A quick guide to all the achievements in Deathrun TV
Standard Achievements
Learning – Complete the tutorial
Play completely through the tutorial
Be the Deathrunner! – Play the game
Literally play the main game
More Firepower! – Unlock a gun
When you die you will have the chance to unlock extras through points and kills. If you get 1000 points during a play through you get an unlock. If you kill 500 enemies you get an unlock, kill are tracked between every play through,
Hero – Save a prisoner
Run into the guys in yellow jumpsuits with blindfolds then get them safely to the hole with the yellow border / sign.
Conga! – Save a long line of prisoners
Run into the guys in yellow jumpsuits with blindfolds until you have at least 10 then get them safely to the hole with the yellow border / sign.
Getting There! – Reach Studio 2
Play through and make it to the second studio
On the Way! – Reach Studio 3
Play through and make it to the third studio
Proving Ground – Reach Studio 4
Play through and make it to the fourth studio
Smells Like Fire – Reach Studio 5
Play through and make it to the fifth studio
Unlimited Power! – Unlock a mutation
The game isn’t real clear on this, I believe it pops when you unlock an outfit customization. I got it just from playing a round and beating one studio
Monster Slayer – Kill 1000 monsters
Just kill enemies, doesn’t have to be in 1 run
The Grand Prize of Death – Win the Game
Default end of round 5 if you don’t do the secret steps to make it to Studio 6
Hidden / Secret Achievement Chain
Secrets – You’re got a secret, what does it do?
Yes I know that isn’t proper grammar, it’s the games description
Off the Grid – You got back stage
Transmogrification sequence initiated – You became a monster!
Where am I? – Reach Studio 6
End Game – You killed the host!
You will need to do the following steps to unlock all these achievements. You will need to do all of them in a single run to unlock everything.
1. While playing through Studio 1 you will find a key. Pick it up and keep it with you until you find a locked panel along one of the northern wall faces (the one you can see). The panel may be on the same level as the key, if not it is normally the next level of Studio 1. Use the key and open the panel, a walkie talkie will fall out, you need to pick it up, luckily it won’t take up a weapon slot. This pops the Secrets achievement.
2. While playing through studio 2 you will find a gray computer cabinet with a small green screen. Walk over and activate the screen, you know it worked because the green will shrink down and directly beneath the screen you will see a small red light. Once activated look the level for a round hatch you will need to open and climb down using the prompt. Once underground you will get the Off the Grid achievement. While underground you will find a weapon in a glass case, you will need to detonate a bomb to be able to pick it up. You will need this weapon for the next step.
3. While playing through Studio 3 look for a square section that is colored purple. Use the weapon from studio 2 to blow up this section, the weapons firing sequence looks like a large blue dot then an explosion at that point, it may take more than 1 shot to destroy the purple section. (If you can’t get it to fire make sure you don’t have option to fire both weapons at once turned on, it can make it not fire). Once the section is destroyed another hatch will become usable, head underground and collect the radar device. No achievement for this step.
4. While playing through Studio 4 the radar will start to beep at the like a metal detector at the start of one of the levels. The beeps will get faster as you move along the walls, eventually beeping constantly. Use a bomb and it will blow out a large section of the wall revealing another hatch. Head underground and look for a small room with 4 posts, stand inside the posts and wait, your character will look freaked out then get turned into a monster. This will get you the Transmogrification sequence initiated achievement
5. Now play through Studio 5 and beat the boss at the end. Near the North East corner of the boss room you will see a scanning device that will give you a prompt if you stand in front of it. Activate it and you will be teleported to Studio 6
6. Upon starting Studio 6 you will receive the Where am I? achievement. play through Studio 6 until you get to the boss, THE HOST!!! Time to take this smug SOB down a few feet into the ground. Kick his arse and once you fully unalive him you will get the End Game achievement.
Tips and Tricks
As you unlock guns and power ups you can set your starting gear in the unlock area, simply walk over to a power up and select it. You can do the same with your guns, you can start with 2 of the same of mix and match. Simply press which side button you want that weapon equipped and then head in to stat a run.
You can usually glitch the game into giving you unlimited ammo for your weapons if you quickly equip them mid air when you pick up a new weapon. Lets say you start with dual auto shotguns and a different weapon appears, quickly equip the new weapon and re-equip the weapon you just tossed, doing so should refresh the weapons ammo, if you do it quickly you can drop and re-equip both of your weapons, this normally causes the game to give you infinite ammo for both guns. Keep an eye out though, sometimes it will start to use ammo, if it does simply repeat the trick and it should refill the ammo or make it go infinite again.
And that wraps up our share on DEATHRUN TV: Achievements Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Krullness, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!