List of enemies, behaviour, drops. Terminology is not official as there’s none to refer (yet).
This is only like a simple glossary based on the update post 11 December 2024, any changes to stats, terminology and stuff are final based on game devs and not me. Any further update to them might or might not make this guide obsolete as the game is not in final build as of now.
About Drops
While the game allows drops from incapitated bodies (enemies, zeds, teammates), they are only existing as long as the body remains relatively intact. This means if the intended individual is blown/shred to bits by high powered shotguns, explosives, or any traps, it will disallowed search on the target.
This has to be taken account into this guide, as if you intended to loot the target zeds, you have to make sure the target’s torso is still connected to its lower legs (killing zeds with head off or one arm blown will still count as intact).
Another thing to consider is during horde mode or any event that summons a horde of zeds, the drop chance per body will drop drastically. While looting is possible from the horde, only a small portion of them will truly yield anything. For Siege Horde mode (school under attack), if the duration is long, the horde will simply vanish upon being killed, if not outright dismemberment, discouraging major loot using school attack. Only around last few seconds that the normal horde rule applies.
Part 1: Ordinary Zombies
The most common zombies, very vast in numbers on gathering point, and the majority of horde event and air support defense. Basically whatever human NPC you can meet, you can see zombie equivalents of it.
Extra Remark
Late game weapons can one shot them, Early game crossbow can one hit too if available.
Play Dead
Consider anything that is lying face up as potential sleeper, poke them if you intend to pass through them.
Attack Behaviour
Claw, Pounce
Will attract to nearest hit target, will continue attack animation even if disengaged for a while. For Pouncing, it will have a bend knee, lower posture as indication, will knockdown target if hit.
- cash (1-2, certain individuals give 5-10 due to many individual cash)
- Bone
- Zombie Arm
- Raw Meat
- Bullets
Raw Meat is rare in burnt dead zombies, bullets are possible to loot from enforcement zombies like former police or military.
Part 2: Runners
When I mentioned its runner, you should have an idea what it does. Definitely way faster and at least as fast as player’s sprinting.
Extra Remark
While only slightly durable to normal ones, Runners do have innate melee survival instincts, where they backstep dodge melee attacks sometimes. Having ranged weapons or having a party to gang up on it is preferred.
Play Dead
Same advice as ordinary zombies.
Attack Behaviour
Claw, Pounce
Same as normal one, but far more dangerous due to its superior speed in closing the gap.
- cash (10+)
- Bone
- Zombie Arm
- Raw Meat
- Bullets
Most normals applies here and cash is far more abundant due to this type being uncommon. However, most event horde of this will also nullified the drop table.
Special Characteristics
One of the potential transformed target of infected NPCs.
Part 3: Brute
Brute is the muscular ones, although not gigantic. They come in slow motion and wallop target with quite a punch. (literally) They sometimes serves as special infected inside small houses and sometimes accompanied other special infected in a horde. One of the common damage sponges during siege, but only quite visible at final cleanup due to how slow they are (and how fast other specials rushing forward).
Extra Remark
Definitely not something to remove in one bullet, they still die to sustained fire and rarely survive a clip. While melee is not encouraged, late game melee can drop them pretty fast. Immune to melee knockdown.
Pretend Dead
It is one of the potential sleeper, though due to their speed, it matters not if you woke it.
Attack Behaviour
It will have well telegraphed punch, if it connects, it will produce knockback. Melee reach of 140 and above is advised if disposing method is melee approach.
- cash (10+, same as runners)
- Bone
- Large Arm
Large arm is nearly guaranteed drop unless event horde.
Part 4: Boomer
This term is not copyright right?
Boomer is a type of zombie that is fast, and if you knew another boomer, generally unpleasant when it goes near and kabooms. There is only 1 variant and hence its easy to spot, also it has sickly liquid sound to indicate its nearby.
Extra Remark
Any source of damage with only one point of damage will instantly detonate it, even if you use early game weapons in a late game environment.
Pretend Dead
Again, spotting this type should not be hard. pop it with homemade bombs.
Attack Behaviour
Suicidal Explode
Will rush to nearest enemy and then initiate self detonate, by immediately sprint in opposite direction, player should able to dodge the blast radius. However, as usual, don’t let it get close, which should not be an issue.
No self detonation ever leave a body behind, nor any mechanics to loot living zombies.
Part 5: Spitter
Purple hazmat suit with constant bile secretion. The only zombie type to have a real ranged attack. Uncommon but also one of the main priority target in siege, as they do target turrets which is not directly in the way.
Extra Remark
Spitter has the durability around either ordinary zombies or runners, so they are actually frail enough.
Pretend Dead
There is only one variant of spitters, you see purple hazmat suit, get ready to drop it.
Attack Behaviour
Spit Bile
Secretes a corrosive bile that produce an area denial effect. Very powerful in melting armor if lingering inside the zone.
- cash (1-2)
- Bone Materials
- Infected Gland (5)
Infected gland is guaranteed drop.
Special Characteristics
Unlike every other variant of zombies, this type will actually trying to avoid direct confrontation. It will only comes back for another bile secretion when the attack cooldown is complete.
Part 6: Berserker
Berserker is one special variant which combines the speed of Runner and durability and durability of Brute. It is mainly appear in events or as special infected in smaller building raids. Main story will have them appear as late game gear check or as situations that racing to exit is preferable strategy.
You can anticipate it as a beast growling sound will be heard while they are around and alive in any form.
Extra Remark
Around the durability of Brute. Immune to melee knockdowns.
Pretend Dead
They are easy to spot, if not, the sound effects as stated above will give them away.
Attack Behaviour
Like Brute, their connected attacks will drop an intended target.
- cash (40-90)
- 1 Healing Item (Herb/First Aid Kit)
- Large Arm
- Bone
- 1 Melee Weapon
Melee Weapons are guaranteed, non repairable and nearly used up.
Part 7: Giant
Giant is the largest type of zombie to encountered. Its body size dwarfs ordinary human sizes. Encountered usually in very low numbers, unless its late game siege. Sometimes can be seen guarding the building chests.
Extra Remark
Immune to e knockdown and very Fire resistant, but bullets do quite well despite still need a lot more firepower compared to Brute or Berserker.
Pretend Dead
Its big and rare, can’t missed it.
Attack Behaviour
Punch, Dash.
Police variants with no hat will initiate Dash when close enough, knockback anything in its way, punches have longer reach, melee is never advised.
- cash (10-200)
- Bone
- Large Arm
- Healing Item (Herb/ First Aid Kit)
- Throwables (Stone Dart/Grenade/Molotov/Smart Grenade/Blood Decoy)
Bone usually can go to quantities up to 15, sometimes as much as others that drop it. Large Arm guaranteed drop.
Part 8: Tentacle
Runner with blood intestines as tentacles. Usually appear as challenge and in events, and…
Extra Remark
Tentacles are not giants, while they do absorb quite a lot of punishment like them, they are not fire resistant. No attempt has been made to check whether they are immune to melee knockdown.
Play Dead
Currently no tentacle type plays dead unless Director mode on.
Attack Behaviour
Tentacle smash
This attack is very dangerous as NPC will get instantly gibbed upon being hit. They can also smash most defensive walls in one hit. On players, it deals quite significant damage and produces knockback, with slow effect afterwards. Tldr, do not ever get close to it.
- cash (6~100)
- Bone
- Zombie Arm
- Healing Item (Herb/ First Aid Kit)
- Blood Decoy
- Infected glands (3)
Blood Decoy and Infected Glands are guaranteed drop.
Special Characteristics
One of the potential transformed target of infected NPCs.
Part 9: Humans/Machinery
This bears mention that humans are the worst enemies you try to face. If your guns improved, so do theirs, so gunfight usually results in fast pace shootout that someone will die, and fast. Your teammates and girlfriend, if only cater for melee defense and not stay guard on safe places, will die very quickly.
Same with hostile turrets, Make sure well equipped before engaging one, or multiple of them.
Special thanks to: Game Director Mode, This provides a lot of gallery to spare my time finding others, also to slightly verify kill drops.
There will be actual discrepancies as I believe each type of zombies have their own statistic values, however the general idea is there.
Also special thanks to you as reader. I am still struggling how to deal with writing guides.
And that wraps up our share on Dread Dawn: Dread Dawn Foes Guide (updated 11 December 2024 patch). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Reveniant, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!