This guide provides progressively less subtle hints, all the way to full solutions for each puzzling encounter in Chroma Zero
Overview [READ FIRST!]
That also means… I’m going to try my best to give you helpful guidance, but the guide doesn’t exactly know what you know and what you don’t. For more ‘personalized’ hints, please jump into my Discord server[] and let me (or any of the members who like to help) know where you are, and we can give you that personal nudge. But if Discord isn’t your thing, and you just want to try your luck with a text guide… here we go!
I’ve done a lot of play-testing, and found that most players can complete the game without hints by
1. Taking breaks every hour or two, letting their subconscious do some work
2. Re-reading the Dialogue in the Pause Menu
3. Re-reading the Reminders on the start area Wall
4. Challenging an assumption that is untested
Ok, on to the general flow:
Generally speaking, players will explore all 4 areas of the Red Ring first, then explore Green and Blue. If you don’t know what do to, but you haven’t visited everything, keep exploring! During exploration of the Green Ring, the game will force two particular puzzles to be solved before revealing the next step, Reminder 7.
At that point, there is a lot of flexibility, and a lot of players double-back and solve other things that they previously haven’t solved, or explore things they never fully explored. That’s also fine of course.
This guide attempts to compartmentalize the puzzles and mechanics, but in the case where there is a bottleneck or sequential requirement (i.e. ‘just ignore this now, do X first’), it will call those things out before revealing the solution. If a question has multiple hints, they are generally more-spoilery the farther down the list you go.
Starting Area, Red Ring, Early Mechanics
Welcome to the game! You’re here, so you’re stuck.
(If you can’t move at all, that’s because the game cannot write a controls file. You’ll have to check the FAQ.)
What should I do?
Nudge->Look all around, read everything you see
Solution->Ultimately, you need to press the button in front of you. It is pulsing and has a colorful wire pattern moving around it
Ok what now?
Nudge->When you hover over an item you can interact with, you’ll see a triangle reticle
Solution->Click on the object that appeared above the button
Alright I read the dialogue, now what?
Nudge->The character taught you something new, read the wall and use it
Solution->Hold the Reset input, it was written on the wall
I can’t go anywhere and things keep breaking, help!
Nudge->The first big question you should be asking yourself is “why is everything breaking? If you work on that idea, you will probably figure it out yourself”
Nudge->Make sure you can hear sound effects, and pay attention to the environment while they are happening
Nudge->Does everything always break, do specific things break, do certain actions break those specific things?
Medium Hint->This world exists on the threshold of imbalance. If you put it out of balance, things will break. Most actions have a cost for or against this balance.
Strong Hint->When you interact with an object, what happens to the 7 segment numerical display on the lower starting platform?
Spoiler->Red, Green, and Blue make up the world. If you over-use a given color, that ring is destroyed and the color is lost. You can see where the balance is on the 7 segment displays near on the lower starting platform, or in the Balance menu.
I can’t solve the first area on the Red Ring. What do I do there?
Nudge->If you have not explored ALL the areas of the red ring, you will likely not be able to solve any of them
Nudge->If you have already explored all the areas, and don’t know what to do in the first area…be sure you’ve visited the black temple on the Red ring face with the large pool of water on it
Strong Hint->The temple shows you that filling in 4 square blocks can light up a small light gate. There are 3 such gates in the first area on the Red Ring
Answer->Navigate the Red ring such that you gain a surplus of energy. The simplest way is to take energy from any doors you see, as well as the floor of the area with the Green Warp, and the solid treetops on the right side of the Pool face. Return to the starting face, and fill in all 4 boxes in each of the red/green/blue enclaves. Then visit the Zero who appears at the pool.
How do I get past the large/growing balls/spheres?
Nudge->Visit all the Black Temples on the Red Ring. One of them will depict these spheres, or at least one of them
Nudge->Also visit the Temple on the face with the Pool
Nudge->If you light all three obelisks on the Red Ring’s first face (they surround a small pool of water) a Zero there will let you know something quite helpful
Answer->Rewinding the rings will shrink the spheres.
What is the large star pattern around the Green Warp?
Nudge->There are too many possibilities for you to brute-force this area. Keep your eyes open and you’ll find the key at some point.
I am confused about Binding energy
Nudge->Visit the section of this guide entitled ‘Help! I just got my first ability and it won’t work!’
How do I get inside the concentric ring spheres to talk to those Zeros
Nudge->Visit the section of this guide entitled ‘Concentric Ring Zeros’
What is the pool of water for?
Nudge->If you haven’t visited the Green Ring yet, don’t worry about this now.
Reminder 3 – [Help! I just got my first ability and it won’t work!]
Did you unlock it, first?
Nudge->You’ll see an animation in the cursor area, and you’ll hear a sound.
Once that has completed, you can use the new ability.
I unlocked it but I don’t understand how to use it
Nudge->Re-read Zero’s dialogue that tells you how to use it
Walkthrough->Walk over to any empty wireframe object and hold down any R G B key(s), then interact (click/trigger) while keeping that R G B key held down.
Concentric Ring Zeros
There are three concentric rings, enclosing a Zero inside. They are mini-puzzles in themselves, ultimately optional to gameplay. If you reach them, they attempt to give you a contextual hint based on your progress so far. They will be among the strongest hints in the game, but ultimately progress is non-linear so they also may tell you something you already know.
How do I reach them?
Nudge->The in-game hint is activated by coloring all 6 colored pillars around the Red warp, on the Red Ring’s 2nd side (colorhenge)
I got that, I need more
Nudge->They will all involve some level of platforming. Your character momentum will stick pretty well if you land on any part of the object, and aren’t holding down a directional control.
Solution->Two of them (colorhenge) are accessible by placing the red warp on either the left or right side, and warping to that face. Then, you fall and run off the ledges to finally fall onto the concentric ring sphere. The simplest one is the ‘far’ one, which you can get if colorhenge is on the left side. The other one you can reach by making the Red Ring 45 Degrees (see one-ring-spins) and then running into it from the main bridge. Otherwise you can place colorhenge on the right hand side, then destroy Blue/Green rings by running out of those energies, and using the warp on the starting platform to warp to the colorhenge red warp.
Zero Above Red Warp
Yes, that’s the one. How do I reach this Zero?
This zero only yeilds productive dialogue if you reach it while this area (colorhenge) is at the top of the Red Ring.
There are several ways to reach it, but many of them require strategic thinking that you may not have considered. If you have not spent any time thinking about it, you will do yourself a disservice by short-cutting it right now. The Zero here teaches lessons that are useful in other parts of the gameplay, so if you don’t learn them now you will have a harder time down the road
Yes ok I’ve thought but nothing works.
Medium – > If you do not have Reminder 6 yet, your only option is to create another Red Warp out of something that is currently not Red.
Medium – > If you DO have Reminder 6 yet, you also have the option of applying something you learned, probably in the Yellow Pyramid.
Give it to me:
Solution prior to Reminder 6- > From the lower platform, destroy Green and Blue by exhausting that energy with one-ring-spins. Spin this Zero to the top of the Red Ring. Use the warp behind you (which is now Red) to warp to this location.
Solution after Reminder 6- > You can re-color this Warp to be solid, of a different color than Red, then spin it to the top of the Red Ring. Then use whichever color Warp you made it, and use Destroy to exit the solid Warp once you’ve arrived.
Reminder 4 –
Nudge->The in-game hint is in a Black Temple on the Red Ring
Nudge->It’s in the Temple on the right hand side of Colorhenge. It features two buttons, a red ring, and a sphere on that red ring.
Nudge->Pay close attention to the symbols on the buttons
Nudge->The button that spins the mini-ring ‘in reverse’ should look like an ability you have unlocked — Reminder 3.
Solution->Hold your RGB shortcut input (or all three inputs) while you click the rotate button.
Green Ring: Magenta Area
Explore! If you don’t know what to do, visit the other faces of the Green Ring
The magenta warp doesn’t bring me anywhere
There isn’t anywhere for it to bring you, currently
I just really want to know what to do now, please completely spoil it for me:
Visit the other 3 faces of the Green Ring. You will unlock a new ability on the Black Obelisk area, that will help you get to the Cyan area, which will point you to how to solve the Yellow area, which in turn (finally) will give you what you need to solve this Magenta Area. The specific puzzles/solutions are in another section of this guide – Magenta Trees and Magenta Tower.
Green Ring: One Ring Spins
Nudge->There is probably an in-game hint, a newly appeared Zero, on the red ring, in the temple with the single red ring and two buttons that rotate it.
That didn’t help:
Nudge->Have you unlocked your first power yet? If not, you should check the other parts of the Red Ring guide to make sure you have that ability unlocked
Ok, check, need more:
Medium Hint->Your new ability is more broad that you probably realized.
Strong Hint->Your reticle shows empty R G and B colors when you hover over the Rotate Button
Spoiler->Walk up to the rotate button, and hold down only R G or B (whichever ring you want to spin). Your reticle will show which color you are pressing. While holding that button, simple click the button with your normal interact input (lmb, or right trigger)
Green Ring: Cyan Area
[Ride the waterslide of course!!]
For now, talk to the Zero at the top of the Cyan Area
It will direct you to explore the Black Obelisk area, where you will learn something new. If you need help, go check out that part of the guide.
OK did that, now what?
Basically just answers -> There are a total of 5 Zeros in the area. Talk to them all. One is unlocked by filling in the lights. One is for after you’ve gotten Reminder 6.
How do I win the $5 bet?
You don’t, right now. It’s covered later in the guide, under ‘The $5 Bet’.
Green Ring: Black Obelisk Area
Nudge->Have spoken to the Zero above the Cyan waterfall?
Nudge->Have you tried your Signal button? There is one Zero to speak with in this area
Step 1 Solution->There is a motif from previous areas, where if you fill in one block of each color, a Zero tends to appear. Try that in this area
I want to know about the REST of this area though.
Do you have all the reminders? If not, move along.
I do have all the reminders!
Have you solved Reminder 7 then?
Solved Reminder 7
I don’t want to, I still have questions!
One of the game’s themes is imbalance. It seems to be working, but you must push through it now.
But one of the obelisks lit up and I don’t know why
That’s great. But it’s not something this guide will tell you at this point in the game. It’s for you to think about. But for now, move on, explore the rest, and ultimately solve Reminder 7. Trust me.
But what about under the platform, there is an object there that I want to get into
That’s great. But it’s not something this guide will tell you at this point in the game. It’s for you to think about. But for now, move on, explore the rest, and ultimately solve Reminder 7. Trust me.
You said that already!
Extreme Spoiler because you don’t trust me absolutely don’t care about any spoilers -> This area is for AFTER you’ve solved Reminder 7, and is covered in the section ‘SPOILER ZONE – YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU’RE READY’
Reminder 5 – [Another ability that I don’t understand re:Water]
Hover your cursor over any body of water. Hold the RGB keys, or the shortcut key. You will see an animation similar to when your first ability unlocked, and a similar sound will happen. Keep the key(s) held, and then interact with the water. It will cause the water to brighten, then turn to wireframe, at which point you can walk through it.
Green Ring: ‘Mixing’ Warps
Nudge->Just making sure, you need to have unlocked your first ability. If you have not, please go back to the Red Ring and explore all the temples.
Yes, check, please help more:
Nudge->There is probably an in-game hint, a newly appeared Zero, on the red ring, in the temple with the 3 buttons (R G B) and cubes.
Nope still need more:
Nudge->There is probably another in-game hint, referenced by the previous Zero. It is accessible if you fill in all 6 empty wireframe pillars strewn around the Yellow Pyramid
Medium->If you hold down R, and then click a Green Warp, observe that it becomes Yellow
Yes I knew that already and I’m still stuck. A solid warp does me no good:
Heavy->The warp activates the moment it closes, so it indeed can be useful
Spoiler->First, go inside a green warp. While inside, hold the R Key and click to close the warp.
Green Ring: Yellow Pyramid Area
First things first — a different Zero in a different location will give you the instructions on what you need to do here, have you met that one?
Yes. In the Cyan area under the waterslide. It told me to balance the cubes in here.
Nudge->The cubes in question are all wireframe, colored black (3x), red, yellow, green.
What about the lights?
Nudge->There are large rectangle wireframs that help light the area. They (and the solid cones) respond to the three buttons with triangles on them
I can’t reach any of these things
Nudge->How could the area be oriented so that you could reach those things?
Medium->Everything sure looks upside down, doesn’t it?
Solution->Spin the Yellow Pyramid to the top of the green ring, then warp into the Yellow Warp. This places the ceiling as your floor, and you can walk up the sides of the pyramid to reach the rest of the puzzle
Ok I can reach these things now, what do I do?
Nudge->The hint is to balance the cubes, but you need all the lights on. The lights are controlled by the three triangle buttons sitting on pedestals. Make sure those are all on.
Medium->When all the lights are on, the cones above the cubes are all of a unique color.
Solution->Make sure the buttons are all on. Note there is one of each color cone above the wireframe cubes. Use color-mixing (pressing R G B keys) to make the cubes match the color of the cones above. i.e. The black wireframe cubes only need a primary color – Red Green or Blue. For the others, add Blue to the red wireframe to make solid Magenta. Add Blue to the green wireframe to make solid Cyan. Add Yellow to the yellow wireframe to solidify it as solid yellow.
Green Ring: Magenta Trees
Nudge->There is an in-game hint for this puzzle inside one of the Concentric Ring Spheres. Since that is not easy for some, just continue to the next spoiler if you want more info.
Nudge->You’re right that you can’t add any colors to the existing wireframe treetops to reach green. No matter what you add, they just get closer to White (i.e. you can see the color mixing rules in your Balance Menu). Adding Green to Red just makes it Yellow, for example. So adding color is not the answer, or at least not the only step.
Nudge->You need to remove some of these colors.
Nudge->There is no button combination for removing colors, but you almost certainly have triggered it on accident at some point in your gameplay
Medium->If you remove Red and Blue from the world, all those tress will be Black now
Solution 1->Warp to the Magenta Tree area with only a little bit of each color, but at least 6 green. Add color to the magenta cubes/warp (pressing R+B will add extra, too) such that you run out of Red and Blue, and trigger those Rings to break. Then, the trees will be black. Simply add green. If you did this from the main platform area, no problem, you should still be able to use the warp behind you to reach the area.
Solution 2->Alternatively you can add green to each of the trees, and THEN overload Red and Blue such that those rings break, and those colors are removed from the world.
Reminder 6 – [Help! I just got ANOTHER ability and it won’t work!]
Did you Unlock it, first? Read the wall again.
You’ll see an animation in the cursor area, and you’ll hear a sound.
Once that has completed, you can use the new ability.
I have a technical issue – one of the buttons does not exist on my PC
You can remap the button in question. It will be in the Settings menu under Controls, and it will have a lot of question marks around it instead of a name. Just remap this key, and use it in conjunction with the normal input. Hold both buttons together for 4 seconds to activate the animation and subsequent unlock.
I have unlocked it, but don’t really understand how to use it
You have a new button, typically right mouse button or left trigger. If you remapped it, well, you remapped it! Anyway. Walk up to a solid object, like a solid tree-trunk. HOLD the new button. There will be a sound, and the cursor will appear and be black. Now, while holding that new button still, click the normal interact button as well (Left mouse button, right trigger).
Any time you’re holding that new button, your cursor is in Destroy mode. When you let go, it returns to normal. This helps prevent miss-clicks. You have to keep the Destroy input held for something to be destroyed.
Finding The Map Room
The Magenta Tower is not the map room, maybe you have it confused
The Map Room is inside a Black Temple
The Black Temple in question is on the Red Ring, the face you can walk on to without any rotations. It is on the right side of that face.
It has no door, you have to Destroy a wall to get in. Any wall works. Where the door should be, that’s a common one to start with!
Reaching the Zero at the Light Gate
The Map Room will show you the available warps
The Blue Warps are most helpful
The Blue Warp near the Light Gate starts open, you have to close it yourself before it will work
You can reach that blue warp from the bottom of the Blue Ring, as long as it is rotated towards the bottom. Keep mind of the platform near the light gate though, you’ll have to land on that — and it isn’t solid yet.
The other Blue warp is underneath the Red Ring, under the face with the large pool of water on it.
The simplest path is to first close the Blue Warp by the light gate, then return to the rotate button. Rotate the Blue Ring so the Blue Warp is now at the top. Then rotate the Red Ring so the Pool is at the bottom. Remove the pool’s water, then Destroy the Red Ring at the point where the pool’s diving board structure ends. You will see the other Blue Warp below. Fall into it, then close it to warp to the Light Gate. When you Open that Warp, you will need to solidify the floor/platform so you have somewhere to land.You don’t need to be in a hurry at all, but you do need to be looking down while you open the warp and start falling.
The $5 Bet
Ok I have reminder 6/7 but I need some hints:
The red wall around it will turn black and open when the Red Ring is broken
The Red ring can be broken either by running out of power, or if you destroy it directly with your new power.
If you Destroy the Ring directly, as Zero has probably said, you get the Ring’s power. Can you tell what that is?
When you have the Ring’s power, you can use that color even when it has left the world.
Destroy the Red Ring with your Destroy power. Then make your way to the Cyan area, probably by using the Green warp on the Red Ring, then falling to the Cyan area. Then color the object inside the broken barrier, Red.
Getting Inside the Magenta Tower
Checking->If you have not reached, say, Reminder 6, don’t even worry about it for now
Nudge->There is a hole in the Green Ring underneath the tower, that’s the only way in (without ruining what’s inside, anyway)
Nudge->You’ll have to rely on some other tools you’ve used thus far to reach the inside, safely
Nudge->You can reach the inside by several methods, but the most useful one involves not breaking any rings whatsoever
Nudge->You will be dropping into the hole on the green ring, from above
Nudge->You will have to exit from one of the Red Ring’s warps, in order to fall into that green ring. But none of the warps are oriented such that you can do that. However…
Nudge->One Warp has accompanying structural elements that make it favorable for this goal. Perhaps a certain Zero has brought your attention to the area before
Medium->Your exit node is the Red Warp with the lattice work above it. Colorhenge.
Gonna need more than that, pal.
Nudge->You’re noticing that Red is quite an unhelpful color for that warp to be. Why don’t you pick something else?
Medium->A solid warp is not a dead warp. It’s just… solid, that’s all. You should have an ability that can help with that, though!
Strong->If you solidify that warp from the outside, and rotate it up top, then warp into it, you can destroy it to get out and fall onto the lattice work.
Solution->If you solidify that warp as WHITE from the outside, and rotate it up top, then warp into it, you can use the white warp near the 7-segment-number-displays (aka main platform) to warp into it. Then, use your Destroy power to get out of it and fall onto the lattice-structure.
Inside the Magenta Tower
Nudge->Zero is telling you to meet it up at the Light Gate, you should do that. If you have done that, Reminder 7 is open for solving.
No no no I want answers
Nudge->Feel free to try to solve these, but ultimately you’re missing 1/3 of the information, and as such they are un-solvable without guesswork that the game does not intend for you to use.
Medium->There is a missing green button. No green in the images. The clues are not complete. Move along.
Medium->The button DOES exist, but it is not reach-able at this point in time. It’s ok, move on. Open the black hexagaons. Win the $5 bet. Try Reminder 7
You’re giving me anxiety, I need to know. I’m not going to keep going with the game until you tell me, and I’m certainly not going to do Reminder 7 until you tell me.
Solution->Imbalance is a theme in the game, you know? Reminder 7 is not the end of the game, it is the beginning of what comes next. The tower area will be covered in the section titled ‘SPOILER ZONE – YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU’RE READY’
Black Hexagon Objects (with RGB patterns on them)
Have you reached Reminder 6 yet? If not, do that first. A Zero will appear near one of them when you do, and you can have that conversation then.
I did that, now what?
Nudge->The symbols on the objects explain how to interact with them. Keep an eye out for this symbology elsewhere.
Nudge->The map room has these symbols
Nudge->Your reticle will show these symbols, sometimes. When?
Nudge->Your Balance screen will show these symbols, sometimes. When?
Medium->Your reticle will show these symbols, specifically when you Destroy one of the Rings with your Destroy power
Solution->When you have Destroyed a Ring, you will have that ring’s power. That is what is required to open these objects. For example, the object on the Red Ring (with the Green triangle that has a white inside) can be opened if you Destroy the Green Ring, then fall to the Red Ring and Destroy the object.
Ok but I want to destroy the one with three white symbols, the one underneath the Black Obelisk area
You certainly can right now, if you destroy the green ring last. But it will be fruitless as the object within will not survive the Green Ring’s death.
Then how do I get that one?
Nudge->Right now, you don’t. You’ll know when you can.
Solution because I don’t care about spoiling things->This is covered in the section SPOILER ZONE – YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU’RE READY
Reminder 7 – [Redacted]
Advanced Mechanics check 1: First, have you won the $5 bet? Do you understand how you did it?
No, explain it to me:
Nudge->When you Destroy a Ring, you’ll see an animation, hear a different sound, see a change to your Reticle, and see a change to your Balance menu. You will also see a difference the next time you hover over a wireframe object.
Answer->When you use your Destroy power on a Ring, you claim the ability to use that color infinitely.
Advanced Mechanics check 2: When a Ring is destroyed or broken, do you understand which of its objects fall or stay?
No, explain it to me:
Nudge->You can experiment with this in the Map Room. The useful objects in question are the Warp Boxes
Answer->All wireframe objects remain, all solid objects fall.
Have you spent any time considering a path?
Nudge->The Map Room allows you to think about a path, and reset, so you can iterate quickly
Yes, a lot, I’m stumped
Nudge->There are may paths, but thematically many of them use the Cyan warp because of its advantageous position
Nudge->At the very last step, which Warp will you be using?
Since there are multiple ways to do this, I’m just going to help nudge you towards one particular way at this point. This method requires no timing, and no ‘parkour’ other than falling on a very easy-to-land spot. But visit the discord if you have other ideas and want to get nudges to those paths.
Nudge->You will be exiting from the Blue Warp next to the light gate
Nudge->The warp will not rotate after the ring is destroyed, but it needs to be above the platform to complete the challenge successfully
Nudge->That warp needs to be wireframe/empty when you Destroy the Blue Ring.
Medium->It is most helpful to destroy the Blue Ring while you are on top of it, then fall down either landing on the warp, or the green bridge below it.
If I destroy a Ring I cannot rotate anymore:
Nudge->That doesn’t strictly matter, but it is also a false assumption
Medium->When you destroy a ring, the Warps near the rotate buttons have also changed color
Answer->After you destroy Blue, the Warps near the rotate buttons are Yellow now. You can warp to them by using or mixing a Yellow warp
This is just killing me, how do I do it?!?!?
If not, don’t even bother looking at this.
If so, and you need help, scroll WAY down.
seriously don’t look at this early
It’s ok, there is nothing else to do at this point except reset
Mild -> Consider the remaining unsolved puzzles and unexplored areas. Are there any loose ends?
Medium -> Zero granted you its remaining power. What could that mean? What can you do now that you weren’t able to do before? Can you get anywhere that was previously un-reachable?
Direct -> You need to find the green button
Solution -> The green button is inside the Green Ring, underneath the black obelisk area. You can get to it by using the now-black warp behind you and warping to Magenta, then falling down onto the black obelisk area. Destroy the stairs underneath the central black obelisk (or really any of the floor) and you’ll find the green button. Press it
This is covered in the other section of the guide “Getting Inside the Magenta Tower”. Despite the lack of colors in the world, most hints/solutions there are still useful. Certainly the main solution is the same.
Mild – There is nothing you can do from inside the tower, you should… leave
Medium – Do you recognize any of the shapes, symbols, images in any of the clues? Could any of the colors be representative of anything?
Direct – Each clue represents an area of the world, and an instruction on what change needs to be made there. Pick one that you think you recognize, and start there if possible
Do I have to do all 6 in one ‘life’?
To get the next goal, yes. My best advice is not to try to do them all until you’ve solved them all individually.
Further spoilers on this topic:
Your best bet is to restore Green first and re-use the Green warp to get around.
More Spoilers:
The next goal is the final set of instructions, wherein you will learn that you don’t actually need all 6 to finish the game. But for the story and experience, you should.
Where is it – This represents the area on the Red Ring with the green warp at the middle
Give me more – The circles represent the spheres that grow/shrink. The solid lines represent solidified connections between those spheres.
Help with execution –You must activate this color before activating the Red clue. From there, you must solidify the inner triangle Cyan (the connecting lines between the Yellow Magenta and Cyan balls). Then you must solidify the outside triangle White. I find it easiest to start with the Cyan ball, and fill it in from there. The line will bisect that cyan ball and continue to a black one. This is true for each intermediate color – the white lines will bisect them.
Where is it – This represents the area on the Red Ring with three light gates and a red warp
Give me more – The light gates in the image are White, not red/green/blue
Help with execution –Solidify all 12 cubes in the area with White
Where is it – This image represents the Cyan area on the Green Ring
Give me more – This trees are empty, and they have no bearing on the solution. The key is the water depicted with the numerals I II III.
Help with execution – Remove the 3 pools of water. You can ignore the waterslide portions
Where is it – This image represents the Magenta area on the Green Ring
Give me more – The symbols surrounding the tower are the 6 trees that are around the actual tower.
Help with execution – Solidify all 6 trees with White
Where is it – This image represents the Yellow Pyramid area on the Green Ring
Give me more – The boxes that were originally balanced for the Yellow Pyramid Puzzle, are all White now
Help with execution –Solidify all 6 cubes in the Yellow Pyramid with White
Where is it – This image represents the orientation of all three rings, and a place that you (the player) should go once that’s done. The Blue ring’s orientation may be surprising for you. If so, go check it out and look at all 8 corners. Otherwise the map room can help.
Give me more – The red ring has the green warp on the bottom. The Green ring is at 45 degrees with the Cyan area on the lower left. The blue ring has a crack in its back side (go to the blue ring or the map room). That crack will be pointed down wards.
Help with execution – Orient the rings as shown, whether or not their colors are restored doesn’t matter, though you’ll need Green restored first to reach the Blue ring. Warp to the Blue ring using the Green warp. Turn Around. Fall down the crack. You will land on a set of blocks above a black warp. Ultimately you need to destroy those blocks, and fall into the warp. Warp out using White, and the warp itself (being white) will trigger the Obelisk.
I have done all 6 and spoken to Zero, but I want clarification:
If you have a path to the Light Gate you can continue, but you may reset it you need. If you reset, know that the world state does reset but that you don’t need to do all 6 again, you just need to light the Central Obelisk. It responds to the pillars around it, so only 2 are needed. Any combination that equals White will work, and the simplest is Green + Magenta.
I am at the Light Gate and it won’t work:
You may just be excited. Get close to the Light Gate so the cursor appears. Hold the RGB shortcut button (F / top face button) and do not let it go. When the animation to finishes, and you are still holding down the RGB shortcut button, interact with the Light Gate.
And that wraps up our share on Chroma Zero: Hints & Solutions. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by chromazerogame, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!