Welcome to the Solo-mode game play guide for DB²: Disco Boogie of the Dead Beats! This guide will provide a step-by-step explanation of how to play the solo game mode, which was introduced in version 0.6.000. Let’s dive in and learn how to boogie with the dead beats on your own.
How To Play Solo Game
This page describes how to play the solo game mode, which was introduced in October 2024.
If the rules change with a game update, this guide will also be edited.
After starting the game, go up the stairs in the center of the lobby to display the game mode menu.[Menu screen](DBDB_Lobby.png)
Click on “Solo Game” on the left side of the menu screen.
[Menu screen](DBDB_Solo-mode-UI.png)
This will take you down to the underground dance floor.
The game will begin as soon as you arrive at the dance floor.
The game is very simple: survive for 10 minutes.
There will be a large number of zombies on the dance floor. The goal is to survive while fighting off these zombies.
There are the following types of zombies.
They have slow movement and appear in large numbers. They are not very strong, but their sheer numbers can overwhelm the player. When you defeat them, they drop money. Be sure to pick it up.
[White Zombies](DBDB_Solo-Zombi_white.png)
This is a fast-moving, violent zombie.
It sometimes drops valuable items.
It has low stamina, but if you’re not careful, it can be right behind you before you know it. Be careful!
[Red Zombie](DBDB_Solo-Zombi_red.png)
It has a slow speed, but it has the ability to heal the zombies around it.
It shines a pale green, so if you see one, be sure to take it down first.
It occasionally drops healing items.
[Green Zombie](DBDB_Solo-Zombi_green.png)
This zombie is slow-moving and huge, but it delivers a powerful blow.
If the player is attacked, they will lose most of their health.
[Green Zombie](DBDB_Solo-Zombi_Big.png)
You can earn money by defeating zombies. Use the money you have collected to buy items and power up your player.
[Image showing the location of the shop and its landmarks](DBDB_Solo-Bar.png)
There is a shop with a bar counter on the floor in the center of the dance floor. When the shop is open, you can open the shop menu by approaching it.
The following types of items are sold in the shop.
– Additional bullet damage
– Additional bullet penetration
– Additional bullet movement speed
– Reduced bullet penetration damage
– Gun magazine size
– Increased gun firing speed
– Faster gun reload speed
– Increased player health limit
– Longer ULT activation time
– Faster player movement speed
– Reduced ULT gauge reduction when missing a beat tap
– More money dropped
– Change in amount of increase when evaluating beat taps
– Reduced evaluation when skipping beat taps
– Reducing the amount of gun sway
– Increasing the size of the light that illuminates the player’s surroundings
– Increasing the size of the light that illuminates the direction of the gun the player is aiming
– Translation of shop item descriptions
– Inventory to store purchased items
– Sell function for inventory items
– Balance adjustments for shop items
– Improvements to the beat tap system
– Other features to be added in response to requests
We accept opinions and feedback on Discord.
And that wraps up our share on DB²: Disco Boogie of the Dead Beats: Solo-mode Game Play Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by 9232DXG, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!