction figure
Rambley Ears
When Rambleys Railroad makes its first stop follow the wire until you get to the room with the gears in it to the right of the machine is a rack with the Rambley ears on the bottom shelf
Souvenir Cup
When you exit Rambleys Railroad go around the water fountain and go right to the café de raton laveur walk in and on the counter is the Souvenir Cup

Gold Rambley Plush
to the left of the information kiosk is an unmarked building go in and turn left and on the table of the first booth is the Gold Rambley Plush

to get the Rambleberry you must beat the Rambley Rush arcade machine to find the arcade machine enter Jetstream Junction go to the small room to the right of the landing pad door after defeating Mollie in Rambley Rush the screen will glitch and it will force you out of the arcade machine and the Rambleberry will be right in-front of you

Poodle Plush
to get the Poodle Plush enter Rooftop Racers go up the stairs and turn left then follow the ramp down
walk across the balcony until you reach the last chair where the Poodle Plush is sitting there
Rambley Head
the Rambley head can be found towards the end of the chase with Mollie just as you leave the landing pad and enter the backrooms the Rambley head can be found on a shelf to the right
Retro Lloyd Plush
After the chase walk down the hallway and walk past the security door and on the left is the Retro Lloyd Plush on a shelf
Congratulations I hope this guide have made your hunt easier and more enjoyable.
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this was my first guide so sorry if anything confusing or i got any information wrong
– Finox
And that wraps up our share on Indigo Park: Chapter 1 All Collectables. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Finox, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!