Contains a list of locations of all pygmies, buttons, and other collectables – as well as things like the snow monkey’s song.
This guide will show the locations of all pygmies, buttons, etc. I recommend only using this guide if you know you are missing something, or if you are doing a second playthrough, so that you don’t spoil your experience.
This guide is a work in progress and some things will be missing or need replacing, these will be marked with square brackets.
Anyone has my permission to take this guide and edit it / do whatever you want with it without credit.
World 1 – Treetop Trouble
One in the well
One for mimicking the snow monkey’s song
One up the platforms near the slime
One for completing the time trial at the swamp
One in the floating house after completing the target game [retake pic]
One in the hop door behind the waterfall (after finding Macbat’s monocle) [retake pic]
One in the cavern in the hole in the water in the rocks underneath the big tree
One in the hop door high up in the side of the tree
One after flying to the other woods in hoobert’s house after collecting three cogs [retake pic]
One in the mossy stone tower (entering from the bottom)
One behind the well
One underneath the stone arch near Macbat

One behind the mossy stone tower (high up)
Macbat’s monocle:
In the maze near the singing snow monkey
Snow Monkey’s tune:
(starting from the top)
World 2 – Home Sweet Home
One for playing the target game on the cake on the table in the middle of the world

One in the hop door that’s in an ant farm

One in the top shelf of the bookcase with the ant farm (on top of a blue box)

One on top of the flower in the flower pot (accessible via the ceiling fan)

One in the first aid cabinet (accessible by hitting the switch in the top left shelf of the floating cabinet

One in the centre middle shelf of the floating cabinet

One in the NES after defeating the dragon (accessible after hitting the switch on top of the TV)

One in the hop door on the side of the fence outside

One outside after watering the sunflower plant fully [retake picture]

One inside the bin (after stomping on the bin’s pedal)

Tap locations
One by the window

One behind the stacked pots

One behind the large flower pot

One on the ground near the wheelbarrow

World 3 – Playtime Kingdom
One in the hop door on the Hex World box

One when using the springs on the colourful box

One after hitting three buttons near the Pokey box to make the house of cards into a bridge

One after completing the maze in the left wing of the castle

One at the top of the clock room in the middle wing of the castle

One in the hop door in the right wing of the castle

One after jumping through the colour pieces

One after completing Simian Says

One on the Punch-um Munch-um box after collecting two batteries

One up on the tower on the Bongo Blocko box after hitting all the wooden buttons

On the Snakes & Ladders box

Bongo Blocko buttons
One on the Hex World box

One behind the red house on the Strangle Hold box

One behind the castle

One on the box right next to the colourful pieces

One on the Frigate box (behind the ship)

One on the colourful box with the springs

One on the roulette wheel

Colour pieces sequence
(starting from the bottom)
Simian Says
First round:
Second round:
Third round:
Fourth round:
Castle maze directions
World 4 – Streets of Silence
One pygmy near the lighthouse after jumping across a few platforms

One at the end of the creepy room in the central building accessible from a window

One on top of the central building

One after opening the door in the flooded hallway in the diner from the hop door at the end of said hallway [retake pic]

One in the hop door near the diner

One in the hop door behind the wooden planks near the stairs (the sewer)

One in the house out in the woods

One for doing the target trial by the campfire in the woods

One in the playground for helping Charles find Annabelle [retake picture]

One at the top of the lighthouse after giving Robert Scotlund his compass

At the end of the creepy room in the central building accessible from a window

One on the floating platform

One in between the mines

One in between the kelp

One inside the pipe at the bottom

One underneath one of the pipes on the side

Behind the tent near the campfire

Underwater maze
Always take the exit furthest away from you
World 5 – Forgotten Boatyard
One across the bridge with the clouds

One for completing the target game in the pub

One for stomping near the green skeleton

One in the pond below the village

One in the cave after making all the statues face the room containing the pygmy

One at the top of the tower

One at the end of the pirate ship room

One in the hop door in the sunken ship

One after giving Uulnarr five doubloons

One after giving the statues their gems

One near the cave

One near the base of the volcano

One up higher near the volcano

One near the entrance to the tower

One even closer to the tower

One behind the pub

One at the port near the edge of the village above the pond

One behind the giant skull

One at the edge of the cliff

And that wraps up our share on Hop ‘n’ Marty: Collectables & General Reference Guide (WIP). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by renere, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!