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Bug Guide
You do not need to open this «Bestiary» yourself. You can buy «Bug Guide – Front» and «Bug Guide – Back» from the robot. Collecting all bugs for Miss «Akiko» gives you extra Rinnel and halfs the guitar’s price.
Fish Guide
Bugs Skills
Bug Tournament
If you have trouble with the Bug Tournament, I recommend catching «Hercules Beetle», «Golden Stag Beetle» and «Caucasus Beetle». The first two do not require additional skills. «Caucasus Beetle» should have 1 or 2 «Charges». So it can win a round in one turn.
Level up the bugs to 500 P and wait a few days for their stats to grow to 40-50.
«Hercules Beetle» and «Caucasus Beetle» are the main beetles for the Bug Tournament. They have strong stats or the potential to end the round quickly.
«Golden Stag Beetle» is the main bug to defeat «Juri». Its main strength is that it easily withstand 50 turns of the enemy bug. Since you have 3 bugs you easily defeat «Juri».
Robots Shop
The easiest way to quickly up their affection is to use snacks. See what kind of snacks the girl wants on a particular day. Buy it at a local store and eat it with your partner.
Delta`s Shop
- How to earn «Rinnel» quickly?
In my opinion, the fastest way is to win in the Bug Tournament. It gives you a lot of «Rinnel».
- How to earn «Yen» quickly?
The fastest way is fishing. Up relationship with «Ayumi Isobe» and buy regular bait. Then wait for night and go fishing. This way you can easily get a lot of yen.
- How to earn «Good Boy Point» quickly?
Buy «Expect/Hero/Master/Divine/Supreme/Not-A Helper» from the robot. These items significantly speed up the gain of «GBP».
- How to catch good bugs?
Up relationship with «Juri» and catch bugs only with her. Also use bugs like stuff (Sugar Water/Sap/Deluxe Honey) to trees at night.
- How to get «special furniture» («Polulukan Series»/Lylan Series)?
«Delta» sells it. Choose “Specialty furniture”.
- For what needs «Special Furniture»?
These are references to the studio’s previous games. «Polulukan Series» – «Frontier of Sister Indulgence». «Lylan Series» – «False Myth». Also «Delta» – «The Crimes of Delta».
- How to get the «X-Ray Glasses»?
First win the Bug Tournament. For that you receive a «Beautiful Stone». Show it to «Delta» after completing the game. He gives you a quest. Complete it and receive the desired glasses.
- Buy «Let There Be Night»/«Rewarp-kun». How to use it?
Go to your phone and choose the «Settings». At the bottom, you see the items you need. Choose it to use them.
- There a limit to the number of days?
- How many ends?
And that wraps up our share on Himegashima Island: Brief Walkthrough «Himegashima Island» (ver. Eng). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Latarus, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!