This guide is specially made for the CS team so they can fix and keep in mind new and better content.
- Fix bug where quickly pressing and releasing the center of the chatwheel would instantly move the camera like an aimhack.
- Fix bug where when making an assist, when the names are censored, they appear as they are originally. This bug is visible in casual, deathmatch and arms race modes.
- Fix bug where holding R8 secondary click and then trying to shoot with primary click (releasing before the animation ends) would break the animation.
- Fixed bug where the XM1014 shells do not match the amount of bullets we are reloading. For example, when we reload 1 bullet, we have more than 4 bullets in our hand.
- Fixed bug where, when enabling radar transparency, the following maps still have a solid background: Nuke’s Lower Deck, Italy and Pool Day.
- Fix the bug where, when starting a game with bots, it does not load the skins or equipped agents, having their default versions.
- Fix bug where agent voices are not played when using the chatwheel radio, either because their voices are from the 2012 version or are not enabled.
- Fix bug when switching weapons hands where shells do not drop correctly on the following weapons:
- Beretta: The pistol in the right hand has no shell.
- USP/M4A1: The shells fall in the wrong direction.
Game Modes
- Add a training map to practice aiming with the following additions:
- Purchase option and infinite money.
- The targets would be bots that would be different agents from all available factions, regardless of whether they are T or CT..
- Add Team Deathmatch, each side would start in their respective spawns with immunity as usual upon respawning, with the difference that immunity would last an additional 3 seconds after firing.
- Implement community guides to practice lineups on maps where the player can create, share and download smoke, incendiary and flash lineups, all within the practice option of each map.
- Implement a riot shield for CTs in hostage mode, there would only be one, it cannot be purchased, it is destructible and would appear in the loadout as a counterpart to C4.
- Buying Ammo: When you buy the weapon you don’t need to buy ammo, but if you spent ammo it won’t be replenished in the next round. You’ll have to buy the magazines again. The prices would be the following:
- Pistol and SMG: $10
- Magnum and Shotgun: $20
- Assault Rifle and SG008: $30
- AK47 and Auto-Sniper: $40
- AWP: $50
- Bringing back Tuscan, Cobble, Cache, Assault, and Militia and implementing them into casual and competitive modes.
- Buy Thera, Cache and Breach and implement them in casual and competitive mode.
- Bring back the following maps from the past as competitively viable (change their layout like Vertigo):
- Prodigy (with a bunker or Black Mesa theme).
- Survivor (with a winter village theme like Austria).
- Port (a fusion of the original de_port and de_shipped. The map could be notable for having several containers and a ship being a bombsite).
- 747 (Using ar_bagagge’s assets)
- Change the way map selection works in competitive, applying only one of these two ideas to shorten wait times:
- There would only be 2 options: Defuse mode and Hostage mode. Selecting any mode would take us to play any map of their respective modes.
- Every day, two random maps will have a golden silhouette indicating additional experience (reducing normal experience if necessary).
- Make a visual rework of Mirage.
- Make a complete Office rework considering the following changes:
- The interior roof should have 2 floors, but they would not be accessible; its function would be to provide more space and to be able to use utilities.
- Bring a new room that connects to Copy and the drink machines in the long hall.
- Move a hostage to the new room, this will make the Ts leave their comfort zone and protect 2 places.
- Move “pit” (road closed) and snowman to the area where the garbage and ladder entrance is, basically removing the shutter, making it the only way to enter the office area along with the container windows.
- Delete the garbage area.
- Significantly reduce the hostage rescue zone so that the T side can protect the rescue zone from Frontyard and Garage.
- Change the structure of the Garage area, remove all the closed environment and replace it with an open area. Improve the site so that the T can defend the area properly.
- Inferno: Fix the “kitchen” and “staircase” windows in “T apartments” and make them transparent, that way you could see the bridge from T apartments and vice versa.
Quality of Life
- Add an option in “Change Main Menu Scenery” to automatically shuffle maps (just like when you have the option to shuffle agents in the loadout active).
- Improve the animation for switching hands instead of using the same holster animation.
- While waiting in a lobby for a match to start, the player should have the option to play in deathmatch or in a training map.
- Change zoom function with the mouse wheel instead of secondary click.
- Add the kill cam for casual and competitive mode, you can only see the opponent who killed us, not their teammates.
- Add voice communication in the lobby.
- Implement an advanced statistics option (next to inventory) as there was in CSGO 360, but for free as third-party sites do (for example, Leetify)
- When a player is in the BUY menu, his agent (worldmodel) will hold a tablet to let our team know that we are purchasing.
- Implement the possibility of viewing the entire map with a tablet by pressing a certain key. This would show everything applicable to the radar, plus the callouts for each area.
- View team and enemy utilities (only if an allied player is viewing them) on the radar.
- Before finding a match, when the “confirming match” text appears, the green panel will turn blue. If you fail to confirm, it will turn green again.
- Implemented new announcer voices replacing the CS 1.6 announcer.
- Add an option for agents to have 3 ways to communicate:
- By default: They will only automatically say when they throw grenades, start or end the round.
- Advanced: Along with the above, agents will automatically say when an enemy enters their vision radius or when the area is cleared after 4 seconds without enemies spawning..
- Complete: Along with the above, agents will have more dialogues, showing fear when they are alone, when they dominate the rival team, when they lose the round, etc.
- These options are recommended only in case we deactivate the voice communication of our team. This would also solve the problem of the lack of communication when nobody speaks.
- Add an option for player avatars to display the agent they use.
- Add a female version of the SAS and Phoenix as default agents alongside their male counterparts.
- Implement the following CT factions:
- GSG9
- Georgian riot police (1 agent only)
- Spetsnaz
- Guardia Civil
- Kido-tai
- Implement the following T factions:
- Arctic Avengers
- Yakuza variant
- Anarchist variant (armed rebel civilians)
- Separatist variant (European militia)
- Reduce the price of the G3SG1 and SCAR-20 to $4000 and reduce the magazine to 10 rounds.
- Increase the price and damage of the Galil AR and Famas to compete with the M4.
- Increase the price and damage of the MP5, MP7 and UMP to make them the replacement for the Galil AR and Famas in their current state.
- Increases the amount of smoke grenades that the player can carry to 2.
New utilities and wapons
NOTE: This part is not a priority, but it would add more variety and new mechanics to the game.
- Add new weapons:
- Colt M1911
- Uzi (exclusive for the T side)
- Kriss Vector (exclusive for the CT side)
- FN FAL (exclusive for the T side)
- SPAS-12
- Add new utilities that share the taser slot:
- Throwing Knife: Works exactly the same as in PAYDAY 2 or Cyberpunk 2077. When thrown, it must be retrieved from where it landed. Once it hits another player, the knife is lost. Maximum 1 knife. Hitting the head is an insta-kill, while hitting the torso takes away 50% of health at short distances. At medium and long distances, these values would change drastically.
- Throwing Knife: Works exactly the same as in PAYDAY 2 or Cyberpunk 2077. When thrown, it must be retrieved from where it landed. Once it hits another player, the knife is lost. Maximum 1 knife. Hitting the head is an insta-kill, while hitting the torso takes away 50% of health at short distances. At medium and long distances, these values would change drastically.
- Add new utilities that share the grenade slot:
- Toxin Grenade: When activated, Toxin Gas deals sustained damage that is less than an Incendiary Grenade. It has a shorter duration and is smaller in size than a Smoke Grenade. It can be permanently destroyed with a Frag or Incendiary Grenade, but doing so causes the radius of the gas to turn into a fireball that lasts for one second, evaporating afterward. Anyone in the gas grenade’s area at the time will be instantly killed.
- Disruption Grenade: I would use the current model of the decoy, it affects the audio and slightly distorts the camera depending on the distance (see double, blurry). Its effect would last considerably longer than a flash.
- Decoy Rework: Its model would change to that of a radio. Every 10 seconds it would play different sounds with different patterns after being launched. When approaching the radio it will emit minimal interference sounds, it can be destroyed when fired.
Climate effects
NOTE: This part is not a priority, but it would add more variety and immersion to the game.
- Implement day and night modes, either randomly or depending on the servers’ time zone. Maps should be properly adapted for lighting.
- Consider bringing weather effects to all maps randomly:
- Maps with rain effects:
- Train
- Inferno
- Overpass
- Nuke
- Ancient
- Italy
- Vertigo
- Maps with sandstorm effects:
- Dust II
- Mirage
- Anubis
- Maps with snowstorm effects:
- Cobblestone
- Office
That’s all for now, the list will continue to improve. If you have any suggestions, write them in the comments and I will consider adding them to the list.
And that wraps up our share on Counter-Strike 2: CS2 | How to fix the game. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by 𝑴𝒓. 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒃𝒚 | フリスビー, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!