Get ready to conquer the game with ease! This guide has got you covered with all the collectable locations, including those tricky cubes. No need to struggle like I did, this guide has you covered.
- Admission Document
THIS ONE IS MISSABLE AND WILL ALWAYS BE THE FIRST ONE YOU GET: Open the desk drawer *before* going to sleep. - Newspaper article
Located on top of the bed, pretty easy to spot. - Administrative Letter
Located on top of the stool by the vanity. - Hospital Report
Located on top of the box by the closet. - Nurse’s Diploma
This document is located in the closet, as soon as you enter, turn to the right, look down, it’s on the floor under the railing. - Child’s Drawing
This drawing is located behind the trippy painting to the left of the bed. Interact with it and you can spin it around and take the painting. - Photo of Ann
This picture is located in the bathroom cabinet. The cabinet’s next to the door. - Hospital Admission
This document is located on top of the sink next to the actual sink itself. - First Cube – Bathroom Sink
Under the bathroom sink.
Living Room/Kitchen
- Test Fragment
Middle of the display cabinet next to the door, just before the doors at the bottom. - Disciplinary Letter
Puzzle needs to be done to unlock the clock. Turn the hands so they’re at the time 9:20. - School Records Fragment
In the jar puzzle drawer. The puzzle needs to be done to unlock this drawer. If I’m not mistaken, it’s right to left: Small, medium, large (If I’m wrong, feel free to correct me). - Meeting Note
This one’s a bit hard to spot, but it’s just to the left of the table, the post-it is on the left of a painting. - Class ListAs soon as you access the kitchen, open up the fridge’s freezer drawer, and you’ll find the document in there.
- Second Cube – Kitchen Sink
Simple enough, check under the kitchen sink, this one’s in one of the cabinets.
- Family Evaluation
This is located in the “child’s bedroom” (code for the lock is 09231998) on the shelving next to the door. - Hospital Discharge
Located on the floor between the crayon chest and the mannequin holding the drawing in the child’s bedroom. - Family Evaluation 2
After getting the floppy disc in the car with the doll (get the car key from the crayon chest in the child’s bedroom – 1542), you put it into the computer (find the cable for the computer in the crib in the child’s bedroom), and access the file. - Supervisor Letter
Bottom shelf of the shelving unit located between the two drawings next to the car. - Diary Entry
Following the order seen in the picture (I know it’s not clear at the top so: Left to right top: Nail doll, long-haired doll, Left to right bottom: Skinned doll, planter doll.) you can open the cabinet, the note is under a key. - Erica’s Diary
Under the truck on the side with the ANGEL box and the radio. - Third Cube – Doll’s House
Simple enough, but just out of the way: Next to the armoire in the child’s bedroom, it’s in the dollhouse.
- Article from 1998
This one’s located next to the chest of drawers at the top of the stairs. - Torn Article
Located in the corner of the attic between the tape player and the bookshelf. - Denise’s Notes
Located on the wall next to the projector screen/curtain. - Journalist Award
On the floor between the secret room and the desk. - Hospital Photo
This one’s a bit different. You gotta grab the undeveloped photo in one tray, put it in the developing fluid next to it, and then take it out. - School Letter
Located on a green tray on top of the basket tower. - Doctor’s Note
Found between a box and the left leg of the table closest to the exit of the secret room. - Crossed-out article
Found on the blue tray on top of the left of the table. - Fourth Cube – Inside the Box
It’s under the table in the secret room. Needs a code, that’s what you collect the little pieces of paper and the photos for, use ’em on the map and corkboard, and you’ll find your code. Can’t be bothered? Neither can I! It’s 216.
Keep in mind, this freaking section is missable. So please, please be careful not to skip the cutscene as soon as the attic section finishes, as it’ll skip you straight ahead to the basement.
- Patient Interview
Pretty simple, located on the desk. - Fifth Cube – Bookcase
On the floor at the other end of the office in the broken bookcase: Make sure to collect this and the patient interview document first, because as soon as you click the laptop, it sends you to the next level. - Laura’s Diary
Interact with the laptop to access this. AGAIN: Only do this after you’ve collected the other two things.
- Letter from Patrick
There’s a shelving unit on the right side of the room next to the firing range. Upper middle shelf. - Alcohol Bill
There’s a mannequin sat on a file cabinet holding this in its hand by the firing range door. - Sam’s Notes
This is on the wall above the desk. - Transcript
Found in an open box next to the evidence locker. - Phone Call Recording 1
Call the number found in the desk. The phone call is recorded into your journal. - Phone Call Recording 2
Call the number on the poster. The phone call is recorded into your journal. - Phone Call Recording 3
Call the number found on the back of the picture of the cop on the table in the firing range room. Use UV to see it. The phone call is recorded into your journal. - Phone Call Recording 4
Call the number you find from putting the fingerprints and the pictures on the right documents using your UV light to see the numbers. Can’t be bothered? Neither can I! 971-478-3889. The phone call is recorded into your journal. - Letter from Jo
On the back-left shelving unit inside the evidence locker, next to a mannequin. Bottom shelf. - Performance Evaluation
Atop some barrels in the firing range room, next to the door. - Note to Self
Located on the table in the firing range room, next to the picture of the deceased cop. - Suspension Notice
This one was the one that actually gave me the most trouble to find, but it’s pretty obvious when you spot it. It’s a piece of paper dangling off of the hand of one of the mannequins close to the elevator at the back of the firing range. - Sixth Cube – File Cabinet
Once you access the firing range, there’s a target on the back left wall with a final code for the cabinet. Can’t be bothered to look? Neither can I! 897.
When it comes to putting in the actual cubes at the final part of the game, you have to put them in the right order. You’re spelling the word MOTHER.
And that wraps up our share on Don’t Be Afraid 2: All Collectables Guide (Including Cubes). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Talis, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!