“Welcome to our 100% Achievement Guide for Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions! This guide is designed to help you easily understand the requirements and strategies needed to unlock all the achievements in the game. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and become Quidditch champions together!”
Look! Mum Made You a Sweater!
Customize a character in your roster – Change cosmetics on any of your character, can be done as soon a the character creation starts.
Bottle Fame
Complete a Career Challenge – You can the challenges in the menu, but if you completet the tutorial you will be able to complete some of them already.
Complete Chaser Training – Just complete the traning’s first part.
The Keeper, That’s Me…
Complete Keeper Training – Complete the second part of the traning.
You’d Make a Fair Beater
Complete Beater Training – Complete the third part of the traning.
The Youngest Seeker in a Century
Complete Seeker Training – Complete the forth part of the traning.
It’s Not Much, but it’s Home!
Complete The Weasley Burrow Garden Cup – Win the match part and last part of the traning. Can be redone if missed.
Everyone Starts at the Beginning at Hogwarts
Win your first game – Just win one game, easy counts.
Rough Game, Quidditch. Brutal!
Win a game of Quidditch without conceding any points – You have to win a match without the enemy scoring any point via goal or Snitch. If you play on easy this can be done by hitting 100 points as soon as possible, and always go for the Snitch when it is spotted so the enemy won’t get it.
It’s Not Any Broomstick, it’s a Nimbus 2000
Upgrade a broom to max level – Just keep leveling up, and complete challenges to earn Moonstones. There is 5 level for each broom you only have to level up 1 to level 5. It’s cost 200 to upgrade a broom to level 5.
I’ve Always Wanted to Use That Spell
Max out skill points in a single role – You have to spend the maximum of 10 skill points to on of the role. You can reassign the skill points later, just spend 10 skill points on one role.
I Want a Nice, Clean Game
Play 5 PVP Matches – Play the multiplayer mode (3v3) for 5 matches.
Don’t Go Making Friends with the Wrong Sort…
Win 5 Games of Quidditch While in a Party – Get a friend and invite them to play, use the comments below for teaming up, then win 5 matches and watch the friendship grow.
Hogwarts Hero
Win the Hogwarts Quidditch House Cup for the first time – You have to win The Hogwarts Quidditch House Cup under the campaing menu, for me Casual did not count so only Standard works or bugged. You have to win multiple rounds and finish on top with the highest score (don’t have to win every round).
Triwizard Titan
Win the Triwizard Quidditch Cup for the first time – Win the Triwizard Quidditch Cup under the campaing menu, at least on Standard.
World Cup Wonder
Win the World Cup for the first time – Under the campaing menu, win at least on Standard.
Quidditch is Easy Enough to Understand
Win any Cup on Champion difficulty – Select one of the Campaign cups and win on Champion difficulty, upgrade you team and broom to make it less challenging.
Tutshill Tornado
Win 25 games of Quidditch – You have to win 25 matches, it will come around just keep playing, Solo works as well.
Quidditch Champion
Win 100 Games of Quidditch – Keep playing and have fun during the grind.
“E” for Exceeds Expectations
Reach level 45 in your Career – Complete Challenges (daily, weekly, career) to grind for it.
Brew Glory
Complete a Mastery Challenge for each role – Here you have to complete a mastery Challenge for each of the 4 roles (Chaser, Beater, Keeper, Seeker), you can check them under the Challenges – Mastery group and then select each role, they are pretty easy just earn medals or do basic stuff over time, but it can take time, so you can go for the platinum one from the start if you don’t want to stick around for too long.
Earn a Platinum medal for each role – The Platinum medals are the following:
Chaser – Score 5 goals in a game
Beater – Knock out 5 Chaser in one game
Keeper – 7 Saves in one game
Seeker – 2 catches in one game
Try to focus on 1 each game and it will be easy. You can play against Casual bots, but for the Keeper increase the difficulty.
Chaser – Score 5 goals in a game
Beater – Knock out 5 Chaser in one game
Keeper – 7 Saves in one game
Seeker – 2 catches in one game
Try to focus on 1 each game and it will be easy. You can play against Casual bots, but for the Keeper increase the difficulty.
The Porskoff Ploy
Assist a goal by shovel-passing to a teammate shortly before they score. – You have to play as a Chaser and have the ball shovel-passed (press “E” and mouse for direction as default) to another teammate so they can score, can be done in Solo/Coop/Multiplayer. It quite easy and probably hard to miss, but you can upgrade the teamwork tree if it is needed.
Roderick Plumpton’s Protégé
Catch a Snitch in less than 120 seconds – Switch to Seeker when the Snitch spotted and find it, usually it is around at one of the backside of the field (behind Keeper) it is glowing in gold. You can get it in the first rounds when playing Seeker, just follow the gold rings and keep boosting, can be done against easy bots so there should be no challange, change or upgrade for faster broomsticks if struggling.
Constant Vigilance!
Catch a Snitch without getting hit by a Bludger – Play as Seeker and go for the Snitch when it is spotted. If you play on easy they usually won’t target you, but if the Bludger is tracking you you have to evade it via pressing Space, just time it right when the bar gets thicker. Use fast and agile broom to chact the Snitch as soon as possible.
Mischief Managed
Stun a Player while they are highlighted for a score event – You have to play as the Beater, the easiest way to do it to wait behind the Keeper’s post and after the enemy scores hit them with the Bludger while they are highligted. Save your Bludger until then. If you play agains bots Solo I recommend higher diffiulty to have them score, but not too high.
Brilliant, but Scary
Eliminate the opposing Beater without getting hit by a Bludger – You have to play as Beater again and focus on taking out their Beater as soon as the match start before they hit you with their Bludger. Try fast and agile broom and hit them first then finish them off before they can recover. Also if the target you just evade, if you get hit you need to be respawn to try again.
Chasers With Extra Responsibilities
Intercept a shot on your goals – As a Chaser you have to catch a ball that has been shot on goal by the enemy team. You can sit and wait around the Keeper and block one of the goals.
Knock on Wood
Get an assist by stunning the enemy Keeper shortly before a goal – Play as a Beater and hit the enemy Keeper when your team is trying to score a goal. You have to stun the Keeper, might takes a few tires, but you can wait behind their Keeper or follow your teammate with the ball to have a great timing.
A Superb Keeper!
Save a goal with your Power Save – This on is tricky, You need to unlock the Power Kick ability
for the Keeper. To find this go to My Team -> Keeper -> Performance -> Attacking and put 2 skill points ( it is the second abilty from the Attacking tree).
After unlocking it and Playing as keeper you have to save a goal with a charged up kick, I recommend to you to do this against Standard bots (I did it in the Cup mode) and equip your team with the slowest brooms (exepct the keeper, have an agile one) so the enemy can try to score, when you see them coming try to time and kick the ball with the charged up kick (the circle around you will turn to gold from blue, and the meter needs to be on the top part of the charging bar). It took me some matches to achive it, don’t give up.
for the Keeper. To find this go to My Team -> Keeper -> Performance -> Attacking and put 2 skill points ( it is the second abilty from the Attacking tree).
After unlocking it and Playing as keeper you have to save a goal with a charged up kick, I recommend to you to do this against Standard bots (I did it in the Cup mode) and equip your team with the slowest brooms (exepct the keeper, have an agile one) so the enemy can try to score, when you see them coming try to time and kick the ball with the charged up kick (the circle around you will turn to gold from blue, and the meter needs to be on the top part of the charging bar). It took me some matches to achive it, don’t give up.
Save a shot on goal from a Chaser you recently debuffed – The trickiest one in my opinion. You have to play as a keeper and use the Playcaller ability (E for the keeper), but you have to upgrade it first.
So go to My Team -> Keeper -> Performance -> Teamwork and max it out as the debuff Playcaller Ring Slow is the last 6th level of the teamwork tree. Now head to a higher level game and play as the Keeper (don’t switch as the Playcaller ability will be on Cooldown as the AI uses it) when you see the enemy chaser apporcing with the ball try to place the rings in front of them but not too far because the debuff last for just few seconds. I recommend to place them randomly front of the Keeper as they dodge them if you place them in a line. After they hit one of the ring the debuff will apply for a few second now you just need the make a save shot by them. I took me the a long time to get this one so be patient and keep trying, use a agile broom and dash for the ball.
So go to My Team -> Keeper -> Performance -> Teamwork and max it out as the debuff Playcaller Ring Slow is the last 6th level of the teamwork tree. Now head to a higher level game and play as the Keeper (don’t switch as the Playcaller ability will be on Cooldown as the AI uses it) when you see the enemy chaser apporcing with the ball try to place the rings in front of them but not too far because the debuff last for just few seconds. I recommend to place them randomly front of the Keeper as they dodge them if you place them in a line. After they hit one of the ring the debuff will apply for a few second now you just need the make a save shot by them. I took me the a long time to get this one so be patient and keep trying, use a agile broom and dash for the ball.
And that wraps up our share on Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions: 100% Achievement Guide for Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Casinoman, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!