Green Hell: Fastest/Easiest Way to Get “Green Hell” mode Achievement.

Welcome to our Green Hell gaming guide! If you’re looking to get the “Green Hell” achievement in the quickest way possible, this guide should help you out. Just a heads up, we’ll be going for the bad ending in story mode, so if you want the good ending, you’ll have to choose a different mode. Don’t worry, there’s no permanent death if you happen to die. This guide is all about speed, so buckle up! Just a disclaimer, this might not be the most honorable way to get the achievement, but let’s be real, who wants to play the story mode multiple times? Plus, the story isn’t even that great. And honestly, it’s always some girl named Mia causing trouble, just like in RE7. Remember her? No judgment here, we’re just trying to get the achievement as quickly as possible. Let’s go!