This guide is about the medical items, Injuries and Diseases.Giving a quick run down of each item and their uses. The types of injuries and Diseases and how to take care of them.
Medical Items
This is the list of medical Items you may find at these locations and their purpose.
Alcoholic Tincture: Used to sterilise rags and bandages to prevent wound infections.
Rags: Used for bandaging wounds to stop bleeding.
Bandages: Used for bandaging wounds and to stop bleeding quicker than rags.
Blood Test Kit: Used to determine what type of blood you have.
Blood Collection Kit: Used to collect blood from yourself or another survivor which turns it into a Blood Bag for use later with an IV Starter Kit.
Blood Bag: Used to regain lost blood when combined with a IV Starter Kit.
IV Starter Kit: Used to inject liquids into your body. To be used with a Blood Bag or Saline Bag.
Saline Bag: Used to speed up natural blood recovery.
Multivitamin Pills: Used to boost your immune system.
Codeine Pills: Used to treat pain from minor physical injuries.
Charcoal Tablets: Used to cure poisoning such as food poisoning or from drinking gasoline, alcoholic tincture, or disinfectant spray.
Tetracycline Pills: Used as an antibiotic to treat most diseases.
Epinephrine Auto-Injector: Used to reset your shock level. Best used when close to or already falling unconscious.
Morphine Auto-Injector: Used when you have low health to negate some of the negatives effects for a brief time.
Alcoholic Tincture: Used to sterilise rags and bandages to prevent wound infections.
Illnesses and Injuries.
- Type: Cholera is classed as a Disease
- Cause: Cholera can be caused by drinking contaminated water, it may also be caused by drinking or eating with bloody bare hands.
- Symptoms: In the event you have caught Cholera you will notice your character Vomiting.
- Treatment: In order to cure Cholera you will need to take Tetracycline Pills or Multivitamin Pills, will usually Take 5 – 10 Minutes to cure.
Common Cold
- Type: The Common Cold is classed as a Virus
- Cause: The Common Cold is caused by having a low temperature or being in the rain for too long. You may also catch the cold by being around other survivors who also have the cold.
- Symptoms: In the event you have caught a cold your character will begin to Cough and sneeze.
- Treatment: In order to cure the cold you will need to take Tetracycline Pills or Multivitamin Pills, will usually Take 5 – 10 Minutes to cure.
Influenza (The Flu)
- Type: Influenza is classed as a Virus
- Cause: Influenza is caused by having a low temperature or being in the rain for too long. You may also catch the flu by being around other survivors who also have the flu.
- Symptoms: In the event you have caught Influenza your character will begin to Cough and sneeze.
- Treatment: In order to cure Influenza you will need to take Tetracycline Pills or Multivitamin Pills, will usually Take 5 – 10 Minutes to cure.
- Type: Salmonella is classed as a Disease
- Cause: Salmonella is caused by Eating Uncooked or Raw meat.
- Symptoms: In the event you have caught Salmonella your character will begin Vomiting.
- Treatment: In order to cure Salmonella you will need to take Charcoal Tablets will usually Take about 10 Minutes to cure.
Chemical Poisoning
- Type: Chemical Poisoning is classed as a Illness
- Cause: Chemical Poisoning is caused by Drinking Alcoholic Tincture, Gasoline, or Disinfectant Spray. Don’t drink chemicals your parents should have taught you better.
- Symptoms: In the event you have Chemical Poisoning your character will begin Loosing Blood and you will become Dehydrated quickly.
- Treatment: In order to cure Salmonella you will need to take Charcoal Tablets will usually Take about 10 Minutes to cure.
Heart Attack
- Type: Heart Attack is classed as a Illness
- Cause: Heart Attacks is caused by Rapid Blood loss or Shock
- Symptoms: In the event you are having a heart attack you will likely fall unconscious, take damage and possibly die.
- Treatment: In order to cure a Heart attack you will need to take a Epinephrine Auto-injector will usually act fairly quick.
Hemolytic Reaction
- Type: Hemolytic Reaction is classed as a Illness
- Cause: Hemolytic Reaction occurs by receiving blood that is incompatible with your own blood.
- Symptoms: In the event you are having a Hemolytic Reaction you will suffer blood loss and take damage, you may also die.
- Treatment: There is no fix to Hemolytic Reaction. best option is finding a safe spot for your loot and killing your survivor.
Broken Bone
- Type: Broken Bone is classed as a Injury
- Cause: Breaking your bones occurs by falling from heights, stepping on bear traps, or from standing on a landmine.
- Symptoms: In the event you have a Broken Bone your Character will begin to fall unconscious every 2 to 3 steps and you will continue to take damage as you try to walk.
- Treatment: In order to fix a broken bone you will need to apply a splint, it will take 30 minutes for your bone to heal if you are well hydrated and fed.
Brain Disease (Kuru)
- Type: Brain Disease (Kuru) is classed as a Disease
- Cause: Kuru occurs by Eating Human Steak or Human Fat, If you find fat and its not from a animal you personally butchered DO NOT EAT IT.
- Symptoms: In the event you have Kuru your Character will begin to Laugh Uncontrollably and begin having random tremors
- Treatment: There is no cure to Kuru The only way to get rid of it is through death. Find a safe spot for your loot and kill of your survivor.
Gathered Information Locations
Thank you to the creators of this for giving me inspiration to write this guide
And that wraps up our share on DayZ: Medical Items, Injuries and Diseases. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Phantom-9, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!