Guide to get 100% achievements
Get to the banana fruit tier. Shouldn’t need to specifically try to get this since it’s a relatively low fruit tier
Get a meta score of 1 Quintillion. Shouldn’t need to specifically try for this
Get a golden watermelon(tier 47). You need to do this to unlock unlimited mode which is required for most of the other achievements.
Have 3000 fruits thrown per second for 10 seconds. Should just happen
Have your fruit income multiplier reach 100k. Should be pretty easy to do with stacking a few of the solar upgrades that increase the multiplier and upgrading your wok. Some combinations of the following should work: Farmusicians, Bees, Lumberthrow, Windmill, Tears, Poopy Doopy, Blue Fire. I would avoid Rain dance and Sun Dance. They didn’t ever produce really big effects for me.
Get a meta score of 1 Septillion
Get a Rainbomelon(tier 58). Fastest way is to stack merge upgrades and things that increase the base tier. Each tier is worth 2x the previous tier, so things like Prismatic Bees, Roots Caretaker are pretty powerful.
Have a sapling grow into a tier 20+ tree. This might just happen naturally. Using normal trees you would need to max out the fertilizer(20480 fertilizer) on a tier 15 sapling. Baobabs have a +3 max fertilizer upgrade tier, which would mean you would only need to start with a tier 12 sapling, but that would require 1.3m fertilizer. Might make sense to pair with the Baobabos achievment if you haven’t just gotten this while playing.
Get a mega colonist with no other tiers on the map. You need to get exactly 1024 colonists before merging them into a mega colonist
Get a fruit income multiplier of 500k. Same strategy as with Big Multiplier. Stack multiple solar upgrades that increase the multiplier and upgrading your wok.
Get a meta score of 1 Undecillion. You need to use a bunch of glory points to get this quickly or just play a bunch of games. I got this while doing the 18 glory point challenge.
Have 3500+ colonists. Only tier 1 gatherers count. So you need to build enough houses to have 3500 colonists without merging them.
Reach the last fruit tier(72). To get this in a reasonable amount of time you need to stack as many merge/tier upgrades as possible. These are the lunar upgrades I used.
The more important solar upgrades are Prism and Bees to take advantage of prismatic bees. The other upgrades don’t matter as much. I didn’t use Monotree, so I’m not sure if it would make it easier or harder
Reach the maximum amount of fertilizer on a baobab sapling. This is 1.3m fertilizer. It isn’t possible to increase your stack size to this, so it requires using Golden Rain to get enough fertilizer. The lunar upgrades are the same as in Eternal Light except you should use Fertimole instead of Roots Caretaker. You will need a stack of 400k+. By the time you get here, you should have a max count of trees with 300m-1b fruit from golden rain. You will need to turn off bees and lumberjacks so that they don’t accidentally chop down some of your trees and waste your fertilizer. The ground fertilizer from Golden Rain does not get saved when you quit the game. Basically what I did because my performance suffers the longer the game runs was max my stack of fertilizer, quit and reenter, let my game run until I started to run into performance problems again, cut down an existing tree and let all the ground fertilizer transfer into that one before quitting and reentering again. Then you should be in a pretty good spot to get it from your stack. This took me multiple tries. I failed a couple of times when the ground only had around 300k fertilizer. I finally got it with a ground fertilizer stack of 700k. You can’t see how much is in the ground, unfortunately, so it’s best to just wait as long as you can before attempting.
Get a meta score of 1 Tredecillion. You need to use a bunch of glory points to get this. I got this while doing the 18 glory point challenge and continuing until I got a couple of rainbomelons.
Get all the bronze challenge cups.
No Workers
Get a golden watermelon with ONLY gatherers. It would pair with the silver and golden challenges that restrict your recruitment options if you don’t want to do a more manual challenge like this three times. Basically just play a game and don’t buy any farmers, lumberjacks, or engineers.
Fir Tree
Get a rainbomelon(tier 58) with only fir trees. These next four all require ONLY the specific tree lunar upgrade to be enabled.
Palm Tree
Get a rainbomelon(tier 58) with only palm trees
Standard Tree
Get a rainbomelon(tier 58) with only standard trees
Baobab Tree
Get a rainbomelon(tier 58) with only baobab trees
Get all the silver challenge cups.
No Gatherers
Get a golden watermelon with ONLY specialized workers. Basically don’t buy any houses.
Fast Player
See this guide for a build to get the golden speed cup:
Get a golden watermelon with 12 glory points. You could pair this with the 18 point gold challenge
All Trees
Get a rainbomelon with every tree unlocked.
Get all the gold challenge cups.
No Colonists
Get a golden watermelon with NO colonists. This means no gatherers, farmers, lumberjacks, or engineers. So you have to gather everything completely manually. Because you don’t have colonists generating fertilizer, you should use the lunar upgrade Fertimole. The fertilizer from the mole makes this challenge a lot easier. Super Mouse should be your first solar upgrade. Afterwards, you should pick solar upgrades that increase your multiplier.
See this guide for a build to get the golden speed cup:
Get a golden watermelon with 18 glory points. This is the lunar setup I used.
You could swap out baobab with something else if you want. I wouldn’t swap out the others since it will make it a lot harder. You’ll want to prioritize merge and tier upgrades. If you continue on to get a couple of rainbomelons you should also get all of the meta score achievements
And that wraps up our share on Idle Colony: Idle Colony Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by pridham.tom, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!