Looking to complete all the achievements in the visual novel Holidays? This guide has got you covered! Learn all the tips and tricks to obtaining 100% achievements in this exciting game.
For the first time

Everything is quite transparent here – just die in any way, there are plenty of them in the game. You can do it along the way with “I won’t die in the toilet”
I won’t die in the toilet

After we have drunk soy sauce and vomited, we select the toilet on the map, where we unscrew the light bulb.
Self-defense with weapons

It will take a little money to buy an injury. After getting them, we go to the store and buy three unknown parts.
Got too greedy

This will require even more money, because we need to buy and eat 12 watermelons in the store, which will tear the Belly apart.
Japanese food

Buy a squid.
Useless pastime

We go to the mall, and then we play bowling without the Uncle.

Find out your Uncle’s story. To do this, you need to beat him at bowling. After that, we approach again, my Uncle will offer us to play some kind of “sexball” – we agree.

In the same shopping center, select juice on the map. There we buy grandma’s juice three times and observe the consequences.
Steel arms

We go to college, go into our office, find a knife in a drawer. (In order not to waste time on the turnstile, buy a magic mallet)

To get an achievement, you need the mayor to tear up all our money in a fight. He’ll do it anyway.

The most tedious achievement. You need to earn 30,000 potbellies on gold. To do this, you need to go to a pawnshop, where we buy a shovel and select a quarry on the map. Next, an exciting farm awaits you. We run from the store to the quarry, from the pawnshop quarry, where we exchange gold for money, then to the store for a hill and so on in a circle until we get rich. (thus opening one of the endings)
Punitive medicine

At the beginning of the game, we open the door to the Parapsychologist, (otherwise this branch closes) after deciding whether or not to call him for the new year, after a while there will be a choice, click on “smoke” and find ourselves in the hospital. During a conversation with the doctor, we choose “stop this nonsense”, thereby starting a fight. In the process, we need a doctor to inject us with estrogen. (he may not do it, so he’ll have to replay it)
Yummy ice-cream

At the end of the game, in a conversation with the doppelgangers, we say that we are Khrushchev, from which he will attack us in a rage. After the victory, the achievement is yours.
And that wraps up our share on Holidays: Guide to 100% achievements in Holidays. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by HEXGETOWNED, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!