Looking for help with Dread Weight’s endings and character achievements? Look no further! This guide will show you how to achieve max hearts for all characters. Let’s dive in!
Small Intro
This is a guide for the endings (general/character specific) + the heart-related achievements for Dread Weight. I’m in the process of making a full guide with ALL of the achievements, but that’s still a work-in-progress (almost done, though!).
If there’s something that doesn’t really line up / make sense, please be sure to let me know and I’ll update it when I get the chance! I made this at around 5 in the morning where I’m at, so there’s probably some errors. <3
Alone Ending
- Answering the phone is optional.
- When choosing who to talk to, you can talk to anyone. Make sure to press “I don’t have any other questions” to get out of getting a heart for any of them.
- When Gisela asks you to get the bucket of nails from the cellar, destroy the bucket. Telling her the truth or not doesn’t matter.
- Go with Dimitri.
- After successfully solving the fuse puzzle, you can talk to any of the three—it doesn’t matter. Gisela is the fastest. (For Kurt: say “No”. For Dimitri: don’t talk to him)
- Take the landmine from the Witch.
- The furnace puzzle is optional. If you fail it, click “Say nothing” when talking to Gisela.
- Following Gisela down the stairs while you’re talking to her in the cellar is optional.
- Take the bear trap from the Witch.
- After Kurt and Gisela have their argument, ignore the Witch and go back to Kurt. There, you can choose any of the 5 options – none of them give a heart.
- Answering the phone is optional.
- When choosing who to go talk to, choose Renata for the wire cutters. (“Tell me about yourself” -> “Why’d Kurt hire you?”)
- When Gisela asks for a bucket of nails for boarding up the windows, destroy the bucket.
- Go with Dimitri.
- Find the items required for the fuse (and furnace, if you care about it) puzzle inside the bedroom closet. (switch: left drawer — lighter: left drawer — fuel: above left drawer — fuse: right drawer)
- Complete the fuse puzzle.
- After successfully solving the fuse puzzle, you can talk to any of the three—it doesn’t matter. Gisela is the fastest. (For Kurt: say “No”. For Dimitri: don’t talk to him)
- If you want to do the furnace puzzle, take the candle from Gisela.
- Take the landmine from the Witch.
- The furnace puzzle is optional. If you fail it, click “Say nothing” when talking to Gisela.
- Following Gisela down the stairs while you’re talking to her in the cellar is optional.
- Take the bear trap from the Witch.
- After Kurt and Gisela have their argument, ignore the Witch and go back to Kurt. There, you can choose any of the 5 options – none of them give a heart.
Love Ending
- Complete the game normally. When you reach the part where the Witch will crush the egg, wait 5 minutes.
Gisela Max Heart/Ending
- When deciding who to talk to, talk to Gisela. Exhaust all options (+1 heart).
- Help Gisela with boarding the windows by giving her the bucket of nails (+1 heart).
- You can choose to go with either Renata or Dimitri.
- None of the items pre-fuse matter, so either fail/succeed.
- Talk to Kurt and take the gun with you.
- Give the gun to Gisela for a heart (+1 heart).
- You need to fail the furnace puzzle.
- Tell Gisela “Thanks for saving me.” (+1 heart)
- Go into the bedroom and go underneath the bed. Keep clicking until you receive the medkit.
- When in the basement, you can leave.
- If you have the medkit in your inventory, you will automatically give it to Gisela. (+1 heart)
- Talk to Gisela after her and Kurt’s argument.
- Finish the game normally.
Witch Max Heart/Ending
- Answer the phone.
- Take the rope from Max (replace the candle – you’ll get it back later).
- When deciding who to talk to, choose anyone.
- Answer the phone again.
- Choose Dimitri.
- Solve the fuse puzzle.
- Get the candle from Gisela.
- Destroy the landmine. (+1 heart)
- Talk to Dimitri and obtain the green test tube.
- Solve the furnace puzzle.
- Follow Gisela down the stairs after talking to her in the cellar.
- Either take or destroy the bear trap. (+1 heart)
- After Kurt and Gisela have their argument, talk to the Witch. Tell her, “I remember everything.” (+1 heart)
- Talk to the Witch and give her the rope. (+1 heart)
- Go with her into the study and open the box with the green, red, and blue test tubes. (green: receive it from Dimitri earlier in the route — blue: interact with the drawer 4 times — red: interact with the bookshelf 2 times) (+1 heart)
- Answer the phone.
- Take the rope from Max.
- When deciding who to talk to, choose Renata for the wire cutters.
- Answer the phone again.
- Choose Dimitri.
- Find the items for the fuse and furnace puzzle inside the bedroom closet. (switch: left drawer— lighter: left drawer — fuel: above left drawer — fuse: right drawer)
- Solve the fuse puzzle.
- Get the candle from Gisela.
- Destroy the landmine. (+1 heart)
- Talk to Dimitri and obtain the green test tube.
- Solve the furnace puzzle.
- Either take or destroy the bear trap. (+1 heart)
- After Kurt and Gisela have their argument, talk to the Witch. Tell her “I remember everything.” (+1 heart)
- Talk to the Witch and give her the rope. (+1 heart)
- Go with her into the study and open the box with the green, red, and blue test tubes. (green: receive it from Dimitri earlier in the route — blue: interact with the drawer 4 times — red: interact with the bookshelf 2 times) (+1 heart)
Kurt Ending
- When deciding who to talk to, talk to Kurt. Exhaust all options (+1 heart).
- You can choose to help Gisela with boarding up the windows or not. It doesn’t matter. If you decide to help her, replace the candle (you’ll get it back later).
- Go with Dimitri.
- Complete the fuse puzzle.
- Talk to Kurt. Tell him that you’ll keep the secret. (+1 heart)
- Leave the gun in the bedroom (it’s not useful).
- Take the candle from Gisela.
- Complete the furnace puzzle and take the Sun Key with you.
- Tell Max that Clover told you to kill Kurt.
- Take Dimitri’s tie with you and don’t give it to Kurt.
- After you get dragged down into the basement by Dimitri, go into the ceremonial room and open the wooden chest. Take Renata’s dress with you.
- Tell Kurt that you talked to the Witch. (+1 heart)
- Ignore the Witch and go back to Kurt.
- Speak to both Renata and Dimitri. Tell them that you want to kill the Witch. If you have their items, they will give you a Wooden Rabbit and Duck.
- Open the box.
- Select the handcuffs.
- When deciding who to talk to, talk to Renata for the wire cutter (“Tell me about yourself” -> “Why’d Kurt hire you?”).
- You can choose to help Gisela with boarding up the windows or not. It doesn’t matter.
- Go with Dimitri.
- Find the items for the fuse and furnace puzzle inside the bedroom closet. (switch: left drawer— lighter: left drawer — fuel: above left drawer — fuse: right drawer)
- Complete the fuse puzzle.
- Talk to Kurt. Tell him that you’ll keep the secret (+1 heart).
- Leave the gun in the bedroom (it’s not useful).
- Take the candle from Gisela.
- Complete the furnace puzzle and take the Sun Key with you.
- Tell Max that Clover told you to kill Kurt.
- Take Dimitri’s tie with you and don’t give it to Kurt.
- After you get dragged down into the basement by Dimitri, go into the ceremonial room and open the wooden chest. Take Renata’s dress with you.
- Tell Kurt that you talked to the Witch. (+1 heart)
- Ignore the Witch and go back to Kurt.
- Speak to both Renata and Dimitri. Tell them that you want to kill the Witch. If you have their items, they will give you a Wooden Rabbit and Duck.
- Open the box.
- Select the handcuffs.
Max / Clover Ending
- Going off of Kurt’s ending, you need to open the wooden box and either select the matches (Max) or the old key (Clover).
Dimitri / Renata Ending
- Play through the game normally. Depending on whoever has the most hearts, you will get their corresponding ending.
Death Endings
- Accept the landmine from the Witch and put it into the furnace.
- Alternatively, keep the landmine and put it in the hallway when prompted to near the end of the game.
- Go into the bedroom after Kurt sends you in there to look for a fuse and keep clicking the left drawer until you discover the hardtack. Make sure to eat it twice.
- Take Kurt’s gun with you when prompted (or leave it in the bedroom and come back when you’re prompted to explore the bedroom later on) and talk to the Witch after Kurt and Gisela’s argument. Try to shoot her with it!
- Go into the ancient laboratory and keep interacting with the vials.
- After unlocking NG+, go back into the basement and jump into the well.
- reminder that these are not actually deaths but wanted to put them anyways
- Lose the fuse/furnace puzzle (either taking too long or don’t have the correct items).
- Take too long in the dark bedroom when you’re supposed to find the fuse.
- Look into the bedroom closet the second time you’re in the dark bedroom.
- Follow Gisela down the staircase when you’re talking to her for the second time in the cellar.
- Don’t have Renata’s dress or Dimitri’s tie / say that you want to kill Kurt or Gisela when you’re talking to their ghost versions.
Kurt Max Hearts
- Talk to Kurt. Exhaust all options for +1 heart.
- Go with Dimitri.
- Winning/losing the fuse puzzle doesn’t matter.
- Talk to Kurt again. Tell him that you’ll keep the secret. (+1 heart)
- Leave the gun in the bedroom (it’s useless).
- Winning/losing the furnace puzzle also doesn’t matter.
- Take Dimitri’s tie from Max. Give it to Kurt. (+1 heart)
- Tell Kurt that you talked to the Witch. (+1 heart)
- Complete the game normally and begin New Game Plus. There, talk to Kurt again and exhaust all options for the 5th heart.
Dimitri Max Hearts
- Talk to Dimitri. Exhaust all options for +1 heart.
- Go with Dimitri.
- Fail the fuse puzzle.
- After you wake up next to Kurt, talk to Dimitri. (+2 hearts)
- Fail the furnace puzzle.
- Take Dimitri’s tie from Max.
- Speak to Dimitri and give him his tie. (+1 heart)
- Complete the game normally and begin New Game Plus. Then, talk to Dimitri again, exhausting all options, for the 5th heart.
Renata Max Hearts
- Talk to Renata. Exhaust all options for +1 heart. (Make sure to click “Why not hire someone to help?” when asking about Kurt.)
- Go with Renata.
- Solve the fuse puzzle.
- After you wake up next to Kurt, talk to Renata. (+2 hearts)
- Solve the furnace puzzle.
- Go into the ceremonial room and take Renata’s dress with you.
- Speak to Renata and give her the dress. (+1 heart)
- Complete the game normally and begin New Game Plus. Then, talk to Renata again for the 5th heart.
And that wraps up our share on Dread Weight: Dread Weight Ending+Character Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by silo, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!