This guide gives you a full walkthrough with explanations and deductions on how to solve this case.There is also a section on how to fix the mouse glitch, hints if you don’t want the answer, and a video walkthrough!
This guide is completed. If anything is confusing, if you need more help, or have any suggestions to make it better please leave a comment! I’ll still be online. 🙂
Mouse Cursor Glitch (Fix)
To fix this:
- On the main menu, click on “Options”
- Change the screen resolution to 1280×720 by clicking on the leftmost arrow next to “Resolution”
- Click “Apply Changes” then it should be fixed
After fixing this glitch, if you want to increase the resolution back to the game’s original (1920×1080), you can do so and the mouse cursor will remain fixed. (I personally find the game to look better at this resolution)
The Clue Hints are to help you find clues.
The Area Hints are to help you get to specific areas of Jack’s property.
The Solution Hints are for when you’ve found all the clues, but need help piecing it together.
Hint 1: Make sure to read everything you pick up and click on all the yellow text.
Hint 2: It’s quite dark in the house… maybe turning the lights on will help find clues?
Hint 3: There’s a lot of storage containers in the house. Some drawers might have clues in them.
Hint 4: The phone is locked. Maybe there’s an important date nearby that Jack would have used as the passcode.
Hint 5: A page of Jack’s journal is missing / If you wanted to get rid of something, where would you put it?
Hint 1: From the letter, we know that Jack lived in 59 Crown Street. Maybe there is a back entrance to get onto his property?
Hint 2: Where would a person hide a house key in case they get locked out?
Hint 1: Put all the clues together. Every suspect besides one person can reasonably be cleared.
Hint 2: Who, out of everyone Jack knows, would have a reason to want to kill Jack?
Hint 3: If you’re having trouble filling out the Why? part of the case, some of the phrase clues you picked up can only go in specific parts of the sentence.
Schedule of Events
Journal Entry 1 in Jacks journal: Jack is angry at Lucas.
Nate texts Jack inviting him out for beers after work with a couple of people.
Jack texts his mom happy birthday, his mom asks about the girl he’s been seeing.
Journal Entry 3 in Jack’s journal: Missed getting beers with Nate from working late, Upset
at Lucas again for lack of safety procedures.
Lucas texts Jack asking to get their stories straight about what happened to Mark.
Jack’s dad calls Jack.
John is convinced Mark’s accident wasn’t caused by either Jack or Lucas.
Lucy is concerned because Jack isn’t responding to her text messages or calls.
Jack’s dad calls Jack.
John emails all his employees saying the company is reevaluating safety protocol.
Journal Entry 4 in Jack’s journal (ripped out and burned): Jack can no longer “take the guilt,” and he wants to confess about something both he and Lucas did.
Note: Names CAN be used in the “Why?” section of the case solution.
Clue 1/14: Jack
- Location: Open the Mysterious Parcel in your inventory and you’ll get a Mysterious Letter.
Clue 2/14: “the police”
- Location: Open the Mysterious Parcel in your inventory and you’ll get a Mysterious Letter.
Clue 3/14: “suicide”
- Location: Open the Mysterious Parcel in your inventory and you’ll get a Mysterious Letter.
Clue 4/14: “Killed”
- Location: A concert ticket is found on the kitchen table inside Jack’s apartment.
Clue 5/14: Nate
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. This clue is found on the first page of the phone (the phone icon at the bottom).
Clue 6/14: Lucy
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. This clue is found on the first page of the phone (the phone icon at the bottom).
Clue 7/14: Lucas
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. This clue is found on the first page of the phone (the phone icon at the bottom).
Clue 8/14: John
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. This clue is found on the last page of the phone (the mail icon at the bottom).
Clue 9/14: Mark
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. Go to the last page of the phone (the mail icon at the bottom). This clue is found in the second email (titled Premier Construction).
Clue 10/14: Jay
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. Go to the last page of the phone (the mail icon at the bottom). This clue is found in the second email (titled Premier Construction).
Clue 11/14: Jacob
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. Go to the last page of the phone (the mail icon at the bottom). This clue is found in the second email (titled “Premier Construction”).
Clue 12/14: “accident”
- Location: Jack’s phone is found in the top drawer of the cabinet next to his desk. The passcode is 1013. Go to the last page of the phone (the mail icon at the bottom). This clue is found in the last email (titled “Regarding Recent Events”).
Clue 13/14: “wanted to”
- Location: Open Jack’s dresser found inside his bedroom. On the right side of the dresser, a get well soon card can be found.
Clue 14/14: “confess”
- Location: Inside the trashcan next to Jack’s refrigerator, you will find a key. Go out back and use the key on the grill. The last page of Jack’s journal, and this clue is found inside.
Deductions / Figuring Out The Case
There are two separate deduction sequences for this case I listed, both very similar to each other but one using the process of elimination while the other uses process of inclusion.
- Jack
- Lucas
- Lucy
- Nate
- John
- Mark
- Jay
- Jacob
- the police
- suicide
- Killed
- accident
- wanted to
- confess
This type of deduction uses process of elimination to figure out what the case solution MUST be.
Who Killed Jack?
- Jack: Couldn’t have killed himself because there would be no reason to rip a page out of his journal and burn it before doing so.
- Lucy: Not a suspect because she enjoyed spending time with Jack and was concerned when he wasn’t responding to her.
- Mark: Not a suspect because he was dead before Jack died.
- John: Unlikely suspect because he was genuinely concerned for Jack’s well-being after the accident, and the investigation found Jack and Lucas not at fault for Mark’s death.
- Nate: Unlikely suspect because he seems on friendly terms with Jack, even often inviting him out for beer.
- Jay / Jacob: Unlikely suspects because they were exclusively coworkers with Jack, and nothing else ties them together.
From the above exclusion of suspects, we know that Lucas must have been the one to kill Jack.
Why did Lucas kill Jack?
- The first blank must either be “the police” or someone’s name since nothing else fits.
- The only involvement the police had was clearing Jack and Lucas of any wrongdoing, so it wouldn’t make sense for “the police” to be here.
- The name must either be Lucas or Jack’s since they’re the two involved in this case.
- The last blank must either be “suicide” or “accident” since nothing else fits.
- No matter what the first blank is, the second blank must either be “Killed” or “wanted to.”
So now we have:
Because <NAME> Killed/wanted to <BLANK> to <BLANK> about the suicide/accident.
- If the second blank is “Killed,” the only valid solution is “<NAME> Killed <NAME> to confess about the suicide/accident,” which makes no sense, so the second blank must be “wanted to”
Now we have:
Because <NAME> wanted to <BLANK> to <BLANK> about the suicide/accident.
- The only thing that’s valid for the third blank now (after “wanted to”) is “confess”
- The only thing that’s now valid after “confess to” for the fourth blank is “the police”
Now we have:
Because <NAME> wanted to confess to the police about the suicide/accident.
- It makes no sense to confess to the police about a suicide since you’d be dead, so the last word must be “accident”
- We know that Lucas didn’t want to confess and that Jack did, so the name for the first blank must be “Jack”
Finally, this gives us why Jack was killed:
Because Jack wanted to confess to the police about the accident.
This type of deduction actively considers all possibilities until we reach the correct case solution.
Who Killed Jack?
- Jack didn’t hang himself because he had a concert he was very excited for and a girlfriend.
- Out of all suspects, Lucas is the only one with a motive to kill Jack.
Because of these reasons, Lucas must have been the one to kill Jack.
Why did Lucas kill Jack?
- We know from Jack’s last journal entry (the burned one) that he and Lucas did something bad together.
- The guilt was driving Jack crazy and he wanted to confess.
- Based on the text messages to Jack from Lucas, Lucas wanted both of their stories to be straight.
- Jack called Lucas right before he died.
Putting all of these clues together with the phrases gives us:
Because Jack wanted to confess to the police about the accident.
Step-by-Step Walkthrough
Step 2: Walk to 59 Crown Street (Jack’s address from the Mysterious Letter), and enter through the cracked open gate on the left.
Step 3: Interact with the flower pot on the left side of the stairs. Pick up the key from underneath it.
Step 4: Go inside and pick up the suicide note on the couch and the ticket on the table. Read the ticket for the clue “Killed.”
Step 5: Open the top drawer of the drawers on the left side of the desk. Pick up Jack’s phone.
Step 6: Find the passcode to Jack’s phone (his mom’s birthday on the calendar). Enter the passcode: 1013
Step 7: Go to the first page of the phone and click on the clues “Lucas,” “Lucy,” and “Nate.” Then go to the last page of the phone and click on the clue “John.”
Step 8: Open the email “Upcomming Roster” and click on the clues “Mark,” “Jay,” then “Jacob.” Then go to the email “Regarding Recent Issues” and click on the clue “accident.”
Step 9: Go to Jack’s bedroom, open the right side of his dresser, then pick up the get well soon card. Open the card and click on the clue “wanted to.”
Step 10: Go to the left side of Jack’s bad, and open the top drawer of his bedside table. Pick up his journal.
Step 11: Leave Jack’s bedroom, and open the trashcan next to the fridge in the kitchen. Pick up the key from on top of the trash pile.
Step 12: Go out back and use the key to open up the grill. Pick up and read the burnt journal entry, clicking on the clue “confess.”
Step 13: At this point, you will have all the clues and pieces of information needed to solve the case. The image below is the solution to the case. Click on the “Solve Investigation” button then confirm with “Solve the Mystery.”
Step 14: Walk through Jack’s house one last time and go out through his front door. Walk to the blue post box and deliver the envelope with the case solution on it.
Video Walkthrough
And that wraps up our share on Conscience: Full Walkthrough / Explanation. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by TJReds, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!