Looking for the best rewrite destiny in 鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll help you choose and reroll your destinies so you can rewrite your fate. Just remember, not all destinies are created equal, so choose wisely to ensure your success in the game.
Overview of Rewrite Destinies
Rewrite destinies are not well balanced (the devs didn’t even try); they range from essential to actively detrimental. Their description (especially in English) are often vague or even out right wrong. Use this guide to help you. Favorite and comment it it helps.
What Makes a Good Destiny?
Destinies that gives flat stat boosts, or give non combat advantages are generally not good. Destinies that can only occur once per battle also aren’t very good. Defensive destinies are better than offensive ones, as there are many ways to get very large damage multipliers.
Whether a destiny is good is dependent on how well they compare to the best destinies. Any offensive destiny have to compare to counterattack (conditional 100% more damage), murderous rise (30% more dps), or water burst (an extra basic attack early game). With this in mind, thing like spirit fusion (30% chance for 30% extra damage) just aren’t very good generally.
Tip: Destinies are divided into rarities, just like everything else. Higher rarity destinies aren’t necessarily better.
Types of Destiny
Orthogonally to above, we divide destinies in how they are acquired.
Normal destinies can be obtained simply be breaking through. The player will randomly get a choice of some of them when breaking through. Some require minimum realm to be obtained. Check your Tao Seeds to see what is available.
Sect destinies are found in the spirit pavilion of sects. Each sect will have one sect destiny. The player can gain the destiny of their sect by breaking through in the spirit pavilion. Players can gain the destiny of another sect by using an invisibility elixir to sneak into their spirit pavilion. Alternatively, the player can conquer that sect, then use that sect to conquer a third.
Players can modify their own sect destiny with an Ancient Book, obtained in auctions, if the player is the sect leader. One book can be obtained in each zone.
Player can save and reload to get different possibilities when using Ancient Books, even on Chaos. As such of the best destinies are sect destinies, this guarantees at least some good destiny on Chaos.
Reborn+ destinies are destinies obtained by breaking through Reborn and Transcendent. They can’t be obtained earlier. Earlier destinies also cannot be rerolled for these destinies.
Event destinies are obtained by specific events or quests.
NPC specific destinies are only obtainable with NPC Tao Seeds. NPCs have different Tao Seeds, which are much more limited in their choices of Destinies. However, each Tao Seed has a specific destiny attached to it. These are usually only meaningful when there are multiple cultivators in a battle.
The player is the only one with the Nameless Tao Seed. Even when the player passes this Tao Seed to others, they will not obtain the Nameless Tao Seed. The player can lose their own Tao Seed, and get an NPC Tao Seed.
How to Reroll Selection/Choices
On Chaos, this is not possible. However, most of the best destinies are sect destinies, and those can be controlled. If there is no good choices, choose a sect destiny.
The player will obtain, over the course of the game, a limited number of items that can change a destiny they’ve chosen. These can be used to either rewrite a destiny that is no longer useful, or to rewrite a bad destiny in Chaos.
Three of these are obtained by Xi’s quests, the first of which is activated at Golden Core realm. Another can be obtained by defeating Xingtian. A final three can be obtained at the very end game at the Shattered Altar by beating optional (and extremely hard) bosses.
Re-selecting the first in a series destiny will also allow you to reselect the later ones.
Auto Pick Tier
Water Burst:
Type: NormalEssentially gives the player one of the best early game basic attack (water spiritual torrent) as an extra attack. Early game, when the player only has skills with very few modifiers, this could be an extra 50% to 100% more damage. Futhermore, this attack auto-aims, and is great for clearly out trash mobs throughout the game.
The damage of the skill scales with the player’s realm, but falls off late game because it gains no subskills or cooldown reduction. If the player has no problems with clearing trash mobs, this destiny can be replaced in the late game.
Blood Power
Type: NormalThis is the main way to recover life for all builds except those with blade basic attacks. The player gains a huge amount of life steal for damage dealt nearby. Late game, the player will deal far more damage than take, and can heal back to full nearly instantly. Even builds that have other ways of life recovery, this still should be taken for safety.
Builds with Blade basic attacks should not take this, as they already have life steal. Blood Power 2 and 3 are generally not that useful. While they double/triple the amount of life stolen, and slightly increase the range, Blood Power 1 is already enough to heal to full nearly instantly; if not, then the player should increase his damage instead.
Rolling World
Type: Sect Destiny60% damage reduction is very good. The player only needs to lose life for this to activate, and when the player loses life, damage reduction is the most useful.
The player is under threats from both multiple small hits and single large hits. This protects against the former.
Concealed Nirvana
Type: Sect DestinyClamps damage to 15% of max health with no cool down. Freezes enemy with a 50 second cooldown. Protects against one shots and single large hits. When enemy is frozen, the player can get closer to lifesteal to heal back to full health.
Also protects against certain instant kill abilities, though not all of them.
Always Someone Better
Type: Sect Destiny20% damage reduction is not as good as 60%, but it is permanent once you’ve used the ultimate skill twice. Also gives 30% damage, which is very good for a destiny.
Type: Normal DestinyOnce you’ve taken enough damage, this can permanently double the player’s damage for the rest of the battle. While 600% of max life as damage seems scary, the player does not actually have to take this damage. From testing with mods that actually shows stacks of counterattack, damage that is prevented/dodged/blocked/reduced still counts.
On Chaos, for many enemies, the player can gain maximum stacks very quickly while taking no actual damage.
Conditional Auto-picks and Generally Exceptional Tier
Type: Normal/Growth
This is a set of 3 destinies. The first simply allows the player to use vitality for energy. The second and third gives damage and cooldown reduction only when using vitality for energy.
Some builds can maintain their energy with the guide mind skill, and water build can do it naturally. All other build will depend on at least Blood Energy 1.
The cooldown reduction of Blood Energy 3 is required for 0 cooldown (or very small cooldown) special skill builds. Other builds that uses Blood Energy 1 should also consider just getting all three tiers, 20% cooldown reduction is quite good. Note that this will not reduce cooldown of martial skill, but will reduce the cooldown of Eye of Providence skill.
Those that depends on Blood Energy 3 should consider not using a guide mind skill to minimize energy.
Note that using vitality for energy does not count as using energy, and therefore cannot gain shields with the guide mind skill. As this is one of the strongest defense mechanisms, builds that can maintain their energy should not use blood energy.
Dipper Tail Footwork
Type: Sect DestinyAuto pick for any build that can do motion skills every 5 seconds, as this is just a 50% damage reduction.
Still exceptional for every other build. However, the player is vulnerable at times.
Murderous Rise
Type: Sect Destiny
Effectively a 30% damage multiplier at minimum for all builds. This can improves for builds that can increase their critical damage. However, players should generally take this destiny even if they can’t.
Critical hits are also required for some builds, and for those, Murderous rise is required.
Free Spirit
Type: Normal DestinyThis provides a secondary, almost disjoint, way of playing relative to the player’s build. Summoning an artifact with the artifact spirit Mengyi, using her favored skill, then unsummoning the artifact will stun all enemies for a long time. When coming out of the stun, the enemies will also take a percentage of their max health as damage. The player can then repeat this indefinitely.
Even enemies that are immune to normal stuns are vulnerable to this. Only very few enemies (enemies in Tian Yuan mountain, and Suanyu with 35+ soul) are immune to Mengyi’s stun.
Leng Jingtang is a secondary choice to use with this destiny.
Tiger’s Spirit, Dragon’s Soul
Type: Sect DestinyA generally very good destiny for early games, as long as the player’s special attack can hit multiple times. The 2 second cooldown is often bypassed (no one is quite sure how the cooldown works). We believe that different instances of attacks have different cooldowns.
This destiny should be removed for late game for builds that lags a lot, as the lag might cause the dps not to increase as much as it should.
This destiny is an auto pick for lightning builds, as each lightning bolt can trigger this separately with no cooldown. Each trigger of this destiny also counts as a damage instance to trigger lightning bolt.
Niche Build Defining Tier
Required for builds that needs true damage but cannot inflict internal injury. Can be used to fight higher level cultivators. Otherwise, not very useful.
Following Bug
Type: Normal/Growth. While this can be normally obtained, this is guaranteed if the player chooses Elder Dragon Aura as an innate destiny at game creation.
Basically the whole point of dragon hamlet. While not the best choice of 5 destinies, if the player chooses to take Elder Dragon Aura, this is the main focus of that innate destiny.
Without Elder Dragon Aura and dragon hamlet, this should not be taken.
Unfettered Cultivator
Type: Event. Obtained by still being foundation at around year 6. The player will activate an event of two transcendent cultivator fighting overhead. Should the player choose to become the apprentice of the latter, she will breakthrough to Qi Condensation, and gain this destiny as a choice.
This is required for a player that wants to play without a sect. This playstyle is not recommended.
To be continued
And that wraps up our share on 鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal: Rewrite Destiny Tier list. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by The Guy, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!