Fully customize your hamster
At the mirror in the bathroom, equip something from all equipment categories on a single hamster. This does not include the skin so do not worry about having to spend gems.

Get a second hamster
At a certain level, you can adopt a second hamster for the price of some seeds.
Adopt 6 hamsters
If I remember correctly, you need house level 60 to get your 6th hamster.
Work for 15 minutes
All the way to the left of the house, you can find four workplaces for the hamsters. The more full their status bars are the longer they can work. The more of a stat they have, the more of the respective item they will get for less work.
Have 4 hamsters work simultaneously for 10 minutes continuously
Get your hamsters to max status and make them work all around the same time to get them all working with an overlap of 10 minutes. This needs to be done in one go and cannot be done with, for example, two runs of 5 minutes or anything like that.
Have a single hamster with 80 stat points
The stat points at gotten by using the equipment training in the gym. The max amount is 80, if you go above and try to train a stat, it will deduct from one or two other stats.
Have six hamsters with 80 stat points
It can be annoying to get this since stats go down overtime, but just keep going until you get it. It is easiest if this is done once your training equipment at level 3 since it’ll train the stats faster than lower level equipment.
Have 4 hamsters each with different stat at 40
The four available stats are strength (red), dexterity (green), intelligence (blue), determination (grey).
Unlock your first perk
At the HAMSTERS tab, you can find all the available and unlocked perks for each of your hamsters. They are basically all things that, when enabled, the hamster will automatically undertake. For example, auto eating, auto training, auto working, etc. The different perks require different
Have a hamster with every perk active
Simply activate all 12 perks on a single hamster. Each perk requires some perk points. You get more as you level your house. Auto-maintenance and auto-working cost 3 points, auto-training 2 points, and the rest 1 point.
Have 6 hamsters with all perks active
The hardest achievement in my opinion. You need level 120 to have enough points to activate all 6×12 perks. And since your 6th hamster is the newest addition it will have the least progression done towards the perks, e.g. the least perfect actions in the races, the least repairs of the furnitures. So this is the most grindy achievement, it just takes time.