A guide with a detailed description of the The Tomb map story quest, as well as all its secrets
Creating a wonder weapon and upgrading it
The wonder weapon on this map is the Staff of Ice, which is a reference to a similar weapon from the Origins map (Black Ops 2).
- Wait until Round 8 for the Shock Mimic to appear. Usually it disguises itself as an object, but it will attack you openly at first.
- Kill him and a Monocle will drop.
- After you have picked up this monocle, you can activate the secret with the zodiac. To do this, go to either of the two drawings on the wall in Tombs or Neolitic Catacombs. If the nearest purple chandelier is on, symbols will appear on the picture.
- If there are no symbols, it is because the purple light is not shining on them. Find the one closest to each picture individually and shoot it. After a while, another chandelier will light up nearby, and if it’s not the right one, repeat the procedure until the right one lights up.
- Next, the player needs to shoot these symbols, which are slightly modified Roman numerals, in ascending order. In case you forgot or don’t know:
- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.
- Their design is slightly modified, so pay a little more attention to it.
- After entering the correct combination, a purple orb will appear from the wall and a challenge will begin, where the player must defend against several waves of zombies, during which even special enemies will appear.
- After successfully completing these challenges, the player will receive one of two parts of the staff, depending on the painting they interacted with first.
- Repeat the same procedure above with the second picture.
- After obtaining all three items (including the monocle), return to the Dark Aether and interact with the pedestal in its center.
- The weapon crafting process will now begin, where all you have to do is survive and not let the zombies interrupt the process.
- After successfully defeating the attack, you can pick up the Staff of Ice.
However, to continue the quest, you need to upgrade this wonder weapon.
And the Staff of Ice is one that cannot be upgraded through Pack-a-Punch and requires its own test.
- To begin with, you need to complete a relatively simple task – use the Staff of Ice to freeze 3 ethereal lanterns for 10 seconds. If it looks like you won’t be able to do it, just destroy the inconvenient lantern and wait for a new one to appear in a better location.
- If you successfully complete this, you will hear an additional storyline. Now head into the Dark Aether and look up. Notice the stones hanging above you – some of them have purple spots on them.
- Fire the Staff of Ice at them to bring them down a bit. Some spots may only be visible from certain positions.
- Don’t forget that you also need to somehow memorize the symbols on the stones you shot at. Yes, this can be problematic with some of them because they don’t go down low enough to see the symbol. Try changing the “ADS Field of View” setting to Independent to have a good zoom even with low magnification scopes (and a sights.)
- After hitting all three symbols, one of the four Dark Aether portals will close. You need to go from the opposite side of the entrance to that closed door – it will have the same symbols you saw on the stones.
- You need to shoot the Staff of Ice at the same 3 out of 10 of them, in no particular order.
- If you entered the code of these 3 characters correctly, then after opening the stone door, you will see them below. If not, the code was incorrect and if you try to go through the portal, there will be no support below you and you will fall from a height.
- To avoid this, use the “Stamin Up” perk with the “Free Faller” augment, which neutralizes the damage when you fall, or do not use this portal until the next round to repeat the procedure again.
- If successful, you will be on a stone above the altar and will have a purple orb in front of you – interact with it to activate the challenge.
- At this stage, you ALL (which is almost impossible with random players) need to accompany this orb, while simultaneously killing zombies that stand in your way.
- If you suddenly lose the orb, because it can accelerate, it always goes counterclockwise along the border of this Nexus.
- After successfully bringing the orb to the stone pedestal, pick up your Staff and interact with the pedestal to upgrade your wonder weapon.
You now have an upgraded Ice Staff called Ull’s Arrow.
Not only is it more powerful than its regular version, but it can also heal allies in critical condition thanks to the other side of the staff (similar to the way a weapon changes fire mode).
This property that is needed for the next quest.
4 challenges
- In the Nexus, find the statue with the Vermin and use the green part of the staff to shoot it.
- The pedestal will catch fire, and you can take this aetheric fire.
- Return to the start location, where you will see that the corresponding statue has also glowed there. Interact with it to begin the challenge with this enemy.
- You have one minute to kill a certain number of Vermin. Upon successful completion, this pedestal will also light up with an aetheric flame that you can pick up.
- As soon as you pick it up, the nearest portal to the Nexus will close, and you need to deliver this flame to the original statue, taking minimal damage from zombies. Because the amulet can break in just a few hits.
- Now do the same with the Parasite statue in the Nexus – ignite it with the other end of the Staff of Ice.
- Bring this fire to the appropriate statue next to the Stamin Up perk.
- Kill enemies, aethereal spheres drom from them and bring them to the statue.
- Once completed, take the aethereal fire and deliver it to the appropriate statue in the Nexus. And remember, the nearest portal is always closing, so act quickly and carefully.
- Next, do the same with the Doppelghast statue.
- Take the flame and go to the other statue next to the Speed Cola perk.
- Activate the challenge and defeat a certain number of Doppelghasts in a certain time, while avoiding the purple rings that impose a stun effect.
- After completing the challenge, take the aethereal fire from the statue and deliver it intact to the one in Nexus.
- The last statue to be left is Amalgam. Activate it.
- The statue of this creature is located next to the Quick Revive perk.
- Activating this will start a challenge with this enemy, which will have a peculiar feature – sometimes it will create a certain binding to a random zombie nearby, and you will need to kill this zombie to be able to damage Amalgam at all.
- Upon successful completion, take the aethereal flame and bring it to the appropriate statue in the Nexus.
- Now all 4 obelisks will be charged and all of them will release energy to the archway that has been blocking the way to the artifact in Nexus all along.
- Now you can approach the artifact itself. To start the battle, press the appropriate button to start the boss battle.
The battle is quite long and is divided into many similar phases, which can be divided into the following stages:
- The artifact begins to hover above the surface and an orange beam is emitted from it.
- Do not touch the beam, as it deals massive damage and can kill with a single touch (unarmored).
- The artifact itself will begin to spin around the stand, as well as rise and fall to threaten players at a different height level
- Sometimes an artifact becomes vulnerable and turns purple, during which you should deal as much damage as possible to it.
- In the subsequent phases of Phase 1, the number of artifacts will gradually increase to 4, but their principle of operation will not change.
- There will still be 4 artifacts that are constantly circling, but there will be additional duplicates that will attach to regular, special, or elite zombies.
- If there are multiple enemies carrying an artifact, target the one with the real (not phantom) gold version.
- A normal zombie wearing this artifact has the invulnerability defense of this artifact in certain areas (mostly the head), and deals insane damage.
- Special or elite zombies deal increased damage compared to normal zombies (not confirmed).
- After the zombies holding the Artifact die, the item will become vulnerable and can be hacked if possible.
- Activates when the boss is down to about 10%.
- 8 phantom artifacts will use lasers to create a single version that will hang above you on a rock.
- Your task is to destroy it at all costs, as the artifact will start charging an attack that is guaranteed to kill you and from which you cannot hide.
Free Aether Tool
- You need to use the Cryo Freeze ammo modification or the Ice Staff to shoot the 2 waterfalls in Nexus, on either side of the green portal.
- After that, head to the green portal (to the left of the Nexus) where you will see your tool.
- Until the 10th round, it will be a blue (rare) tool.
- From the 11th to the 20th round, it will be a purple (epic) tool.
- From the 21st round onwards, it will be an orange (legendary) tool.
Free Brain Rot (ammo mod)
- Go to the room with Death Perception (Tombs) and shoot the head of the statue on the ground, under the broken dome.
- After that, the heads of the other statues will light up in a specific order, requiring the player to repeat the sequence.
- Missing or hitting the wrong head does not cancel progress, but it does not cancel the time limit.
- If you forget the sequence, shoot the statue’s head on the ground again.
- Upon successful completion, the player will receive the Brain Rot ammo mod, as well as some equipment.
Free Pack-a-Punch
- To begin with, you need to shoot a certain stone flying over the obelisk, next to the statue of the Vermin.
- If you did everything right, it will glow with a purple glow, and rocks will start spinning around the Nexus. Your task is to shoot all 5 in a short time.
- If successful, a Pack-a-Punch crystal will appear next to the center pedestal, as well as a Cryo Freeze ammo modification.
Free Power-Ups
As you look at the blue portal, on the left in the small hole at ground level.
Use a weapon with the Brain Rot ammo mod to shoot 4 skulls marked with an X in a certain order within a short time:
- 1) in front of the corridor with wall traps
- 2) in the right corridor with wall traps
- 3) next to the inactive fire, by the green portal
- 4) next to the statue of Doppelghast, in the room with Speed Cola
- Some of them will explode and give some rewards, including intelligence (Potts and paints pt 4), as well as Bonus Points boosts.
From the side of the red portal (as you first appear in the Nexus), turn to the left passage, and the power-up is just above eye level. It’s best seen if you start looking from the green portal in that direction.
In the room with Stamin Up, in the inaccessible area in the cave.
You need to use a weapon with the Dead Wire ammo mod to shoot 2 generators at the starting location. This way you will get some essence and also the Full Power power-up.
If you look from the Arsenal side, which is at the other end of the location, it’s on the left, on the stones.
To the right of the red portal to Nexus, in a cave just above the level of the columns.
In the room with Speed Cola, in the corner (often above the crystal).
In the inaccessible area, next to Deadshot Daiquiri, on top of a rock.
This power-up will only appear if you activate all of the above.
At the starting location, on the wall to the left of the Rampage Inducer.
Free Random perk
- Head to the room with the Speed Cola (Ossuary) perk and quickly shoot all 6 jugs to make them burst into flames.
- If successful, the Random Perk power-up will appear in the room, guaranteeing not only you, but the rest of the team a random perk that you don’t have.
Free Ray Gun
- However, if you take the Death Perception perk, you can sometimes find an Ancient Gem from these hills that shines with a bright green light.
- Once you’ve collected 3 of these, head into the room with the aforementioned perk (Tombs) and interact with the statue to the left of the wall image.
- The statue will sleep two Doppelghasts that must be killed.
- After successful completion, a little essence and last but not least, Ray Gun will appear in front of the statue.
Free Self-revive
- 1) above the blue teleporter to Nexus
- 2) above the right entrance to the caves
- 3) above the gum machine
- 4) to the right of the entrance to the next room
- 5) under the dome, where Stamin Up is located
- 6) in the inaccessible zone, on the right behind the spikes
- 7) above the left passage, where the wall traps
- 8) above the red portal to the Nexus
- 9) on the left side of the stones when looking at Quick Revive
- 10) in the cave hole above
- After shooting at the last vase (the order does not matter), the following will fall out of it:
- self-revive
- Light Mend ammo mod
- intelligence “Potts and pains pt 1”
Gold Armor
The golden armor is a special item that automatically regenerates one plate of armor every few seconds.
- To begin with, you need to take 2 heads of statues in the Nexus, which are in boxes. To break the box, you need to hit it in melee.
- The first one is next to the Jugger-Nog perk.
- The second is under the palm tree, to the left of the green portal.
Then return to the starting location to place the missing heads on the two statues. After that, the Blood Ritual will become available:
- the player has 1 health, but the armor takes 100% of the damage (as if Frenzied Guard is activated)
- the player is surrounded by a EXTRA THICC red fog
- the player is being hunted by extremely resilient special enemies (Doppelghasts or Mimics, depending on the activated statue)
- After performing both bloody rituals, the light from both statues will converge into golden bulls, which in turn will reveal a secret Golden Armor that costs 0 essence.
Mushrooms with rewards
- While in the Nexus, you will notice mushrooms that can be destroyed to get some extra Salvage.
- But if you let them grow bigger, hitting them in melee will quickly spawn 2 Parasites, which will fly away just as quickly.
If you manage to kill them, they can drop a variety of loot depending on the “rarity of the mushroom” – some scrap, scorestreaks, or even weapons.
🎵 Special song
- To the left of the Stamin Up perk, under the statue’s feet
- To the right of the green portal, next to the skeleton
- To the right of the first entrance to Nexus, in the right path, next to the fungus
The award will be given to the song “Dig” performed by singer Matthew Heafy.
📝 Other Black Ops 6 guides
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3364703208 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3360024093 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3380523130 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3420509449
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3323936067 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3223189027
And that wraps up our share on Call of Duty®: Story Quest «The Tomb». If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by FIRUIN, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!