A list of all the unique and rare items in Fallout: New Vegas that fall into the misc. and consumable category, for any collectors who wants to own everything rare in the Mojave and beyond
There’s a bit of ambiguity as to what counts as a rare item, so I’m counting rare items as ones where one or few copies exist, they have no purpose other than to be sold or consumed, and they only exist in one or very few locations. For example, although only fourteen harmonicas exist in the entire game they exist over ten locations, which I feel is too much.
I’ll be far more strict with what consumable items I include considering how many could be counted as rare. I’ll only count ones that I think are exceptionally rare or interesting, and not just any with a limited number of appearances, otherwise every irradiated item (bar the banana yucca, funnily enough) could reasonably appear here.
Mojave Rarities
Owned by the Lonesome Drifter. You can steal the world object of this, send the drifter to the tops, then pickpocket the copy of his guitar in his inventory, letting you have the only two guitars in the Mojave.
Counterfeit Bottle Cap – 18:
Found in the Cap Counterfeit Shack scattered around the place
Cuddles’ Toy Car:
In the Black Mountain Prison Building. It only becomes named once you read entry five on the nearby terminal.
Doggy Treat
In the Abandoned Shack near Yangtze Memorial.
Empty Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle (No float) – 84:
Found in and around a truck submerged along the coast of Lake Mead, close to Ranger Station Alpha. These bottles will not float when thrown in water and could be worth collecting.
Empty Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle (Small):
Found in the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters in the same room as Marcus Brody’s terminal behind a Very Hard locked door.
Evil Gnome – 2:
One copy can be found in Fire Root Cavern, and another in the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite.
In Gibson’s Shack, attached to the wall by a machete. These are the same items found in Fallout 3, so TTW makes this a common item.
“Flour” – 3:
At the Red Rock Drug Lab
Golf Ball – 4
On the second floor of King’s School of Impersonation.
Infected Brahmin Meat – 6:
In the Ultra-Luxe’s Gourmand Kitchen
Lawnmower Blade – 5:
Four can be found in Gibson’s Shack, and the last can be found in the Mojave’s only lawnmower outside of a house just east of Whittaker Farmstead.
Pimp Boy 3 Billion:
If you have Wild Wasteland enabled and you complete How Little We Know by siding with Nero, you can talk to Mick of Mick and Ralph for a Pimp Boy 3 Billion, though getting it is a tiny but buggy.
Sheet Music Book:
In Tabitha’s room on Black Mountain
Ant Queen Pheromones:
In the Ant Mound south of Allied Technologies Offices you’ll find a Fire Ant Queen who may only occasionally drop Ant Queen Pheromones
Jake Juice:
In the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite. Just remember that if you have the JSawyer mod installed then this becomes a common item.
Wonder Meat:
Found in Cannibal Johnson Cave. This is the same item able to be crafted in Fallout 3, so TTW makes this a common item.
Sierra Madre Rarities
A third copy of the Acoustic Guitar can be found on the second floor of the Villa Police Station
Embalming Fluid – 4:
In Campanas del Sol in Salida del Sol North
Gold Bar – 37:
In the Sierra Madre Vault (but you knew that). If you can figure out how to take all 1,295 lbs of gold with you then they’re all yours. Otherwise it’s likely you’ll only be able to add one or two to your collection.
Pre-War Steak:
Found in the meat lockers of the Cantina Madrid. The amount is randomised but up to twelve can be found in total.
Zion Canyon’s Rarities
More of these special bottles can be found at the Zion Valley Welcome Booth, though I;m not sure how many exactly.
This can be given to you by Daniel through specific dialogue, or it can be found in the ending footlocker after completing the DLC.
Big M.T. Rarities
In the Little Yangtze watchtower you’ll find this item. Though it looks like a weapon it has no function other than being junk
Deactivated Bomb Collar – 11:
Also in the Little Yangtze watchtower. Also junk
Doggy Treat:
The second doggy treat in the game can be found in the X-13 Research Facility Nightstalker Den
Golf Ball – 3:
Start the Institutional Data Test Retrieval in the X-8 Research Centre and go the sports locker that holds Betsy Bright’s terminal, in there you’ll find the final three golf balls in the game
Preserved Meat – 21:
In the X-13 Testing Facility. Nine on the floor and shelves, and four groups of three hanging from the ceiling.
The Divide’s Rarities
If you have Wild Wasteland, go right after entering Cave of the Abaddon and you’ll find Seymour.
Nuka Cola Quantum:
The only bottle of Nuka Cola Quantum exists in shipping crate behind the Solitaire Gas Station right below the Hopeville Missile Silo Bunker. However, it only has a chance to appear in that container. Make a quicksave before entering that area and talking to Ulysses via Ed-E, this is the only way to get the contents of the container to refresh, and is the only way you could ever get your hand on this item
And that wraps up our share on Fallout: New Vegas: Secret Misc. Items Collector’s Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Melody, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!