This guide (WIP) will show you how to fix all complaints and problems coming from buildings. Once this guide is complete I will remove all remarks that it is under construction. v1.0
Building Complaints
It’s pretty self-explanatory; just build more services. These services include public transportation, fire coverage, police coverage, healthcare, deathcare and childcare coverage, garbage collection etc. If you’re sure there’s actually no services within a 3 gazillion mile radius or so, then please just place some down. It’ll help resolve the situation.
The thing about this is that this problem only applies to industrial buildings and office buildings. So keep this in mind.
Not having enough workers in buildings like commercial and industrial growables is a huge problem. If dealt correctly, this problem happens periodically. By prioritizing zoning of commercial and/or industrial can be the leading cause of this happening city-wide.
This means that the best way to fix this is to zone more residential. Be sure there are good education facilities like elementary and high schools in the area to support new residential growth. Be sure to also keep residential demand in the RCI (residential, commercial, industrial) demand lower than commercial and industrial demand.
If the issue still persists after some time, try to extend public transportation to nearby industrial and commercial centers. This includes buses, metro, trains, and any other ground transport really. Early-game, you should go for metro transportation when you have a decent amount of money (~$200,000 at around 5,000 population) because it can save lots of space (potentially being underground), and quickly transports people.
There could also be a high amount of well educated and high educated people compared to educated and non-educated people, in which the clear fix is to activate the “Industry 4.0” policy which makes industrial workplaces for well educated and above people only.
This means your industrial buildings have too much supply for their products, but so little demand. This complaint isn’t much of a hassle to fix, it’s actually really easy.
This most likely means commercial demand is too high and/or you don’t have much commercial buildings to be supported by industrial buildings. This can also happen when you’ve zoned too much industrial buildings at a quick rate and commercial demand is quickly backing up. A quick fix for this is to zone more commercial until demand is met.
Another reason for this issue is that you are exporting very little goods to other cities via outside connections. An easy fix to this is just to increase plane, ship, railroad, and road connections to the outside world.
In the Industries and Sunset Harbour DLC, this could also mean your plopped industrial buildings like a farm for example, has too much crops and they aren’t being exported, whether it be to secondary industry buildings or outside connections. To solve this problem, build more secondary industry buildings. Or you could wait, as this might mean trucks will export goods in the near future.
This complaint is just about the opposite of “Not Enough Buyers for Products”. This means that industrial supply is too low for commercial demand. A simple solution is to zone more industrial and even potentially zone less commercial. However, there are multiple other reasons as to why this could be happening.
First off, sure, you may have enough industrial zone coverage, but they could be specialized as ore, farming, oil, or forestry. There is a common misconception about these specialized zones: they don’t produce finished goods, which is what commercial zones accept. Actually, they produce raw materials of their special type. To fix this, zone more generic industrial buildings, which will definitely fix the problem.
Another reason is that road connection and infrastructure is poor for commercial imports and industrial exports. A little known fact is that commercial zones also output trucks that import cargo from outside connections, cargo harbours, cargo train stations, and cargo airports etc. Making sure they can access most if not all of these locations can help solve the issue. Industrial cargo trucks should also have a clear way to export goods to commercial zones. Additionally, check if the “Heavy Traffic Ban” policy is active.
Finally, traffic congestion can also be an issue. Just figure out how to fix that yourself I don’t know how.
This means that commercial zones do not have enough customers to buy their products. This is a low demand with high supply situation. In order to fix this, you should zone less commercial and more residential. The main idea is to zone commercial according to the growth of your residential population.
Be sure to also make sure customers like tourists and residents have good road and public transport to said commercial zones.
This is potentially one of the worst problems for your city. This means that jobs are missing in commercial and industrial zones (including offices) and in place should have educated people to take their place. Fixing this is a really slow process, but it will be worth it at the end.
This problem occurs mainly when there are low amounts of educational facilities like high schools, elementary schools and universities/colleges, so obviously the fix is to place them down everywhere. DO SPREAD THEM APART! That is really important, otherwise there won’t be good coverage for basically everyone. Also consider extending public transport to schools.
When you have sufficient demand, also do zone more residential to increase population growth, and stop zoning offices, which require educated people to operate.
This means that the industry has a low to none supply of raw materials, natural materials, or special goods.
Applies to both plopped specialized industrial buildings and zoned specialized industrial buildings, this means that (mainly for ore and oil) that there are no reserves of the resources in question on or near the building. This may (although rarely) also happen in regular zoned industrial buildings.
This also happens if resources of said area is depleted. This only applies to oil and ore specialized industry. To fix this problem, you can either destroy the buildings and allow the resources to be imported via outside connections, or relocate the buildings to a location with sufficient resources.
However, farming and forestry resources do not deplete, so all you need to do is place farming industrial buildings on fertile land, and forestry industrial buildings on forest land.
This applies to ploppable processor buildings and works just about the same as the previous problem. This means there is not enough resources to supply the building. To fix this, you can just import the resources or make sure your extractor buildings have a good route to said buildings.
This applies to unique factories and is just about the same as the previous problem.
Building Complaints (cont.)
This means that, well, citizens are sick. This means that ambulances haven’t reached said building yet, and/or there is something in general that makes the citizens sick.
This means that there is some sort of pollution on the ground that affects the building and citizens inside it get sick. This happens in residential buildings. The only reason for there to be ground pollution is that there is some sort of industrial building or any other building that emits pollution, and that it should be removed/relocated, or vice versa. To fix this, do just that.
This means that there is an excessive amount of noise pollution affecting people in the building. This happens in residential buildings. To fix this, you can zone office buildings in between the noise-emitting buildings and the complaining buildings. Offices vastly help negate noise.
You can also use other noise negating methods such as trees and noise-cancelling highways.
This means that fresh water is being polluted by ground or sewage pollution. To fix this, you can simply just check water towers or pumps to see if they’re producing polluted water, and if they are, destroy or relocate them to a safe place.
This means that someone has died in the building and needs to be transported to an appropriate facility. This is by far the worst problem to happen in your city, and can happen in all types of buildings.
Usually, these cases are very minor and can be resolved quickly, but if preceding events were done just right, then you might experience the deathwave phenomenon, in which rapid city growth equates to thousands of people being around the same age, and then all dying at around the same time. This could mean losing hundreds of people and if major enough, can leave a permanent scar on the city.
During a deathwave, you should add more facilities to handle such a large group of people dying, such as crematoriums, the most effective deathcare facility.
This means that the surrounding area’s land value is low to none. To fix this, place parks, plazas, other recreational facilities and services to increase land value.
v1.0 13.1.25: Created guide
v1.0.1 13.1.25: Added “a bit more” categories
And that wraps up our share on Cities: Skylines: How to fix all city problems and complaints. wip. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by notkallenie, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!